Original, unusual greetings at a meeting, for all occasions: a list of welcome words and phrases, examples

Original, unusual greetings at a meeting, for all occasions: a list of welcome words and phrases, examples

In the article you will find a list and examples of phrases for greeting for all occasions.

Original, unusual greetings when meeting: List of words, examples

How often do you say Hello or Hello? Surely, you are already tired of using the same greetings. After all, I always want to stand out, distinguish and be those who are interested in people around.

In this article you will find something new, discover several types of original words and phrases that will be useful to you in cases where you want to use unusual greetings.

The nature of the greeting may vary, depending on the place, time, event and case. For example, with friends they can be more liberated, and with colleagues significantly restrained.

An interesting fact - the Japanese never welcome each other the usual phrases. The reason for this is their eternal employment. With one greeting, they want to get a maximum of information at a time. And, here in Thailand it is normal to raise both hands up when you see a familiar person, spit in Kenya and stick out tongues on Tibet.

Here, a few interesting greetings when meeting:

  • I have not seen you for so long that it seems that I forgot (a) the features of your face!
  • Wow! You have changed so much, or maybe I just haven't seen you for a long time!
  • Ready to argue that you have not seen me as long as I am you!
  • Yes, you are old (a), I'm looking! Horror, how long we have not seen each other!
  • I am sending you a thousand greetings, oh my lord! (mistress)
  • Hello! I like you, how are you?
  • I do not believe my eyes! Come on, wipe the glass for me!
  • It seems to me, or I really see you!
  • Well, wow what people painted before my eyes!
  • Mirage! This is definitely a mirage! Well, it cannot be that I see you right in front of me!
  • Oh hello, my precious friend!
  • And I think that for the light ahead, but it turns out that you are going along the road!
  • That I will see you told me an inner feeling. Yes, I foresaw you today!
  • O! Hello! I saw about you today. They said that I will certainly meet you on the street today!
  • Hello, incredibly glad to see your physiognomy in front of you!
  • Blimey! You really are alive! For so long I have not seen you (a) that I thought (a), that you have been saying goodbye to you for a long time!
  • I probably have my head around or is it really you stand!
  • Wow! Yes, today rain went just because I met you (a)!
  • The most unusual thing that could happen to me today is a meeting with you!
  • I thought, we will only meet in the next world!
  • Stop! Stop! Stop! Let me take a picture of you, otherwise no one will believe that I saw you (a)!
  • Yes, it's just some kind of holiday! I met you on the street without protection!
  • What people! Glad to see you here, just like a living person ... I thought you-a ghost!
  • So eternity disappeared and suddenly ... stand in front of me! I'm shocked! Hello!
Greetings: What are they?
Greetings: What are they?

Interesting, unusual greetings for all occasions: a list of welcome words and phrases

Any situation can happen in life, even such that you may need very unusual greetings to surprise a friend, close or loved one. In such cases, you can always spy of phrases and welcome words in this article and use to succeed.

A few phrases for all occasions:

  • The stars did not come together along their trajectory, otherwise it would have happened that I met you (a)!
  • Can you hear? It thunders! This is exactly because we met today!
  • This is a gift! I see you with my own eyes!
  • Really, fate itself ordered that we meet you like this!
  • I somehow feel uneasy. Maybe I feel bad, but it seems to me that I see you in front of me!
  • I wave your hand! I wave your foot! I can wave my head! Hello, I'm glad to see you!
  • Wow, wow the vision! You are standing in front of me, as if alive!
  • You look! It does not go, but floats, flies! Hello!
  • Is that you? I do not believe my eyes and ears!
  • Perhaps I will be very rude, but ... Damn it, where did you disappear?
  • I felt your smell still around the corner, but caught up with only now ... Hello! Why are you hiding?
  • You so persistently hid from me, but I still tracked you down. Buddy!
  • You know, I'm glad to see you today even more than the sun in the sky!
  • You look so good! Do not disappear! Let's say hello more often!
  • Blimey! What's this? Clear Sun or you?
  • How many years and how many winters! You are always irresistible!
  • Oh yeah! Greetings, O secret agent hiding from me for so many years!
  • Hello! Seeing your smile is a great happiness for me today!
  • Hello! You are always on time, like a spoon for dinner!
  • Hello! I see no reason so as not to squeeze you in my strong embraced!
  • This is the brightest event of the day - you are in front of me!
  • What a beauty! You, as if the sun glowing! Or is it just me so glad to see you.
  • You are the only person I am so glad to see! Hello!
  • Hello, dear man! How good I am when I look at you!
  • Without you, this day would not be so good ... Hello!
  • You, like a cherry on a cake, always cause delight! I'm glad to see you!
  • Buddy! What a twist! How so? Years go, but you are not changing! Hello!
  • Oh, yes, brother! You are my gift for today!
  • Let me kiss you with happiness!
  • Ready to squeeze you into yourself with delight! How glad to see you!
  • You are like a fairy! I knew that you are, but never saw since childhood!
  • Hi Hi! I have not seen you for a long time, probably, a hundred good years!
  • You probably disappeared in vain. I'm so glad to see you now!
  • I knew that sooner or later you would come into the light! But, not a vampire, right?
  • No, no, I was not ready to meet you ... This is such an event! Where are the fireworks?
  • Well, look at me! Do you still recognize me? Yes, yes ... I am the same your old friend!
  • Buddy, we have not seen each other for so long that I didn’t even know if our friendship has been preserved!
  • Blimey! From surprise to meet you, I even covered with tremor and my heart seemed to fall out of my chest! This is a shock! How glad I am to see you!
How to greet a loved one?
How to greet a loved one?

