Oncomarker CA 125: What does women and men show? CA 125 oncomarker ovary: decryption, norm

Oncomarker CA 125: What does women and men show? CA 125 oncomarker ovary: decryption, norm

The article will tell you what cancer markers are and how to determine their presence in the body using special diagnosis.

What does the oncomarker CA 125 mean, which shows women and men?

Modern diagnostics is not limited only to examining the doctor and now a decisive diagnosis is made with laboratory tests for any disease. The most productive discoveries of medicine have affected such an area as oncology (cancer). Many experts are tested and active searches for cancer cells in the body to be able to diagnose the tumor in time and try to eliminate it.

The assistants in these studies and biochemical analyzes will be the SA-125 oncomarkers. At its core, these are groups of complex substances, the nature of which is based on a protein (it is protein - a product of the vital activity of cancer cells). Oncomarkers diagnose the amount of protein in biological fluids, making it possible to make an accurate diagnosis.

Important: it should be clearly understood that cancer markers will not give you 100% confidence in the presence or absence of cancer. They can only serve as the basis and the beginning of a more serious diagnosis.

The SA-125 oncum marker-has its own area of \u200b\u200baction and is able to diagnose ovarian oncology in women. The analysis should be done on the blood (it is important that the blood collects on an empty stomach). If during the study the specialist discovered the excessive content of this oncomarker, this causes an additional and deeper inspection.

In addition, the SA-125 cancer can indicate such diseases in the body as:

The name of the disease % number of oncomarker
Liver cirrhosis (oncology) 70%
Hepatitis 68%
Pancreatitis 67-69%
Dysmenorrhea 73-75%
Inflammation of the uterine appendages 80%
Ovarian cyst 82%
Sexual infections 70%
How to decipher the SA-125 oncomarker?
How to decipher the SA-125 oncomarker?

CA 125 oncomarker ovary: decryption, norm

In the analysis of the oncomarkers, the indicator is normal:

  • Women have 34 units per 1 ml
  • In men - 10 units per 1 ml

Important: if a woman has ovarian cancer, then the indicators of cancer markers will be increased by five times normal.

This test is characterized by its high sensitivity. It is recommended to be carried out along with the oncomarker NO-4 in order to accurately diagnose a tumor disease and recognize ovarian cancer.

It is important to know that if you do not have ovarian cancer (this will show a more detailed examination with ultrasound), this indicator of the cancer marker may indicate the presence:

  • Cyst
  • A benign tumor
  • Inflammation in the pelvis
  • Liver disease
  • Pancreatic diseases
  • Lung diseases
  • Autimony state
  • Endometriosis of the uterus
  • Menstruation
Analysis of the oncomarker SA-125
Analysis of the oncomarker SA-125

Increased oncomarker CA 125 is higher than the norm: what does it mean?

If, when diagnosing oncomarkers, their excessive amount (more than 100 units per 1 ml) is revealed, the situation requires serious intervention with mandatory repeated analyzes and tracing the results in dynamics. It is important to know that such a quantity is far from evidence of 100%of the presence of ovarian cancer and can always signal the presence of other tumors in the body.

Where the tumors may be present):

  • In appendages
  • In endometric tissue
  • In the mammary gland
  • In the gastrointestinal organs
  • In the pancreas
  • In the lungs
  • In the liver
Analysis indicators
Analysis indicators

Oncomarker CA 125 with ovary cysts: what indicators - decryption

When identifying signs of neoplasms in the ovary, the SA-125 cancer is additionally prescribed. This blood test will allow you to exactly study all changes in the body, which occurs with metabolic processes and find out the concentration of protein compounds.

Such compounds are always present in the human body in small quantities, but if the ovarian cyst is present in the woman’s body, the growth of oncarkers increases by two, three or even four times. The identification of a cyst will help diagnose its size and prevent growth in time. Exceeding the norm is already half - a serious occasion to repeat the analysis.

How to take a blood test for the tank marker CA 125?

This analysis requires your thorough preparation for blood donation so that the performance of the test is very accurate. In addition to the test, additional clinical examinations should also be taken into account: ultrasound, examination, tests. Blood is donated only in a diagnostic center, which transfers material for examination to a biochemical laboratory.

Before donating blood, it is important to consider the following features:

  • Avoid physical overvoltage and procedures within 2 hours before blood donation.
  • It is not advisable to donate blood after other medical procedures, examinations.
  • Women can donate blood on the Sa-125 only in 5, 6, 7, 22, 23 days of the menstrual cycle.
  • Before donating blood, you can not have sex (this violates the hormonal background).
  • You can not donate blood after stressful situations
  • Blood should be taken on an empty stomach (there is no less than 8 hours before passing).
  • An hour before delivery should refuse smoking
  • If you drank alcohol, you can’t donate blood (the body should be “clean” during the day).

Video: "Oncomarkers at the ovarian cyst"

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