Where are the origins of the Zoroastrian horoscope come from? Description of the Zoroastrian horoscope

Where are the origins of the Zoroastrian horoscope come from? Description of the Zoroastrian horoscope

In this article you will learn what a Zoroastrian horoscope is, how to determine the year of your birth according to the Zoroastrian calendar. You can determine your animal-torch, what properties it possesses and how it affects you and your life.


One of the oldest calendars on Earth is the calendar of Zoroastrians. The mythology of this people weightily influenced astrology and gives rise to various horoscopes, including and Zoroastrian.

The history of Zoroastrianism

Zoroastrianism is one of the most ancient religions, which was founded by the Greek prophet Spitam Zarathustra. He claims that he was a revelation from God Ahur Mazda. In the ancient centuries and at the beginning of the Middle Ages, this religion was mainly preached on the lands of Big Iran.

Today, Zoroastrism is practically supplanted by Islam, but small groups in India and Iran are still preserved, in some countries of the former USSR and in the West there are also followers. In total, no more than 130 thousand Zoroastrians in the world and their number decreases rapidly, because The birth rate is reduced and other, larger communities are absorbed.

At the heart of dualistic philosophy, the idea of \u200b\u200bconfrontation of good and evil is stupefied. According to this teaching, the wise and kind god Akhura Mazda is an absolute bright beginning, along with the Holy Spirit and all the spirits of the earth, heaven, animals, water, fire and plants, it opposes the dark Angra Minho, in the assistants whose evil spirits.

Zarathustra allocated 3 main virtues:

  • good deeds
  • good words
  • good thoughts

The Zoroastrian calendar was more than 4 thousand. years ago in the countries of the Middle East. It was named after the founder of the religion of Zoroastrianism.

Features of the Zoroastrian horoscope

As the basis of their calendar, the Zoroastrians took rotation around the sun the farthest of the visible planets - Saturn. The Persians were called the Planet, which is translated by the "Lord of the Time." The Greeks, by the way, also called this planet a crown or chronos - “the god of time”, hence the term chronology - the science of time.

The New Year among the Zoroastrians begins very symbolic, on the day of the spring equinox, and, as you know, falls on March 21.

The Western and Eastern calendars are represented by 12 animals, and Zoroastrian operates 32 animals of the throatmans, which are considered guides in our world between all the kingdoms of nature.

Totems and antitotems in the Zoroastria calendar

  • The animals that the Zoroastrian horoscope operate are called totems. Any Totem-Life has an antitota. AntiTom is designed to warn about the temptations and dangers that a person will meet in his life. Here you can draw an analogy with good and evil angels - they sit on a person’s shoulders and encourage him to be good or bad deeds
  • The totem can be determined by the year of birth. Its owner must obey his totem, then everything will work out as it should. Often, Luda has external and spiritual similarities with his animal total. The more similar to his totem, the stronger he will have protection from evil and failures
  • If a person lets in his life anti -Tom, indulges him, gives free rein to passions and weaknesses he will degrade, he will be persecuted by life failures and, in the end, he will lose himself
  • It is considered impossible to tame his animal or antitota, but if a person was born under the influence of a totem, he can always make his life the best if he is like his totem. A noble thought, pure deeds and good words will help him in this

West and Zoroastrian horoscopes

On March 21, the Zoroastrians celebrated their New Year, from this day and their calendar began. On the Western calendar on this day, the influence of Aries, which is the first sign of the zodiac of the Western horoscope. This day is often found in other astrological systems, but it was the Zoroastrians who used it for the first time.

How to interpret a horoscope by Zoroastrian calendar

The Persians believed that the character of the animal characterizes the events that occur in his year, and affects the appearance and inner world of people born at this time, and also determines their life priorities and values.

They followed the animal-total, and tried to solve future events in his behavior.

  • The Persians believed that people are noble, purposeful, have a sense of self-esteem
  • Also, the year of deer is favorable for concluding contracts and transactions, which will continue to continue their effects for many years
  • Film people are desperate, they are not afraid of anything, and this year is very dangerous for natural cataclysms and wars
  • Poets and wanderers are often born in the year of stork, and the year of mongoose gives life to people opposing evil in any form

Zoroastrian horoscope by date of birth

The cycle of the Zoroastian horoscope includes 32 years, each year is represented by its totem - an animal or bird, so this horoscope is also called totemic. The beginning of the year starts on March 21, so if you were born before this date, your animal-wearing from the previous year.