How to greet Russia in Russia correctly: classic and unusual greetings

In Russia, there are some generally accepted rules and greetings templates that people use every day. As a rule, such words and phrases do not cause much delight at the meeting, but are mandatory and even necessary to express their respect.

Classical and unusual greetings in Russia differ only when you need to say hello to people of different class, age and status. So, older people are customary to say serious greetings, and friends and positive friends.

The most ordinary greetings in Russia:

  • Hello!
  • Good afternoon!
  • Good morning!
  • Good evening!
  • Hello!
  • Hello!
  • Help!
  • Greetings!
  • Accept my greetings!
  • Glad to see you!
  • Good health to you!
  • Good day!
  • God with you!

Unusual greetings in Russia:

  • Hai
  • Hallow!
  • Hou-hou!
  • Hay, bro!
  • Yo!
  • Greetings!
  • Zdryams!
  • Hay Wei!
  • Hello!
  • Hello-bouquets!
  • Drakhte!
  • Tryam-grunt!
  • Bonzhur!
  • Chao!
  • Hello, bro!
  • Hello Sista!
  • How are you?
  • Sheee!
  • These are people!

As a rule, unusual, causing and strange greetings belong only to young people and children, who thus try to join foreign culture. People with education and good upbringing try to welcome each other, wanting health and good days of day, to show their attitude to the interlocutor.

Official and friendly greeting
Official and friendly greeting

How to say hello in original, not like everyone else: fashionable and unusual greetings

The more unusual your greeting, the more and you seem original, non -standard and cool. Unusual greetings on social networks and youth companies are very common.

Youth greetings options:

  • Greetings!
  • Hale!
  • Complain!
  • Sunny Day, bro!
  • As always!
  • Hello, comrade!
  • Really glad!
  • Hello! Tsar!
  • Stunned, who is it?
  • Fayno!
  • Chiga Bug!
  • Healthy!
  • Ku!
  • High Pipple!
  • Not Hau!
  • Salam!
  • Dototi!
  • Gifts!
  • Cuckus!
  • Hallowe, Pupsik!
  • Hello! Like from you!
  • Like you!
  • Hai Hai!
Greetings of different peoples of the world
Greetings of different peoples of the world

How to say hello in a wary: funny and unusual greetings with a girl, guy

The level of friendship is always determined by the way of communication between people. As a rule, greetings are distinguished for women and men, girls and guys.

Unusual greetings for a guy:

  • Hello my friend!
  • High, handsome!
  • Hello, Men!
  • Hello, man!
  • Jaga-jaga, Guy!
  • Hallo, May Frend!
  • Hi bro!
  • Vots Ap Men?!
  • Hi dude!
  • Hello, people!
  • Buddy, how is it?

Greetings for a girl:

  • Hello, Chika!
  • Hallo Beib!
  • Ah, baby!
  • How are you, pussy!
  • High, my little one!
  • Baby, you are fire!
  • You light a flame in me!
  • I see you and grieve, sweet!
  • Hello candy!
  • How are you, Princess?!
Different greetings
Different greetings

Greetings in different countries of the world: examples, phrases, short, long and unusual greetings

It is known that in different countries of the world, greetings differ significantly from each other. Everything varies, depending on culture and customs, habits that have been transmitted for centuries. Unusual greetings and strange actions that make it clear that a person is glad to see you around the world.

Here are the most interesting:

  • New Zealand.It is famous for its indigenous inhabitants, which are called "Maori." It is customary to welcome each other, leaning his nose against the nose of the interlocutor or friend.
  • Bownspopular not only in the East (as already mentioned, in Japan), but also among the Slavic peoples, where it was necessary to bow low, lowering the hand to the ground - this is a sign of respect and respect.
  • India.Here, the rule is folded with your hands together, press them to your face and leaning a little to say to the “namasta”, i.e. On Hindi "Hello" or "I bow to you." Surprisingly, it is also important how high you will raise your folded palms! The higher - the greater the sign of respect!
  • Kenya.Here, the warriors of each tribe should greet each other, showing their strength and bouncing up as high as possible.
  • Mongolia.As a greeting, a gift is presented with a respected guest.
  • France.Only kisses! It doesn’t matter who you are, a man or woman, an old friend or a new acquaintance, but you should always greet a person, kissing the cheek.
  • Filipinsthey have a very unusual greeting manner. After all, it is customary to take their interlocutor’s hand and put it to their forehead as a greeting.
  • Canadian Arctic.Here, a rule to knock on the head and shoulders a familiar person you meet.
  • Greenlandit is famous for its “hot kisses” when the interlocutor should breathe hot air in the face, pressing his lip and nose to face.
  • In AfricaPerhaps the most pleasant greeting is in some tribes. There you need to take the hand of your friend, attach it first to the forehead, then to the mouth, then to the heart.

Unusual greetings, original words and phrases: reviews

Reviews about unusual greetings:

Kristina:"Blimey! I didn’t even know that such greetings exist at all! I am personally a terrible conservative and, besides words, hello and hello I never use anything. In general, it was interesting to even find out what is happening around! ”

Anton:“Yes, how many people are so many cultures! It is amazing how customs change, depending on the people, nation and place of residence. Try to attach a hand to the heart of your interlocutor! Yeah! What will they think of you? Besides. The problem of our modernity is not how to say hello, but whether to say hello at all? "

Love:“Yes, even some greetings I wrote out for myself! It was so unusual to read them that I was even interested in how they would sound in real life! Thanks for such an instructive article, it was interesting and exciting! ”

Video: The most unusual greetings around the world

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Comments K. article

  1. so I also thought about greetings today ... Only greetings between a guy and a girl - acquaintances ...

  2. Hi, you can use your greetings

  3. Invented a new use! Ask greetings, take off the panties. You will say you yours :))

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