Numbness of the language: causes, folk recipes. What to do if the tongue is numb after an injury, with a disease of the trigeminal nerve, thyroid, anemia, diabetes, oncology, osteochondrosis, visiting the dentist, tick bite, in pregnant women, before stroke?

Numbness of the language: causes, folk recipes. What to do if the tongue is numb after an injury, with a disease of the trigeminal nerve, thyroid, anemia, diabetes, oncology, osteochondrosis, visiting the dentist, tick bite, in pregnant women, before stroke?

From this article you will learn what diseases the numbness of the language may indicate.

Sometimes the body itself tells us that not everything is in order with it. One of these signs is numbness of the language. We learn more about it.

What function does the language perform in our body?

With the help of the language, we chew, swallow, talk, feel the taste of food

What kind language functions In our body?

  • With the help of language and teeth, we chew and swallow food
  • Thanks to the receptors in the tongue, we distinguish the taste of food
  • Using the language we talk

Numbness or paresthesia - This is not a separate disease, but only a consequence of another disease that needs to be detected, studied and cured with a doctor. If the numbness of the language happened once - this case is not a reason to consider the disease, but if this happens often, then you should think and go immediately to the doctor.

The reasons for the numbness of the language

The reasons for the numbness of the language,which Over time they will pass themselves:

  • Some drugs have a side effect - numbness of the language, if you stop taking the medicine, after a while numbness will pass
  • With menopause in women
  • With allergies to the mouth rinse, toothpaste or chewing gum, it will pass if you stop using the product that causes an allergy and take antihistamines
  • After surgery on the jaw and face
  • With face injuries
  • After pulling out "teeth of wisdom"
  • After drinking very cold drinks

To accelerate the healing of the tongue, you can apply folk remedies.

The reasons for the numbness of the language that are the result of another disease:

  • With anemia
  • With trigeminal nerve neuralgia
  • With glossalgia - diseases of the oral mucosa
  • In the disease of the esophagus - reflux, when food from the stomach and duodenum is thrown back into the esophagus
  • After accidentally drunk acid or alkali
  • After strong stress
  • In pregnant women at the end of the period
  • Deviation in some people when the nerve is squeezed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tongue and the pharynx
  • With diabetes
  • During and after a stroke
  • With thyroid disease (hypothyroidism)
  • After the tick is bite - Lyme's disease
  • With multiple sclerosis
  • With a sexually transmitted disease syphilis
  • With Belli paralysis, when one part of the face is paralyzed
  • With migraines
  • With cancer of the spinal cord, brain, larynx

When can the tip of the tongue go numb?

The tip of the tongue may become numb from avid smokers and alcoholics

In some diseases may go numb the tip of the tongue:

  • In avid smokers
  • After chemotherapy
  • With inflammation of the nerve located near the tongue and pharynx
  • At alcoholics
  • After poisoning with heavy metals
  • With hypoglycemia (reduced blood sugar)

What to do if the language is numb after an injury?

After the face injury, the oral cavity may be felt by numbness of the tongue. The doctor prescribes antiseptic rinsing, lubrication with a special dental gel. After such procedures, numbness of the language will pass over time.

After the head injury, if the spinal cord nerves were tanned or the nerve is squeezed in the neck, there may be numbness of the tongue and lips. In this case, in addition to the treatment of injury, you need a consultation of a neuropathologist.

What to do if the language is numb with a trigeminal disease?

If the tongue is numb with trigeminal neuralgia to treat the disease: you need to:

  • Operation
  • Radio surgery
  • The drug "Karbamazepin"

After getting rid of the disease, numbness of the language will pass by itself.

What to do if the tongue is numb with anemia?

The tongue is numb with anemia

With anemia, there is not enough iron and vitamin B12 in the body. In addition to numbness of the language the following signs of anemia are characteristic:

  • Numbness of the fingers and legs
  • Language and lips have become less sensitive
  • The skin of the face and body is pale
  • The body temperature is reduced
  • Violation of coordination

It is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible, and cure vitamin deficiency.

What to do if the tip of the tongue is numb after visiting the dental office?

If the tip of the tongue is numb, and tingling and burning in the mouth, then it begins glossitis. This disease itself does not occur, it is a reaction to injury in the mouth after prostheses, dental procedures. Will help to cope with the disease faster Rinse infusion of chamomile, sage, oak bark.

What to do to a pregnant woman if she has a numbness of the tongue?

Language can become numb in the last weeks of pregnancy

Pregnant women may have an isolated case or frequent numbness of the language. This usually happens at the end of pregnancy. So the woman’s body reacts to increasing blood pressure and the appearance of edema. This is an occasion to visit a local gynecologist.

What to do if the tongue is numb with diabetes?

In the initial stage of diabetes, only thirst and dry mouth are felt, and the sensitivity of the tongue is lost with a neglected formwhen the nerve endings in the mouth are damaged ( diabetic neuropathy). The numbness of the language itself is eliminated, after the adoption of the course of treatment that the doctor prescribes:

  • Tablets and injections
  • Normalization of blood sugar

U patients with type 1 diabetes, due to a violation of insulin intake, a reduced blood glucose level may be observed ( hypoglycemia). The state of the body is expressed so:

  • Weakness throughout the body
  • Army feeling of hunger
  • Cold sticky sweat
  • Trembling hands
  • Numbness of the face, tongue, sometimes body

You can improve the condition of the body, if you immediately measure the level of glucose in the blood, and if the analysis shows less than 3 mmol/l glucose, you need to eat something one: 1 tbsp. l. honey, sugar, 1 candy or drink a little sweet fruit juice. If such a condition is observed more than once, you need to contact an endocrinologist to adjust treatment.

