Operation on the replacement of the hip joint: reviews, types of operations and prostheses, readings. How is the operation to replace the hip joint? Preparation for the operation and rehabilitation

Operation on the replacement of the hip joint: reviews, types of operations and prostheses, readings. How is the operation to replace the hip joint? Preparation for the operation and rehabilitation

Reviews, indications for conducting and features of the operation of the replacement of the hip joint.

The operation to replace the hip joint is a fairly common manipulation, and not at all in people of advanced age. Often, people of quite young are faced with this operation. In this article we will tell you more about this operation, and how it is tolerated by patients.

Operation to replace the hip joint: Types of interventions

There are several varieties of surgical intervention. The main point is that the affected joints change to endoprostheses, that is, to artificial material. Depending on the severity of the disease, either a complete replacement of the joint or partial is selected.

There are such types of joint operations:

  • Total replacement. In this case, the cup, legs, as well as the gasket itself, which are located between these elements, are replaced. That is, the joint is completely replaced. In most cases, doctors recommend this type of surgical intervention, because it takes root best and causes the least complications. Therefore, there will be no need to re -carry out the operation. There are other operations.
  • Only the cup changesThe leg remains the same. This happens if the patient wants to save and at the same time the condition of the bone is very good, there is no need to change the entire node.
  • Surface operation, during which only the joint processing occurs and the installation of the prosthesis occurs. In the process of intervention, part of the bone, where the affected cartilage is polished. A semicircular sphere is installed on this place, which plays the role of the end of the joint. Such operations are carried out quite rarely, due to the fact that there are a lot of complications with fasteners.
Prosthesis scheme
Prosthesis scheme

Indications for the operation to replace the hip joint


  • Arthrosis
  • Congenital pathologies
  • Complications after the treatment of dysplasia
  • Tumors in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hip joint with the destruction of the bone
  • Necrosis
  • Fracture of the neck of the thigh
  • Blood trauma

As you can see, both injuries and chronic diseases that progress and destroy not only cartilage, but also bone can serve as an indication for surgery. Accordingly, patients of surgeons can be not only elderly people, but also quite young patients.

Many are interested in how long this joint can work? In fact, studies were conducted and, with serious loads, the joints can work for more than 20 years. As for ceramics, there is an opinion that they can break in the neck. However, in fact, the percentage of those who really observed complications after the operation with the failure of the prosthesis is only 1%. The service life of ceramic prostheses is about 40 years. Accordingly, a person until the end of his life will be able to live a full -fledged life and restore mobility. This will help joint endoprosthetics.

Hormones treatment
Hormones treatment

Types of dentures of the hip joint: Advantages and disadvantages

As for the total replacement, there are several options, depending on the material of the manufacture of endoprostheses.

Metal metal

There are a lot of options, the most popular and cheap endoprostheses of metal metal are. That is, the cup and leg on the joints are made of metal. Previously, they were made of stainless steel, but the fact is that this caused a lot of complications. Stainless steel wears out very quickly, the corresponding patient had to go to the knife again. Therefore, over time, this metal was improved and added to Nickel, Cobalt and other metals that improved the quality and composition of the alloy.

Basically, such prostheses recommend men due to their reliability and durability. Even men are installed, whose age is a little over 40 years old. It is mainly shown if a man works on hard physical work and serious physical activity is coming. Such a prosthesis is quite capable of withstanding even strong physical activity.

Replacing the joint with a fracture of the hip neck
Replacing the joint with a fracture of the hip neck

As for the prostheses of metal-metal, during operation, and friction of the cup and legs about each other, the remains appear peculiar, that is, metal ions that penetrate the surrounding tissues, as well as into the blood. That is, cobalt and nickel in small quantities enter the human body. According to studies, the concentration of these metals in the blood is quite low, and in the surrounding tissues it is also not very high.

This does not cause any troubles, diseases, but only if a person is absolutely healthy and he has no concomitant diseases. Otherwise, with some autoimmune ailments, this kind of prosthesis should not be placed, because this can provoke a deterioration in the state of health, and the occurrence of not only a tumor, but poisoning with heavy metals.

