October - what is the zodiac sign? October 23 - 24 - what is the zodiac sign: Libra or Scorpio?

October - what is the zodiac sign? October 23 - 24 - what is the zodiac sign: Libra or Scorpio?

There are a large number of assumptions about what sign of the zodiac are people born at the junction of two zodiac periods. In this article we will dispel myths and talk about who is born on October 22 and 23.

The influence of stars on human life has long ceased to be the subject of controversy and discussions - it is obvious that they largely determine character and fate. It is difficult to find a person who does not know his zodiac sign, but, it turns out such people are still. For example, those who were born at the junction of two signs, On the day when one goes into the other.

One of these controversial periods is October 22-24When there is a transition from scales to Scorpio. If you are the "lucky" that was born during this period, then this article was written for you - we will help to figure it out In this difficult issue.

October - what is the zodiac sign?

Scales: from September 24 to 23 October
Scorpio: from October 24 to November 22

Most of October is “guided” by the scales - for 23 days this autumn month.

General characteristics of people born under the sign of Libra

In October - this is from 01 to 23 October.

Representatives of this sign - men and women are under strong influence Venuswho endowed her wards with bright qualities. Firstly, these are excellent interlocutors, good lovers and creative natures. Secondly, the scales have a heightened sense of justice and, if necessary, Yaro defend it.

The main features of the scales:

  • dreamy
  • sense of justice
  • indecision
  • optimism
  • laziness
  • infantility
  • faith in the ideals
  • sociability
Most of October are the current sign Libra

On the other hand, Venus has and negative impact - Representatives of the sign can be infantile, lazy and conformal personalities. Libra can be leaders and brilliantly cope with a leading position, but if a more pronounced leader appears on the horizon, then the representative of the sign will begin to graze.

Communication with Libra - Real pleasure. These people know how to speak beautifully and listen well, and by the ability to make acquaintances wards Venus and completely lead the whole horoscope. In this case, the scales have everyone excellent sense of humor And their sparkling jokes are always appropriate. Of course, such a person, whether a woman or a man, does not know the end of the attention of the opposite sex.

It is logical that the scales feel great being in large companies. Moreover, this is their element. Representatives of the sign love holidays and fun, but if all this is not a scales not to be upset, they will arrange a holiday for themselves.

Libra - Company sign
Libra - Company sign

In personal life The scales are distinguished by enviable constancy and a clear understanding of their priorities. Such people do not fall in love at first sight - because they need to weigh everything and lay out on the shelves before open the heart. But if the scales fall in love, then these feelings will glow very long, if not always.

Venus wards are aimed at marriage and Creating a strong family With a large number of children.

General characteristics of people born under the sign Scorpio

In October - this is from 24 to 31 October.

Representatives of this sign - men and women are conflicting natures who are completely subject to their inner passions. Scorpions do everyone with passion: they love, hate, work and rest. These people are not contented with small and love to receive from life maximum pleasures.

The dominant features of Scorpions:

  • passion
  • self -digging
  • a tendency to philosophical thoughts
  • developed intuition
  • incontinence
  • trying to look for pleasure in everything
  • secretity
  • revenge
  • emergency
  • hard work
Scorpions do not know measures in actions and words
Scorpions do not know measures in actions and words

The main feature of Scorpions is their sexuality. This sign was simply created for love and carnal pleasures and devotes them a considerable part of his life. You should not even say that scorpions divine loversMoreover, both women and men born under this sign. But relations with them are overshadowed by the fact that the Scorpions are terribly jealous and are restless owners.

Therefore, their halves should live not allowing yourself libertiesOtherwise, they will find the anger of Scorpio, which can be compared with the horrors of the apocalypse.

As for other spheres of life of Scorpio, then, as a rule, he is in them it succeeds well. Possessing enviable ability to work and determination, representatives of the sign go to the intended goal, even if you need to go on the heads. At the same time, despite their clear priorities, scorpions always find a place for real friendship and will become a reliable support until the end of life for comrades.

Surrounded by Pluto's wards, only their enemies turn out to be unhappy, because Scorpions are they know how to take revenge Like no other zodiac sign, using everything for this: from sophisticated torture to moral quarter.

Video: Zodiac signs: Scorpio. The character of Scorpio

October 22 - Zodiac sign: Libra or Scorpio?

