Numerology: a square of Pythagoras, a psycho -matrix by date of birth. How to calculate the square of Pythagoras?

Numerology: a square of Pythagoras, a psycho -matrix by date of birth. How to calculate the square of Pythagoras?

You can understand yourself, loved ones and acquaintances with the help of a square of Pythagoras. The article describes the methodology for calculating psychomotics to determine the main character traits, compatibility, as well as the method of building a life schedule according to Pythagoras.

The influence of the date of birth on the life path, character, health and talent has been proven for a long time. Since ancient times, people tried to solve what fate promises the birth to the birthday.

The square of Pythagoras is one of the important directions in numerology. With its help with high accuracy, one can determine the character of a person, his inclinations, hidden abilities, characteristic features.

What is a square of the fate of Pythagoras in numerology?

  • The developer of the square is the ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras. He studied mathematical work on the study of man of Arabs, Phoenicians, Egyptians and Druids.
  • The square of Pythagoras is a system of numbers, the calculation of which is based on the date of birth. The date of birth is folded in a certain order, forming a number of numbers.
  • These numbers are painted according to nine squares of the matrix from 1 to 9. Then they analyze the table, draw conclusions about what character traits and talents are laid down in a person with fate.
Pythagoras and his square of fate
Pythagoras and his square of fate

How does the square of Pythagoras work?

At birth, each person receives the vibration of the number, which carries certain characteristics. This number is the date of birth.

Having created the horoscope matrix by date of birth, you can determine the character traits that are inherent in a person born on a certain day.

Square of fate - characteristic in nine digits
Square of fate - characteristic in nine digits

How to make a Pythagoras psychomatrice (square)?

Calculation of psychomotics is carried out in several stages. Example on the date of birth: May 7, 1985:

  1. Fold all the numbers of the date of birth 05/07/1985: 7+5+1+9+8+5=35
    It will be yours the first working number
  2. Fold the numbers of the first working number: 3+5=8
    This is yours the second working number
  3. Dive the first one from scratch the figure of your birthday. In the example, the first zero, we discard it and double the number 7: 7*2 \u003d 14
  4. Subtract the resulting number from the first working number: 35-14=21
    This is yours the third working number
  5. Fold the numbers of the third working number: 2+1=3
    This is yours the fourth working number

Write down all 12 digits 7.5.1985. the corresponding values, the numbers of the cell of the matrix of the Pythagoras.

Pythagoras psychotorrot
Pythagoras psychotorrot

The more numbers of one group more, the more developed a certain quality.

Pythagoras square - science from antiquity
Pythagoras square - science from antiquity

The value of numbers in the square of Pythagoras

Decipher the results in the value and number of numbers.

1. Character, willpower, ego in a psychomotic

  • 1 - characterizes a person as selfish and limp. Such a person is always trying to demonstrate his exaggerated volitional qualities, but he tries not to make real decisions, it bypasses complex issues. Inclined to argue about and without
  • 11 - a person is characterized by a soft, flexible character. He does not like to crush people, sociable. Responsive and attentive to others, it is in need of praise, which increases his self -esteem. There is not enough determination, unless it has a sufficient number of doubles
  • 111 - character - "golden mean." People find a common language with everyone, can give in to anyone in a dispute. But if you put pressure on them, then any despot will be crushed in the dispute. They have a soft, tolerant character, but it is not worth testing it, since there may be an unexpected explosion of emotions
A unit in a psycho -matrix means character strength
A unit in a psycho -measures characterizes the strength of character
  • 1111 - a person with a strong, strong -willed character of a leader. Of these people, there are excellent leaders and commanders who know how to achieve the goal, but without cruelty and despotism. They love sincere praise, but do not accept the sinking. Rarely refuse to make a decision
  • 11111 - a person of power, purposefully advance to rule, no matter what. Small. But the desire for power creates a hostile environment around. It is better for such people to get away from power, because it can give rise to a receiver that will destroy it. It is not worth testing his patience
  • 111111 or more - the “overload” of the despot, the character is not stable. He strives for great power: the king, the president, but the inability to achieve it leads to disappointment and a complete rejection of power. But for loved ones can make the impossible
The deuce in the psychomotics characterizes the power of energy and sexuality
The deuce in the psychomotics characterizes the power of energy and sexuality

