Omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids during pregnancy: what are needed for? How to take omega-3 for men and women when planning pregnancy?

Omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids during pregnancy: what are needed for? How to take omega-3 for men and women when planning pregnancy?

An article on how Omega -3 acids affect the course of pregnancy, the well -being of the future mother, the formation and development of the fetus.

The doctor in a female consultation for a pregnant woman, as a rule, prescribes to drink certain supporting drugs, such as vitamin E and folic acid. She should also ask whether she should drink fish oil or any other dietary supplement with omega-3, because acids of this class are able to favorably affect her well-being, the course of pregnancy, as well as the formation of the fetus.

Is it possible and necessary to drink omega-3 during pregnancy?

The answer to this question is clearly affirmative. The essential, irreplaceable acids of the omega class - 3 (non -zahexaenic, eicos defenda and alpha - linolenic) are needed by every cell of the organism of the future mother and the fetus in her womb. In the body, they are not synthesized, it is necessary to embed your diet in such a way as to receive a sufficient amount.

Important: in fact, any adult or child who does not eat fatty and semi-fat fish at least twice a week in a large portion of 300 g, from time to time, should drink Omega-3 drugs. The effect of these fatty acids on the body can be found in the article: " Omega-3-Fish oil: why is it useful, why are they taking?.

During pregnancy, you can and should drink omega -3.
During pregnancy, you can and should drink omega -3.

A woman striving for motherhood is obliged to take care of her baby before he is born, and better even before conception. Today it is possible to plan pregnancy and create all possible prerequisites for its normal course, normal birth and normal fetal formation. The nutrition of a woman here plays one of the main roles.

  1. It is not necessary, contrary to the common opinion, to eat for two. Not the number of products used should be revised, but their quality. The emphasis in the nutrition of a pregnant woman - on proteins, vitamins, minerals and "healthy" fats.
  2. At the stage of pregnancy planning or from the moment of her occurrence, a woman should include in her diet natural sources of omega - 3: fish and fish products that contain DGK and EPK, as well as flax seeds, nuts, rich alpha - linolenic acid. Of course, if she does not have allergies for these products.
  3. If a woman has toxicosis, and she eats little, if she does not like fish and seafood, if, in the end, she cannot financially allow them to consume them in an amount sufficient to obtain omega - 3, it is worth discussing with the doctor the possibility of consumption of acid -containing acids this class of food additives: fish or seal fat or in the form of capsules, fiber from flax seeds, so on.
A pregnant woman can receive omega PNZHK - 3 from food and dietary supplements.
A pregnant woman can receive omega PNZHK - 3 from food and dietary supplements.

How much to drink omega-3 during pregnancy?

IMPORTANT: During gestation of the child, the need for acids of omega class - 3 in a woman increases by about a quarter. If its anamnesis is not burdened with chronic diseases, the norm of the DGC and EPK in combination is at least 3 g per day.

However, it is also impossible to sort out with doses of omega - 3 pregnant women. Acids of this class, in particular, non -combustering, in large quantities lift blood. And this is fraught with expectant mothers:

  • nasal bleeding
  • internal, including uterine, bleeding
  • the threat of termination of pregnancy
Omega norm - 3 during pregnancy -3 g.
Omega norm -3 during pregnancy -3 g.

How do omega - 3 affect pregnancy?

In this regard, scientists and doctors conduct various studies, during which it was possible to find out the following:

  1. Omega - 3 generally improve the well -being of the future mother. Fatty acids regulate its fatty metabolism, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, fight with “poor” cholesterol, and balancing the functioning of the nervous system.
  2. Pregnancy is a difficult period for the woman’s immune system, it is subject to infectious diseases. DGC and EPC strengthen immunity, help the female body withstand pathogens from the external environment, stimulate protective forces against their own conditionally pathogenic microflora. Alpha-linolenic acid, for example, prevents recurrence of herpes-viral infection in pregnant women.
  3. Omega-3 acids have an anti-trombotic effect on the woman’s body “in position”, make her blood less viscous. This helps to improve fetal nutrition through the placenta.
  4. It turned out that taking fish oil is the prevention of toxicosis, gestosis and eclampsia in a pregnant woman.
  5. DGK and EPK affect the gestability of pregnancy, preventing miscarriages and premature birth.
  6. Omega - 3, improving the brain and balancing the nervous system, help a woman fight depression both during pregnancy and after childbirth.
  7. Fish oil improves performance, attention and concentration, which is very important for working pregnant women.
Omega - 3 is taken for the prevention of hypertension in expectant mothers.
Omega - 3 is taken for the prevention of hypertension in expectant mothers.

How omega deficiency is manifested - 3 future mothers: symptoms

According to medical statistics, omega deficiency - 3 is observed in 8 out of 10 expectant mothers. He is fraught with:

  • a feeling of fatigue, the loss of strength
  • quick fatigue
  • worsening the condition of the skin, hair and nails
  • bad mood
  • increasing blood sugar up to diabetes of pregnant women
  • myalgia and joint pain
  • increased blood pressure
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • toxicosis in the early stages, gestosis in late
  • worshiping uterine - placental blood flow

VIDEO: You need to know during pregnancy: the benefits of omega-3

The role of omega-3 in the formation of the fetus

The child’s body in the womb, exactly, like the body of an already born person, is not synthesized by Alk, EPK and DGK. He receives these acids from the mother's body.

  • Omega - 3 are part of the cell membranes of the fetus
  • in the early stages, PNSK is needed for the normal laying of all body systems of the baby
  • Omega - 3 has an antimutagenic effect
  • EPK and DGC are involved in the development of the nervous and visual systems of the child
  • after 30 weeks of pregnancy and up to 3 months from the birth of the omega class - 3 accumulate the organs of the nervous system of the child, which in the future affects health and mental development
Omega PNSK - 3 are needed for the normal formation and development of all organs and systems of the fetus.
Omega PNSK - 3 are needed for the normal formation and development of all organs and systems of the fetus.

