Weaving from elastic bands on a machine, a slingshot for beginners: ideas, tips, simple figures

Weaving from elastic bands on a machine, a slingshot for beginners: ideas, tips, simple figures

Weaving from rubber bands from the moment of its appearance produced a splash and attracted so many people. Despite the fact that the main excitement has passed, there are still those who want to try such a needlework. In our article we will tell you how to weave simple figures in different ways.

Weaving from elastic bands is very popular among people of different ages. It’s never too late to start learning him, because it is exciting and not very difficult. All work does not require a large number of tools. It is enough to get rubber bands. You can weave in different ways even on a fork and hands. You can create interesting figures, jewelry, home products.

If you take a closer look, you will immediately notice that a huge amount of knitting methods. All of them differ in complexity, but quite feasible. The main advantage of needlework is rapid immersion in the process, as well as the fact that you do not need much experience to create things, because the main thing is to carry out the instructions.

Let's find out that you can weave elastic bands and what methods of weaving are the most popular.

Weaving from elastic bands - technology: species

Weaving from elastic bands
Weaving from elastic bands

To date, weaving with elastic bands is possible with the help of various techniques and they differ from each other's tools. So, weaving is distinguished on a fork, machine, slingshot and fingers.

Weaving on the fingers is the easiest way, but it will not work to do different patterns, and you can come up with a lot, especially if you have a very rich fantasy. To begin with, it is better to try simple things, for example, bracelets. If you weave a long bracelet and put on a suspension, you get a necklace. And you can even make a whole set.

For more complex products, you can no longer do without a hook. It can be ordinary, plastic or even a machine. Machines may differ in size and number of rods for fixing rubber bands. By the way, there are many schemes for their creation on the Internet, but it’s easier to buy ready -made.

Weaving bracelets and other figures involves the use of various techniques. It can be:

  • Caterpillar
  • Fish tail
  • French braid
  • Sidewalk
  • Scales of the dragon

You can create other interesting products from rubber bands. It can be toys, key fob, and so on. If children are engaged in such creativity, then they develop motor skills, attention and perseverance. It is not difficult for him to learn how to learn how to independently. You just need to follow the instructions and perform a step -by -step scheme.

Of the elastic bands are very good:

  • Jewelry - bracelets, rings, necklaces and brooches
  • Figures - these can be cartoons, cool animals, fruits and so on
  • Clothing for dolls
  • Phone covers
  • Useful things in the house

How to weave rubber bands on a fork for a beginner?

Weaving on a fork
Weaving with elastic bands on a fork

Let's look at a very simple way of weaving for beginners on a fork. This is not at all difficult, and the pattern is more neat than when it is executed on the machine.

  • Take the rubber band and fold in half. Make an eight out of it and place it on medium teeth
  • Also make rubber bands along the extreme cloves
  • We place another elastic band on medium teeth
  • A simple elastic band, already without eight, also wear it in the center
  • From the middle tooth, you need to capture the elastic band from the bottom and remove it up. The same is done with the second average clip
  • Further the principle is the same, but only the elastic bands are not made by eight. Continue work until you get the required length
  • To get a more interesting bracelet, use colored elastic bands
  • To complete the weaving, transfer elastic bands from the edges to the center, and already there bring them upstairs
  • Do not rush to remove the bracelet from the fork. First, place the rubber band into the central part, but first put it in half. It is necessary to reset everything that is from below on it
  • After that, she is one and will remain worn on the fork. Throw one end to the other and attach the fastener

How to weave a bracelet from elastic bands for a beginner: ideas, main schemes, photos

Despite all the simplicity of creating bracelets, working with them is interesting. There are many schemes and they differ in complexity. To make your products the most interesting, it is better to use different colors.

Fish tail scheme

Fish tail
Fish tail
  • So, make one rubber band eight and put it on your fingers
  • Then make a couple more of the same
  • Move the lower rubber band to the center. To do this, grab it and stretch it up over your finger
  • You need to continue to make one more, but already without twisting
  • Turn the elastic band from the bottom to the center again
  • Weave the bracelet to the required length

Scheme "French Spit"

French braid
French braid
  • To work, take the elastic bands of two colors. In addition, you will also need a hook in addition to a slingshot
  • We twist the first rubber band the number of eight and place the slingshot on both sides
  • Make two more elastic bands on top, but already in the usual way
  • Remove the gum from below from the slingshot so that it wraps the rest
  • We make a new elastic band on top and again remove those below
  • Repeat all these actions before the end of work
  • To fix the weaving, transfer the elastic band to each other and you can make fasteners on both sides of the bracelet

Scheme "Dragon Scales"

