Hair bleaching - what is it? How to care for bleached hair, dye your hair in a dark color: instructions

Hair bleaching - what is it? How to care for bleached hair, dye your hair in a dark color: instructions

In this article, we will talk about how to properly care for bleached hair and color them in a dark color.

Professionals believe that large changes in the color of the hair should be avoided, because the constant aggressive effect, including blonding, changes the structure of the hair and makes it weak and lifeless. As a rule, this is felt even to the touch. But, if the procedure has already been carried out and you need to make them dark again, then you should act carefully so as not to harm your hair.

Do not use persistent colors on only brightened hair, this will make the degree of damage only stronger. In addition, after clarification, it takes at least a week or even two to restore the protective function. During this time, the hair requires careful care.

What is blonde, bleaching hair?

Hair bleaching
Hair bleaching

This procedure is staining, which allows you to completely etch the pigment from the hair. As a result, the hair becomes hollow and any aggressive effect can affect them not in the best way. So, even the wind and the sun can make the hair even thinner.

To date, cosmetologists are offered many means that are designed to restore hair structure.

First of all, you must decide what harm to the hair is. For example, if a girl has light brown hair, then her hair will get stronger, because they are stained faster. But red hair is difficult to bleach, because it contains more melanin, which will be held to the last.

The procedure is the least harmful to harm for black hair if they are lightened no more than twice. They contain a large amount of melanin, which is difficult to completely destroy.

It is important to note that discoloration differs from clarification just in that melanin is “killed”. When chemicals penetrate the body, this hormone begins to die. So, the particles of the hair are destroyed, and they become lifeless.

Not everyone knows, but the procedure causes slight discomfort and can even be dangerous. If the master does something wrong or inflicts too many chemicals, then you can eventually face serious problems, even hair loss.

So it is better to contact professionals to bleach and do a procedure exclusively in special salons, unless, of course, your hair is dear to you.

How to care for bleached hair?

Care for bleached hair
Care for bleached hair

So, if you only bleached your hair, then you should understand the correctness of your care. As you remember, before the color return procedure, it should pass for some time during which you need to take care of the hair. Therefore, it will be useful for you to find out the rules anyway.

  • Washing bleached hair

You should not wash your hair very often. A couple of times a week. On other days, it is better to apply masks. This will preserve natural fat, which provides shine hair. Even healthy hair should not be washed every day, to talk about bleached. They are so damaged, and then there is such a stress with washing.

After washing your hair, be sure to dry naturally. You cannot use a hairdryer, because it dries the scalp and the hair itself. Again, it cannot be constantly used even for healthy hair.

Use only professional tools in care. It is advisable to consult your hairdresser. He will definitely advise you what means should you use it.

If you want your hair to be luxurious, you should not save on hair products. Moreover, if they are damaged.

  • Combing bleached hair
Combing bleached hair
Combing bleached hair

Combing bleached hair should be regularly and preferably several times a day. This is done in various directions and before starting it is better to apply a special spray that allows you to make the hair more obedient.

While the hair is wet, it is impossible to comb them. This will violate their structure. For bleached hair, this attitude can be extremely dangerous, because then you can forget about their health. Better comb them before washing. Then they will be easier to comb after drying.

Forget about hot styling by any tools. Such procedures should be minimized if you do not want to damage the hairstyle even more.

Masks for bleached hair

You can not care for bleached hair without masks. There are a huge number of recipes, and they can also be purchased in the store, if you do not want to bother too much. Each tool has its own composition and each component affects the hair. Most often, they include honey, lemon, as well as herbs.

As a rule, the manufacturer always indicates what effect the mask has, and therefore it is very easy to choose the necessary. Another instruction is always provided to everyone.

The principle of application is almost one in all masks:

  • First wet your hair and remove the main moisture with a towel
  • Apply a mask. Be careful because there are products for hair roots, and there are those that are applied to the entire length
  • Hold the mask as much as required according to the instructions. This is usually about 10 minutes
  • Rinse your head well so that the whole mask is washed off
  • You can use them from two to five times a week.

Folk methods of care for bleached hair

Hair masks
Hair masks

As a rule, all chemistry is added to purchased funds, which poorly affects the hair. If you want to keep them healthy, then use folk methods that are tested by time.

Thanks to lemon juice, you can maintain a shade of hair. There is half or even a whole lemon per liter of water. More precisely, its juice. The more you add juice, the stronger its concentration. It is applied to the hair and maintained for 10-20 minutes. It is not required to wash off. It is enough to wipe dry with a towel.

Soda allows the roots lighter, and also remove excess fat from the head. It dissolves in water to make a gruel and is applied to the scalp.

