For the first time at the airport: where to go, what to do? Instructions for beginners

For the first time at the airport: where to go, what to do? Instructions for beginners

Getting to the airport for the first time, an unprepared person is very easy to be confused. After all, he does not know where to go first of all, what to do with luggage, how registration goes.

As a rule, a novice passenger experiences fear of a future flight. In our article, we will tell you in detail how to act at the airport, having entered it for the first time.

For the first time at the airport: Documents for an adult flight

Any fees on the road begin with documents. We list which of them you will definitely need not only if you are at the airport for the first time, but for each flight:

  • Passport. Without it, you will not be allowed aboard the airliner. If you are flying within your country, then you need a civil passport. In the case when you are supposed to cross the border, required international passport. It is not necessary to take a domestic civil passport to another country. For bilateral agreements, Russian citizens for national civil passport can visit such countries: Belarus, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.
  • A ticket or a route receipt confirming payment. You can ask you for registration. Although many modern airlines store the necessary information in databases, so they will register you only according to the passport. However, it is more reliable to print a ticket or save it on the phone. Moreover, the ticket indicates the time of departure and arrival, flight number, departure terminal. And you, as a beginner, will be more convenient to make data on the upcoming flight. If you are flying on a tour, then a travel company is engaged in the purchase of a ticket. She will provide you with a voucher with information about the flight.
Be sure to passport and ticket
Be sure to passport and ticket

Additionally at the airport you may need:

  • Documents confirming that you assume short -term visit (insurance, return ticket, hotel reservation). Many countries are presented with a demand to provide them upon arrival.
  • A bank card, which paid tickets. This requirement is presented by a number of airlines. They warn about this on their website. Therefore, it is better not to use someone else's card when buying tickets.
  • Cash in currency, To pay, if necessary, a visa fee upon arrival in a foreign country. Check out the visa rules of the country where you are going in advance. Make sure that the amount of money does not require delivery.
  • Confirmation that you have a sufficient amount of money to stay in the country.

In order to avoid unexpected unpleasant situations, carefully study the rules of entry to the country that you plan to visit.

For the first time at the airport: Documents for the flight of a child

  • Documents of the child ( birth certificate with the availability of citizenship or passport). When departing from the country, the passport should be foreign. You can draw up documents for leaving a minor child in two ways: by gluing a photo of the baby into the abroad passport (if this document is an old -style document), or by ordering the child a personal foreign certificate.
  • If you are at the airport for the first time, when a minor child travels without parents, the accompanying people should have the original by a notary of the consent of the parents (guardians, adoptive parents) to fly or one of them.
  • However, according to the experience of travelers, it is better for both parents to draw up such a permissive document. In accordance, the country of direction, the deadline for departure and with whom the child is sent is prescribed. Such paper is valid for only one specific trip. In harmony, several children are allowed.
  • In the event of a child with one of his parents, the consent from the second will not be required. However, if the other parent in writing declares his disagreement for flight, then the child will not be missed across the border. Then the decision on the possibility of crossing the border is decided in court.
Who does the child fly with?
Who does the child fly with?

In order to avoid unpleasant surprises at the airport, we advise you to clarify the information about the possible ban in the migration service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or the very second parent. You can also use the service Nemlet.rf.

  • It is necessary to take into account that a request for a visa stamp must require permission of the second parent. The document must be notarized, with an apostille and translation.
  • If the parents of the baby have different surnames, then you need to provide a marriage certificate certified by a notary. When the child flies away with one parent with whom they have unequal surnames, it is necessary to take a document confirming kinship. It also needs to be assured by a notary.

For the first time at the airport: what to do with the luggage?

Before you go on the road, you need to collect your luggage. It is divided into:

  • Hand luggagewhich is allowed to take with you on board the airliner.
  • Registeredwhich will fly in the luggage compartment.

Each airline has its own rules regarding the weight and sizes of baggage. In most cases, the passenger has the right to transport one unit of luggage weighing up to 20-30 kg and hand luggage weighing up to 5-10 kg for free.

