Responsive person: definition. Which person can be called responsive? What does it mean to be a responsive person?

Responsive person: definition. Which person can be called responsive? What does it mean to be a responsive person?

From this article you will find out who is a responsive person.

Who is a responsive person? Is it possible to become a responsive person if you have not been like that before? How to determine that a person is responsive? We find out in this article.

Who is a responsive person?

Responsiveness can be determined so

Who is a responsive person? We turn to the dictionary Ozhegov, which says that responsive A person is always ready to help in difficult times with sympathy, and real help. A responsive person will not wait for him to be asked for help, and he will come to the rescue if he sees that she is needed.

In short, then a responsive person has such qualities:

  • Knows how to sympathize with another person
  • Appreciates and respects others
  • Provides help to others if he feels that she needs
  • Shows kindness and generosity to other people, and does not require anything in return
  • Shows respect for all people
  • Able to admit his mistakes
  • Ability to ask for forgiveness for their actions
  • The ability to recognize others as they are
  • It acts noble not only with people, but also with animals surrounding us

A responsive person - is this born or is it the result of education?

Only a properly -well -mannered person can be responsive

The opinions of scientists about responsiveness diverge:

  1. Some scientists believe that if a child from an early age to vaccinate kindness, compassion, honesty, responsiveness, and with his example to show these qualities, then such a person, when he grows up, will even unknowingly show these qualities.
  2. Other scientists, in particular American, prove on the basis of research that this is congenital quality. It's all about, they say, in the ability to develop in the body hormones vasopressin and oxytocin. As a result of studies, it was proved that people with an increased number of these hormones are more compassionate and responsive to others than people with a reduced value of hormones.

Responsive person - useful quality

A responsive person has a good mood and lives longer than indifferent

American scientists have established that a responsive person is even in health from rude.

Responsive people are inherent in the following health indicators:

  • They are less likely to get sick than people who are dissatisfied with everyone.
  • They live longer, an average of 8-9 years.
  • Less commonly, they are ill with diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • When committing good deeds, a person develops a hormone of happiness - an endorphin, which also has anesthetic and soothing properties.
  • Good deeds improve mood and increase vitality.

How to become a responsive person?

Scientists say that it is never too late to become a responsive person, only need follow simple advice:

  • Open eyes and soul to everything that happens around and help if help is required.
  • Forget about your egoism, and more often put yourself in the place for those in need.
  • Strive to be kinder - every day at least one good businessman.
  • To become happier itself, and to share this happiness with others.

Video: indifference or responsiveness (social experiment)

So, we learned who the responsive person is, and also learned the secrets of how to become them.

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