Pignata for a holiday in the form of a star, heart, from a balloon - how to make?

Pignata for a holiday in the form of a star, heart, from a balloon - how to make?

Pignata is an excellent entertainment for adults and children at any holiday. In our article you will learn how to make it with your own hands.

Pignata is a Mexican toy, which is very often used for entertainment on holidays for children. The children are blindfolded, a stick is placed in their hands and she needs to knock down a large ball or another figure from papier-mash. Inside, as a rule, there were different sweets, nuts and toys.

Relatively recently, the Pignat began to be used in Russia, even for adult entertainment. You can do it with your own hands, and you can also make sweets as a filling. Although, inside the ball you can place at least something - it can be money, wishes, and there are even condoms for "adult" holidays.

How to make a pignata in the form of a star with your own hands: Instructions

Ready -made star
Ready -made star

We’ll say right away that the creation of Pignata will have to spend several hours. At the same time, the process itself is not at all complicated, and even the child will cope with it. This is the perfect surprise for any party, and it is required to create:

  1. Balloon. It is better to take the largest, if you want, or maybe less
  2. Big Bank of PVA glue for paper
  3. A lot of old newspapers. Although simple paper is suitable, the newspapers are better glued because they are thinner
  4. Paper for design. Suitable corrugated or packaging
  5. The hole through which the sweets will be superimposed can be sealed with paper tape
  6. As a mount, you can use wire or thick cardboard
  7. Double-sided tape
  8. Caps for the holiday for tips
  • The very first thing to do before work is to inflate the basis. Infolate the ball as strongly as possible, if required. This will make the product large. Tie the end with a rope so that the air does not leave the ball when working. If you neglect such a rule, then this can lead to the fact that in a couple of layers your product will fall apart and you will have to do everything again.
We cook the ball
We cook the ball
  • Next, start gluing the ball with strips of newspapers. You can pick them with your hands or cut them with scissors. As you like more, do it.
  • Cover the ball with glue and make the first strips on it.
We glue the ball
We glue the ball
  • You can do even easier. Fill the bath with glue and soak the newspapers in it. They need to overlap them.
  • It is not necessary to glue the ball completely. Leave the tip with a thread free so that the surprises can be placed inside.
  • When you finish the first layer, then wait for its complete drying. It takes 2-3 hours. After that, make two more layers similarly.
  • It is important to say that if you make a children's Pignata, then two layers are enough for you. It will not break until it hangs and the children easily break it. If you need to put something harder inside, do 4-5 layers.
  • After drying all the layers, cut the tip of the ball and carefully cut the excess at the edges.
  • Now you can fill the finished Pignata with toys or sweets, but anything.
We fill in Pignata
We fill in Pignata
  • Next, create a mount. This is made of wire and cardboard. From the wire, make a figure similar to the clothes for clothes and fix the cardboard on it so as not to damage the Pinata itself.
  • Place the hanger inside the Pignata, and put the hole with tape.
We make mounts
We make mounts
  • It remains to arrange a ball. Take a beautiful paper. We take color corrugation.
  • We make a “ray” from the caps prepared in advance. They need 7 pieces. They are fixed on double -sided tape. After fixing, glue them with corrugated paper.
We make caps
We make caps
  • With a regular thread, measure the volume of the ball in different places and make several strips. They need to make transverse incisions to make something like a tinsel.
  • Pin the finished product with these stripes so that the newspaper is not visible. In addition, try not to speak, otherwise Pignata will lose a festive look.
We glue the Pignata
We glue the Pignata

How to make Pignata with your own hands in the shape of a heart: step -by -step instructions

Ready -made heart
Ready -made heart

Pignata can be made not only from balloons. For example, in Mexico they were created from different figures. These are animals, and geometric figures and so on. You can make a beautiful Pignata in the form of a heart at the wedding, and it is ideal for celebrating the Day of Lovers.

You will need:

  • To begin with, we make blanks from which we will collect the heart. To do this, draw the desired figure on the box and cut it out. On the other part of the box we do the same.
We make blanks
We make blanks
  • To bend the sides as required, you can wrap them around a jar with an appropriate diameter.
Turn the sides
Turn the sides
  • You can fasten your heart with the help of sidewalls. They are also made of cardboard. Just do not forget that they should not completely close the heart, so that there is a place for a hole with sweets.
We glue the base
We glue the base
  • The whole structure is glued with armoclei or PVA, but to start, fasten everything with tape so that it does not fall apart. Do not remove the adhesive tape until the glue dries.
  • At the top of the heart, glue the tape. To do this, thermic mushrooms are suitable or you can make holes where the tape will be tied.
  • Fill in Pignata with gifts, but not very heavy, and swing the hole.
  • Keep the product by the tape and shake a couple of times. So you will understand how durable it is.
  • Registration is possible for any paper of appropriate coloring.
We draw up Pignata
We draw up Pignata
  • As in the previous version, make strips in the form of tinsel and glue the sidewalls first, and then everything else.
  • In the center of the heart, you can place some image, for example, cartoons or drawing.

Since Pignata turns out to be very thin, it is easy to knock it down with a stick. Although, it is better to do it for adults, because the child may not knock her down.

How to make a pignata from a balloon with your own hands: step -by -step instructions

Ready -made Pignata
Ready -made Pignata

It is important to say that the Pignata is not at all necessary to do such that they have to knock them down with sticks. You can use darts for this. Participants will throw them into a ball with sweets from different distances. The advantage of such a decoration is the simplicity of creating. The first two methods are not possible to create it, because it will definitely not be possible to break the box or papier-masha with a dart. To do this, you can use simple balloons. It is better to do several at once so that you can participate in everyone.

You need to take a simple balloon, a bottle of plastic with a wide throat, and also a ribbon for decoration, markers, colored paper and PVA glue. To fill the ball, a plastic bottle is used. It is necessary to cut off its bottom and pull the ball over the throat. So you get something like a funnel.

We fill in Pignata
We fill in Pignata

After filling the Pignata, bandage the ball with a tape and decorate it. You can draw an image on it, or cut the face of their colored paper. For adults, you can make interesting inscriptions, wishes or congratulations.

As you can see, the manufacture of Pignata is a very simple matter, but at the same time such a competition will allow you to entertain guests and they will definitely like it.

Video: Pignata. How to make Pignata with your own hands? MASTER CLASS

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