Many sources indicate erroneous information that Scorpio's sign begins from October 23. In fact, this is not so - Scorpio comes into force only from October 24, that is, people born October 22 and 23 Definitely are weights. Moreover, October 22 is not even a border day of the month, when a change of signs comes. Thus, there should even be no doubt that the born October 22 is Libra.

Born 22 October - Full Libra
Born 22 October - Full Libra

At the same time, it is not worth considering that the scales born at the beginning of the zodiac period and 22 of October They have absolutely the same features. The influence of the subsequent sign on those born at the end of the period is significant. So, the scales that were born on October 22 may be excessively impulsive Or in their person there will be something mystical and inexplicable. In addition, the scales born on this date are distinguished by great vital energy and faith in their strength.

Although the subsequent sign affects the scales born on October 22, but it is very insignificant. In general, these people are all the same Dreamers and sophisticated natures, who are touched by all beautiful and surround themselves with pleasant people.

Video: Zodiac signs: Libra. The nature of the scales

October 23 - What is the zodiac sign: Libra or Scorpio?

Born October 23Libra according to the horoscope, since the new sign only begins October 24. At the same time, people who were born on this day are considered "Border guards", that is, representatives of both signs. This is especially true for those born on the night of October 23 to 24.

Representatives of the border sign are born from October 23 to 24
Representatives of the "border" sign are born from October 23 to 24

The end of one zodiac cycle and the beginning of another is special time, When the scales are born in Scorpio are born. This means that a person born at this time has the qualities of both a sign and another. Of course, you should not deny that certain features will be expressed in different ways In every individual.

"Border guards" differ some variability. They, as a coin, have two sides and can from time to time demonstrate the qualities of one zodiac sign, and then another.

The duality of nature Border signs are noted not only among those born in October, but also by other signs that were born during such a transition.

October 24 - Zodiac sign: Libra or Scorpio?

From October 24 The new zodiac sign comes into force - Scorpion - whose patron of Pluto. But this is a transitional sign in which, along with the sign of Scorpio, there are characteristics of the scales.

First of all, it is worth noting that the born october 23 to 24 They have very developed intuition. Sometimes it can border on mystical forebodings and even extrasensory abilities. To a lesser extent, people who were born during this period will have a particularly flair in business, well recognize the hidden motives of the actions of others. From such people you can not conceal the truth And in their environment there are no insincere, evil friends.

In addition, a passing sign endowed with considerable luck. Such people are very lucky in business and commerce, many events are built in such a way that this favors great affairs and serious undertakings. Flexible mind, the ability to analyze the situation and make the right decision in conjunction with the location of the Higher Forces help representatives of the "border" sign to achieve significant heights in life. As a rule, such people are bright leaders who can lead a crowd.

Born 23 October - optimists who know how to collect a crowd around them
Born 23 October - optimists who know how to collect a crowd around them

As for personal life, representatives of the “border” sign of the zodiac may experience certain difficulties in relationships. Often, women born at the junction of October 23 and 24 are too strong in spirit, bitchy and strive to dominate everything. It is extremely difficult for such ladies to find a person who can come to terms with a secondary role. Of course, this extreme is individual features that exist regardless of the horoscopes, which sofus a common portrait Representatives of the sign.

Men, combined in themselves the character traits of Scorpio and Libra, is easy amenable to passionsbut at the same time to make a serious decision, at the moment when it is necessary to make a choice for life, they begin to doubt. The fluctuation of the scales of the scales last until the man weighs all the "pros" and "against" And, unfortunately, not every partner will want to wait for a long time for the verdict of a lover.

We figured out that the born October 22 is Libra, whereas October 23 Representatives of the transition sign are born.
Do not forget that although the stars have a huge impact on our life and character, at the same time each person is individual And he has those features that not one of the horoscopes will describe.

No matter what a sign you are born - you are an individual, special and unique, which itself controls its life and creates its own personal universe.

Video: Cuspids - border signs of the zodiac

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Comments K. article

  1. All my acquaintances who know me well claim that I am Scorpio,
    Who is superficial and I am the scales.
    I believe that the truth in the middle of the Libra and Scorpio gave the best and the worst to me)))
    Birthday October 23. I think we are stellar mutants)))
    After all, stars cannot influence the rules, one sign ends, it becomes weaker,
    The other begins and begins with renewed vigor.
    The stars have no rules if your birthday at the junction of two signs, then you are special!

  2. And Chukchi is waiting for dawn, and the dawn comes in the summer

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