1st year. Totem - golden deer (1906, 1938, 1970, 2002)

The patron saint of the year Akhura-Mazda.
Color White year.
Deer They have strong intuition, easily recognize any deception. Often they hold apart, alone, uncompromisingly, never recognize their mistakes. They rarely repent, everyone can easily leave in the past.
AntiTom - Warrous toad. These people get fat, bald, their warts grow, they suppress others, become arrogant, arrogant, and appropriate the virtues that they do not have.
Year Deer - this year when justice triumphs, good leaders reign good.

2nd year. Totem - Wild Baran (1907, 1939, 1971, 2003)

The patron saint of the year Fravashi.

Color year purple.
Ram Cornses blood ties, faithful to national and family traditions. It is obedient, easy to influence. He is calm and noble.
AntiTom “A lousy sheep, goat.” A person does not have a tradition that despises his family, does not honor the memory of the family, believes that only he should respect him.
Year The ram flows under a symbol of humility: people float with the flow of others.

3rd year. Totem - Mangust (1908, 1940, 1972, 2004)

Patron year atar.
Color Blue year.
Mangusthe knows how to solve problems with lightning speed and get out of any situation. He is unstable, changes his mind. These people are open, sincere and devoted, live today.
AntiTom - Cobra - a poisonous black snake or ferret. A person shows himself in cunning, lying, not very smart, cannot provide himself, his deceptions are doomed to failure, because He downgives the power of others.
YearMangusta is a year of the best aspirations and sacrifice, symbolizes the eternal life that defeats death.

4th year. Totem - White Wolf (1909, 1941, 1973, 2005)

The patron saint of the year Ramman.
Color Blue year.
Wolves Throughout their lives, battles and battles crave, the comfort of the hearth is not for them. They spend life in travel and wanderings. Not inclined to deceive or cunning, do not compromise. They are able to sacrifice themselves, but do not know how to take care of the weak.
AntiTom -Wolf-werewolf, jackal. It breaks and destroys everything in its path, annoyes others. Strong, embittered and cowardly. Despises others and hurts them.
YearWolf is a year of wars, betrayal, intrigue, because These sacred animals are constantly in the fight.

5th year. Totem - stork (1910, 1942, 1974, 2006)

The patron saint of the year Asman.
Color Green year.
Stork - A lone wanderer who always returns to his house. A monogue is always true to his partner, but he remembers disappointment all his life. Silent, difficult to fit into society, relies only on itself. He knows how to highlight the main thing in life, understands life like no other.
AntiTom - Woodpecker or toad. He says a lot, provokes conflicts, neglects other people's interests, changes frivolous attachments, avoids real feelings. These people have a negative impact on others, their actions are dictated by complacency and absurd.
AT yearStork often occurs insights.

6th year. Totem - Spider (1911, 1943, 1975, 2007)

Loaded (4)
The patron saint of the year Vayu.
Color Yellow year.
Spider An informal leader, a wise strategist, is able to lead others. He does not strive for fame, keeps in the shade. Unhurried and attentive, smart and reasonable, constant in his affection and achieves reciprocity. He knows how to subjugate others to his will, but does not weave conspiracies and does not intrigue through the little things, does not strive for power. It can manipulate people, but rarely uses it. For a partner, he becomes a lover, friend and like -minded person.
AntiTom - Tarantula or fly. He behaves defiantly, spends his strength on the separation of people. Attracts attention and shocks others. Creates conflict situations, provokes disputes and quarrels that share people.
Yearthe spider is characterized by the acquisition of the highest meaning and harmony.

7th year. Totem - snake - royal python (1912, 1944, 1976, 2008)

Patron APAM-PAPAT years.
Color year black and green.
Snake Little worried about what she is told in person, she is more interested in secret motifs and hidden reasons. It has insight, easily recognizes a lie, not talkative. Often continues the case that others began. It has a flexible mind, adapts to any circumstances. Constant in its affection, faithful and devoted. Brave, knows how to live in constant tension, not to waste strength.
AntiTom - A poisonous snake, viper. Blaged personality. Acts are inconsistent, aspirations are superficial and frivolous. He does not know rest, he expects only negatives from others, he is easy to provocate, for which he pays expensive.
AT yearSnakes are mastery of the secrets of world harmony and purification of karma. Often this year is repeated or returned to what has already been once.