2. The level of energy, a tendency to psychic abilities, passion, sexuality in a square of fate

  • no, the energy of a person is weak, therefore, fussiness, mobility, and randomness are inherent in him. Moreover, due to lack of energy, a person may be lazy. Four strengthen the weak energy. Such a person is an energy vampire, since there is not enough own energy. Love dogs that are energy donors
  • 2 - In humans, energy is weakened. But fussiness and laziness manifests itself selectively, in certain circumstances. They try to avoid physical labor, conflicts, as it is a strong energy consumption. They love and know how to speak and receive compliments, gifts, this increases their level of energy. Atmospheric phenomena have a strong effect on them
Numerology of Pythagoras is not discontinued with the signs of the zodiac
Numerology of Pythagoras is not discontinued with the signs of the zodiac
  • 22 - optimal energy level for life. A person is able to realize himself in any areas of interest to him. Equally effectively sets goals and achieves them. Can work with people. Lent is not characteristic of such people, the main thing is that self -esteem and determination are on top. If necessary, it can fiercely defend its interests. You can not spray and spend your energy in vain
  • 222 - a person - a psychic, can treat his biofield, but they appear more often in extreme situations. These are quite closed people, they are reluctant to share their problems. But the energy is not stable, it is not worth doing heavy physical labor
  • 2222-Donor-Donor with severe energy, everyone is drawn to them for recharge. The opposite sex pays special attention to such people. Often such people spend their energy wasted, but they can afford it. It is necessary to get rid of an excess of energy, otherwise conflicts will arise
The three in the psycho -matrix characterizes the tendency to science
The three in the psycho -matrix characterizes the tendency to science

3. The tendency to science in the square of Pythagoras

  • no, it indicates a humanitarian slope, it will be difficult to deal with technical specialties. Creative professions are well suited, you only need to reveal your aspirations and talents in time
  • 3 - a person can become a humanist and a techie. But, you cannot spray, it is necessary to determine the area and improve in it, otherwise there is a danger not to achieve success anywhere. You can’t rush about, because the only three spray, and does not fix interest
  • 33 - A person has the ability to accurate sciences, technology. Analytic mind. Of these people, excellent scientists, mathematicians, and physics are obtained. If there is logic and memory, then excellent masters of their work on repairing equipment, its design and design can be obtained. But if 5, 6 and 9 are weak, then you should not do the repair directly
You can know yourself and the world through the square of Pythagoras
You can know yourself and the world through the square of Pythagoras

333 - interest in the exact sciences is not stable, which means craving for the world of art. Well, if there is an opportunity to combine this, so that one interest smoothly flowed into another. Otherwise, an internal conflict and dissatisfaction may appear. It is important for such people to realize themselves, for which the support and understanding of loved ones need

3333 - a born inventor and designer, a very rare sign. If the numbers in the matrix 5 and 9 in an amount of two pieces, then you need to engage in science. If the memory and logic are weak, then you are a generator of ideas to which the details can be difficult, so you need to collectively realize your ideas

Four in the psychomotics characterizes the strength of health
Four in the psychomotics characterizes the strength of health

4. Fortress of health in the psychomotics of fate

When choosing professional activities, measure this indicator and energy level. If health and energy are weak, then you should not choose very nervous and intense activities.

  • no - speaks of poor health. In childhood, such children often get sick, but what health will be in adulthood depends only on the person and lifestyle himself. You should not play professionally, you should also enter into sharp conflicts, because In this case, energy and health are wasted
Pythagoras square - a way to decipher fate
Pythagoras square - a way to decipher fate
  • 4 - health from birth is quite good, but it must be protected. There is an opportunity to do professional sports, but provided that energy is not lower than “22”. It is better to avoid empty energy, as this entails a deterioration in health
  • 44 - good health from birth. You must submit professional sport, but when choosing a sport, you need to take into account the tendency and interest. A person has a strong determination, which will achieve serious heights. Just do not abuse your physical strength, the mind can be more powerful
  • 444 or more - a person is practically not susceptible to diseases, health is very strong. It has great sexual capabilities and a wonderful body. Men are physically very strong
Five in the psychomotics characterizes intuition
Five in the psychomotics characterizes intuition

5. Intuition, logic in the square of Pythagoras

  • no, a person uses logic poorly, it is easier for him to build air locks. Clear planning is difficult, but he “sees” how his plans should be realized. Intuition is very weak, you should not rely on it. It is possible to develop logic and intuition only with thorny through experience
  • 5 - there is logic, but weak, so planning is given to a person hard. But to calculate the situation, to benefit from it and to prevent a mistake is easier than in the absence of five. You can engage in accurate sciences, but only with a great desire of a person, good memory and a fairly strong and stable energy
Pythagoras square is elementary mathematics
Pythagoras square is elementary mathematics
  • 55 - strong logic and intuition, you can engage in accurate sciences. Often they foresee events through the logic of reasoning, but they can not always be safe from failures, since not everything depends on them. It is difficult to deceive them, because the contradictions in the words of the interlocutor subtly feel
  • 555 - the strongest logic and intuition, often precisely predict events. May provide for the outcome of almost any business. But these opportunities are not constant, manifest on occasion. All the exact sciences on their shoulder
  • 5555 and more - clairvoyants, all the causes and consequences of events are completely clear to them. They usually choose one direction in activity and develop it. Well versed in the exact sciences
Six in a psycho -matrix characterizes the need to work physically
Six in a psycho -matrix characterizes the need to work physically

