Do I need to brush your teeth to cats and cats? How to correctly and often brush your teeth to a cat and a cat at home: tips. What toothpaste and brush to brush your teeth to the cat? How to accustom a kitten to brush your teeth? What seeds to give cats to brush your teeth?

Do I need to brush your teeth to cats and cats? How to correctly and often brush your teeth to a cat and a cat at home: tips. What toothpaste and brush to brush your teeth to the cat? How to accustom a kitten to brush your teeth? What seeds to give cats to brush your teeth?

Tips that will help during brushing tooth to a cat at home.

Cats occupy the first positions in the lists of the most beloved pets. You must admit, it’s nice when this purring muzzle comes to you and expresses its feelings in a dear way. However, cats, as in principle, and any other animals, bring not only joy and emotion, they also cause a lot of trouble. After all, any living creature needs constant care, moreover, it is necessary to provide a proper care and exactly the one that every specifically taken animal needs. Today we will talk about the hygiene of the oral cavity in cats and figure out how to adhere to it.

Do I need to brush your teeth to cats and cats?

Before answering the question: "Do you need to brush your teeth to cats?" Let's talk a little about the dental diseases of these animals and their causes.

The oral cavity in cats is not much different from the human mouth.

  • A person, unlike the animal, can independently take care of himself and his hygiene, moreover, he can do this in the right amount
  • The animal cannot independently brush your teeth or seek dental help. Despite this, the teeth of cats are no less susceptible to ailments than human teeth
  • I must say that there are several factors that, one way or another, affect the development of dental diseases in pets:
  • Insufficient care for animals and his teeth
  • The food that the animal consumes
  • Previously transferred infectious diseases
  • Urgent teeth
  • The presence of harmful bacteria that negatively affect the microflora of the oral cavity
  • Predisposition
  • Insufficient care for animals and his teeth
Cat brushing to the cat
Cat brushing to the cat

Now we will pay a little attention to those diseases that appear in cats precisely due to improper and insufficient care of the oral cavity:

  • Plaque. The dentition is the first enemy of cat teeth. What is a raid? A plaque is the remnants of food, saliva and, of course, bacteria. The plaque can be gray, white or yellow. Why is it so important to monitor the lack of plaque on the teeth of the animal? Everything is very simple - the formation of a raid is the reason for other, more serious problems with the teeth
  • Tartar. Tartar is just the same as a more serious problem that occurs due to ignoring the plaque. The plaque becomes solid and forms stone deposits in which thousands of bacteria live and propagate with pleasure. With such an ailment, the appeal to the veterinarian is mandatory, because ignoring this problem will lead to at least to a tooth loss
  • Caries. This disease is sick not only by people, but also by animals. Speaking in simple words, caries is a decay of the tooth
  • Osteomyelit tooths. The reason for this serious ailment is the unfinished caries or infection in the oral cavity. The disease is manifested by suppuration on the gums

The list of dental diseases of cats can be continued for a long time, but there is no sense in this. So, to what, in fact, was all the above information cited? And to the fact that the cause of all these diseases, as a rule, is improper oral hygiene.

Is it now worth answering the question: “Do cats need to brush your teeth?” Remember, the oral hygiene should be carried out to almost all pets and cats head this list.

How to brush your teeth to a cat and a cat at home: Tips

People perfectly understand the importance of this procedure, therefore, as a rule, there are no difficulties in brushing their teeth even in a small child. However, the animals are not made to understand that the brushing of the teeth is the procedure necessary for them.

Often cats do not like to brush their teeth and, of course, try to prevent the owner from doing this. That is why it is very important to know how to purify the animal's oral cavity correctly and painless for it.

So, consider how to properly conduct hygiene of teeth in a cat:

  • Of course, it is worth starting with the fact that the cat needs to be put in a position convenient for you. This does not mean that it can be put on his back and pressed to the sofa, no. You need to take a pet or face to yourself, or on yourself, depending on how you will be comfortable. In the process of brushing the teeth, the animal, of course, will break out and scratch, so extraneous assistance will be very useful to you. So, you decided - you hold the cat, holding his jaw slightly, and your assistant holds its paws
  • In a big account, the animal does not understand what is happening to him, so do not increase his stress. Do not immediately take a brush with paste and carry out thorough brushing tooths. Start small. For example, you can cleanse the oral cavity and teeth in several stages: first the front teeth, and a little later all the rest. It is important to remember that you need to take a toothpaste very little, otherwise the cat just eats it
Cat's brushing at home
Cat's brushing at home
  • It will be correct to brush the teeth in which you make a minimum of effort. Remember that the pet’s teeth are slightly different in size and shape from yours, and accordingly they should also be brushed a little different
  • Do not torment the animal for a long time, movements should be fast, but not sharp, and without an onslaught
  • The whole procedure ideally should occupy about a minute, but no more. In principle, with regular cleaning, about 30 seconds will be enough.
  • To finish the procedure should be wiping the gums and teeth of the animal with an ordinary cotton wool or sponge, which must first be moistened in warm water

What toothpaste and brush to brush your teeth to the cat?

The choice of brushes and animal pastes is a responsible matter. The fact is that the gums of cats are very easily elevated.