  • The exact norms must be recognized on the airline’s website. And shortly before departure, since the rules may change. Budgetary airlines called lawcosterallowed to transport free only hand luggage.
Manual standards
Manual standards
  • Moreover, it should not be more than permitted dimensions and weight. For baggage, which weighs more and therefore will be sent to the luggage compartment, you will have to pay additionally.

To avoid possible misunderstandings, do not neglect the following tips:

  • Make sure in advance what is in your bags There are no objects prohibited for transportation. You can familiarize yourself with their list on your airline.
  • We recommend putting a leaf into the suitcase with your email address or phone number. In case of loss, this will help to find it faster. For the same purpose, you can stick a tag with such information on a suitcase. And some travelers put in luggage a keychain with a GPS tracker, To lose its location in case of loss.
  • Since when transporting baggage at the airport, he is not subjected to care, it is recommended to pack it. The airport employees can do this for a fee, or you can wrap it on your own using the film.
  • However, do not do this before sending to the airport. During control, the security service may suspect the presence of prohibited items in your baggage and ask to open it. Therefore, it is better to grab the film for winding with you and pack the bags already at the airport.

Please note that there are certain requirements for hand luggage. So, it cannot be transported in it:

  • Fluids with a volume of more than 100 ml. In this case, the liquids should only be in transparent containers. Therefore, if you have a bottle of water in your hands, it must either be finished or thrown away. The exception is some drugs and baby food. The rule on the transportation of liquids applies to decorative cosmetics.
  • Manicure accessories (scissors, saw).
  • Folding knives.
  • Items capable of self -discharge.

What to take on board in a hand luggage depends on the duration of the flight and personal preferences of the passenger.

For those who are first at the airport, we suggest using the list of experienced travelers:

  • Products. As a rule, in airplanes flying for less than three hours, they do not feed. Therefore, take sandwiches, fruits, cookies with you. You have to spend a lot of time on registration, in the waiting room, during the flight. So you are sure to get hungry.
  • A book or electronic gadgets so as not to get bored on the road.
  • SocksEven if you are flying in a hot season. The fact is that air conditioners work on airplanes, and you may become cool.
  • Pills Or a dragee from an imminent if you are subject to attacks of seas disease. And if you can’t cope with stress due to fear of flights, take sedatives.
  • Pillow Under the head for a comfortable flight.
  • Wet napkins to maintain their own hygiene.

For the first time at the airport: what to do?

  • First, remember that registration for the flight begins in 2 hours and ends 30-40 minutes before departure. If you worry that you are at a loss and you will not figure it out right away where to go, see the airport in three hours.
  • Find out in advance which transport is more convenient and faster to get there. When calculating travel time, take into account possible traffic jams.
  • We list in stages what formalities await you at the airport.

Pre -check

  • For the first time at the airport, do not know what to do? When you enter the airport, you have to go through initial control. This procedure is required for everyone who enters the airport building, even if it is just escorting. To do this, you need to put your luggage on the scanner tape and go through the frame of the metal detector.
  • To go through it without any problems, you need to remove all the metal items (clock, belt, keys), outerwear, headdress and remove electronic gadgets from pockets.
  • Sometimes it is required to remove shoes (usually this applies to shoes with a high platform). All these things are folded into a special container and also pass through an X -ray scanner. The first control is not too hard. In airports of some countries, it may be absent at all.

Search for a flight on an information scoreboard

  • For those, who for the first time at the airportWe continue. Go to the electronic information board that is located in the hall. This is a large screen where all the next flights are listed.
  • There you will find the number of your flight, which is indicated on the ticket, and the number of the registration rack, which will appear two hours before departure.
  • Do not orient only on the destination and time of the flight. Different aircraft can fly to the same city, and at the same time. You must pay attention to precisely your flight number.

Definition of flight status

Having found your flight on the scoreboard, pay attention to its status:

  • On schedule (ontim) - Departure will come true without changes, the time indicated in the ticket.
  • Delayed - Usually the exact time is indicated to which the departure delay occurs. It is departure, not registration. It will begin earlier. If the board does not indicate the time to which the flight is delayed, you can clarify the information from the airline employee. Know about your rights as a passenger: according to the rules, if the flight is delayed for more than 2 hours due to the fault of the carrier, you should take care of you: provide hot drinks for passengers with young children to offer rooms. With a longer flight delay, you should provide you with hot meals.
  • Canceled -Departure is canceled for some reason. You need to apply for information to the airline. As a rule, passengers of the canceled flight offer a departure by another liner.
  • Registration has begun (Check-in) - Registration has already begun on your flight. Therefore, you need to hurry. Especially if you are at the airport for the first time.