Endoprosthetics scheme
Endoprosthetics scheme


There is also a polyethylene-metal option. That is, the cup is made of polyethylene, and the leg of metal. However, such prostheses have a certain kind of shortcomings. The fact is that polyethylene causes severe irritation of surrounding tissues, therefore, non -malignant and non -specific tumors in these places are often formed.

The bone reacts negatively to polyethylene, mainly they are recommended for people over 60 years old who experience moderate physical activity, move little, they and they do not need to use very strong endoprostheses.

Polyethylene gasket
Polyethylene gasket


The most quality endoprostheses of ceramic ceramics are. That is, they are completely made of ceramics, but the main drawback at a high price. Indeed, these prostheses are the most expensive, unfortunately only one company produces them. At the moment, the manufacturer is a kind of monopolist.

That is why the cost of these prostheses is quite high, but the quality is excellent. This is due to the fact that they take root very quickly, do not cause any irritation. At the same time, friction products are in no way absorbed into the blood and do not cause bone irritation. The risk of developing tumors in these areas is minimal.

Modern prostheses
Modern prostheses

The course of the operation to replace the hip joint

The operation is carried out within an hour or two.

The course of the operation:

  • In this case, either complete anesthesia or spinal anesthesia is done. That is, epidural anesthesia, when only the lower body is turned off. During the operation, the doctor is selected to the required place and the affected area is settled, that is, the bone, joint and replaced by the prosthesis.
  • If only the cup is replaced, then in this case the doctor grinds the joint, removing the affected cartilage and puts a metal cup. After that, the wound is sutured, several tubes are left for drainage so that blood is released, as well as a drying or pus.
  • When will it be possible to move? This is a very difficult question, it all depends on the complexity of the operation and the strength of the compounds. If the prosthesis is installed on bone cement, you can move your foot the very next day after the operation.
  • If the intervention is carried out without bone cement, in which case you can move your foot after 7-10 days. Please note that the first few days in the hospital, painkillers will work you up, because in this place there will be constant aching pain. Despite this, you will have to do physical exercises.
  • The main task of the exercise therapy is to improve blood circulation in the joint, which was replaced, reduce swelling and accelerate recovery with the help of simple manipulations. The next stage of exercise therapy is the strengthening of muscles in the thigh in the thigh in order to minimize the load on it. Within a few weeks after the operation, you will have to walk on crutches or with walkers.
  • Therefore, after the intervention, the rehabilitologist will deal with you under a special program to train walking on crutches, as well as self-massage. After about 10-12 days, the seams are removed, sometimes the wound is sewn up using self-condemnable threads.
During the operation
During the operation

Features of preparation for the replacement of the hip joint

Please note that before you go to the hospital, you need to soberly evaluate your house and can change the location of the rooms. That is, to sleep in a room that is closest to the kitchen. This will accelerate your movement around the rooms, it may make accommodation more comfortable.

Room preparation instructions:

  • In addition, you will have to completely remove all the rugs, leaving the bare floor, and also carefully look at the coating. If this is a laminate or parquet, then look at all the corners. It is necessary that nothing sticks out, this will prevent the fall.
  • We will have to close all the angles of tables, as well as wardrobes with special silicone lining, in order to accidentally not hurt them while moving on crutches or walkers. In order to fully swim in the bathroom, you will have to purchase a special handle, which is sold on Aliexpress. You can find it here. A special bathing seat will not be superfluous.
  • After all, it is quite difficult to stand when taking a shower after surgery. In addition, this can cause a fall and lead to fatal consequences. Before you go to the operation, you need in the kitchen, bedroom, and in all the rooms in which you are most often, you need to put the necessary things in accessible places. That is, on the lower shelves.
  • In no case should you leave things on high shelves, where you will have to get with the help of a stool, stairs. In this state, you will not be able to get out to the chair in order to get the necessary things.
  • Accordingly, almost all the necessary items should be at the extended arm. This will limit mobility, reduce pain and reduce the risk of trauma.
Prosthesis scheme
Prosthesis scheme

How is rehabilitation after surgery to replace the hip joint?

Please note that endoprosthetics are made to people with the maximum body weight 35-40. If this indicator is higher, you will be refused the operation. Be prepared for this, you will have to be prepared for intervention by correction of nutrition and weight loss.

