Determining the freshness of eggs: by shells, smell, translucent, by shaking, weight, protein, after cooking, using water, ultraviolet lamp - check in the store and at home

Determining the freshness of eggs: by shells, smell, translucent, by shaking, weight, protein, after cooking, using water, ultraviolet lamp - check in the store and at home

It is very important to determine the freshness of eggs, because stale eggs can bring many problems for the body. Let's determine the freshness of the eggs.

Every day, people visit a store for buying products, from which they cook delicious, nutritious food. The most popular and demanded product among consumers is eggs. They are also added during cooking cutlets, salads and other dishes. These products are in the refrigerator of almost every person.

However, not everyone knows how much you can store them in the refrigerator. It is almost impossible to determine the freshness of eggs only by their external indicators. But there are special methods that will allow you to do this.

Determining the freshness of eggs

According to the degree of freshness, 2 types of eggs can be distinguished.

They are distinguished by the following signs:

  • Dietary. Such an egg is considered the latest. It was demolished by the bird no more than 7 days ago. Dietary eggs of this category that are on store shelves have a special marking letter - “D”. It is printed in red, but this product is not so common. As a rule, such goods are obtained at home or purchased on the nearest farm. These eggs can be safely called the most delicious. We note that they become even more useful if they were demolished 3 days ago, placed for temporary storage in a dark place. Each beneficial substance contained in such eggs is in perfect condition, therefore, is quickly absorbed by the human body. In such eggs, yolks, proteins have an elastic consistency, and therefore they practically do not spread on the surface of the pan. The only drawback of dietary eggs is in boiled form it is difficult to clean them. The protein sticks to the shell, and with thorough cleaning begins to disappear in large pieces.
Several variants
Several variants
  • Dining rooms. Eggs become one on 8 days after they were demolished by birds. It is these products that we can observe every day on the shelves of stores, markets. On the eggs, special marking with blue paint is also printed - this is the letter "C". Products are stored no more than 25 days. A huge plus of such eggs - they quickly clean after boiling. They also tend to spread well on the surface of the pan.

For people who are allergic, it is better to eat a dietary variety. And all because in such a product the sensitizing qualities are the most minimal.

How to understand that the egg is fresh when buying?

In the store, at your request, they can bring a ovoscope. Thanks to him, you will look at the inner part of the egg, an air chamber, which will allow you to understand how high -quality product. However, you can not use the ovoscope. Just use the following methods.

In order to check the freshness of the eggs, carefully examine them. You have to choose a good product for such indicators.


By shell

  • If the shell has rough surface, it is matte, hardened - Then such an egg is read fresh.
  • If the surface of the shell soft, dark spot is present on it, that means the product was blown up.
  • If the shell shiny, has a blue hue - Such an egg is old, spoiled. Sometimes sellers specially rub eggs so that they have a presentation. However, this cannot be done, because because of this, the shelf life of the product is reduced.
  • If there are eggs in the tray that have a matte surface, and with them the copies are shiny, then the seller mixed fresh eggs with spoiled ones.
By shell
By shell

By smell

Many people claim that the shell of a bad egg has a specific, nasty smell. But this indicator is considered doubtful, and therefore it does not always give accurate information.

However, you can also easily use such a check. All because the egg shell has the ability to absorb a variety of smells. If the egg is fresh, it gives the smell of lime. An egg is stored longer - a variety of smells can be present on its surface.

By transmission

You can check the freshness of the eggs if you enlighten them with a paw, the power of which is 100 watts. It can be an ordinary flashlight.

  • The transmission method makes it possible to consider the beam. If there is no scam, then the egg is considered good. This part has the ability to manifest over time. It is necessary that a certain period of time pass, so that water evaporates, and the inside of the egg becomes dense. In the dietary egg of the Brarest, it is a maximum of 0.4 cm, but in the dining room its size is no more than 0.9 cm.
  • The dietary egg has a homogeneous, dense yolk. When you shine through it, it must be visually located in the central part.
  • In a table egg, the yolk is a little away.
  • If the yolk is located immediately near the shell, then the product cannot be eaten.

Also, while viewing, you can notice intersperses in the form of blood:

  • If the droplets are small, then this is normal.
  • When the drops are located in the form of a ring, never buy such an egg.
  • If the blood penetrated the inner part of the egg, when it formed, then the protein will be pinkish, and the yolk has an orange hue.

Also carefully view if there are dark spots inside. If such are present, then pathogens began to develop inside.