If the status field is empty, this means that the plane flies out according to the schedule.


  • After the corresponding information appeared on the scoreboard, you can go to the desired rack and register on your flight.

Registration is allowed in one of three ways:

On the registration rack

  • There, employees will check your documents and tickets. After that, you will be given a boarding card where your flight numbers will be indicated, output (gate) (through it, landing is carried out) and a place in the plane. If you have any preferences about where you would like to sit (near the aisle, windows or emergency exit), you can ask for this.
  • The sooner you arrive for registration, the more likely the chance that your request will be satisfied. Issued keep the landing coupon until you take the luggage in the city of arrival. At the registration rack, you will also pass the luggage that will go with your liner. The suitcases will weigh, and then they will stick a special tag on them with your last name and information about the flight.
  • The identical tag will be glued to the landing coupon. We recommend that you weigh your bags and suitcases in advance to avoid an advantage. If, nevertheless, during registration, a overload is found, take out part of the things and transfer to manually or other bag.
  • Find out in advance the permissible luggage weight rates in your airline. Non -gavarit luggage is recorded separately.

In an independent registration kiosk (Self Check-in)

  • The appearance of such a kiosk resembles a terminal. You need to enter your data (last name, date, ticket number). In a kiosk, the boarding ticket is automatically printed.
  • You will have to attribute your luggage to the flight stance yourself. Since you still have to stand in line to the rack to hand over bags, it is more convenient to use kiosk self -registration when you fly without luggage, having only hand luggage.
At the rack
At the rack


  • Modern technologies do not stand still, so today you can make registration for a flight using the Internet. Then you will receive a boarding card on the site or it will come to your smartphone (tablet), in which the branded special application of your airline is loaded.
  • In the first case, you will need to print a ticket, and in the second, just show the airline employees from the screen of your gadget. In this case, you can hand over baggage either on the rack where your flight is registered, or on a special rack, where they take baggage (Baggage drop, drop-offf). Here the procedure for taking bags is significantly accelerated.
  • The deadlines of the online registration differ in different airlines. It can begin both in a month and a day before the release date. You will find this information on the website of the company you are flying.
  • Keep in mind that not all airports can provide electronic registration. Also, some air carriers do not allow registration in electronic form for passengers with children up to two years.
  • In addition, some airlines (for example, Ryanair) requires registration for a flight precisely independent, through the Internet. It is necessary without fail print a fit for landing. Otherwise, you will have to do this in the airport building and pay a lot of money for the printing service.
  • If you are at the airport for the first time, try to seek help from the airline. Perhaps in the hall you will see a special rack for the detained passengers. However, your appeal does not guarantee that you will be able to help you have time for your plane.


After registration, you must go through control:

Customs (at crossing the border)

  • If you have things that are mandatory for declarations and taxable duties (antiques, weapons, large sums of money), then you must go to the so -called "Red Corridor". And fill out the customs declaration.
  • The list of things must be subject to declaration must be found out in advance. If you are not transporting such items, go into "Green Corridor", indicated by "Nothing to Declare".

Passport (on international and internal flights)

  • To verify the documents for the control stand, one person needs to be approached. Children are suitable with their father or mother. You need to present a passport with a landing coupon employee of the border service.
  • And if you cross the border of the country, then border guards check the lack of a ban on your departure due to your debts.

Pre -flight (on international and internal flights)

  • Before you go aboard the airliner, you go through the same control as when entering the airport building. Your bag that you take on board the aircraft passes through the scanner, and you - through the frame of the metal detector.
  • It is unnecessary to remind that when passing control, you need to refrain from jokes about the presence of prohibited items. This can be considered as an official statement and become the reason for removing you from the flight and subsequent detention.

