The main factors affecting whether the loan at the bank, the term for consideration of the application, the chances of customers will approve. How to find out if they approve of a loan to me and why is the loan not approved?

The main factors affecting whether the loan at the bank, the term for consideration of the application, the chances of customers will approve. How to find out if they approve of a loan to me and why is the loan not approved?

How can you find out that the bank approved a loan or refused a loan, how much does it need to expect an answer from a banking institution? You can learn from the material below on these issues and many others that relate to obtaining a loan.

There are situations that a person needs money urgently. A loan may be needed because of financial problems, expensive purchases, ownership, and so on. A person can cope with these and many other difficulties if he competently issues a loan. You can get money on credit in any banking institution.

The main factors affecting whether a bank loan will approve

Before you decide to take a loan at a banking institution, you should know that during the issuance of the loan, the bank takes into account several important points. There are quite a lot of them. We will describe only the most significant among them. So you will understand what to count on and Will you approve of a loan.

  • Credit history (Ki) a person who decided to take a loan. This criterion is considered one of the most important. It is on it that the bank evaluates absolutely all potential borrowers without exception. KI describes in detail the statistics of how many times this or that person previously took loans, how he paid them.
  • Ki even indicates minimum delay or underpayment. A positive story in which there are no debts and a person always paid a loan in time. In the presence of a good story, the chance to get a loan increases significantly. If the credit history is bad, it contains delays, forced refinancing and other negative factors, then its owner is often refused to issue a loan.
Study of Ki
Study of Ki
  • The borrower wages. For each major loan, a potential creditor is asked to provide an extract from the bank or accounting. It indicates the income of the client, information on the accounts and other important data. Thus, the banking institution determines the ideal schedule by which the payer will pay the debt, and the interest rate is also calculated. The question is often asked - can a loan be approved if you do not work? In order for you to get a loan in this case, you must convince the institution that you have constant high income. If you can’t do this, then you will be refused a loan.
  • The presence of loans that have not yet been repaid. In addition to wages, a banking institution also carefully get acquainted with what can negatively affect the financial position of a person. The bank finds out if the client has other loans or some kind of financial encumbrance. Therefore, if you already have a loan or some share of your wage goes to pay off the fine, then you may be refused to issue a loan.
  • The value of the loan is the main goal due to which the loan is taken. In addition to important information about the client itself, a banking institution pays special attention to the request. To begin with, the amount of the loan that the person requested is studied, whether he will have the opportunity to pay off the debt in the set dates. After that, the main goal for which a loan is taken is studied. Based on the data received, the bank decides to give a loan to the client or it is better to refuse it.
  • Loan terms. In the last place is precisely the deadline for which a loan is issued. Since it is mainly presented to him fewer requirements. The most important thing here is reasonableness. For example, the bank will not want to issue 5,000,000 rubles only for a couple of months or 20,000 rubles for 4 years.

Whether a loan at the bank is approved: the deadline for consideration of the submitted application

In order for the bank to make a decision, he begins to analyze the received information and documents of the borrower. For a term and in principle, the fact of whether the bank will approve the loan Various factors can affect.

They are as follows:

  • Human category. If the client is a participant in the salary project, then his personality, financial discipline and other important information are checked much faster. Since the banking institution automatically records each cash accrual of a person, it already knows about all his income. The client’s credit is evaluated quickly enough. No more than 10 minutes are spent on this procedure.
  • Bank workload. Given the fact that at the moment the degree of looting of citizens Our country has much increased, only one conclusion is made - the bank branches are very loaded. Having among customers a huge number of creditors who submit applications via the Internet, of course, banks analyze information about people for a very long time. Sometimes the procedure is delayed for several days. This is what many banks do, for example, Sberbank, VTB Bank and many others.
  • The volume of the package of documents that the client provides. Many people already know - the more documents he provides during the capture of the loan, the less the interest rate turns out. And the offer, when the loan is issued only on two documents, provides for high rates. If you want to apply for a loan via the Internet, provide all the important documents for the loan, then your application will be considered a little longer (up to 5 days). If you look at this position from the other side, then the withdrawal is such - the bank will receive more data about you, there is more a chance of obtaining a loan.
  • Credit history. It affects not only the result of consideration, but also the terms of the entire process. The bank always carefully checks the history of the client’s lending, requires that he will pay off other loans (if they are available). After this process, the bank repeatedly submits a request for consideration of the creditor's application.
  • The operating time of a banking institution and so on.

Whether a bank loan will approve: Customer Chances

Those people whose age is at least 27 years and a maximum of 45 years has a great chance to get a loan. At the same time, a person should work in the budget sphere, have a stable wage. Also, customers who are the leaders of large firms have high income.

The key to a successful transaction will depend on what the first impression you make on an employee. There are some points that can indicate to whom banking establishments are trying to trust more and what are your chances, that you are still to you They will approve the loan.