The method of shaking

If you want to know whether a fresh product or not, using this method, first act as follows:

  • Squeeze each copy so that after that you feel minor fluctuations in the inside.
  • Gently shake the egg separately so that the shell remains not damaged.
  • If the product is not spoiled, it will not give any unusual sensations. There will be no vibration inside, since the egg is very dense.
  • If, after a tight compression in the palm of your hand and after shaking in the inside of the egg, something gets sick, it will spread, do not buy this product, since it is spoiled.

The people are called a "talker" among people among people. Since during the process a feeling is created, as if something is moving inside the egg itself. Such a technique has one important drawback - with its help you can never find out how much the egg is already stored, what is the degree of freshness. Thanks to this method, you only determine those eggs that should not be bought.

Twist-a-stroke egg

This method will also be useful to you in the store while buying eggs. It is quite simple:

  • Put one egg on a flat surface.
  • Try to push it so that it will roll.
  • If the egg is rotated during movement, rolling for a long time, then it is rotten.
  • Fresh egg rolls evenly, but very little in time.

By weight

If the store has control scales, then find out the weight of the egg.

  • An egg whose weight is more than 75 g It has a high category. On the shell of such an egg, “B” is printed.
  • An egg whose weight is minimum 65 g and maximum 75 g, is considered selected.
  • Egg weighing at least 55 g and maximum 65 g belongs to the 1st grade.
  • Egg weighing at least 45 g and maximum 55 g Refers to 2 grades.
  • An egg, which has a weight no more than 45 g belongs to the 3rd person.

When you weigh the egg, you will immediately understand whether the marking is on it correctly. For example, a selected copy has a lower weight, which means it is defective. The weight of the egg decreased, possibly due to drying, since moisture evaporated in it. We note that the best and most balanced in the composition of nutrients are eggs that belong to the 1st variety.

How to check the freshness of eggs at home?

At home, you have more opportunities to find out fresh eggs. All procedures will take you a little time.

Squirrel definition

Before you decide to cook the egg, check it:

  • If the egg has a snow -white egg, has a magnificent consistency, thin, wet and liquid surface, while it does not spread over the surface of the dishes, resembles a jelly -like mass, then it can be safely eaten. Such a product is considered fresh.
  • If the protein has all the layers similar, the yolk is flattened - the egg is not very fresh. It is better not to use it in cooking, but it is not considered dangerous to health.
  • If, having broken the egg, you will feel a bad smell, then microorganisms have already begun to multiply inside. It is advisable to throw away a similar copy, it is not suitable even for frying, brewing, baking.
We determine at home
We determine at home

Analysis after cooking

Boil the egg in advance:

  • If during cleaning the shell quickly departs, and there is a place between the protein and the shell itself, then the egg is considered a dining room, it is stored for more than the 1st week.
  • Fresh boiled egg, as a rule, is difficult to clean. A bag of air is almost invisible in it. You can’t clean such an instance quickly, even if you plunge it first in boiling water, and then into cool water.

Water method

For this method, you will need ordinary water. Pour water into the container so that it is at least 10 cm.

Next, lower the selected egg and watch how it will behave:

  • A fresh egg will immediately drown and remain at the bottom of the container.
  • The egg, which is stored for more than 7 days, will be on the surface of the liquid, will look dull side up.
  • If the egg easily swims on the water, its term is at least 14 days.
  • If the egg quickly pops up, recalling a light float, get rid of such an instance immediately. Perhaps its age is about 30 days.
On the water
On the water

Many professional housewives, when they give advice to young girls, mistakenly recommend adding salt to the water. The fact is that salt does not affect the result of such a check. The egg may be on the surface of the liquid, if the scam has increased, microbes have already begun to develop inside or pus formed there. Due to such processes, gases are formed, due to which the egg swims so well.

Surface temperature measurement method

This method will require you to be extremely caution and attentive. You will have to perform the following manipulations:

  • Wash the surface of the egg thoroughly using soap.
  • Rinse it, wipe it dry.
  • Touch first to the pointed side, then touch the stupid side. Do it alternately.

Next, draw conclusions:

  • Was the dull side warmer? Then such an egg is considered fresh.
  • If you did not feel much difference, it seemed to you that both the acute and the dull side have the same temperature, then the egg is unambiguously stored for a long time.

Ultraviolet lamp method

Take the egg, enlighten it with a lamp:

  • If the inside is bright red, then the egg is good, fresh.
  • If the surface is pale inside, then the egg is bad.

A damaged product, which is strictly forbidden to use in food, will be lilac under the ultraviolet lamp, you can also notice darkened spots.

Video: checking the freshness of eggs

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