Pierce navel: pros and cons, care, consequences, jewelry, photo

Pierce navel: pros and cons, care, consequences, jewelry, photo

Features of the pure of the navel, the departure of ha him.

The navel piercing is a common manipulation, which mainly resort to teenagers. However, among the ladies of a more mature age there are those who want to emphasize the beauty of their press with the help of such jewelry. In this article we will talk about the pros and cons of this intervention.

Pros and cons of piercing navel

It is worth noting that the navel piercing is not the simplest manipulation and is a variety of surgical. This is due to the fact that intervention is carried out in the area of \u200b\u200binternal fabrics that borders on the abdominal cavity, where access to all internal organs. Therefore, the zone, unlike other places, is one of the most dangerous and fraught with complications. 

Among the advantages of the piercing navel you can highlight the following: 

  • Nice appearance 
  • Men love piercing the navel, consider it sexy 
  • The ability to emphasize, draw attention to your ideal figure 
Stylish decoration
Stylish decoration

Among the shortcomings of piercing the navel should be noted as follows: 

  • High trauma of the procedure 
  • Long healing period of the wound 
  • The possibility of a large number of complications, including suppuration and abscesses 
  • Tissue injuries and the ability to get into a biologically active point 

In general, you should think a hundred times than to resort to such a procedure, especially if the figure is far from the ideal, and you are not going to wear open tops. If the figure is not very good, then with piercing it is worth it to wait or refuse at all. That is why most often girls aged 14-20 years resort to such manipulations. It is worth noting that if you are not 18 years old, then in the salon they may be refused. In this case, the written permission of the parents for the procedure is necessary. Otherwise, no one will pierce the navel to the teenager. 


Does it hurt to pierce the navel?

It is necessary to pay a lot of time and attention to the choice of a salon or cosmetologist who will carry out the manipulation. The fact is that cleanliness is important, as well as the sterility of the salon. You can come in addition to the salon and order some inexpensive manipulation to look at the behavior of the masters, as well as at cleanliness.

Does it hurt to pierce the navel:

  • There should be no dust, dirt in the cabin, and the master should work exclusively in disposable gloves using all the rules of disinfection and processing of tools. The procedure should be carried out by sterile tools that are unpacked with you.
  • To perform the procedure, special forceps with round arches are usually used, as well as a large needle with laser sharpening with the possibility of connecting a catheter. It is through the catheter that the earring is introduced, fixed. All tools should be sterilized.
  • Therefore, the master should open a craft package with you and get all the necessary accessories from there. If the specialist does not understand where the tools gets it, you can get up and leave, refuse to carry out the procedure.
  • The needle is also disposable, sterile, with laser sharpening. Almost in any of the salons, the navel is not performed with a pistol. This is due to the fact that usually the puncture is not even, but semicircular to emphasize the anatomical form. That is why pistols are usually not used in the piercing of the navel. 
  • The procedure is painful. Sensations depend on the number of nerve fibers in this part and thickness of the fat layer.
Stylish decoration
Stylish decoration

How is the navel piercing heal?

After the puncture, the master usually gives recommendations for caring for the wound. They must be strictly adhered to, otherwise you risk earn irritation or connection of infection.

How the navel is healing:

  • Among the risks, it is worth noting the opportunity to catch dangerous diseases that are transmitted through the blood. However, this is possible only if the master used not sterile tools.
  • That is why it is important to make sure that all the tools are processed, and the puncture is carried out by a new needle. Earrings can be chosen in the cabin or purchased independently. Most often, masters offer titanium alloys, as they take root very well and rarely cause complications, as well as suppuration in the puncture area.
  • However, if you are not sure that your skin will take a similar metal, you can purchase some inexpensive decorations of titanium and insert them into your ears. Now look at the reaction.
  • If after time you find that your ears began to hurt, and a yellowish or transparent liquid is released from them, this metal does not suit you.
  • That's whybuy Decorations for a navel made of other material. Oddly enough, but many have a rejection of titanium, as well as surgical steel, but at the same time the fabrics react well to gold or silver. 

How much is the navel piercing?

