Where do the flies of Drosophiles come from in the apartment, house? How to get rid of flush flies in the apartment, in the kitchen, in flowers: tips. How to make traps for flies Drosophil with your own hands: Instructions

Where do the flies of Drosophiles come from in the apartment, house? How to get rid of flush flies in the apartment, in the kitchen, in flowers: tips. How to make traps for flies Drosophil with your own hands: Instructions

How does a flus of Drosophila appear in the house and how to get rid of it?

Small annoying insects are completely harmless. But the multiple flickering Drosophil before the eyes or their accumulation on food causes great discomfort and irritation. Therefore, when they appear in the house, any mistress wants to get rid of them as soon as possible. How to do this is considered in our article.

Where do the flies of Drosophiles come from in the apartment, house and how much do they live?

These annoying flies

Tiny wings of insects are not able to overcome long distances. Its maximum daily flight is about 200 m. Nevertheless, this does not interfere with its mass appearance in the living room at any time of the year.
In natural conditions, flies exist due to eating rotting residues of plants. Therefore, their natural place is inhabiting on fruit trees.
But annoying insects and houses appear, even at the most picky cleanings.

There are several ways to get these unpleasant guests into the household:

  1. With fruits of fruits and vegetables
  2. With earthen remnants that were at home as necessary (flowing of flowers) or accident (remains on root crops, after harvesting)
  3. Through doors and windows, in the neighborhood of garbage containers or fruit trees
  4. Through the ventilation hole from the neighbors or from the basement
  5. Propagated in the remnants of food stuck in a drain pipe

They have a very short-term life cycle: in the warm season-up to 20 days, in the cold-60-70 days.

The appearance process is very short:

  1. Larva growth 48 hours after formation. At the same time feed on decaying fruits
  2. After 4-5 days, pupation occurs
  3. After another 5 days, they turn into a real fly

Females on the second day after birth are laid down 50-80 eggs.

What are the flush of Drosophila are afraid of?

Flies are afraid of frosty air
  1. Drosophilia - translated from Latin - "loving moisture, dew." That is, the fly does not like a dry environment - she dies in her
  2. In addition, these small insects do not tolerate cold

How to withdraw, destroy the flies of Drosophil in an apartment, house, in flower pots: methods

Emergency measures to combat Drosophila

Getting into housing, Drosophila instantly multiplies. It is very difficult to cope with its appearance, but you can:

  1. First of all, conduct an inventory of favorable sources contributing to the reproduction of insects. Throw them right into the street, and not into the garbage bucket.
  2. Next, use aerosol-intensecticides: Combat, Dichlophos, Raptor. Spray the product in the foci of accumulation of insects, protecting in advance from the ingress of chemicals for food.
  3. To destroy flies from flowers: treat the Earth with a weak solution of manganese, and then use insecticides.

How to deal with fluxes of Drosophils at home folk remedies: recipes, tips

Verified folk remedies

The folk methods of combating harmful insects are numerous and diverse:

1 method

  • Mix apple vinegar and dishwashing liquid in a ratio of 1: 1
  • Pour into small containers
  • Distribute in those places where flies started
  • Refresh the product once a week until the Drusophile is completely disappeared

2 method

  • As mentioned above, flies are afraid of hypothermia. Veat the room in cool weather. Do not forget to open all kitchen cabinets at the same time.

3 method

  • Lay out in the places of clusters of the midges:
  1. Fern leaves
  2. Buzin
  3. tomato seedlings
  4. eucalyptus
  5. geranium
  • Insects do not tolerate the smell of these plants - they will instantly leave flavored places

4 method

  • When washing the floors, add a few drops of kerosene or turpentine to the water - this fragrance of the fly also does not tolerate

5 method

  • Grate window and door openings from laurel oil - Drosophila will leave such amortized housing instantly

How to make traps for flies Drosophil with your own hands: Instructions

Large structures for catching small insects will not be needed. The traps are made very simple. Consider several options:

The first

  • We take a plastic cup
  • Put a piece of apple in it
  • Cover the container with cling film
  • We make several holes in it
  • The flying flies will not be able to get out of the trap. We throw it into the street with insects


  • Elementary method - sticky tape
  • Place it in places where annoying insects have started


  • Put small melon or watermelon slices in an open cellophane bag
  • After the accumulation of insects in it, tie a package
  • Throw in a garbage box


  • Pour into a small saucer: beer, syrup, juice, sugar or yeast aqueous solution
  • Click on one large container
  • Pour into a street trash


  • Cut the bottom from a plastic bottle
  • Insert a paper or plastic funnel into the neck
  • Pour a slightly mixed solution of fruit juice and soap or kvass into a jar with a wide neck.
  • Shine a bottle structure into it
  • Passes between the neck of the jar and the bottle stuck with tape
  • Flies will fall into a trap, but they will not be able to get out
  • As the liquid dries, refresh with a new solution
  • Take your time to clean the first day after filling the trap- if the flies postponed the larvae. Duration can drag on for 7-2 10 days
Simple, but effective structure to combat flies
  • You can make it easier using the method proposed in the figure below
We use improvised material

What needs to be done so that the flush of Drosophils do not start in the house, apartment, kitchen, flowers: prevention

It is easier to prevent the appearance of insects than to get rid of

To avoid the adversity of annoying flies, it is necessary to observe preventive measures:

  1. In the presence of pets, carefully monitor the cleanliness of the dishes they use
  2. Do not allow the stolen wet or spoiled residues. Exclude their hit in small cracks
  3. Collected or purchased vegetables and fruits for the future, store in the basement
  4. Do not forget to throw out garbage waste every day.
  5. Wash the bucket. Do not hold it with an open lid
  6. Do not water overly home plants. Keep them away from the sources of breeding Drosophila
  7. Rinse vegetable and fruit fruits with hot water, immediately after they got into the house. This will help destroy flush eggs
  8. Ventify the apartment daily. In the cold season - this is the perfect prevention - flies cannot tolerate cold

Such measures allow not only to prevent the appearance of Drosophila, but also eliminate them in case of presence.

Use any of the proposed methods, but try to prevent the appearance of drosophilus with preventive measures.

Video: How to get rid of flush flies at home?

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