In the latest fact, the studies were conducted in the UK and the USA.

  1. English scientists have found that higher intellectual development is observed in children whose mothers used omega during pregnancy and breastfeeding - 3 as a biondotter and, accordingly, received the norm of PNSK for themselves and the child. In addition, motor skills and coordination of movements in these children were also better than an average indicator.
  2. At the National Institute of Health of the United States, they also came to the conclusion that the reception of Omega-3 for future mothers affects the quick wits of their children and their ability to learn languages.

Important: scientists Golding and Hiblin from the UK, watching pregnant women who take omega -3, and later for children for 15 years, found out that PNSK also affect their communicative abilities. The kids who grew up in the womb “on fish oil” turned out to be more sociable.

If the pregnant woman does not eat fatty fish and vegetable sources of omega - 3, the health of the child suffers. The kid can be born:

  • small and lagging
  • prone to allergies
  • reduced intellectual abilities
  • disturbed by motor skills
  • weak immunity

Omega-3 for women when planning pregnancy

Omega -3 PNGK - 3 tend to accumulate in the body. Therefore, it makes sense to start fighting their deficiency even at the stage of pregnancy planning.

  1. Reception of omega - 3 women at the stage of pregnancy planning will reduce the picture of the problems described above.
  2. The expectant mother will have the strength and strong nerves to cope with the hard periods of bearing the baby, childbirth and caring for the tiny in the first months of his life.
  3. Her postpartum recovery will be easier and faster.
Omega - 3 is recommended to drink pairs planning pregnancy.
Omega - 3 is recommended to drink pairs planning pregnancy.

In addition, omega - 3 increases the probability of pregnancy itself, the dietary supplement is recommended to drink women with the problem of infertility.

  1. Very often, motherhood cannot occur in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Doctors call one of the causes of this pathology a shortage of PNSK.
  2. DGC and EPK affect the work of the woman’s endocrine system, that is, the synthesis of her sex hormones responsible for the maturation of the egg, its prosperous implantation in case of fertilization, subsequent bearing of pregnancy, the formation and development of the fetus.

Omega-3 for men when planning pregnancy

A pair planning the conception and birth of a child, to prevent omega deficiency - 3 should not only a woman, but also a man.

Important: Omega Punzhk - 3 affect the production and quality of sperm in men, the viability and mobility of sperm.

Also, omega-3 positively affects the cardiovascular, blood and nervous systems of a man, makes it more resilient, helps to cope with depression. All this in the complex enhances its libido and erectile function, increases the chances of conceiving a child in a natural way.

Important: omega - 3 has an anti -inflammatory effect on a man’s body, obtaining EPC and DGC in normal quantities - this is the prevention of prostatitis, a disease that reduces male fertility.

VIDEO: Omega-3 for pregnant women

Omega-3 during pregnancy: which manufacturer is better?

In principle, if the pregnant woman had previously drank omega - 3, she had no side effects, she can continue to take the preparations familiar to her.
But in the antenatal clinic, omega is often prescribed - 3 specifically for pregnant women.

PNSK can be included in the vitamin - mineral complex for expectant mothers. The best drugs from this category are:

  • Madonna+Omega - 3
  • Multi-Tabs Podnal + Omega 3
  • Femibion
  • "9 months omegamama" Valenta Pharm
The drug with omega - 3 for pregnant women: Multi - Tabs prenatal plus omega -3.
The drug with omega-3 for pregnant women: Multi-Tabs prenatal plus omega-3.
The drug with omega - 3 for pregnant women: femibion.
The drug with omega - 3 for pregnant women: femibion.

Separately from vitamin and mineral complexes, high -purified EPK and DGK are drunk in pregnant women:

  • Omegamama 9 months
  • Vitrum Cardio Omega 3
The drug with omega-3 for pregnant women: Vitrum Cardio Omega-3.
The drug with omega - 3 for pregnant women: omegamama
The drug with omega - 3 for pregnant women: omegamama

Important: you can also take fish oil in capsules or liquid form of Norwegian production. The drugs must have quality certificates!

Omega-3 during pregnancy: reviews

The possibility of taking omega is 3, the choice of drugs with PNSK are actively discussed on forums for pregnant women on the Internet. There you can read interesting reviews:

  1. Alyona: “When she became pregnant, her friend advised me to eat salads seasoned with linseed oil. Like, there are a lot of omega - 3, and it costs cheaper than dietary supplements. The gynecologist only laughed and wrote to Vitrum Cardio Omega 3. Sawed in the first trimester, now I will be after 32 weeks. ”
  2. Mom Super-Dochka: “I personally like Norwegian fish oil. I drank it in the first pregnancy, and now I'm starting a course. Hair condition has noticeably improved, fragility of nails disappeared. And toxicosite is not so much. ”
  3. Katrina: “Signed to Oriflame. Before pregnancy, Omega - 3 Velnes from this company took. She asked the gynecologist when she became pregnant. She said you can continue. ”
The drug with omega - 3 for pregnant women: omega - 3 velnes from Oriflame.
The drug with omega - 3 for pregnant women: omega - 3 velnes from Oriflame.

VIDEO: Omega 3 during pregnancy. Omega 3 for pregnant women

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Comments K. article

  1. During pregnancy, the doctor very recommended the triple omehu-3 (from Evalar) during pregnancy and, in general, there is more fish, there is more embroidery and really passed well. And now I still continue such a therapy, because the condition of the hair and skin has become much better than it was before ... but for me it is very important)

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