Folk remedies will help to restore the sensitivity of the language faster:

  • Infusions of burdock, walnut or bay leaf
  • Tea from linden
  • Burdock roots

Folk remedies are taken inside, and they rinse their mouths.

What to do if there is a numbness of a language with signs of a stroke?

One of the signs of the advancing stroke is the prolapse of the corner of the mouth

Language is numb before the onset of stroke. In addition to numbness of the language, The following signs:

  • Lips and hands numb
  • Sick and I want to tear
  • Dizziness and severe headaches
  • A person cannot say clearly, smile
  • A person cannot equally move with his hands, legs, raise both hands, one side is more affected, usually the left side
  • One corner of the mouth is lowered

Attention. A person with a stroke needs to call an ambulance as soon as possible if for four and a half hours Such a patient will be brought to the hospital, which means that there is still hope for salvation.

What to do if your tongue is numb with problems with the thyroid gland?

Numbness of the language is observed with hypothyroidism

Nun of the language can be observed if you have problems with the thyroid gland (there is not enough one hormone or several). If you know that you have a thyroid gland, you need to contact an endocrinologist. Self -medication in this case is strictly prohibited.

What to do if the tongue is numb after the tick bite?

Lyme disease

After a bite of an infected tick, it may occur lyme disease. At the initial stage of the disease, the place of the bite blushes in a diameter of about 20 cm, there may be chills, the tongue is numb. Further, the disease progresses, and goes into encephalitis, Bella paralysis (partial paralysis on the face) up to death. The presence of a disease can show a blood test (increasing the indicator of ESR). If you are bitten by a tick, you need to urgently visit a local therapist, and if you yourself have taken out a sucked tick from your skin, you also come to the doctor and give up a blood test. In this case, a specific treatment will need to undergo.

What to do if the tongue is numb with malignant tumors?

Numbness of the language Maybe at malignant tumor of the brain. In addition to numbness, severe headaches are also observed.

At malignant tumor of the larynx Nun of the language is accompanied by sore throat, especially when swallowing, as with colds.

If the disease has been found, you need to start treatment immediately. This is an operation and therapy.

What to do if the tongue is numb with osteochondrosis?

With exacerbation of osteochondrosis in the cervical region, numbness of the tongue is observed

Osteochondrosis is characterized by such manifestations:

  • Numbness of the language
  • The head hurts and is very spinning
  • It hurts in the chest, neck, you will sleep independently or are awake
  • Lumbago
  • Chronic insomnia

First you need to treat the disease:

  • Physiotherapy
  • Therapeutic gymnastics
  • Massage
  • Painkillers
  • Drugs that restore damaged bone tissue

After the course of treatment, numbness of the language will pass by itself or you can speed up the restoration of the language, if you use folk remedies.

What do folk remedies offer in numbness: the best recipes

After the underlying disease is cured, it is possible to treat the numbness of the language with folk remedies

After the treatment of the underlying disease, which is indicated by the numbness of the language in order to quickly restore sensitivity, are applied folk remedies:

Recipe 1. Sodovo-ethnic solution

For the solution you need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. food soda
  • 4 drops of iodine
  • 1 cup of warm water

We prepare the solution:

  1. In warm water, mix soda, iodine.
  2. Laying your mouth in the morning and evening.

Recipe 2. Infusion of chamomile and sage

For the infusion you need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. dry chamomile
  • 1 tbsp. l. dry sage
  • 1 cup boiling water

Cooking the infusion:

  1. Dry grass is filled with boiling water.
  2. We insist for 15 minutes, then filter.
  3. The weapon of the mouth with the infusion of the mouth in the morning and in the evening, and take 1 tbsp orally for 1 tbsp. l. with nervous disorders. The infusion has anti -inflammatory and soothing properties.

Recipe 3. Infusion from St. John's wort and celandine

For the infusion you need:

  • 1 tbsp. l. dry celandine
  • 1 tbsp. l. dry St. John's wort
  • 1 cup boiling water

Cooking the infusion:

  1. Dry grass is filled with boiling water.
  2. We insist for 30 minutes, then filter.
  3. The infusion with the infusion of the mouth of the mouth in the morning and in the evening.

Rinse of the mouth will also be effective decoction of oak bark.

So, numbness of the language is not a disease, but a symptom that indicates some other disease. Therefore, you do not need to wait for what will pass, but you have to go to the doctor to identify this disease, and cure it in time.

Video: 4 exact signs that a person will have a stroke today

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Comments K. article

  1. I had numbness of the language just the same against the background of an increase in the thyroid gland ... It is good that only endocrinol and infusions on thyme did not have to resort to hormonal therapy. Gradually, the sizes returned to normal ... Yes, and this nasty feeling of numbness passed, which also pleases.

  2. Numbness of the tongue, like the smile curve, can really be a sign of a stroke, or micro -consult. I myself faced this and just because I can’t say it normally understood everything. Doctors arrived quickly, thanks to them for that. After emergency measures, the doctor advised me with Cereton Cereth. It helps to improve cerebral circulation, as the result is the restoration faster. Three months have passed - well -being is much better.

  3. A good detailed article. I did not even know that numbness of the language could be such a serious sign of many diseases.

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