Do I need to yield to the lower shelf on the train?

Do I need to yield to the lower shelf on the train?

In this article, we will talk about whether it is necessary to yield to the lower shelf on the train. And we also find out what a legal basis is.

To yield to the lower shelf on the train to people of advanced age and mothers with children is a rather scrupulous moment. But to a greater extent, this is a matter of education and ethics. However, many have their own adamant opinion on this. Let's analyze the legitimate foundation of both sides of the position.

Do I need to yield to the lower shelf on the train?

Often on the train you can find a similar picture. When pensioners and young mothers with children in an ordinary carriage, and people with a large weight and fractures of their legs are still added to them, ask other passengers to yield to them the lower shelf.

  • Indeed, in the days of the USSR, when in the train all places, in fact, were common and at the same cost, could be exchanged. But today everything is different. Passengers not only buy a ticket for themselves to somehow get to their destination, but also pay extra for certain conditions and comfort. It is no coincidence that the upper shelves are cheaper, and the lower shelves are much more expensive.
  • Therefore, such a scheme looks like a passenger tried to purchase a ticket cheaper in the hope that it would be possible to change places with someone or agree.
  • Firstly, no one has the right to drive a passenger with such statements about the obligation to give way. Even the conductor cannot insist on this.

Important: Clause 51 of Chapter V. The landing of passengers in the rules of transportation of the Russian Federation states that passengers should to occupy only those places that are indicated on the ticket! And there should not be any other companions there.

We also attach the order of Russian Railways for familiarization.

Written order
Written order
  • Many pensioners and other citizens who buy the cheapest ticket are not aware that the train has different conditions and advantages. The direct duty of cashiers selling tickets to tell them about this in order to avoid awkward and unpleasant situations in the future.
  • And it turns out that respected citizens who put pressure on humanity and hide behind a sick foot or a small child, n e may demand to give them a place. Moreover, in order to hang a jacket or sit nearby, you need to ask permission.
  • And it seems that there is a share of logic in this, because when buying a ticket The insurance company is responsible for the passenger. Therefore, everyone should be in their place. But still, do not forget about elementary ethics, humanity and respect for other people. If this is not an abuse of the position and not obvious impudence.

Important: Now you can buy tickets in 3 months for all trains that go within the country and for long distances. Recall that they used to be sold in 60 days. In addition, you can indicate not only the place, the type of wagon, but even the floor of future neighbors.Moreover, you can arrange tickets online.

Now tickets can be bought for 3 months
Now tickets can be bought for 3 months
  • It is also worth explaining that there is also its place for baggage depending on the ticket:
    • passengers of the lower shelves have the lower compartments for bags;
    • but the upper luggage shelves are for the suitcases of those satellites that are located on the upper tier.
  • And here there is a stick of two ends. It seems to be convenient, without interfering with a neighbor from below, to pick up your bag and go out in the middle of the night. But sometimes a load of up to 30 kg is extremely inconvenient to raise to such a height. Or the suitcase is not placed in the lower compartment, and it cannot be put on a legally on top.
  • But everything can use a table - He is common in accordance with the law. They just did not come to the common denominator to whom he can belong. Although, without taking advantage of the lower shelf, where another passenger lies, it will be extremely inconvenient to eat at a common table. Perhaps our Russian Railways will soon begin to provide chairs in such cases.

Therefore, we can safely say that you are not obliged to concede the lower shelf if you yourself do not want to. And passengers who use their status and sometimes go beyond the boundaries of the permitted concept should also understand that by law everyone should go in their place. Successful trips to you and sincere fellow travelers!

Video: Russian Railways solved the conflict of the lower and upper shelves

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