Pandemias that went down in history: brief review, examples

Pandemias that went down in history: brief review, examples

How people struggled with dangerous pandemias: a brief overview of events.

The outbreaks of infectious diseases are characterized by destructive power, and only vaccines become the opportunity to resume the usual lifestyle for mankind. And only mass vaccination can be the main salvation against the coronavirus, which captured our planet so quickly. What pandemias had to face the world and how did you manage to overcome infections? Read about this in our article.

The pandemic that went down in history is the plague: history of occurrence, the number of dead

Some of our ancestors were eyewitnesses to the spread of several pandemics. We will make a short and completely safe time travel to see how people were looking for ways to recover and fought for survival in the conditions of swollen pandemics.

Carrier of the toned plague is a rat of a certain population
A pond carrier are rats of a certain population

Bubonic plague

Let's start a review with a toned plague. The occurrence of the disease is associated with the bacteria of Yersinia pestis. And the carrier of a terrible disease was rats of certain populations and fleas. From infected people, the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. The incubation period lasts from 1 to 6 days.

  • Infected experiences in the first hours painful sensations in the muscles, joints. Next, blood vomiting follows, the patient experiences severe thirst. Hallucinations end the first day after the defeat. There is a violation of speech.
  • Of the other manifestations - the language acquires white, the body temperature is increased. On the second day, the symptoms of the disease are closer to the condition of the infected death. The patient has bubs - lymph nodes with pus, necrotic ulcers. Also, in the last day before death, the patient has hemoptysis.
  • A dangerous disease in the history of mankind was three times by a deadly wave through the countries of Europe and Asia. More than 200 million people in two thousand years died according to the general estimates. The first wave of the disease spread in 541 AD (about 60 generations ago). The most deadly flash of the bubonic plague is the epidemic of 1346-1353. The consequences of the pandemic were catastrophic.
Medicine was powerless, and mortality from the plague was 100%
Medicine was powerless, and mortality from the plague was 100%

Only quarantine compliance, and improvement of sanitary conditions contributed to the fact that the disease, which led to swelling and further decomposition of infected lymph nodes called bubes, retreated.

Modern medicine for the fight against bubonic plague is practiced by the use of antibiotics. To save the life infected with plague, it is important to make a diagnosis in a timely manner and immediately begin treatment.

Nowadays, cases of plague infection are also recorded. This is the period of 2010-2015. In total, 3248 cases have been identified, of which 584 cases are fatal. Countries that are considered the most endemic - the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Madagascar, Peru.

Video: large epidemics of plague

Justinian Tsum

Justinian Tsuma led to the economic devastation and decline of the Eastern Roman Empire
Justinian Tsuma led to the economic devastation and decline of the Eastern Roman Empire
  • The Caesarea Procopius, who served as a commander of the Justinian Velizaria, in the treatise “War with the Persians”, was recorded on the flash of plague in the city of Pelusia in the Nile delta. The wave of the disease captured Alexandria and all of Egypt, Palestine, the Eastern Roman Empire. In 544, the epidemic lasted in Constantinople for 4 months.
  • According to general estimates from the Justinian Plague, 60% of the then population of the Mediterranean territory died, and this is from 15 to 100 million people. Justinian the plague passed through the countries of Europe and Asia for another 200 years and claimed the lives of millions of people.

Video: Justinian Chum

Black Death

  • Black death is also a flash of plague. One of the largest in history. The presence of infection was first recorded in China in the 1320s.
  • The disease spread throughout India and captured the European continent. The number of dead from this plague is calculated 70-100 million, which is about a quarter of the population of that period.

Important: At that time, a quarantine system was invented in European cities where cases of disease were recorded. The following events were held: trade and military vessels from other countries approached the shore left to stand at a distance for 40 days. Only after such a long quarantine, the court was unloaded if they had goods.

Plague wand and plague virus
Plague wand and plague virus

Is the risk of plague spread in our time?

