Hydrogen peroxide - Instructions for use

Hydrogen peroxide - Instructions for use

This article will talk about the drug that should be in every first -aid kit. Hydrogen peroxide is necessary for treating surface wounds and small bleeding. This tool is treated with diseases of the oral cavity. In addition, peroxide is widely used in folk medicine.

Instructions for use

Forms of release

The drug described in this article in our country is available in the form:

  • Perhydroe (contains 2.7–3.3% of hydrogen peroxide). You can buy in any pharmacy in 25 ml of bottles. The perhydrol is used to treat purulent wounds for cuts and scratches, for the preparation of solutions for rinsing for diseases of the gums and teeth, gynecological diseases and tonsillitis. It is part of the water purification products in pools, plumbing, furniture and dishes

How it works: After the contact of this product with the skin or mucosa, active oxygen is released. As a result of this process, the place of use is cleansed of various organic substances: bacteria, microbes, pus.

  • Hydroperite (tablets with 35%peroxide content). It is used for the preparation of solutions for washing and rinsing. It is used in medicine to process the hands and forehead of the surgeon before surgery. 6% hydrogen peroxide in tablets is used in various cosmetics for clarifying hair

How it works: A solution prepared from a tablet form of this drug is also used, like perhydrol. It is used to disinfect wounds and used in the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases.

Indications for use

Hydrogen peroxide is, first of all, an excellent antiseptic. This fluid can be disinfected by wounds and prevent pathogenic microorganisms in the body of causing dangerous health consequences. For example, tetanus or gangrene.

Important: any wound, even a small cut or scratch, must be treated during the first 1-2 hours after its formation. So you can minimize the risk of complications and achieve the fastest healing of the wound. Remember that infection into the body can penetrate even through a small puncture, a splinter, abrasion and through the place of frostbite or burn.

With the help of the described tool, you can stop severe bleeding from the nose. It is used to treat angina, with stomatitis and gynecological diseases. To solve these problems, rinsing based on this drug is used.

Hydrogen peroxide contraindications

This tool cannot be used with increased sensitivity to its components.

How to use

With sore throats. It is necessary to rinse the throat with a 3%solution. Subsequently, this drug needs to be replaced with a low -pink solution of manganese.

With stomatitis and periodontosis. One tablespoon of 3%is diluted in a glass of water. The resulting solution needs to rinse your mouth 5-7 times a day. The course of treatment depends on the achieved effect.

For processing wounds. Peroxide must be applied to damaged skin as a disinfectant.

Important: American scientists from the North-Western University (Chicago) found that some cancer cells die due to excessive accumulation of hydrogen peroxide in them. Already now there are positive examples of therapy with this remedy for not small cell cancer.

Use in folk medicine

In folk medicine, treatment with hydrogen peroxide is widespread. Some “specialists” of such treatment (W. Douglas, C. Farr (USA), Prof. I.P. Neumyvakin) believe that any disease can be defeated with this drug. Moreover, side effects of such treatment are not observed.

Important: any treatment is possible only with the help of a certified specialist. Do not self -medicate, especially on the basis of unproven facts. Below will be the most “harmless” recipes using the described drug.

  • Fungal damage and warts. Lnings are used based on 6% -15% hydrogen peroxide solution. Treatment course: 8-10 procedures
  • Arthritis and joint pain. Compresses based on 0.5%–1%solution. Keep in a sore spot no more than 2 hours. Treatment course: to reduce pain
  • In diseases of the ears. Mix one teaspoon of water with 1 drop of 3%hydrogen peroxide. The solution is instilled into the ears (2 drops). Course of treatment: 30 days
  • Lightening the hair on the hands. It is necessary to mix water (30 ml) and hydrogen peroxide in the same proportions. Then, an ammonia (10 ml) and ½ teaspoon of soda must be added to the resulting solution. The composition must be applied to the skin and leave for one hour. Then the skin must be thoroughly washed

Important: you can use this solution only by making sure that it will not be dangerous for your skin. Drop a couple of drops of the solution on the elbow bend. If the skin did not blush, and itching does not appear, then it can be used.

  • Baths with spa effect. To eliminate the products of metabolism that are excreted through the skin, you can use baths with a described drug. Such baths not only have a spa effect, but also help cleanse the skin from various fungi. You can use no more than 200-250 ml of 3%for one bath for one bath. It must be diluted in warm water (37 degrees). You can take such a bath for no longer than 30 minutes. Then you need to take a warm shower

Hydrogen peroxide or green

The green, unlike the described tool, contains alcohol. Alcohol dries the skin and causes discomfort. In addition, green can leave traces that are very difficult to get out. But, the actions of hydrogen peroxide are not as long as the green. After treating the damaged surface with this drug, it is necessary to cover the wound with a bandage.

Analogs of hydrogen peroxide

"Betadin" (Active substance is a povidon-iodine). It is used in the form of a solution for the treatment and prevention of various infections in dentistry, surgery and traumatology. "Betadin" helps to quickly heal the wounds with burns, abrasions, ulcers and pressure sores. A solution based on this product is applied directly to the wound. It leaves no traces on the skin and clothes. Can be used as compresses.

"Betadin" is used undiluted.

"Chlorhexidine". Antiseptic for disinfection and cleaning of affected areas of the skin. Apply for the treatment of wounds and as a prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. In dentistry, "chlorhexidine" is used to treat paradontitis, stomatitis and gum inflammation.

"Diamond green solution of alcohol". An antiseptic tool for processing wounds after injuries and operations, purulent abscesses and abrasions.

"Miramistin". Antimicrobial, antimicrobial, antiviral agent. It is widely used to disinfect various wounds and abrasions. It has stimulated the protective functions of the body. It does not cause allergies. Used in surgery, traumatology, obstetrics and gynecology. It is used for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.

"Iodine solution of alcohol 5%". Popular antimicrobial agent. It is used for external use for injuries, wounds, skin inflammation and muscle pain.

Important: iodine, with frequent use, can cause allergic edema on the face, skin rash, runny nose, lacrimation and other reactions.

Castellani liquid or "Furricin". A combined drug with antiseptic and antimicrobial effects. In addition, with the help of “facherpin”, you can disinfect the places of injuries and cuts.

"Streptocide" (active substance sulfanilamide). This powder is used to destroy microbes and stop bleeding.


Ivan. The peroxide helped me to stop severe bleeding. To do this, I turned two tubes out of the gauze bandage, soaked them in it and placed them in the nose. Bleeding stopped very quickly. Therefore, now I always keep a bottle with this liquid in my first -aid kit.

Olga. And I use this healing fluid to bleach tooths. To do this, I dilute the peroxide in the water and caress her mouth. The teeth are not only cleansed of plaque, but also become strong and beautiful. In addition, the gums are strengthened.

Video: Treatment of nail fungus

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