If you use chamomile, then your hair will acquire a golden color. It needs to be poured with a liter of boiling water. Three tablespoons are enough for a decoction. All this is cooked in a water bath for 15 minutes. After cooling, you can rinse your hair. They should dry without a towel.

Cinnamon also allows you to highlight the hair. Take 4 small spoons of spices and honey, and a little more air conditioner for brightened hair. Move the mixture and observe the effect. It takes three hours to complete the procedure. If necessary, you can spend it again.

Sometimes it happens that folk or purchased products give an unexpected result and hair is unexpected. You can fix this if you make a mask of kefir or yogurt. To get started, heat them in a water bath and spread your hair. If you need to harden your hair strongly, then additionally add a little cognac or lemon juice. For a deep nutrition, add a few drops of any essential oil. Keep the mask for an hour.

After that, you need to rinse them correctly. If your hair is oily, then use shampoo and air conditioning, and if dry - apple cider vinegar.

How to make care of bleached hair more simple?

How to ensure the care of bleached hair?
How to ensure the care of bleached hair?

There is not always time to take care of your hair yourself. In this case, you can use one of the cosmetic procedures - limit, glazing or shielding. Each of them is required to saturate hair with ceramides and restore their structure. A coating of glaze or laminate is applied on top. As a result, the hair is protected from external influences and they no longer need such careful care. You can do the procedure yourself, but you should know all its features.

How to choose a paint for bleached hair?

For repainting of bleached hair, it is important to correctly choose the paint and its shade. The bottom line is that after the procedure, the hair will not necessarily be white. They can have different shades and this must be taken into account.

For example, if you have a yellow tint, and you use a paint with a blue pigment, then, most likely, you will get a greenish tint, but the purple shade compensates for the yellowness and the effect will turn out better. A special palette will help you in choosing, and the basic colors are always indicated on the packaging.

Palette of colors
Palette of colors

Hair dyes differ in resistance and depending on how long you need a dark color, choose the right tool:

  • Permanent paint. It is held on her hair for a long time and allows you to get a bright color. That's just the composition contains active components that spoil the hair even more. For a greater effect, it is better to keep the paint longer than it is according to the instructions. As a rule, there are enough paint by 20-25 times of washing.
  • Semi -permanent paints. They are not so strong and remove from the hair after 10 washing. As a rule, there is no hydrogen or ammonia peroxide in the composition, and therefore they are not so harmful. Natural shades are also obtained with them, but less persistent.
  • Washing off. It is better to use them when you cannot decide on the color. This is convenient if you want to experiment. As a rule, these are tonics, sprays and other means. Only the surface of the hair is painted with them. It is enough to wash your head 2-3 times and they are completely washed off.

How to dye bleeding hair in a dark color?

How to discolor hair yourself?
How to discolor hair yourself?

The day before the procedure, it is advisable to make an allergy test if you are not sure that the paint is like. You can apply a little by the ear. If you do not have any reaction, then feel free to start painting. The skin should be protected from the effects of coloring products. To do this, apply vaseline paint to all possible places.

A couple of days before painting, moisten your hair with an air conditioner or mask. For prolonged color conservation, use a protein filler. If you use permanent paint, be sure to use the activator from the kit.

Take a small strand at the neck and paint it. Hold the right amount of time.

After that, rinse the strand and evaluate the result. This is important to see what effect it will be. Perhaps you need to keep the paint longer or the shade will not turn out at all the one you wanted. Then it will be necessary to slightly adjust the composition or increase the time.

If everything suits you, then divide the hair into several parts and dye them. Start also from the roots. Gently massage your hair, as if you wash your head.

When there is enough time, you can wash your head well until the water is clean. In conclusion, apply air conditioning, which is always included with paint. Also withstand it according to the instructions and then rinse.

Gently wipe the hair with a towel and let it dry naturally.

How to care for hair after coloring?

Hair care after coloring
Hair care after coloring

When the coloring is completed, it will not be possible to wash your head for several days. This will allow the paint to penetrate deep into the hair and gain a foothold well. Sometimes, even the most persistent colors are not held on bleached hair and after the first washing they are washed off. Only a professional can help out here.

After staining, it is required to actively care for the hair. If this is neglected, then they will deteriorate even more - they will break, they will be dry, like straw. Therefore, take care of active moisture. Air conditioning is suitable. It is worth using it at least once a week. It is withstanding for about half an hour. To make the result even better, you can make nutrient air conditioners or masks. But they must be fresh.

To maintain the desired color, tint the hair every 1.5-2 months. But try to dye your hair not completely, but only overgrown roots, if it is very noticeable. In order for the color transition to be smooth, after applying the paint, immediately comb. When the hair grows, it is advisable to let them relax for a while.

Video: How to dye bleached hair?

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