Despite the fact that back in 2020 in Mongolia, the case of infection of a bubonic plague from a flea-carrier has been recorded, you should not worry that the disease will return and will terrorize humanity with terrible symptoms. Scientists and doctors claim that the infection will not happen again. And here is what arguments in confirmation of their words exist:

  • In European cities of the XIV century, rats in such quantities as now. And for the spread of infection and resuming mass infection, the main condition is the presence of a large population of rats. That is why the airborne passing path of transmission of the disease between people occurs in the last stages. People at the time of infection are already under the supervision of doctors.
  • In the middle of the XIV century, the inhabitants of European countries suffered from annual floods. From high humidity, insects (fleas) felt more comfortable. Against this background of this, the state of people was aggravated by a massive weakening of immunity due to hunger.
  • In the Middle Ages, patients infected with plague were not treated. The only way to combat the spread of the disease was insulation in lasaretes. There, the sick and waited for their fate. Nowadays, medicine has moved forward, and in the event of a disease, infected can count on proper care.

Video: medical history: plague

Ospop: the history of the occurrence of pandemia, the number of dead

We continue our time in time and acquaintance with the ways of combating pandemias. Consider such a dangerous disease as smallpox.

  • Vaccination in the fight against smallpox, has become a real history of success in medicine. In the twentieth century, another pandemic erupted, from which more than 300 million people died. Otter outbreaks are also known in the early era, but the number of victims of that period is not amenable to the account.
  • Infected with smallpox, died in torment. On the body in a few days there was no place for purulent abscesses. Death occurred in 30% of cases. Those who managed to survive were “marked” with terrible marks on the skin, in difficult cases, suffering infection lost their eyesight.
  • For several centuries it took humanity to find a way to overcome the OSPU. As a result, a vaccine was created.
Smallpox - big victory
Smallpox is a forgotten victory
  • For the first time, the assumption that an artificially caused weakened form of the disease contributes to the formation of immunity was probably in China. In ancient sources, it is indicated that scabs infected with smallpox were used to combat the disease. They made a powder from them and inhaled through the nose. Another way of struggle was the use of cotton pieces previously soaked in a pusy of an infected with smallpox.
  • In Africa, another method of “vaccination” was used: the thread was impregnated with purulent secretions infected with smallpox and extended through the skin.

Video: winds

The method of challenging to Britain was brought from Turkey, where the husband of the main propagandist of this method of treatment - Merie Monthegu, served as an ambassador. The method did not differ 100% reliability. On 30 patients vaccinated by this method, there was one patient with a severe form of illness and death.

  • It was noticed by the English farmers that the form of smallpox, which was transmitted to a person from a cow, did not lead to death. A little later, Dr. Edward Jenner, a reliable and safe vaccine was developed. For the first time from the smallpower, this vaccine was vaccinated on May 14, 1796, the eight -year -old son of farmer James Fippa, who safely met old age after vaccination.
  • 2 years after the invention of the vaccine and the beginning of vaccination, Jenner prepared and distributed the brochure “The study of the causes and action of cow smallpox”. The doctor used his own funds for the publication of the brochure, since the method of vaccination Jenner did not receive approval from the Royal Scientific Community.
  • After the vaccination in the order of the British military army and navy, the disease proceeded without consequences. In the scientific community of Britain, there was no more doubt about the effectiveness of the invented vaccine. Almost 100 years after that, the drugs obtained on the principle of the development of artificial immunity, at the suggestion of Louis Pasteur, are called vaccines, which means “VACCA) means“ cow ”.
Osopa, popularly called chickenpox, is an acute infectious disease that belongs to child infections
Ospop, popularly called "chickenpox" - an acute infectious disease that belongs to "children's" infections

And how did they fight the disease in poor countries? In parallel with how Edward Jenner introduced the boy to the boy the virus of cowpox, which was not a danger to man, the infection in poor countries did not stop. It lasted another one and a half hundred years. And only massive vaccination under the WHO program, which began in 1967, helped to eradicate a dangerous disease. Mass vaccination was also contributed to the reducing of the method of manufacturing needles.

