Foamed voiced and deaf, solid and soft consonants: table, examples of words. How to check the spelling of paired consonants in the root, at the end of the word?

Foamed voiced and deaf, solid and soft consonants: table, examples of words. How to check the spelling of paired consonants in the root, at the end of the word?

Even in elementary grades, children learn spelling. There are many rules to write certain words. Next, we will find out how to write words with paired deaf, ringing, soft, hard consonants.

The Russian language is one of the most difficult subjects that is taught at school. To become competent, the student will have to learn a lot rules for writing words. Next, we will study the sonorous and deaf, solid and soft paired consonants. Let us also consider the unpaired sounds that are found in Russian grammar. It is interesting that the sounds when reading or conversation are pronounced a little differently than they are written under dictation. Therefore, each student should still study the correct spelling at the school.

Paired sonorous, deaf consonants

Thanks to the speech abilities of man and the help of the language, we are able to pronounce various sounds. And the hearing a natural apparatus helps people recognize these sounds. But then we will not study the natural capabilities of the human body. Let us dwell on how consonants are written and sounded and what they are.

Classification of consonants
Classification of consonants

According to the rules of grammar, there are consonants:

  1. Deaf, vigorous - Their pronunciation varies, thanks to the work of the human speech apparatus.
  2. Soft, hard - A large role is played in determining these consonants the subsequent letter after the consonant, standing after it.

Already from the phrase itself - paired consonants It is clear that these are letters that have a similar pair in sound. So similar in sound can be voiced, deaf consonants.

Some letters vary, as mentioned above, and they have a couple, while others without a couple. In the diagram of the deaf and violent- unpaired are such as: x, h, c, m, l, y, b.. These consonants must be remembered.

Task: write correctly deaf or sonorous consonant
Task: write correctly deaf or sonorous consonant

IMPORTANT: In the alphabet of the Russian language there are consonant letters, they have their own context. Consonant sounds [c]; [h]; [n]; [y]; - What can they be attributed to? [C] - This is a dull sound; [h] - deaf consonant; [n] - voiced sound; [y] - A sonorous consonant - this should be remembered without fail.

Paired voiced, deaf consonants:

A number of voiced consonants exist in Russian, they are ranked: r, g, in, g, d, y, s, n, m, l, b. When you pronounce the data of the consonants, there is always some tension in the larynx. Little sounds are difficult to say quietly in a whisper. Examples of words in which all consonants are sonorous: ash, pride, gap, Rome, rum, zone. But not all voiced have their own pair of deaf sound.

Types of consonants
Types of consonants

Table of paired consonants - sonorous, deaf:

b and h G V D.
P Sh With To f T

Thanks to the study at the school of this topic, students are able to write competently later. After all, there are rules on writing and checking a particular paired consonant, in particular, we will consider examples: sleep g(x), you can check: what not? Dream gah, table b(p) - checked as a table bs, bread b(p) (check - what is not? ba).

Russian speech is rich in the whole arsenal of the words of loved ones in sound, but with different meaning. So changing the sonorous consonant to the deaf, you can get a completely different word in meaning. Examples: huD - withuD, gora - toora, andaR - shar.

Exercise for consolidating the subject: paired deaf, sonorous consonants
Exercise for consolidating the subject: paired deaf, sonorous consonants

There are many visual examples, thanks to which you can understand the spelling of the sonorous, deaf paired consonants. See some of them:

  • Ko d (t) - You can check this way: d.s
  • One hundred g (x) - Verification word: one hundred gami
  • Horses d.b (t) - You can check this way: horses d.and
  • Lo d.ka - heard (T). Verification of the word: LO d.point.

As you can see, checking the spelling of consonants will not be difficult, and thanks to examples, you can easily teach this topic and the child.

Solid and soft consonants: table, examples of words

All sonorous, dull sounds of consonants, except for hissing, are solid, soft.

For example: solid sound [ b] was - [ b`] beat; [ t] current - [ t`] Tyok. When you pronounce firm consonants, the tongue is applied to the sky. And soft ones are obtained when the middle part of the tongue is pressed against the sky. A soft or solid consonant letter - this is determined by the following consonant. In turn, vowels also have their pairs: y-and, and I, e-e, wow, oh.