8th year. Totem - Beaver (1913, 1945, 1977, 2009)

The patron saint of Advisura-Anachita.
Color year purple-red.
Bobra Generously and hardworking, are not afraid of routine work, do not chase ideals and do not want more than they can achieve. They care about the future and not only their own. Optimists are not discouraged, their house is full of heat and comfort, and the doors are open to everyone. They take care of loved ones, do not leave them in trouble. They are wary of the new and quite conservative.
AntiTom - Water rat, nutria. He does not value his family, he refuses his own children. Slogging, inaccurate, lazy, easily changes priorities.
YearBeaver is a year of beauty, harmony, lawmaking. This is a year of love that defeats hatred.

9th year. Totem - Turtle (1914, 1946, 1978, 2010)

The patron saint of the year old.
Color The year is dark brown.
Turtle Not very open and sociable, needs a sense of own safety. It is easily divided by the benefits received from fate, does not count on the help of others in difficult situations. He does not forget neither his nor other people's mistakes, as well as good deeds. Removs lessons from past experience. The turtle is smart enough, tend to complicate what is happening too much, afraid to get carried away with something. Saves a distant position closed from the world.
AntiTom - Mucus or seagull. Nervous, protected with masks, depend on others. Hypocritical, they cannot take care of themselves, often become easy prey of manipulators.
YearTurtles are full of wisdom, harmony with nature, knowledge of the structure of the world.

10th year. Totem - Magpie (1915, 1947, 1979, 2011)

The patron saint of the year Mara spant.
Color year silver-blue.
Magpie Always in the center of events. He talks a lot and does a lot, knows how to do several things at the same time. A skilled manipulator, a clever mind and cunning are hidden behind external frivolity. He always fulfills promises, does not experience defeat for a long time, pretends that everything in her life is easily given. It does not neglect intrigues, capable of tricks to achieve its goal.
AntiTom - Black rook or mole. Boltly, slowly react to what is happening, inactive, and miss their benefits.
YearMagpies are also favorable for deer. Life this year returns to normal, and for forty and deer a successful marriage is possible.

11th year. Totem - protein (1916, 1948, 1980, 2012)

The patron saint of the year Daen.
Color Yellow-green year.
Squirrelsmobile and agile, living and smart, efficient and household. They always want to create a family. The character is not even, there are mood swings, depression is possible. Very conservative in attachments. They are wary of the new, strive for stability. They need the support of others and the assessment of their merits. Everyone forgives loved ones.
AntiTom - Kunitsa or rat. Little, slow, doubts everything, is afraid of death and at the same time long life.
YearSquirrels are not very pleasant. If a person runs away from the problem, she returns to him at a greater speed. This year, evil puts on the mask of good, the year of damage and crimes.

12th year. Totem - Raven (1917, 1949, 1981, 2013)

The patron saint of the year Tishtar.
Color year black and blue.
Raven Harsh and serious people who are not inclined to command and do not know how to obey. Late married or remain alone for life. They do not allow themselves to live at someone else's expense, often squeamish and clean. They care about themselves, do not allow weaknesses. Do not borrow, do not gain a price, do not play on the feelings of others. They are restrained, do not show their feelings, even in the family they keep aside.
AntiTom - Worm or udod. They adapt and live in alms, scable to the authorities, always in debt, often in the family problems. They try to put their problems on others, but fail. They always look back at others, cannot cope even with the easiest task.
YearThe crow is characterized by persecutions, injustices, epidemics.

13th year. Totem - Rooster (1918, 1950, 1982, 2014)

The patron saint of the year.
Color The year is red-white.
Rooster An energetic, full plan of a warrior, never sits in the bushes. Frank, fearless, burns bridges. He loves outfits, especially hats, loves attention, but at the same time embarrassed. It can quit the work that has already begun if this does not affect his benefit. He does not represent himself without a family and children, despite his "public." He never regrets his actions, decisions made are always final. Helps those who are not able to take care of themselves, and put their interests above their own.
AntiTom - Quail or kite. It is cowardly and helpless, gesture meaninglessly, humbleds with what is happening, often a slave of circumstances and causes pity. He does not love anyone, feels an offended, deceived life, hates the power of those who are in a better and more profitable position.
YearRooster is the time of exposure, but without retaliation.

14th year. Totem - bull (1919, 1951, 1983, 2015)

Patron Years-ruble years.
Color years milk-white, yellow.
Bullpassive, disinterested and kind, like a child, needs guardianship. Very soft, knows how to endure, helps others, most often works in the field of medicine or education, and for all this receives a reward. The bull is sensitive and trusting, very vulnerable, it is easy to humiliate or offend. He protects his loved ones and beliefs to the last. Not touchy, knows how to forgive, tolerates all hardships steadily and patiently.
AntiTom - Elk. Aggressive, nervous, obstinate, strives to insist on his own at all costs. Subject to base desires. Impatient, devoid of endurance, embittered.
YearBull is a year of peace, time to repay debts, to be ready to obey and work hard.