The recommendation is due to the fact that it is the large weight that increases the load on the sore joint and prevents its normal healing. That is, it is difficult for very thick people to recover and get to their feet due to the heavy weight. Because it prevents normal life and movement after surgery.


  • A diet is often prescribed after surgery. The first 2 days it will be dashed food, mainly cereals, cooked on water, or stewed dull vegetables, jelly. All food is introduced very viscous, liquid, so as not to exert serious loads on the intestines and not to provoke the occurrence of constipation.
  • This can aggravate the situation, make a recovery more painful. After that, a diet is prescribed, excluding mainly fried dishes, quick carbohydrates, and sugar. All this is necessary in order not to gain excess weight after rehabilitation.
  • After all, after the operation, a person moves very little and spends most of the time in a lying or sitting position. There are practically no appropriate physical exertion, except for physiotherapy exercises. But this is not enough to maintain your weight normal.
  • Please note that for a long time after surgery you will have to sleep on your back. Therefore, prepare rollers in advance, usually they are placed under the lower back, knees, as well as heels. This allows you to fall asleep faster and sleep comfortably, because the lower back can hurt. In addition, you can not take your legs together, and throw them to another. That is, cross. For this purpose, a special roller or pillow is issued, which is invested between the legs. It is it that prevents from folding and ensures the correct fusion of the prosthesis with bone tissue.

The operation to replace the hip joint is a common intervention that will return to a full life.

Operation to replace the hip joint: reviews

Reviews about this operation are a large number. This is especially true for the inhabitants of the capital, because in several clinics, quota operations are performed. Surgeons work on the stream, carry out about 2 operations per day.

Patient reviews:

Elena is 53 years old. I have long learned about coksartrosis of the hip joint, my knee began to hurt, and then it became bad. I tried to be treated with folk methods, injections. In a regular clinic, nothing helped me. Then I signed up for an appointment with a paid clinic, where they made a tomogram, an X -ray and made a corresponding diagnosis. The doctor said that it was necessary to change the joint. I doubted a very long time, but still agreed. The quota received quickly, the operation was successful, the anesthesia was not general. I saw everything, but I felt nothing. After the operation on the second day, I already walked along the corridor with crutches. But for a day it was impossible to get out of bed. During this period, a urine catheter was introduced, because you can’t get up and sit down. After discharge, I had to get a special chair with a bucket after discharge in order to be convenient to sit down. That is, the one that corresponds to my height. The husband cut off the bottom and simply set this chair over the toilet. Thus, the whole family could go to the toilet. They wrote me out after 2 weeks. After that, I was registered in the local clinic, where I stayed on sick leave for about 2 months. As for the operation itself, for another two weeks, I had injured antibiotics in the stomach. For a week, when I was in the hospital, my temperature rose. They also pricked antibiotics, gave anti -inflammatory drugs, constantly made dressings, processed a seam. A year after the operation, I can walk without a stick, even play football with my grandson. Leading an active lifestyle, and even bought a bicycle. Sometimes I ride it, fatigue does not arise, even with prolonged walking.

Michael is 55 years old. He was operated on about six months ago. The operation was carried out by quota. Life after that improved significantly, because I came to the operation on crutches. I could no longer move around the house normally. After the operation, it was rehabilitated for a very long time because I have excess weight. This greatly complicates and extend the process of recovery, as well as recovery. Now I practically do not use a wand, but still I take it with me as a insurance. I can’t go for a fairly long distance. Therefore, he was forced to change the work to the easier. Now I work as a watchman. I can say that I am very pleased with the operation because it improved my life. I got rid of pain, finally began to walk without crutches.

Evgenia is 60 years old. For a long time she suffered from joint diseases, was forced to perform an operation due to a fracture of the neck of the thigh. As the doctor explained to me, this was due to osteoporosis and excess weight. Because the load on the joint was huge. Before the operation, she was forced to lose weight. After the operation, the doctor said that it was urgent to sit on a diet and adjust the food. With such a weight, rehabilitation will take place extremely slowly, and I can not completely recover. I listened to the recommendations of the doctor. After the operation, 4 months passed, lost 12 kg, I go without a stick. But I can’t walk far enough. There is no gravity from the store, the maximum of how much I can bring home, this is 2 kg.

Healthy lifestyle
Healthy lifestyle

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