Permanent makeup or tattoo: types, methods of execution, warnings, reviews, photos, deletion. How to choose the right tattoo of lips, eyebrows and eyelid arrows, a tattoo cabin, is it possible to make tattooing pregnant women?

Permanent makeup or tattoo: types, methods of execution, warnings, reviews, photos, deletion. How to choose the right tattoo of lips, eyebrows and eyelid arrows, a tattoo cabin, is it possible to make tattooing pregnant women?

What is tattooing? What types of tattooing exist? Recommendations and tips for choosing a tattoo master. Contraindications to the procedure.

The art of tattooing has been known since ancient times. Literally half a century ago, tattoos were associated in our country with something bad, it was believed that their owners necessarily visited places of imprisonment or belong to any criminal organizations.

However, with the onset of the twenty -first century, the tattoo has acquired a large number of admirers. Now it is customary to decorate the bodies of not only men with such drawings. Today, perhaps, in a tattoo salon, you can more often meet the fair sex than the strong half of humanity. However, you should figure out what tattooing is, and how it differs from other artistic and cosmetic

Is permanent makeup and tattooing the same thing?

These two concepts have long been intertwined in the minds of our fashionistas. Speaking “tattooing”, they most often imply “permanent makeup”. But, despite their similarity, these two processes are still somewhat different. A tattoo is a pattern that is applied once and for life.

It can only be adjusted or updated with time over time. Permanent makeup lasts no more than five years. When performing it, the paint is applied to a smaller depth (only one millimeter) and does not stains the fabric, but only the surface layer of the skin. Over time, under the influence of updating the skin, ultraviolet radiation and other processes affecting the regeneration of the skin, the coloring pigment is eliminated
And the drawing disappears.

That's the whole difference. Almost all fashion publications and cosmetologists do not attach importance to such distinguishes and do not share these two concepts. Therefore, to speak tattooing, and to keep in mind permanent makeup is not such a crime.

Types of tattooing

Totage: What types of species are it, is it worth doing it?

Correction of some contours of the face by tattooing is a very convenient and sufficient economical thing. Once having made a tattoo of eyebrows, lips or eyes, a woman can free herself from painful daily makeup procedures for several years. In addition, on many cosmetics (lipstick, shadows, eyeliner, pencil), you can save significantly.

However, there are some risks:

  1. Many scientists believe that with a tattoo of eyebrows, a hair bulb is damaged. Thus, thanks to permanent make -up, you can forever lose your natural brigles.
  2. Totage is considered contraindicated for those women who have a tendency to scarring. After the procedure, scars at the venue may appear. Such scars, as a rule, have a color close to skin color or lighter shades. Thus, a woman instead of beautiful eyebrows or eyes receives a colorless scar, on which, by the way, it will be impossible to apply cosmetics.
  3. There is also such a category of cute ladies in whom I push skin tissues or immediately absorb the paint pigment. It also makes no sense for them to carry out such procedures, as they simply throw money down the wind.
  4. When choosing a salon and a master for permanent makeup, it is necessary to rely on the reviews of his customers and a reputation. One of the most important in the tattoo procedure is experience and professionalism. Sometimes the master has expensive equipment and materials at the disposal, but he does not have enough skill. You should not go to such a specialist.
  5. Sterile conditions and disinfection of tools are very important for tattooing. It is necessary to make sure that the master takes only disposable needles and change them several times for the operation for the same new ones.

Eyebrow tattoo, lips, eyelid shooter: photo

Eyebrow tattoo
Eyebrow tattoo
Beautiful lip tattoo
Beautiful lip tattoo
The tattoo of the arrow
The tattoo of the arrow

Eyebrow tattoo: procedures methods

To date, masters of permanent eyebrow makeup use two techniques - soft shading and hair method. Both methods give good results. The choice of methodology depends purely only on the client. If a woman is the owner of very rare, thin eyebrows, she is better off stopping at shading. This method will visually give
density and fullness of eyebrows.

If the lady already has a rather thick vegetation, and she wants to have a more natural type of eyebrow, she can choose a hair tattoo. However, this technique is more complicated than the previous one and requires the master of rich experience and appropriate qualifications.

