"Stop, a moment, you are fine" - an example for writing

Composition-reasoning on the topic: "Stop, a moment, you are fine."

What our life consists of - of many moments in which we experience a wide variety of feelings. Or maybe all life - and there is a moment in comparison with eternity, if you think about how many generations of people lived before us, had their own fate - thoughts, desires, sorrows and joys.

When do you want to stop a moment?

In the life of every person there are such moments when, like the hero of the tragedy, Goethe wants to exclaim "Stop, a moment, you are fine." After all, the heart overflows the real happiness. Such moments are priceless and remembered to us in the smallest details of the state of pure joy and delight.

  • We all have completely different goals in life and strive for happiness in our way. Therefore, everyone has the best moments.
  • Someone sees happiness in a state of "on the crest of the wave." Such people want to fill their lives with events - travel, extreme sports, gambling, constant search for new impressions and pleasure. Can such moments be called happiness?
At the limit of possibilities
At the limit of possibilities
  • There are people who are looking for popularity and glory in any way. Only fame is different. The glory of the famous writer, artist or scientist cannot be compared with the popularity of a freak from social networks.
  • For example, the glory was dreamed by Prince Bolkonsky, the hero of Tolstoy’s novel. Leaving his wife, he goes to war, dreaming of exploits. He leads the soldier into battle, and it was this moment that he would like to stop and save in his memory. But after the battle, the wounded, looking into the sky Austerlitz, understands how much more important life itself is.
  • Each memory of the people who passed the war defending their homeland will forever remain with them the joy of victory and the bitterness of the losses of loved ones.
Happiness to protect the homeland
Happiness to protect the homeland
  • In the modern world, success often lies in material values. Such people put their careers in the first place, the achievement of power, a high social status. Happy moments for them are recognition of superiority, business promotion, wealth.
  • At the same time, there is almost no room for sincere feelings and desires in the soul. Even having achieved material well-being and respect in society, a person suddenly realizes that there are no more real friends nearby, there is not enough time or mental need to communicate with loved ones, and most things that are expensive or once desired do not bring any joy anymore. And communication with others becomes false, turning into a set of banal phrases to maintain a conversation, when the answers of the interlocutor are not particularly important to people.
Happiness to be successful in a career
Happiness to be successful in a career

For many, happiness is love. It is love that people are looking for throughout their lives. Even an unrequited feeling remains in memory the most powerful and reverent memory. Love defines the thoughts and actions of a person, his hopes and disappointment. Mutual love, which of course, is also not eternal, is true happiness for people.

The theme of love, one way or another, is revealed in all literary works.

The great goal of every human being is to realize love. Love is not in another, but in ourselves, and we wake it in ourselves. But in order to arouse it, and this other is needed. The Universe gains meaning only if we have someone to share our feelings with. Paulo Coelho

Only the love of parents for their children can compare with a sense of romantic love. This feeling is so strong and unconditional, cannot be explained, it is laid down by nature itself. The birth of a child, the first smile, the first word, the first step is the happiest moments in the life of parents. The first acquaintance with the native baby is the very moment that I want to remember endlessly.

The happiness of motherhood
The happiness of motherhood

We all experience happiness at different moments of life. Happy is the one who does not create these moments artificially, but rejoices in simple things - a cup of coffee, kissing the meeting, the Sun Sun, the Sun, Spring Sun.

The worst thing is despondency and disappointment in life, when you want a day, a week, a month, to go faster when there is no joy in today's or tomorrow. To feel the joy of life, you need to change your attitude towards it. To recall your hobbies, to do what you like, to realize that life itself is a great value that cannot be wasted.

Video: Stop a moment! Stop a Moment!

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