Scales of the dragon
Scales of the dragon
  • The central row of the machine is shifted to one column and elastic bands are put on everything
  • It is better to start from below the first column and second in the center
  • Then place the elastic bands as follows: the second row of the first column, the lower row of the third and second column, as well as on the middle row of the third column
  • Complete two rows and turn the machine
  • Twist the gum by half on the central column from the edges
  • Remove the elastic band from the middle extreme column, which is located under the rest
  • Then we place the gum on the column where it is fixed on the back
  • Now each elastic band can be removed and fixed in the same way
  • It remains only to fix the weaving and fasten the bracelet fastener

How to weave figures from elastic bands on a machine, a slingshot for a beginner: ideas, patterns, photo

Weaving from elastic bands
Weaving from elastic bands

The slingshot is the main tool that allows you to weave elastic bands with convenience. Regardless of the tool, it will be easy and simple to work. Using a slingshot is always easier than a machine. When you master it, you can go to the machines.

To begin with, let's talk about simple figures from rubber bands. It is not necessary to use a slingshot for them. It is quite possible to get by with your hands or fork. It is important not to be afraid of difficulties, because each product has a standard scheme and is divided into several steps.



A simple jump will appeal to children and animals. Let's figure out how to create such a beautiful ball yourself. You will need a cotton pad and a lot of rubber bands.

  • Bend the disk twice a few. Bring it to the state of the ball
  • Now take the rubber band and wind it to the disk. She should turn into three times. Twist the middle in the eight
  • As a result, you will receive three rows
  • The second elastic band is also made across the first
  • You will get something like a cross
We start weaving
We start weaving
  • Continue to wear elastic bands, but already in free places

By the way, there is one secret - the more times you turn the elastic band, the more jumping will be at the ball. Thus, you can do not three rows with one elastic band, but more. When the ball is already enough, the elastic band can be worn even without twisting.

Work can be continued until the elastic band ends. Remember that this process is quite long and takes a lot of time, but you can fill your hand and get used to elastic bands before creating more serious things.

Weaving fruit from elastic bands


A keychain is a banana

A keychain is a banana

This figure is also suitable for beginners and even children. By the way, fruits are particularly popular. They are knitted easily and interestingly, and the greatest advantage is, again, training. To create a figure, take black and yellow rubber bands.

The work is performed according to the following scheme:

Scheme of work
Scheme of work
  • Browler-club

Children and adults who learn to work with elastic bands like to do all sorts of bracelets. Fruits are especially interesting. So it’s worth talking about another figure - a strawberry.

Scheme 1
Scheme 1
Scheme 2
Scheme 2
Scheme 3
Scheme 3
Scheme 4
Scheme 4
Scheme 5
Scheme 5

Weaving animals from elastic bands

Separately, it is worth telling about the weaving of animals, because they may not be simple toys, but also real jewelry on the handle or pencil. The process is quite interesting and absolutely everyone likes.


Owl of rubber bands
Owl of rubber bands

The owl looks great on the keys, and she can also decorate the pens on the cabinets. Work requires elastic bands of different colors - golden, white, orange, and also black.

The work scheme is as follows:

The beginning of the owl
The beginning of the owl
Weaving scheme 2
Weaving scheme 2
Cook the elastic bands
Cook the elastic bands
Connect the elastic bands
Connect the elastic bands


Gum bunny
Gum bunny

This is another interesting pet that is created easily and can be used as a keychain. If you clearly follow the instructions, then you will get a beautiful figurine of the bunny and it will not be a shame to even give someone. To perform you need to take yellow and black elastic bands.

Execution scheme:

Scheme 1
Scheme 1
We make a head
We make a head
We continue weaving
We continue weaving

How to weave figures from rubber bands on the machine: Instruction

Weaving all sorts of interesting figures with the help of the machine is also very interesting and exciting. Someone is even much easier for someone to weave. On it you can do all kinds of things, keychains, toys and so on. Even the simplest weaving comes out beautifully on it.

  • Britics

Many people like to weave keychairs. It is not at all difficult to do them and therefore this type of weaving is considered the most attractive for many. You can create for yourself and other beautiful things as a gift and you can always keep them with you.

Eiffel Tower
Eiffel Tower

To create it, take any rubber bands 40 pieces.

Work is carried out according to the following scheme:

Weaving scheme
Weaving scheme
Scheme 2
Scheme 2
Scheme 3
Scheme 3

The face


This is a simple, but voluminous figure that can decorate any bunch of keys. The work is performed in black and yellow.


Scheme 1
Scheme 1
Scheme 2
Scheme 2

Video: Weaving on a slotted bracelet of a braid of rubber bands. Weaving from elastic bands.

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