Overheating in the sun - a sunny blow: signs, what to do? First aid for sunny and thermal strike: Description

Overheating in the sun - a sunny blow: signs, what to do? First aid for sunny and thermal strike: Description

Symptoms of thermal and sunny blow. First aid for overheating.

In the summer, most of us spend the bulk of our free time in the sun. Unfortunately, not controlled stay under direct sunlight can lead to undesirable consequences.

Overheating in the sun

Particularly dangerous is overheating in the sun for children. Most often, the consequences of staying in the sun are a thermal and sunny blow. As a result of this, the immune system is weakened. Accordingly, with the consumption of cold drinks and ice cream, you can get SARVI and even tonsillitis.

  • In the daytime from 12 to 16 hours, 15-20 minutes are enough to earn a heat stroke
  • Take care of your children, it is they who most often happen to overheating in the sun
  • Put on the kids of the panama and, if possible, equip the game zone in the shade
Overheating in the sun
Overheating in the sun

The first signs of a sunshine

It can be both specific and obvious signs. In some cases, the patient may suspect poisoning. A small number of people have vomiting and nausea.

Symptoms of a solar blow:

  • Dizziness
  • Weakness and pain in the muscles
  • Frequent breathing and pulse
  • Extended pupils
  • Headache
  • Vomit
  • Fainting

Usually a sunny blow is manifested in the form of weakness. It is difficult for the patient to stand on his feet, he feels malaise. Due to the sun, the victim may increase pressure. Breathing and heartbeat quickered.

The most interesting thing is that a sunny blow can be obtained not only in the summer, but also in the off -season, when the sun is still very active. Vomiting and fainting occur with prolonged stay in the sun.


Overheating in the sun in a child - symptoms

The most interesting thing is that a child can overheat without being under direct sunlight, this usually happens with the kids whose parents always wrap them. Thus, at high temperatures on the street, the baby’s skin does not breathe and overheats even more.

Symptoms of overheating in a child:

  • The child stops sweating. If the street is hot and the baby sweats all the time, this is normal. Thus, the body is trying to cool
  • Blue lips
  • Temperature rise. In some cases, the temperature can rise to 40 ° C. And quite a bit of time for a sunny blow enough. All children are different, someone can run for half a day under the open sun, and someone is enough 10 minutes
  • Weakness and dizziness. The baby becomes sluggish and tries to lie down. If you are on the street, then the child can ask for his hands. He can whimper and complain of headache
  • Fainting and cramps. In some cases, with possible neurological disorders, convulsions develop very quickly. In this case, you can’t do without the help of doctors
Sunny blow in the child
Sunny blow in the child

What to do when overheating in the sun

First of all, it is worth evaluating the condition of the victim. If the patient has convulsions and fainting, call an ambulance.

If the patient has dizziness, then with a sunny blow you can cope yourself.

  • Transfer the patient to the shadow. You need to try to reduce the temperature of his body. To do this, moisten the fabric in cool water and put the compress on the forehead of the arms and legs
  • Remove clothes and shoes. Put a roller from a bedspread or towel under your feet
  • If your face is red, put a roller under your head
  • If possible, wrap the victim in a wet sheet
  • Set the patient with a lot of water. Measure the temperature and give an antipyretic
Overheating in the sun
Overheating in the sun

First aid for overheating in the sun

  • First of all, try to reduce body temperature. The body in this state inadequately reacts to the ambient temperature. Accordingly, make a cold compress
  • Drink juice, and best of all salted water. The solution of the regorin will be ideal. It restores mineral balance and prevents dehydration
  • Turn on the fan and lie down. Drink a tablet from your head, Citramon or Analgin is suitable
  • If the condition worsens, call an ambulance
First aid for overheating in the sun
First aid for overheating in the sun

The temperature after overheating in the sun

The main sign of a sunlight is an elevated temperature. With an increase to 38 ° C, you must try to reduce it. For this, it is best to drink an antipyretic. Ibufen, paracetamol or Panadol is suitable.

If you do not have these drugs at hand, put the armpits and knees a bottle of cold water. In these places there are accumulations of blood vessels, so the temperature will quickly decrease.

The temperature during overheating
The temperature during overheating

What could there be a thermal blow from?

There are two types of thermal blow:

  • Overheating related to physical exertion. It is observed in athletes and young people who are actively involved in sports
  • Classical. Usually occurs in children and elderly people who are in a stuffy room or in the heat

Both states pose a real threat to life. There are fatal cases from a thermal blow.


Signs and symptoms of thermal blow

With the initial thermal blow, such symptoms may be observed:

  • Temperature rise
  • Decrease in blood pressure
  • Frequent pulse
  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting, diarrhea

If you do not take measures, then the patient's condition is aggravated. Can be observed:

  • Confusion
  • Delirium, fainting
  • Encephalopathy
  • Kidney disorders due to dehydration
  • Convulsions
  • Heart failure

Fainting with a sun and thermal blow

  • This is a pathological condition requiring qualified assistance. You need to bring the victim to consciousness. To do this, lay it on your back. The surface should be solid
  • Moisten a wool with ammonia and let me smell
  • After that, put a pillow under your head and drink a patient with cold water with salt or strong tea
  • Harshes lay the wet tissue. It must be moistened in a weak cold solution
  • Give an antipyretic if the victim has a temperature
Fainting and thermal blow
Fainting and thermal blow

Thermal and sunny blow: first medical care for fainting

  • Remove the victim from the high temperature zone
  • Let me smell an ammonia
  • Lay on the floor
  • Put a cold wet fabric on your head and heart
  • If the patient is nervous, let the tinctures of valerian or motherwort drink
  • Solder the victim with cold water or a solution
  • If the patient grabs the heart, give the nitroglycerin tablet
First aid for thermal strike
First aid for thermal strike

Thermal and sunny blow: tips and reviews

  • In no case do not try to leave the patient in the sun. If you are on the beach, it is better to take the victim under the canopy
  • Give me a drink of cold water, do not give carbonated drinks and strong coffee
  • Drink a towel with water and attach to the forehead and armpits
  • The head should be above the body, respectively, turn the towel and lay under the head
  • Drive the patient with antipyretic
Thermal and sunny blow
Thermal and sunny blow

If the condition of the victim worsens, contact the first -aid post.

Video: Sunny blow

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