Not everything depends on the cosmetologist and a specialist who will exist a puncture, but on the features of care.

How much piercing the navel heals:

  • The fact is that the wound in this area heals for a very long time, on average the wound is led by about 7-21 days, but the channel is finally formed after 3-6 months. That is how much the navel will have to be processed.
  • Every day several times a day, preferably at least 4 times, to carry out antiseptic treatment. Please note that in no case alcohol -containing liquids are used, since they contribute to the oxidation of the metal from which jewelry is made, and also dry the skin, which can subsequently begin to crack, dry and blush.
  • To prevent this from happening, use water -based antiseptics. The ideal option is Miramistin, as well as chlorhexidine. These liquids are very cheap, they can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  • The bottle of 100 ml is enough for a long time, since about 1-2 ml of solution is spent for processing. In no case, the place of puncture should not be rubbed and irritated. Experts recommend a puncture in spring or autumn. This is due to the fact that in winter, as well as in summer, the exposure to clothing, elastic bands and thermal underwear can be carried out on the navel. In the summer, sweat can constantly get into the navel area, which will irritate the wound. 
Beautiful piercing
Beautiful piercing

Care after piercing navel

A lot of complications are connected with the navel piercing, including suppuration. They can occur in case of non -compliance with the rules of the puncture in the cabin, as well as with insufficient care. Most often, suppuration appears if the puncture time is selected incorrectly and dust constantly gets there.

Care after piercing navel:

  • Accordingly, this is the summer season, when the skin sweats very much, and dirt, garbage, as well as sweat accumulate in the navel area. It is at such a time that it is necessary to adhere to careful care and constantly treat the wound until the channel is completely formed.
  • Please note that purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor is abnormal. They can be yellow, green or brown with blood impurities. Please note that the piercing cannot be pulled out of the navel for 3 months.
  • This is necessary in order to form a channel, and a scar fabric is formed, which will prevent the holes. Very often, if you remove the piercing yourself, it can be quite problematic to enter. Therefore, additional injury of tissues is carried out, which did not heal enough due to constant trauma. 
Care after piercing
Care after piercing

What are the navel piercing earrings?

There are many options for jewelry for piercing the navel. It is worth considering that some anatomical features are present here, so a earring with a bent arc is most often selected.

Earms for piercing navel: 

  • Banana. It resembles a regular bar, but somewhat round. In its form, it looks a little like an exotic fruit, therefore it is called that. Usually the width is classic and is about 1.5 cm. The length of 6 to 15 mm. Visyulki, suspension or long jewelry, in the form of a chain, an abundance of rhinestones can be attached to these bananas.

  • Spirals. They are also called hard drives. Can be with several curls or one. They are also used for piercing in the belly of the abdomen due to a convenient shape.

  • Clickers. This is a kind of half-ring with a barbell, they got the name due to the fact that when putting on such a decoration, a certain click is created. Initially, they were created exclusively for the partitions of the nose, but now they are used in piercing.  


Which is better, silver, titanium, gold piercing in the navel?

Also, the master can draw your attention to the fact that there are many options for piercing materials. The following metals are most often used.

Which is better, silver, titanium, gold piercing in the navel:

  • Titanium. This is a special alloy, which is often used in the manufacture of implants. Usually mounted in the bones of the skull, or used for prosthetics. The material takes root well and rarely rejects. Although there are cases when titanium does not take root well in the ear, you have to change the decoration to another. 
  • Gold. It is believed that this is also a hypoallergenic metal, which very rarely causes allergies, suppuration, as well as swelling at the puncture site. 
  • Surgical steel. It is a special type of stainless steel with certain additives and impurities. The main advantage in the low price, and highhypoallergenicity.
  • Please note that this steel contains an admixture of nickel, so it can cause complications in those who have increased sensitivity, an allergic reaction. In some European countries, there is a ban on the first piercing of surgical steel. It is believed that she proved herself best after the channel was formed.

The financial position of the client affects the choice of metal, as well as how a person with this metal in the ears feels. Therefore, we recommend that before choosing a navel piercing product, purchase jewelry for ears from the same metal and test. 

Video: Pierce Pupa

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