15th year. Totem - Barsuk (1920, 1952, 1984, 2016)

Patron year Kevan.
Color year orange.
Badger attractive and mysterious, practical and leaning, efficient and quite hidden. Born this year is inherent in a rationalist mindset, but Totem awarded him the gift of a psychologist and researcher. Deprived of false aspirations and empty dreaminess. Hardworking, reasonably distributes strength, does not let dust in the eyes. It is not boring with him, the badger knows how to enjoy life, has a good sense of humor.
AntiTom - Mole. Greedy, careless, unreliable, embittered, does not believe in anything and hates people. Frivolous and insidious, loses the location of others, does everything in order to get rich. His greed is endless, the words are deceptive, the actions are illogical.
YearThe badger is associated with the past: with banks, funds, warehouses, storage facilities, with the whole load experienced.

16th year. Totem - camel (1921, 1953, 1985, 2017)

Patron year Rashna.
Color Yellow and blue years.

Camel - A man of business. He does not spend extra time talking. It is distinguished by asceticism and endurance, knows how to be content with small, what he has, uses reasonably. He never hides that he thinks about others, somewhat harsh and distrustful, often expects the worst. He knows his price, achieves everything he wants on his own. It forgives a lot to loved ones, the family, but expects independence from them.
AntiTom - Hyena. She has a desire to have fun and sweetness. She is pampered and weak, not powerful over her feelings, everything exaggerates, behaves stupidly. Life does not suit her, because she is boring, and the hyena spends everything that is, and then turns to others for help.
YearA camel is a year of concerns and works of all who were born under the sign of a herbivorous totem, but their zeal will necessarily be rewarded.

17th year. Totem - Hedgehog (1922, 1954, 1986, 2018)

Patron year of Hwvan.
Color White year.
Hedgehog It has a good memory, especially visual, met, often clings to the little things. He is unpredictable, too fussy, ruff. Periodically arranges a shake for the dark world, sometimes it wins it. A good friend and partner, devoted and faithful, does not throw in trouble. He has a rebellious, chin in character, says without hesitation and can offend, so he has many enemies and ill -wishers.
AntiTom - Waste. Deliberately harmless and pleasant externally, but it is deceptive. In fact, false and hypocritical, illegible in connections, betrays friends, makes nasty things, uses others, puts up with a lie. Cowardly and confident in complete impunity.
YearHedgehog - a time of freedom, grace, unpredictability, unexpected phenomena are possible.

18th year. Totem - Lan (1923, 1955, 1987, 2019)

Patron years old.
Color year purple.
Lan Graceful and graceful, aristocratic and sophisticated manners. A romantic by nature, sensitive and thin, but rather moody. It is inherent in artistry, thanks to which they achieve success, especially in art. Lanyam lacks common sense.
AntiTom - A cow or a goat. Excessively rational, rude, unpleasant in communication, inactive. It is dressed in such a way that it emphasizes disadvantages, not dignity. It is more reasonable and reasonable, but mocking those who want to help her.
YearLani is characterized by the search for harmony and beauty, the highest meaning, the manifestation of motherhood, a test of decency.

19th year. Totem - Elephant (1924, 1956, 1988, 2020)

Patron years of Asha-Vakhista.
Color Blue year.
Elephant balanced, it is difficult to get out of itself, but if it succeeds, it is difficult to stop it. Very strong. Conservative, but can neglect conventions, if necessary. Slow, but very stubborn, appreciates relationships and cooperation with others. Keeps traditions, head and support in the family. Often I am not confident and misses the chances provided.
AntiTom - Muraviede. The look of a stunted, stooped, chatty, extremely unreliable, bad family man, deprived of judgment, is not capable of serious acts, lying, even with loved ones.
YearThe elephant is characterized by strength, stability and seriousness. The cases that were started this year will be continued in the future.

20th year. Totem - horse (1925, 1957, 1989, 2021)

Patron year Mitra.
Color Blue year.
Horse Honest and brave, standing guard of order and justice, is able to punish the offender of any formalities. He always achieves everything himself, stubbornly goes to his goal, power can only be manifested among like -minded people. He loves space, sports and travel.
AntiTom - Jackal. Cowardly and optional, leisurely and lazy. Does not keep his word. He strives for loneliness, silent, afraid of strong affection.
YearThe horse is connected by contracts and oaths, fair retribution is possible.