Waiting hall

  • After passing control, you will go In the waiting area of \u200b\u200bdeparture. This is a neutral territory. There you can drink coffee, have a bite, make purchases in Duty Fri duty-free shops.
Without a fee
Without a fee
  • However, we recommend that you first find the exit number for landing ( Gate)In order not to do this in the last minute. It is recorded in your landing coupon. It will not be difficult to navigate the airport, since there are always signs there. And at each exit on the landing there is a sign with a flight number. Make sure this is yours.
  • Keep in mind that sometimes the exit number may change. Follow the information that appears on the scoreboard, and carefully listen to all ads.

About 20 minutes before the departure, landing on board the aircraft begins. Before landing, you will again check your passport and your boarding card.

You can get on board one of the options:

  • A bus that will bring you to the plane of the aircraft.
  • Through the telescopic ladder resembling a harlot corridor and connecting the airport building with an airplane.


  • When you get on the plane, the flight attendants will meet you there and indicate where to go further. Go to your place. Its number is indicated in the landing coupon (the number denotes the number of the row, and the letter - the place).
  • After you find your chair, put hand luggage on a special shelf above it.

What you need to know about flight:

  • Follow the instructions that the flight attendant will tell you about.
  • Do not get up during take -off, landing and hit in the turbulent zone.
  • Fasten seat belts At the request of the pilots.
  • Disconnect mobile phones and other gadgets during take -off and landing. Sometimes they may ask not to use them throughout the flight, arguing that they can be created.
  • If you experience breathing difficulties due to pressure drops on board and lack of oxygen, you can ask for a stewardess oxygen pillow.
  • You can put your ears. To cope with this, you can chew chewing gum, suck menthol dragees. Also, in such cases, you can clamp your nose and exhale through it with clamped nostrils or yawn wide.
  • Remember that during the flight smoking is prohibited.

Arrival at another airport

If you are at the airport for the first time, then know that after landing you will need to go through the following formalities:

Customs control (in international flights)

  • Some countries need to fill out an immigration visa and pay a visa fee. As a rule, the map form is issued on board at the end of the flight. If you were not given it on the plane, get it on special racks near passport control.
  • The map must indicate the purpose of the visit to the country, flight number, hotel, stays and other information. The immigration card is filled in English.

Passport control at the border (in international flights)

  • Border service employee you will show passport, visa, card And, if necessary, other documents.
  • He can ask questions about the purpose of your visit, the place of alleged residence, and so on. After that, a stamp is placed in the passport.

Receipt of baggage

  • It must be taken on the tape, near which is located table with a flight number. If you find that the baggage is lost or spoiled, immediately contact representatives of the airline and write a complaint.
  • In the case when you doubt whether you removed your suitcase from the conveyor, roll data on the tags.
There are 3 options for the development of events
There are 3 options for the development of events

Flight with a transplant

Sometimes to get to the destination, you have to fly with a transplant. Such flights can be carried out as follows:

One air ticket

  • In the vast majority of cases you will be registered until the end of the route. You will be given two landing coupons for each plane. Arriving at the transit airport, head according to signs "Transit" or "Transfer".
  • As a rule, the intermediate airport is not required to re -receive and take its luggage. However, sometimes there is a passport control (for example, in Schengen countries) on such docking flights and receive a boarding card on the second aircraft.
  • The rules in force at a particular airport need to be found out in advance from representatives of your airline. If the first flight was detained, and therefore you did not have time to go to the plane at the intermediate airport, the airline is obliged to worry about your flight.
  • She should send you for free.
On a transplant
On a transplant

With individual air tickets for each flight

  • You will need to go through all controls, registration and baggage registration again. It happens that on the second aircraft, registration takes place in another terminal, and maybe at another airport. Therefore, find out information about this in advance.
  • When buying tickets, you need to carefully Calculate the time for transplantation. Keep in mind that when you are late for the second flight, your ticket will disappear, and you will not receive compensation.

Of course, flying for the first time is preferable to a direct flight. However, this is not always possible. In this case, it is recommended to purchase one air ticket, according to which two flights will be implemented. Although the cost of such a flight will be higher than with two tickets.

We hope that armed with our instructions, you will not be at a loss at the airport, and all the necessary formalities will pass without hints.

Video: How to behave on an airplane for the first time?

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