What vowels give firmness according to the sound?
What vowels give firmness according to the sound?

Some vowels have two sounds, these are such as: ( i, yo, yu, e), pronounce the following ways: soft sound [ th] + steam vowel of the above vowels: e, o, y, a. Or a softening sign + steam vowel.

For example, the word - raccoon. He is pronounced like this: [ th] [e] [n] [o] [t]. Or word - tina. It is pronounced as: [ t'] [s] [n] [a]. Letters: s, y, a, o, e They have only one sound, because they do not affect the standing consonant in front.

An example of soft, hard sounds: Lipa - skis, mel is the mayor, smoke is a matter. Phonetic transcription: [ L’YP] – [ ski’i], [m’El] – [ mayor], [smoke] – [ d’Elo]. From the examples it is clear that solid consonants are facing s, o, e, a, y, and soft before: and, I, e, yu, yo.

Even soft sounds can stand in front of a soft sign, an example: sprat, brush, laziness, tulle, mol.

Vowels that soften the consonant sound
Vowels that soften the consonant sound

When, after a consonant letter, it is written - m, then with always hard, even when m - Soft. Sounds: m And with are considered solid if they are written at the very end of the word, examples: som, volume, ear, pole.

Borrowed words with a vowel - e is usually pronounced firmly. Example: fake, [fay’k].

The consonants are always soft if they are written before: b. An exception is such letters: f, c, w. - They are always hard. And soft is sh, Y, h. Examples: sorrel, iodine, gull.

Solid consonants, which are not affected by the subsequent letter
Solid consonants, which are not affected by the subsequent letter

Solid consonants can form a soft pair for themselves, see the table below and examples of these letters further.


Solid consonants Soft consonants Examples with solid and soft consonants
[b] [B ’] life - bit, be - beat
[P] [P'] dust - drank, pan - drunk
[V] [V'] howl - fork, cotton - Vyatka, ready - cook
[F] [F ’] lanter - Eaglery, effect - fact
[d] [d ’] water - water, hole - dinar
[With] [With'] libra - all, cheese - sulfur
[h] [Z ’] wHO - VEI, dawn - Zero
[n] [n ’] burden - nyasha, con - horse
[G] [G'] gorb - coat of arms, leg - legs
[To] [To'] forty - Magpies, Cat - Kit
[m] [m ’] like - Mel, Mal - Mil, Mat - Mint
[T] [T'] bit - beat, fog - darkness
[L] [L ’] like - mol, moose - forest
[X] [X'] ear - ears, good - cunning
[R] [R'] dew - rice, lynx - duckweed.

Remember: Consistent letters include solid unpaired: [ and], [sh], [c.], and to the soft unpaired - agree [ sch'], [h ’], [y ’]

Soft consonants, regardless of which vowel is behind them
Soft consonants, regardless of which vowel is behind them

Check the spelling of paired consonants in the root, or at the end of the word?

When the sounds are pronounced, sometimes deaf sounds are more often heard. But despite this, you should write the right letter. All letters in words cannot change. Even despite the fact that another sound is heard. To make sure that the word is correctly written, you will need to study some rules. Thanks to them, it will become clear what sound is used in the word deaf or sonorous, the possibility of replacing paired consonants will be excluded.

Paired consonants - rule
Paired consonants: rule

Rules for checking the writing of deaf, sonorous consonants:

  1. When writing, the letters do not change in the root to check the spelling of a particular letter, you need to choose a single -rooted word in a different form. If after a doubtful consonant there is a vowel, then you will decide which letter to write a sonorous or deaf.
  2. It is easy to determine which consonant is written in a particular word, when after it there is a sonorous consonant: y, r, m, l, n.

Examples: in order not to make a mistake, in the word SUGRO b(p), you need to change this word so that at the end there is a vowel: in the Sugro bax. The word Gla h(with), verification: Gla behindabout h(with) - about behind, ko d.(t) - Co. yes, cha t(d.) - Cha you.

IMPORTANT:There are some words that cannot be checked. To such is ranked - fthat. This word must be remembered and always write in it - the letter - f.

Video: paired consonants

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