Important: you can count on the development of collective immunity after 80% of the population is vaccinated. In poor countries with a multibillion -dollar population, it was not possible to carry out vaccination. An effective solution was found - point immunization: identifying the foci of smallpox and vaccination of neighboring residents. The method was first used in Eastern Nigeria. OSPU was overcame in the region with the 12 millionth population after vaccinating 750 thousand people.

Today, Osopi viruses can only be found at two points in the globe - in laboratories of the highest level of protection of Russia and the USA. At the moment, smallpox is a disease that is destroyed by science.

One of
One of the largest early outbreaks of smallpox was recorded in 1520

Natural smallpox caused by the virus is the most deadly disease for humanity. The body of a person who is ill with a man is covered with filled pustules. The peak of the disease ends in death for three of 10 patients.

Ways to transmit the virus of natural smallpox

  • Airborne droplets from the nasal or oral cavity of the infected
  • Through ulcers (filled with fluid of the pustule)

Natural smallpox is a virus that does not take root on animals.

Important: only for the period of the twentieth century hundreds of millions of people died from smallpox. The same mortality indicators for the same period from one more terrible disease - plague.

Today, smallpox does not pose such a danger as in those distant times. A person’s ths in a virus is immediately isolated, which prevents the spread of infection. Antibiotics are also prescribed to the patient and moral support is recommended.

It took almost 2 centuries that the efforts of the scientific community of that period completely destroy the disease. A huge contribution to the salvation of mankind from the virus of natural smallpox was made by Dr. Edward Jenner, who developed the vaccine.

Video: Ospop

Cholera: the history of the pandemic, the number of dead

Cholera is a disease that is most often found in low -level countries. Hoolery flashes happen in our time. A large wave of the disease was recorded in 1817.

Cholera - intestinal infection causes cholera vibrio
Cholera - intestinal infection causes cholera vibrio

What causes the spread of the disease? The data of the World Health Organization confirm the following: cholera is a disease that spreads through infected food or drinking water. In total, 7 outbreaks of the disease that claimed the lives of millions of people were recorded.

Video: Cholera

Important: bacteria of cholera vibrion remain viable for a long period in contaminated water and food.

  • Helera managed to eliminate the threat to the spread of cholera only after hygiene and sanitation in the West were significantly improved. However, outbreaks of the disease of the "dirty water supply" are still now.
  • Residents of low income countries are subject to disease. Data is disappointing: from cholera continues to die from 100 to 140 thousand people a year. The total number of those who died from this disease, according to the World Health Organization, is approximately 40 million people.
  • The cholera will save the water supply. But the failed water supply system of the quick turns into a dangerous source of the occurrence of the disease. Available vaccines and ease of treatment do not guarantee complete safety to people living in poor countries.

Video: cholera - medical history

Influenza: causes of pandemia, treatment, number of dead

The next disease that humanity is forced to resist is flu. The flu pandemia used to be as dangerous as well as the diseases described above.

  • One of the major outbreaks was recorded in 1918. Pandemia was called Spanish flu or Spanish. For the entire period of its dominance on the globe, the disease claimed the lives of about 100 million people. How did humanity manage to overcome the "Spanish"?
  • The only option to slow down the spread of the disease at that time is isolation and quarantine. Just those measures that are being taken now during the period of coronavirus walking around the globe.
  • It is known about the two waves of the influenza of the H1N1 strain (this is how the Spanish influenza disease is denoted), which took place in 1918 and 1920. After that, the above strain took a milder form. At the moment, the strain of Spanish influenza has not completely disappeared, but circulates the globe, annually killing people. In total, 50 million people became the victims of Spanish influenza.
Spanish virus
Virus "Spanish"

Having suspended the further spread of the Spanish, humanity has encountered other pandemias. The most famous of them-1924-1926, 1933-1935, 1943, 1949, 1976. The outbreak of diseases such as the Asian flu 1957 and the Hong Kong influenza 1968/69 are also attributed to the pandemias. As a result of the spread of Asian and Hong Kong influenza, a million people died. Of the latter, the pandemium should be mentioned by Pork flu, which spread in 2009. Pork flu hit 21 % of the population of the planet.

