OKI - Instructions for use

OKI - Instructions for use

The article will talk about the anti -inflammatory drug Oka. As always, we denote the main aspects of the prescription of the drug, in which cases it should not be used and what side effects it has.

« Oka» instructions to application

The main acting substance drug is ketoprofen.

  • Refers given medicinal means to group Not steroid anti -inflammatory funds (NSAID) and it has action, inherent given group drugs
  • « Oka» possesses properties analgesics, anti -inflammatory effect and reduces increased, in result diseases, temperature bodies. it action arises thanks to blocking actions cyclooxygenase 1 and cyclooxygenase 2 (participants in processes inflammation) and control synthesis Prostaglandinov in body
  • Effect from reception medicinal funds starts manifest after one a week reception Medicines
  • AT compound drug enters lizin ketoprofen salt, which possesses the same expressed effects: anti -inflammatory, antipyretic and removes pain symptoms, but at this not  influences on the cartilage the cloth

« Oka» the form release

Given medicine it has enough wide spectrum form release:
•  Granules, from which cooking suspension
AT form capsules
Bottles for breeding injections
Injections for in\m and in\in introduction
Rectal suspensions (and for children)
AT form spray
AT form cream

« Oka» indications to application

it means shown to application in the following cases and states:
Diseases shippingmotor systems inflammatory and degenerative character
Arthritis psoriatic and rheumatoid origin
Arthritis anquilizing
Arthritis in investigation gout
At pain in muscles
At bone pain
Pain heads and dental pain
Inflammation ear
Inflammation appendages (adnexitis)
At pain in connections with onkodiseases
Pain in investigation injuries
•  Pain after operational interventions
Painful critical days

Practically any pain feel are indications for application given medicines. Removing inflammation, a drug provides anesthetic action.

« Oka» children

For application u children recommended use rectal suspensions and solution for rinsing.

  • U children the given means it has good ones characteristics, it is noted his high efficiency. Apply his at inflammatory diseases ENTorgans, at dental problems and inflammation oral cavities, at inflammatory pathologies shippingmotor systems
  • Usually the a drug recommended assign children in age older 6 years
    AT form powder for children from 6 before 14 years assign ½ package/,
  • dissolved in half glasses boiled water, assign accept inside 3 times in day in moment use food. Children in age older 14 years dosage corresponds adult
  • At appointment rectal candle children from 6 and before 12 years allowed apply on 1 candle before 2 once in day, a in age older 12 years before 3x suspensories in day. Maximum dose not must exceed 5 mg on the 1 kilogram masses bodies. Not costs apply means more 5 days, without consultations specialist

« Oka» dosage

Drops and tablets for use inside assign on 100 mg 3 times in day
Capsules assigned on 50 mg in morning time and on 100 mg in evening reception
Rectal suspensions apply in dose before 200 mg in day
At this medicinal forms can apply in combinations for amplification them effect
Solution for injections assign in dosage on 100 mg before 2 once in day at intramuscular administered, before 200 mg at administered drip, dissolving in isotonic solution NACL. Drip introduction conduct only in conditions stakeonar cO speed not more, how 300 mg solution in 1 hour
A drug in form solution for in\in and in\m introduction apply on 160 mg before 3 once in day. So the same solution use for procedures electrophoresis
AT form rectal suspensories adults a drug assigned on 160 mg before 3 once in day
AT form granul dose it is on 80 mg for dissolution in half glasses boiled water. Given the form release applied for rinsing
« Oka» side action
Given medicine it has big spectrum side effects:
Pain in stomach, disorders digestion, vomit and nausea, increased gas formation
Can provoke head pain, insomnia or drowsiness, maybe feel dizziness, nervous states, depressive states, in rare cases maybe to be observed the loss consciousness or his confusion, violation memory and migraine
Reception NSAID maybe provoke bleeding systems stomachintestinal tract
Rarely maybe to be observed lubacy heartbeat and increase arterial pressure
Maybe feel noise in ears, violation vision temporarily, drying out mucosa shells eyes and conjunctivitis, painful sensation in eyes, vertigo
Can to be observed swelling, develop symptoms cystitis, urethritis or jade, maybe violate function kidneys, rarely observed urination with blood
Allergic reactions on the medicinal means
Maybe increase sweating, bleeding from nose, sealness, sensation thirst

« Oka» special instructions

« Oka» not recommended apply in period pregnancy, this is maybe provoke violation blood supply fetus, what entails violation breath. At application on the the latter months pregnancy maybe to be provoked delay childbirth and overstraining fetus. At feeding breasts so the same it is forbidden apply the drug a drug.

At treatment drug « Oka» need news observation per function liver and kidneys. So the same should mark, what reception ketothefen maybe hide symptoms development infectious diseases.

« Oka» contraindications

Not recommended apply the NSAID in the following cases:
Allergic reaction on the NSAID and ketotifen
Availability « aspirin» asthma
Ulcerative diseases stomach and intestines
Ulcerative colitis
Any violations coagulation blood
Anemic states
Chronic renal failure
Sugar diabetes
Chronic renal failure
Artery hypertension
Elderly and children age
Bronchial asthma

Even if you not you have listed diseases, before reception this funds, necessarily consult with doctor.A solution-for-strip-oki

« Oka» interaction with others medicinal drugs
Ukright NSAID not compatible with analgesic remedy « Trumadol». He potentias action anticoagulants and oppresses uricosuretes. So the same reduces action antianginal funds and dicreiki.

Reception can combine with glucocorticoid medicinal drugs, but this is maybe call education new ulcerations in Gastrointestinal tract. A drug patents action insulin and hypoglycemic medicinal funds for oral application.


Ketoprofen forte

Video: NSAID what you need to know

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