Papaverine hydrochloride - Instructions for use: tablets, injections, candles. Papaverine during pregnancy, children

Papaverine hydrochloride - Instructions for use: tablets, injections, candles. Papaverine during pregnancy, children

The article will answer questions related to the drug Papaverin. We will consider the possible forms in which this drug is produced. We describe the testimony of software and its use is prohibited.

« Papaverine» instructions to application

« Papaverine» this is medication, related to group antispasmodic funds, which effective removes spasm with smooth muscles in general and muscles internal organs. To so organs relate organs the following systems:

System urination and sexual system
Gastrointestinal tract
Organs systems breath
Muscles blood vessels

This a drug, thanks to antispasmodic properties, expanding vessels and improves circulation, including and circulation head brain. At this medication provides effect lowering arterial pressure, thanks to that, what removes spasm with blood vessels.

At application high dose papaverina, he capable reduces excitability muscles hearts, and reduce speed conductivity inside hearts. BUT at application funds in medium dosage, action on the brain vessels  expressed weak.

« Papaverine» the form release

"Papaverin" form of release

« Papaverine» it has the following forms:
• suppositories rectal with dosage acting substances 40 mg
Tablet the form with dosage acting substances 40 mg
Ampoules with solution for injection introduction with concentration acting substances 20 mg on the 1 ml
« Papaverine» indications to application
Means often used for therapy different diseases, accompanied spasm smooth muscles in therapy and gynecology. Common indications to his use serving the following states:
Presence u patient angina pectoris, at this medication used how additional medication in composition combined treatment diseases
At spasm smooth muscles bronchial wood, organs abdominal cavities, cerebral blood supply and vessels urine systems, vessels peripheral blood circulation

Diseases at which usually use « Papaverine» the following:
Obstruction bronchi
Spasm pyloric department stomach
Renal colic
At delay urination
Spasm vascular bundle kidneys

« Papaverine» used how auxiliary means in composition premedication at preparation patient to anesthesia.

« Papaverine» dosage

"Papaverin" dosage

At use tablet forms medication his average dose at reception inside. His average dosage it is from 40 before 60 mg with multiplicity reception before 5 once in day, in dependencies from states patient and his diagnosis
At application rectal suspensories « Papaverine» dose funds corresponds from 20 before 40 mg with multiplicity application before 3 once in day
Injection the form medication maybe applied intramuscularly, intravenously and subcutaneous. Dosage injection forms drug it is from 10 before 20 mg, at this interval between introduction must make up minimum 4 hours. For the elderly of people initial dosage funds not must exceed 10 mg

« Papaverine» children

"Papaverin" to children

At use papaverina in age child, his dose calculated next age:
AT age child from 6 months and before 2bread age dose reception medication corresponds 0.5 mg on the 1 reception
AT age from 3x before 6and years dose maybe to be increased before 0.01g
FROM 7 before 9his age dose maybe increase before 0.015g
At age from 10 before 14 years dose raise at need before 0.02g

For use u children injection forms apply the following doses:
6 month1 year it is 0.01g in day
Before 2 years 0.02g in day
Before 4 years 0.03g in day
Before 6 years 0.04g in day
Before 9 years0.06g in day
Before 14 years 0.2g in day

« Papaverine» contraindications

Not costs use the a drug in the following cases:
At individual intolerance components components medication
At availability diagnosis atrioventricular blockade
At glaucoma
At heavy degree liver insufficiency
Age patient after 60 years
U children under 6 months

Carefully « Papaverine» used at:
Cherepnocerebral injury, which had place not so for a long time
At chronic insufficiency functions kidneys
At shock states
At tachycardia najuado genesis
At hyperplasia prostate glands benign character
At insufficient functions adrenal glands

« Papaverine» side action

To undesirable manifestations medication related:
Tachycardia ventricular genesis
Blockade atrioventricular
Nausea and vomit
Constipation and flatulence
Srump condition
Changes in analysis blood

« Papaverine» at pregnancy

"Papaverin" during pregnancy

Given information about medicine remedy « Papaverine» no, so how research in this areas not it was carried out.

« Papaverine» overdose

At intoxication this medicinal drug maybe manifestation the following symptoms:
Dwarming images in eyes
General weakness
Srump condition
Increased fatigue

Specific funds, which inactivates « Papaverine» not exists. That's why conduct symptomatic therapy and detoxification organism.

« Papaverine» analogs

"Papaverin" Analogs


Video: Papaverin

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