Also, do not forget about seasonal flu, from which about a hundred thousand people die every year.

Video: Spaniard - deadly disease

HIV/AIDS: History of Pandemia, the number of dead

Further, in our list of dangerous diseases-HIV infection.

  • HIV/AIDS was first recorded in the USA in 1980. From that moment, HIV has become a scourge of mankind and is considered the pandemia of the 21st century. Epidemiologists say that the syndrome of acquired immunodeficiency appeared in Central Africa. The first carriers of the disease were green monkeys. 7400 new HIV-infected are fixed daily. Mortality from AIDS is 5,500 every day.
  • HIV infection is transmitted through physiological fluids. The number of those who died all over the world from this disease today is recorded at a mark of 32 million people.
The causative agent of HIV infection
The causative agent of HIV infection
  • The availability of injections for drug consumers and a change in sexual behavior helps to restrain the growth of infection. Despite the joint efforts of doctors and scientists, 690 thousand people died from HIV infection only in 2019, and the infected people continue to die in thousands.

Video: AIDS

  • It is impossible to completely get rid of the disease, but in a country with good health care, with the availability of antiretroviral drugs, HIV-infected can live for a long and without serious health consequences. But in countries with low income, and, accordingly, poor medicine, a large risk of death is still preserved for infected with AIDS.

Video: How is HIV infection developing in the human body?

Sars and Mers - Coronaviruses: History of Pandemia, the number of dead

What is coronavirus? And what is the danger of the disease?

Interesting: Coronavirus-RNA virus under the shell. Causes diseases of the upper respiratory tract of varying severity. It can manifest itself as an ordinary cold or go into the form of deadly pneumonia.

  • Different forms of coronaviruses were found in poultry in the 1930s. Viruses were dangerous for animals, causing respiratory, gastrointestinal, liver and neurological deviations. And only 7 of the above species of coronaviruses pose a danger to humans, causing a disease in him.
  • A feature of coronavirus infections is that the infected person has symptoms of a cold. In rare cases, severe infections of the lower respiratory tract develop. Often in infected, pneumonia of various forms of severity is diagnosed. The disease is a danger to infants, elderly people, as well as immunodeficiency.
  • Of the above-described coronaviruses, three are the most dangerous for humans, since fatal respiratory infections cause and cause large outbreaks of lethal pneumonia of the 21st century.
  • One of the dangerous coronaviruses was Sars-Cov2. The disease is identified in 2019 as the cause of coronavirus infection (Covid-19). The virus was first detected in the city of Ujan (China) at the end of 2019 and quickly spread through the globe.

Video: Coronavirus Sars-Cov-2

Coronavirus Mers-COV in 2012 caused the spread of the respiratory syndrome of the Middle East.

Coronavirus Merce
Coronavirus Mers-Cov
  • 2003 also has become the year of the spread of severe acute respiratory syndrome (torso), the cause of which is the SARS-COV virus. The place of appearance of the virus is China in 2002.
    The coronaviruses described above spread through the zoone pathogens. The virus affects the body of the animal, after which it is transmitted from infected animals to people. The exception is SARS-COV2: the virus spreads from person to person.

Video: Mers - What do we know about this virus?

Coronavirus: History of Pandemia, the number of dead

  • For the first time, we learned about the occurrence of such a disease as SOVID-19 from an official news resource. The message sounded on December 31, 2019. Then the news that the city of Ujan (China) became the focus of the Covid-19 coronavirus, but people did not attach much importance.

Video: History Coronavirus

  • Several months passed, and humanity was in the grip of dangerous viral infection. To date, more than 2 million people have become victims of coronavirus.

Video: Coronavirus - Virusologist's forecast

  • Having highly hopes for the vaccine, thanks to which the virus loses its murderous power, we must remember that infections that left the unkind memories of the old -timers do not disappear.
Covid-19 virus
  • Having an idea of \u200b\u200bhow some pandemias ended, we will be able to imagine how to deal with viral infectious diseases in the future.

Video: Dangerous epidemics on the planet

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