Sea buckthorn - what kind of berry is this? How to use frozen, fresh sea buckthorn in winter, use sea buckthorn oil?

Sea buckthorn - what kind of berry is this? How to use frozen, fresh sea buckthorn in winter, use sea buckthorn oil?

Sea buckthorn is a very useful plant, and you can eat not only its berries, but also leaves. In our article, we will talk about what the berry is useful, and also how to use it frozen.

Sea buckthorn is found in many parts of our large country. But most often it is used in Southern Siberia. It is growing a lot in Asian countries. For example, China and Mongolia grow these berries on an industrial scale.

Sea buckthorn - what kind of berry is this?

What is a sea buckthorn?
What is a sea buckthorn?

The sea buckthorn loves the sun very much and grows along the banks of water bodies, but she does not like swampy areas and too wet. Sometimes it is found in the mountains. The sea buckthorn differs in that it steadfastly tolerates all sorts of frosts to - 45 degrees.

To date, there are three types of plants, but only the circle sea buckthorn has received widespread use. It grows in the form of a small shrub with a beautiful large crown. Sometimes it is used as a decorative plant or even hedges.

But I fell in love with sea buckthorn not at all for these qualities. Its main value lies in leaves and berries. The leaves of this plant are narrow and not very large. Berries usually grow bright yellow, but can have a small redness. They grow on spikes, to which they fit tightly. Actually, from here the name of the plant appeared. It is also worth noting that the berries have a sour taste, but closer to winter it becomes slightly sweet.

What is healthy for health?

Why is the sea buckthorn useful?
Why is the sea buckthorn useful?

People know about the usefulness of berries and leaves of sea buckthorn for more than a century. The translation of the name of the plant from Latin sounds like a "glossy horse." Even among the ancient Greeks, it was customary to feed the horses with leaves of this plant so that their wool was always beautiful, and the wounds would quickly heal. Later they began to use it.

Modern scientists have repeatedly proved that sea buckthorn has a very large number of vitamins in the composition. In particular, it contains a lot of vitamin C.

Even the composition includes vitamins of group B and K, and they contribute to the normalization of metabolism. Vitamin P does not allow blood to be curled up, and beta-carotene normalizes the functioning of various glands, for example, sebaceous and sweat.

Even the plant contains provitamin A, E and other beneficial substances that help generally strengthen health and immunity. Among the substances, serotonin, oils, tannins and so on can be distinguished.

By the way, the berries are not very high -calorie. There are only 82 kcal per 100 grams. Mononashed fatty acids are a complex of compounds, which positively affects the body.

Sea buckthorn is very widely used in medicine. It has the property of healing wounds, and also has a beneficial effect on the skin. The fact is that substances in the composition of the berries are launched by various metabolic and immune processes in the skin. It was therefore that the wool of horses among the ancient Greeks became glossy.

The properties of sea buckthorn
The properties of sea buckthorn

Among other beneficial properties of sea buckthorn can be distinguished:

  • Reducing poor blood cholesterol
  • Strengthening immunity
  • Reducing blood glucose levels
  • Warning of vitamin deficiency
  • Replenishment of vitamin B and as a result - improvement of potency
  • Improving the elasticity of the vascular walls
  • Prevention of blood clots

Moreover, sea buckthorn is actively used for the treatment of diseases of various kinds.

Fresh sea buckthorn - what is used for?

Fresh sea buckthorn
Fresh sea buckthorn

The sea buckthorn contains a lot of useful things, but all this is preserved only in fresh berries. That's just, unfortunately, they spoil very quickly. And the local use of them is not very convenient. So in medicine, juices, oils and ointments are usually used.

Burned fresh berries can be lubricated with burns, frostbite or purulent rashes.

With the help of decoctions, constipation is perfectly treated. You can add a drop of honey to the broth. You need to drink it warm several times a day. By the way, this is an excellent remedy for pregnant women, as it does not contain synthetics and is useful for the body.

Sea buckthorn oil - what is used for?

Sea buckthorn oil is added to various drugs. Rectal candles to treat hemorrhoids are very popular. It can be purchased at the pharmacy, but you can try to make it yourself, and it will turn out not even worse than purchased.

The easiest way to make oil is to squeeze juice from fresh berries. If it is left for a short while, then an oily film forms on top. This is the same oil. It needs to be very neatly assembled.

By the way, from the fact that it remains can be obtained a little more benefit. To do this, add a little refined oil and mix. After that, take the mixture in a warm place for a week and strain the oil. Store it in the refrigerator.