  • When choosing an animal brush, it is definitely worth giving preference to a special one. Why can't you use a regular toothbrush? Because for the animal it will be too hard and can easily damage soft tissues in the mouth
  • In extreme cases, you can use a regular children's brush, but this option can be used as a last resort, but not on an ongoing basis
  • The most popular are brushes that are worn on the finger. Most people consider this option the most convenient, however, using such a brush, it is important to remember about security measures, because the animal will have every chance of bite you
  • As for the pasta, it should also be intended specifically for the animal. The taste of mint, lemon, lemon balm, or honey will not be like a cat will not be like a cat. The taste of meat, fish or other treats for the animal is already a completely different matter
  • By the way, there is another way to brush your toothpick. To do this, you can use a piece of fabric or just a finger instead of a brush. Of course, this method cleanses the animal’s teeth much worse, but sometimes the owners use it. If you still decide to try this method, then you need to take a small piece of pure hard fabric to the best of it and wind it on your finger. Next, apply a little pasta to the fabric and carry out the procedure in accordance with the above algorithm

How to accustom a kitten to brush your teeth?

It will not be a secret to anyone that a small kitten is much easier to accustom to regular teeth brushing than an adult cat. In this case, everything is completely similar to how a small child is taught this process, of course, with the exception of the explanation of the importance of this procedure and its need.

  • Of course, you should not start brushing your teeth with a kitten that just opened your eyes. However, it is also not worth delaying with this procedure
  • As soon as your fluffy lump begins to eat on its own and gets comfortable in this world - you can start accustoming it to the hygiene of the oral cavity
  • To get started, give the kitten “get to know” the brush and paste. Let him examine these objects, perhaps play with them. This is necessary so that the animal does not see the potential danger in these things
  • Start carrying out the procedure so that the cat receives minimal stress
  • The first time you can brush only the front teeth and even without the use of pasta
  • For the 2nd time, add a little pasta and also brush only the front teeth
Brush your teeth kitten
Brush your teeth kitten
  • If the kitten reacts more or less normally, then you can increase the number of cleaned tooth
  • If the animal reacts too violently to the procedure, then the brush can be replaced by your finger for a while
  • As soon as the pet understands that the brushing of the teeth is not a painful procedure, it will become much easier
  • Remember, initially you do not need to climb deep into your mouth, this can cause unpleasant sensations, up to vomiting
  • You also do not need to brush your teeth too long. For the first time 15-20 seconds. there will be more than enough
  • Another advice is to carry out such procedures no more than 1 time per week
  • The main thing is a desire and patience-if you adhere to all the above recommendations, then after 5-10 procedures your fluffy will be happy to brush your teeth

How often to brush your teeth to a cat and a cat?

We, people, are used to brushing our teeth at least once a day. For us, this is quite acceptable, if not, that is necessary. However, animals do not need such frequent brushing their teeth.

  • In principle, the cat will be quite enough if its teeth are brushed 1-2 times a week
  • However, if you have a desire and opportunity, then the procedure can be carried out much more often-3-5 times a week
  • It is also worth paying the attention of the hosts to the following moments:
  • You brush your teeth, but you feel the unpleasant odor from the mouth of the animal
  • Despite the hygiene of the oral cavity, the cat has a raid on the teeth
  • The pet’s teeth changed in color, tartar appeared
Correct brushing tooth to a cat
Correct brushing tooth to a cat

All these symptoms indicate that the procedures carried out by you are ineffective or not enough. In the case of the formation of a plaque, carry out hygiene of the oral cavity more carefully and more often.

If an unpleasant odor has been added to the raid, pay attention to the diet of the animal, it may be adjusted. If stones are detected on the teeth, one cleaning of the oral cavity can no longer do. In this situation, you need to show the pet to the veterinarian.

What seeds to give cats to brush your teeth?

In addition to traditional methods of brushing tooths, you can also use alternative.

  • Let's start, perhaps, with special dental toys. Special bones are available with different smells and are used to cleanse the teeth from plaque
  • Also, cats can be given ordinary edible bones. However, it is necessary to take into account the breed of the pet, his age and the condition of his teeth. Very often cats do not bite the bones, but simply swallow them, and this, as you know, leads to digestive problems
  • Cats can be given bones that are sold in pet stores. Such delicacies most often consist of tendons, joints and crushed bones
  • Big bones on which there are few meat left. The bones should be large so that the animal cannot eat them and gnaw into small pieces
  • Remember, the cats should not be given tubular bones. You should also not feed the pet with sharp bones, because they can easily damage not only the oral cavity of the animal, but also the internal organs. Even if the bones freely fall into the stomach, then they can provoke digestive problems
  • The usual dry food brushes its teeth also well, however, if your pet has not used it before, then think about the need to use this way of brushing your teeth
Bones for brushing teeth
Bones for brushing teeth

Cats are purring antidepressants, which, perhaps, are in every house. As you can see, in addition to joy, they are able to bring a lot of trouble. However, such chores are truly loving the owner, even in joy. Enjoy your pet to hygiene of the oral cavity since childhood - and then you will not encounter possible difficulties in the future.

Video: Cat brushing

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