21st year. Totem - cheetah (1926, 19587, 1990, 2022)

Patron Years Shakhrivar.
Color Green year.
Cheetah Strong, graceful. Often predicts danger, calculates all options. He knows how to be in extreme conditions, loves to fight. Sometimes recedes, but only in order to return with new strength. Wary and aggressive, fearless and insidious, but at the same time noble. It has an indomitable disposition.
AntiTom -Bolota cat. Cowardly, weak, illegible in connections. Deprived of courage and strength, inspires pity. He does not know how to understand people, trusts those who use it.
YearThe cheetah is a year of wars and revelations. A new political course may begin this year.

22nd year. Totem - Pavlin (1927, 1959, 1991, 2023)

Patron year of Spent Mans.
Color Yellow year.
Peacock Prone to self -love, always confident in his innocence. It has creative potential and strive to reveal it with all its might. He always has many plans, but not everyone is embodied in life. Often discovers new features, which surprises himself and others. Cheerful, many -sided, does not value property.
AntiTom - Drozd. Gray and gloomy, closed, embittered. He tries not to attract attention, modest, but suffers because of this. He has few friends and interests, or at all there are no, the world is limited only to himself.
YearThe peacock is full of deception, seduction, games.

23rd year. Totem - Swan (1928, 1960, 1992, 2024)

Patron year Haurvat.
Color year orange.
Swan Proud, disinterested, faithful to high ideals, inclined to self -knowledge and meditation, does not pay attention to material benefits. Strongly torn off from reality, because Lives in his world. He does not like loneliness and needs loved ones. Devoted to friends and faithful to a partner.
AntiTom - Duck. Greedy, fixated on material, lying and unreliable. Without moral values, profit from the weaknesses and mistakes of others, betrays even the closest and loved ones.
YearSwan is the year of unification of people. At this time, miracles are either taking place, or deception, greed, intrigues, unfulfilled promises reigns.

24th year. Totem - Lynx (Nightingale) (1929, 1961, 1993, 2025)

Patron years of haoma.
Color The year is red.
Lynx Unpredictable, then quiet and calm, then evil and implacable. It seems unassembled, but it is deceptive, if necessary, it is mobilizing. She always and everywhere has a mess, but she does not tolerate such people.

Sometimes manifests itself Nightingale. The noble and peaceful, not proud of his merits, deserving respect, which has self -esteem, is devoid of frivolity.
AntiTom - Mouse. The timid, cowardly, helpful, petty, boring, does not have its own point of view, strives to please more strong. He is afraid to violate any norms and get fame.
YearLynx is a time of testing and unexpected events. This year the meaning of incomprehensible earlier may be revealed.

25th year. Totem - donkey (1930, 1962, 1994, 2026)

Patron year of Spent-Armiti.
Color White year.
A donkeyhe is working, hardy and patient, flexible and calm. He loves and knows how to do everything with his own hands. It is guided by common sense, calm and balanced. It has a solid character, but needs motivation to work.
AntiTom - Mul. Passive, closed, stubborn, lazy. Cowardly, lustful, petty. It makes nonsense, which is why he suffers himself and his loved ones suffer. Strive for fame, but does nothing for this.
YearA donkey is a favorable time, it is a year of exiting crises, the beginning of abundance.

26th year. Totem - White Bear (1931, 1963, 1995, 2027)

Patron year Angraos.
Color year purple.
Polar bearhaving retreated and good-natured, strict and unpredictable, in some way behaves like a knight. Likes to live on a wide leg. He always has many attractive projects that are successfully implemented. It has good organizational abilities.
AntiTom - Brown bear. Insolent, petty, touchy, vengeful, chaos brings everywhere, boring, inclined to sadism, knows how to disguise himself well. Hoves in other people's affairs, destroys the plans of others.
YearThe White Bear is a year of hard trials. The mistakes made this year cannot be corrected. This year is the foundation for the future.

27th year. Totem - Eagle (1900, 1932, 1964, 1996)

Patron year amertate.
Color Blue year.
Eagleholds worthy in society, cannot do without a team. Ready to sacrifice for a common cause. These are people with high ideals, defenders of statehood. They are respected and loved for their chivalrous behavior and aristocracy. In love they are ascetics.
AntiTom - Fly. Envying, conceited, unstable, does not know how to restrain himself, unclean, gluttonous. Insatiable and alcohol, does not disdain the low -powered methods of satisfying his desires. These people go astray and do not act alone.
YearEagle is the time of construction, new projects that begin to come true. This is the year of unification of people.