Sea buckthorn oil in cosmetology

Sea buckthorn oil
Sea buckthorn oil

Oils are often used in cosmetology and sea buckthorn is no exception. They are used by masseurs to carry out procedures. Before starting work, they apply sea buckthorn oil to the skin and then begin to do massage. So the oil fell in love with its beneficial properties:

  • Hastens well into the skin
  • Capable of removing dead skin cells
  • Holds water

You can use sea buckthorn oil for skin restoration. If you apply it at least a couple of times a week, then the skin will be tone, as well as acne and wrinkles will disappear.

More oil is effective for nails and hair. It allows them to strengthen and do more. Apply oil once a week to the hair, and rub in the nails.

Sea buckthorn oil for skin

Very good sea buckthorn affects the skin and and it is used not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine. Sea buckthorn oil can be used to treat eczema, ulcers, bleeding wounds, dermatitis, and so on.

It is also important to understand that sea buckthorn oil allows you to remove inflammation, restore immunity and heal the tissues.

Sea buckthorn oil for gynecological diseases

Why is the sea buckthorn useful?
Why is the sea buckthorn useful?

Oil is actively used for gynecological inflammations. Active substances have a therapeutic effect and tissues are restored, and harmful bacteria are killed. For treatment, the swab is lubricated with oil and inserted inside. The duration of treatment can be different, since it all depends on the disease.

Sea buckthorn oil for respiratory diseases

Sea buckthorn can also be useful in the treatment of colds. You can, for example, with a runny nose, grease the nasal mucosa or even drip a few drops directly into the nose. The strengthening of immunity is facilitated by a very simple mixture. In a glass of warm water, dilute a spoonful of oil.

Sea buckthorn oil during pregnancy

Many people know that plant agents are not recommended for use during pregnancy, and therefore often the girls ask - is it possible to sea buckthorn? In fact, it is not prohibited, but it is still worth it to be more careful, since it increases the level of acidity in the body.

With oil, you can smear the appearance of stretch marks. It gives the skin elasticity and elasticity, and therefore there are less stretch marks.

Sea buckthorn oil for children

In babies, diaper rash can be treated with oil. In addition, they can smear the gums when the teeth are cut. Thus, inflammation will decrease and pain will pass.

Than a sea buckthorn is dangerous for health: contraindications

Sea buckthorn - contraindications
Sea buckthorn - contraindications

Sea buckthorn, albeit a useful berry, but it may be dangerous. She has some contraindications. For example, if you have urolithiasis, that is, berries in any form are not recommended. This is due to the fact that it contains an acid that enters the urine.

Juices, fruit drinks and oil cannot be consumed for an ulcer for the same reason. So it is better to use decoctions and herbias.

Perhaps you have no contraindications for taking sea buckthorn, but if you are prone to diarrhea, you have gastritis, inflammation in the liver, acute pancreatitis and so on, then you should refuse it. Although, it is not strictly forbidden to use it, it is better to consult a doctor.

The jam from sea buckthorn berries is contraindicated in obesity and diabetes, because it has a lot of sugar. And it is strictly forbidden to use berries in the presence of individual tolerance.

How to use frozen sea buckthorn?

Frozen sea buckthorn
Frozen sea buckthorn

The frozen berries of sea buckthorn are somewhat different from fresh and therefore they will not be possible to eat handfuls or make juices. But excellent fruit drinks are obtained from the bottom. For cooking, it is required to wipe the berries through a sieve.

In winter, people often get out of, and sea buckthorn successfully copes with some symptoms, for example, with a cough. We offer you to familiarize yourself with several very simple recipes:

  • Defrost the berries and make puree out of them. Mix it with a small amount of honey. As for the proportions, for every two spoons of berries there is one - honey. Use the mixture 3-4 times a day in a large spoon.
  • You can squeeze the juice from the berries. For 50 ml of juice, add 150 ml of water and boil. You need to cook the mixture for 5 minutes. In conclusion, remove everything from the heat and put the slice of the lemon. It is used in warm form.

It is not necessary to use berries fresh and grow yourself. You can buy ready -made in a store or in the market. But in the latter case, even better, because you take the berries fresh and freeze yourself, and in the store they can be frozen several times. So that the berries do not merge, it is advisable to shake the bag several times.

Frozen sea buckthorn can be steamed with sugar or added to tea. But keep in mind that the berries give a small sourness, so it is better to sweeten them. By the way, the berry differs in savings, because it is sour and not very tasty. But this is a very useful additive that should be tried.

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Comments K. article

  1. Great berry, only it’s not everywhere to get it, it helps the immunity with colds well, my child was often ill, so I began to accustom it to vegetables and give vitamins of the immunity (in which the sea buckthorn, like an alternative to fresh), after such a prevention and such a prevention and It’s completely stopped to get sick, the soul is rejoiced straight)

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