Hair method
Hair method

Lip tattoo: views

Permanent lip makeup, as a rule, is done in order to get rid of such flaws:

  • thin lips
  • too pale lips color
  • fuzzy outlines of the mouth
  • scars and scars on the lips
  • allergy to decorative cosmetics

Modern lip tattoo can be performed in four techniques:

  1. Contour with complete obscure. Such a technique implies lips around the entire perimeter and filling them with color entirely.
  2. Contour with a slight filling. Such manipulation is carried out by the outline of the lips along the contour and partial obscure from the contour to the center of the lips. As a rule, women who want to give their lips outlines, but to maintain their natural color, choose such a technique.
  3. Just a contour. This procedure is performed to give the lips a clear contour. The result is as if the lips were circled with a cosmetic pencil.
  4. Bright Kayal. Such a technique consists in lipping lips with a light line along the contour and drawing of areas under it and above it. After the procedure, the lips look simply amazing - they become more voluminous and clear.
Beautiful lip tattoo
Beautiful lip tattoo

Eye tattoo, arrows: views

The tattoo of the eye implies the application of a permanent arrow on the upper or lower eyelid. The type of arrow is selected by the client itself according to the recommendations of a mosquito cosmetologist, depending on the shape of the eye. There are three types of arrow:

  1. Arrow stuffing from the center of the eyelid to the edge
  2. Arrow with a wide filling
  3. Arrow coming from the inner corner of the eye to the external

It is worth noting that such a procedure is perhaps the most painful of all, since the skin on the eyelids is very thin, and the capillaries are located quite close to it.

Types of arrows
Types of arrows

What is not after tattooing: warnings

Permanent makeup on the first days of healing requires carefully care and a clear follow -up to the instructions of the cosmetologist. After applying makeup for several days until healing and discharge of crusts is prohibited:

  • sunbathing
  • go to the pool, bath, sauna
  • use decorative cosmetics and other cosmetics for facial skin care
  • use lotions and tonics containing alcohols
  • grind and spread crusts
  • scrub and peel the face
  • apply creams and ointments based on antibiotics and hormones
Beautiful tattoo
Beautiful tattoo

Removing tattooing

Sometimes it happens that the tattoo is tired, went out of fashion or was originally made ugly. In order to fix this, you can make a correction, change the color or completely remove the tattoo. To get rid of unnecessary permanent makeup, it is customary to use two methods - a laser and chemical reagents.

Under the influence of laser radiation, the pigment capsules are destroyed, and the coloring substances are removed from the body of a woman after a while. This method today is the most popular because of its effectiveness and minimal injuries.

In order to remove tattooing with chemical reagents (removers), they are inserted under the skin and the dyeing capsules of the pigment are destroyed with their help. Then the pigment leaves the body unchanged. This procedure costs an order of magnitude cheaper than the previous one, but the healing after it is delayed for a longer time.

Removing tattooing with a laser
Removing tattooing with a laser

Is it possible to do tattooing pregnant women?

Even the most highly qualified specialist will not be able to answer this question, since no one has been conducting experiments with the effects of dyeing pigments on the body of a pregnant woman, and it is unlikely to ever spend. Therefore, cosmetologists and dermatologists advise cute ladies to refrain from this procedure for the next nine months.

In addition to the fact that the reaction of the female pregnant organism to staining substances has not been revealed, one should not forget about the pain of such a process. During the period of gestation in a woman, the sensitivity of the skin and the whole organism increases, and it is forbidden to take painkillers. Therefore, it will not be possible to endure such pain.

Tattoo and pregnancy
Tattoo and pregnancy

How to choose a tattoo cabin?

  • Before deciding on the tattooing salon, it is necessary to collect the maximum information and reviews about it. If there are at least a couple of negative reviews, but the cost of services is very seduced, it is worth abandoning this option
  • It is better to listen to the “sundress of radio” - ask friends or just a person whose permanent makeup you liked where he did it. People always willingly advertise their master
  • At the next stage, you should get acquainted with the license and certificates of the cabin and directly the master himself. If they are absent, this is not your option
  • And of course, pay attention to the price. Good tattooing cannot be cheap

Totage: reviews

Nadia, made an eyebrow tattoo:

“Advantages are bright expressive eyebrows for a long time, you don’t need to tint every day. Nedical costs - it hurts and the result may not like, side effects in the form of edema. Also, who has not yet decided to go to this step, I would advise you to think carefully and weigh the pros and cons. . For example, I have a rather problematic and thick skin, so the pattern is washed out and fades during the year, but with thin dry skin I will have to walk with permanent makeup for a long time. This is good if it succeeds and the result will please.

Inga, made a lip tattoo:
Advantages - time saving, beautiful shape and color. Less -costs - sponges immediately after the procedure. Very important point - the choice of an experienced master, who will advise both shape and color, and will not hurt the lips (he heard that some crust go on for weeks, I Everything about all four days has gone). Now goodbye, contour pencils and bright lipsticks! Long live the lip gloss! ”

After reading the reviews of women faced with tattooing, we can conclude that before going to such a procedure, you need to consult an experienced cosmetologist and dermatologist. Having weighed all the pros and cons of it, it is necessary to collect the maximum number of reviews about the Master, who will be entrusted with this procedure. After all, a small error or incorrectly selected shape can radically change the appearance of a woman.

Video: Is eyebrow tattoo safe?

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