28th year. Totem - Fox (1901, 1933, 1965, 1997)

Patron year of cotton wool.
Color Blue year.
Foxit has a sharp mind, thanks to which intrigues exposes. Often the fate of these people is strange and changeable, devoid of monotonous everyday life. The fox is slightly cowardly, but clever and witty. He never climbs into a wound, prudent, always chooses the right path and shows it to others. Often they punish others for meanness.
AntiTom - affection. Cowardly, greedy, is engaged in adaptability. Inhibited, if it is confident with its impunity, but is afraid of resistance. Often find a strong patron, deceives and robs it, and then changes it to the new one.
AT goDThe foxes are a lot on the little things and the case.

29th year. Totem - dolphin (1902, 1934, 1966, 1998)

Patron year Vohu-Man.
Color Green year.
Dolphinquickly knows how to make decisions. Devoted to the highest ideals, prone to philosophizing. Clearly sees the difference between white and black, light and darkness. Helps in difficult times, but does it imperceptibly. Always performs a more complex part of the work. He is mysterious and mysterious, knows how to convey his thoughts at a distance.
AntiTom - Karas. Avenging, greedy, evil, sows discord, always tries to distort the truth, confuse evil and good. Leaves the ruin and chaos, tries to quarrel, aggressive and lying.
YearDolphin is a time of help and salvation, a year of travel, great ideas, mysterious phenomena.

30th year. Totem - Vepr (1903, 1935, 1967, 1999)

Patron years of governing.
Color Yellow year.
Veprit has an indomitable disposition, but can obey some higher idea. Brave, brave, fearless, decisive, is always ready to repulse the enemy and seeks to become the first. He knows how to soberly evaluate his strength. In peacetime, he is able to listen to the opinions of others and is quite tolerant of loved ones, who forgive a lot and allows them to sit on their neck.
AntiTom - Pig. Greed, evil, insidious, cunning, greedy, dodgy. Does everything only for bad purposes, fights on the side of evil, often helps criminals and in this it is ruthless.
YearBoar is a year of struggle and exacerbation of contradictions.

31st year. Totem - Owl (1904, 1936, 1968, 2000)

Patron year Mach.
Color year orange.
Owlit has the gift of providence, predictions, is often the organizer of secret communities. Lives according to his schedule. Protects higher values, lives mysteriously and also leaves. It is fully revealed among people who are well -related to it.
AntiTom - Filin. Vile, vengeful, cowardly. He obeys stronger, is afraid to lose favor, for which he performs unworthy acts. Deceives and cunning to take revenge.
AT yearOwls are strongly the influence of dark forces, so you need to pay attention to the hidden side of things.

32nd year. Totem - Sokol (1905, 1937, 1969, 2001)

Patron Hvarsat years.
Color The year is red.
Falconsmall and sharp. Often these people preachers or reformers of religion, who are obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bresurrection of previously lost knowledge. Restless, but subsequently regret their behavior. If there is a wise leader, the falcon is capable of a lot, but does not tolerate dictatorship. He knows how to easily disorganize, ruin, and does it with pleasure.
AntiTom - Sparrow. It does not value the past, cowardly, grumpy, does not attach the importance of love. Behaves defiantly, obsessively. He is always dissatisfied with life and is afraid of everything.
YearFalcon is the time of schisms and battles for justice. New projects should not start only if 100% are confident in their abilities.

Compatibility in the Zoroastrian calendar

Totem and antitota help to make a characteristic of a person, an ideal partner. Knowing the qualities of his personality, what he needs to strive for, and what to avoid, you can imagine the personal qualities of a person who will complement him and help to go straight and up in life. This is just the foundation of a strong union.

Remember the saying: "Goose pig is not a comrade." According to the same principle, compatibility according to the Zoroastrian horoscope is determined. After all, one cannot imagine the Union of Teru and Mongue, but the deer and the doe are created for each other. And if we consider the qualities of these people according to the horoscope, then the first pair has a joint future under a big question, but in the second case a strong alliance is possible.

Of course, compatibility according to the Zoroastrian horoscope is not a reason to change everything dramatically, there is an exception to any rule. We advise you to take a closer look at our soulmate, perhaps you will notice that your “herbivore” is annoyed by his “predatory” manners. These are the properties of his totem, and if you try to change it, he may be in the destructive effect of antitotemic. Here you decide - do you need it?

Video: Zoroastrian calendar


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