From which black dots appear on the face: Causes. Ways to combat black dots on the face: folk recipes, tips

From which black dots appear on the face: Causes. Ways to combat black dots on the face: folk recipes, tips

The reasons for the appearance and ways to eliminate black dots on the face.

Black dots are a common problem among adolescents, as well as young people. Many beauties for this reason turn to cosmetologists in order to get rid of black dots. But some prefer to fight them on their own. In this article we will tell you why black dots arise, how to deal with them.

What do black dots appear on the face from?

The fact is that a comedon itself, that is, a black dot, is not dangerous. It is an open time in which the skin is located, oxidized due to air exposure. In addition to an ugly appearance, comedon is not dangerous. It is believed that such education on the skin is significantly able to influence the beauty of a girl and a guy, so they need to fight them.

It is worth noting that black dots most often occur in adolescence. This is due to the action of hormones on the body. It is at this age that puberty and excess of the number of hormones in the blood are observed, which provokes the release of a large amount of skin fat. There are several causes of black dots.

Black dots on the face
Black dots on the face

Reasons for the appearance:

  • Improper nutrition. If you prefer sweet, spicy, fatty foods, then this will affect the condition of your face. Indeed, black dots will appear, as well as inflamed places. There is an occurrence of acne.
  • Incorrect skin care. Perhaps black points are provoked by the fact that you do not care enough for your skin, do not wash off cosmetics before bedtime. Or vice versa, very often overdry the skin, so the body tries to moisturize it due to the release of skin fat.
  • Heredity. Perhaps black dots are the cause of large pores on the face that clog, because of this, black dots appear, which are very noticeable on the face.
  • Stress. Medical workers really argue that during stress the chemical composition of sebum changes, which causes rapid oxidation of fat inside the time and formation of black plugs.
  • The environmental condition of the region. Farming of the pores can be provoked by an unfavorable environmental situation, the presence of cokesochemical and metallurgical enterprises in the city. A huge amount of coal and ore dust flies in the air, which can clog pores.

Black dots on the face: Methods of elimination

There are several ways to fight black dots on the face.

  • If you have a little extra money, of course, you can contact cosmetologist. He solves such problems in a short time. There are many methods for this, but one of the most effective is hardware or manual cleaning. Simply put, the contents are extracted from the pores with extrusion. After that, the discharge from the pores is cleaned, and an antiseptic is applied. The skin is moistened in order to avoid allergic reactions, redness.

At the same time, you can remove black dots yourself, without a cosmetologist. Now there are a very large number of interesting and unusual tools that help to cope with the problem.

  • One of the most effective are masks-film masks. Basically, they are sold in the form of a gel, which, after applying to the skin, turns into a sticky mass and crust. It must be disrupted from the face. Thus, the upper part of the pore is glued with a mask and the whole cork is extracted.
Black Points Film
Black Points Film

FROM redness from black dots:

  • There are drugs on sale that are less advertised, but also very effective. You can purchase ordinary plastersthat are implemented in pharmacies. This is something similar to a film mask, but only there is no need to steam the face, apply a mask. Just glue the patch, tear it off. Thus, thanks to the glue, the upper part of the pores is attached to the patch, torn off with it.
  • You can perform standard cleaning at home. To do this, prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs. Chamomile is best suited.

Black dots with chamomile.

  1. It is necessary to boil the decoction and put your face with a towel right above the boiling container, covering your head with a towel.
  2. Under the influence of medicinal steam, the pores are opened. Thus, the contents can be easily extracted from them. Simply put, it is necessary to squeeze the contents of the pores.
  3. After that, it is necessary to treat an antiseptic with an alcohol or solution so as not to infect.
  4. Further, the face is lubricated with egg protein, so that the pores become narrow and still do not clog.
  5. Such cleaning is recommended no more than once every two weeks.
We remove comedones
We remove comedones

Folk ways to get rid of black dots on the face: recipes

There are also folk methods that allow you to get rid of black dots on the face. Basically, they are made on the basis of gelatin, which after applying to the skin hardens, turning into a film. Below are the most common ways to get rid of black dots with folk methods.

Review and recipes of masks from black dots:

A protein mask will help to cope with comedones.

  1. It is necessary to introduce a tablespoon of sugar into the protein, grind until the crystals dissolve.
  2. Further, it is necessary to apply the product to the surface of the processed area of \u200b\u200bthe face with a brush, wait for it to completely dry. It will take about 20 minutes.
  3. Next, the second layer of the protein mask is taken, it is already applied with fingers, patting movements.
  4. It is necessary to massage and clap your face until the viscous mass ceases to stick to the fingers.
  5. The action is based on the fact that it is this sticky mass that glues with the contents of the pores and pulls it out.

You can get rid of black dots with the help of an interesting and unusual scrub.

  1. Mix in equal quantities small extras with baking soda.
  2. Stir the dry mixture and enter a little soap foam. To do this, it is better to take baby soap.
  3. Stir until the gruel is received.
  4. The resulting substance must be applied to a pre-steamed face for 2-3 minutes.
  5. Before washing off, you need to moisten your fingers a little in the water and lose your face. If during the procedure the skin burns hard, it is necessary to wash it off immediately.
  6. After the manipulation, it is advisable to lubricate the face with a moisturizing cream. Because the mask dries the skin.

Aloe mask with gelatin.

  1. It is necessary to soak 20 grams of gelatin in a small container, wait until it dissolves.
  2. Pour 100 ml of water and put on fire, stir until dissolved.
  3. Do not allow boiling the mixture, enter a tablespoon of aloe juice.
  4. Mix again, and using a thin and soft hand, apply the product to pre -steamed skin.
  5. Wait until the thin film dries.
  6. Now carefully remove the film that has dried up.
  7. If it is torn, repeat the procedure and apply another on top of the thin layer.
  8. Thus, the layer will become thicker, and it will be easier to separate from the skin.

You can clean the skin with a gelatin mask with activated coal.

  1. To do this, you need to mix milk with gelatin in equal amounts, stir and leave to swell.
  2. Next, crush 3 tablets of activated coal and pour into the mass.
  3. Warm in the microwave or on hot water, constantly mixing. Do not allow boiling the mass.
  4. Apply black paste to the face with a brush, leave until completely dry.
  5. As a result, a film should form on the face, its need to remove from the skin.
  6. Do not wash off, that is, you need to tear it together with the contents of the pores.
Clean face
Clean face

The formation of comedones is the usual reaction of the body and does not pose any threat, but it causes a lot of trouble and looks ugly. That is why we recommend that you fight comedones.

Video: Causes of the appearance of black dots on the face

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Comments K. article

  1. the article is very useful, but I want to share a tool that helped me - Black Mask ( I thought it was all the advertisement about the action of this mask, but still bought it and was satisfied. She not only struggles with black dots and acne, but also helps to free pores from pollution. As a result, the skin is clean, and its tone and complexion are more even.

  2. Thank you for the article. Patches of Seracin help me from black dots. They clean the pores, stop inflammation and do not dry the skin

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