  • Clothing in business style He will not let the manager doubt you, inspire the employee trust. Well -groomed appearance It also refers to shoes, hair.
  • Competent speech, lack of parasitic words. Try to observe the balance in the conversation, do not say a lot of unnecessary words, but you also do not need to be silent either.
  • Bring more documents, even if you were not asked by the bank employee. Find a stable job, take shape there, get a 2-NDFL certificate. Also, there will be no extra copy of the work book.
  • Loan receipt questionnaire Fill out clearly so that all words are legible. Indicate all the information in the application, during filling out you can ask the manager. Warn at home and at work that they can call them from a banking institution.

Ask an employee of the bank what loan has subtleties. So you will avoid delay in payment, fine, penalty. Check out the offer of each bank of interest, study their loan agreements. So you make the decision that will be as profitable for you as possible.

How to find out if they will approve of a loan to me?

  • People who have applied for a loan are interested in the issue - how to find out if the loan is approved?
  • After a person submits an application, a message comes to his phone number. It indicates the application number, the approximate date of the decision.
  • After a certain time, the bank employee is associated with the client in order to personally clarify the fact of a person’s intentions to receive a loan.

The fact that the application was approved or rejected can find out the following methods:

  • A bank employee will call him.
  • A person will receive a message about the decision.
  • The client will receive the result in the form of an email.
  • If a person does not receive an answer for a long period of time, he can find out the result of the application on his own.
find out
find out

You can find out the exact information about the state of consideration of the application with the following methods:

  • Visit the bank, ask the manager. This method is considered the simplest and most affordable. Thanks to him, you can find out why there was a delay in the answer. Perhaps the bank employee indicated the wrong phone number or he forgot to call you back. Data in the database of approved profiles is constantly updated. A bank employee is looking at this base to get the phone numbers. In the bank, specify the moments regarding the documents that you have to bring to get a positive answer. Many experts claim that personal communication only improves the situation of the transaction.
  • Call the call center. This method is also considered quite simple. This option is suitable for those people who are constantly working and are not able to personally come to the bank. You can also call the bank branch itself. If you do not know where the bank is located, use the first option. The manager of the institution will be able to explain your situation, describe the condition of your application in. He will also dictate you to the phone number of the manager who took the questionnaire from you for consideration.
  • Write in online chat. Many websites of banking institutions have a special chat. Contact the manager through this chat, talk with a bank employee in real time, find out from him all those data that you are interested in. Such communication is quite convenient, since there is no need to register on the site.
  • There is also a method that allows you to get a decision from the bank. But it will suit you if you decide to buy household appliances in a store. Just fill out the questionnaire on the site. Enter the phone number into it, wait for you to call you back. For 15 minutes. You will receive data from the manager in the form of a message or he will call you, reports information about the loan. Of course, this option is available only in some online stores, so find out about the service in advance.

How to find out whether the loan is approved in Sberbank, VTB 24, Alpha, Tinkoff, Postabank, OTP, Eastern?

  • Will the loan be approved in Sberbank?Did you apply for a loan at this bank? You can find out about the decision made by several methods: call the hotline of the institution, visit the official website, go to the bank yourself.
  • How to find out whether a loan is approved in VTB24? Register on the bank’s official page, find out all the loan data at any time of the day. When your application is approved, take the card in the bank. If you have not received an answer throughout the week, call the hotline, ask about the status of an application by phone.
  • Does Alfa Bank approve of loans? The data that relate to your loan can be found in the office of the institution. If you do not have time to go to the bank, call call centre, working around the clock.
  • Tinkoff. This institution works with people only remotely. You will have to call the bank to clarify all the information about your loan. To sign the contract (if the answer is positive) you will have to meet with the courier.
  • Will the loan be approved by the bank? This bank also does not look like other similar organizations. The design of the loan in the bank is as comfortable for the client as much as possible. In the same methods, you can get an answer to the application. You will have to choose one of them: visit the bank personally, call the hotline through e -mail.
  • OTP Bank, Eastern Bank. The banks presented have a small number of advantages, when compared with other similar organizations. Therefore, you can find out whether your loan was approved or not, you can if you call the bank hotline. However, you will receive only preliminary information. But you will find out about the exact result when you are called to the bank itself.

Why is the loan not approved?

For each application that enters the bank, is satisfied. But any client who decided to take a loan would like to know for what reasons the application can be rejected and the loan is not approved.

As a rule, this happens for the following reasons:

  • Small wages, income that will not give the client the opportunity to repay the debt in time.
  • The presence of bad information in ki, Which suggests that the client’s reputation is damaged.
The main one
The main one
  • The client has an unpleasant, repulsive appearance (he came to the bank in a drunken state, behaves inadequately, and so on).
  • The client low scoring score. This ball is calculated automatically on the basis of the information received from the personality.

If you are denied lending, you can send an application again, but only after a few months.

Video: In which banks will the loan even give a bad CI?

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