6. A tendency to physical work, the grounding of a person in the matrix of fate

  • no, a person does not like physical labor, tries to avoid it in every way, does something only as necessary. No need to break it. Such a person is not a lazy person, you just need to engage in mental work or creative profession
  • 6 - A person can engage in physical labor only at will, otherwise he becomes irritable and nervous. It is not worth forcing such people to work physically, the quality of work can be low. But if he began to work, then do not interrupt it or give instructions
  • 66-A person loves physical labor, he gives him a true pleasure to do something with his own hands. This is the "golden hands" with which any handmade is subject to. Such people prefer to read viewing television programs and videos on the Internet. They definitely need to find their own business and be realized in it
On Pythagoras, some people do not need to work physically
On Pythagoras, some people do not need to work physically

666 - a person with a complex character. With a certain set of circumstances (severe resentment, humiliation), cruelty, aggressiveness, the desire to suppress anyone standing in the way or simply not liked the person can develop

6666 - a person works a lot physically, and practically does not feel the severity of physical labor. But under certain circumstances, as well as in three 6, cruelty may appear

Seven in the psychotride characterizes the luck of the ISIL of communication with the cosmos
Seven in the psychotride characterizes the luck of the ISIL of communication with the cosmos

7. Luck, luck, the influence of higher forces on the fate of a person in the Pythagoras psychotorrotion

  • no - a person is free from the influence of higher powers, the need for a higher plan is not gravitated over him, so he is free to choose his life path on his own
  • 7 - A person needs to find an area in which he needs to open. Then on this path he will be accompanied by success. Most of the troubles arise when choosing the wrong direction. But there are a lot of self -realization areas, although this makes it difficult to choose the right choice than contributes to it
The earthly information field according to Pythagoras can not read all
The earthly information field according to Pythagoras can not read all
  • 77 - sensitive and gifted people, a person is lucky in life. You can take risks and set big goals. Choosing your own path and following it is much easier than one “7”. The main thing is to believe in yourself and order correctly from the Universe: if you believe that nothing happens, you really will not work out
  • 777 and more - mean that a person himself builds his life and determines the events that will happen to him, since he has huge knowledge about the laws of life. They can take into account and foresee a lot. Failures can appear only in case of unbelief in their strength or self -destructive actions
Eight in the psycho -matrix characterizes a sense of duty
Eight in the psycho -matrix characterizes a sense of duty

8. A sense of duty, responsibility in the square of fate

  • no - the sense of duty is greatly dull. A person is quite selfish, is in no hurry to take responsibility. It is impossible to put pressure on such people, they are very emotionally reacting to this. But the upbringing and lifestyle of parents can have a great influence on the development of a sense of duty
  • 8 - responsible, conscientious, accurate in affairs of a person, but sometimes he needs to remind himself of tolerance for others. The sense of duty is dulled, but the upbringing of parents with their own example and self -awareness can adjust this
A sense of duty is hope for a bright tomorrow
A sense of duty is hope for a bright tomorrow
  • 88 - means that a person has an innate sense of duty. It is distinguished by kindness, responsiveness, tolerance. Always ready to help loved ones. At the same time, they feel a lie, it can practically be deceived and he tries not to deceive
  • 888 - a person, just like with “88” kind and responsive, reads his parents, patient to his neighbors. But, too much truthfulness, the deception feels and does not tolerate at all, it can even become “Pavlik Morozov” in pursuit of truth. But can lead the masses and achieve outstanding results
  • 8888 or more - a person with parapsychological abilities, has exceptional susceptibility, his calling is to serve people
Nine in a psychotrix characterizes the power of the mind
Nine in a psychotrix characterizes the power of the mind

9. Mind, analytical abilities, ability to study in the square of Pythagoras

  • no - a person is given to a person with difficulty, he needs to work hard and hard. But the absence of “9” is observed only in those born after 2000. For them there are other calculation methods that are not yet worked out enough
  • 9-a person does not remember and reproduce information very well, but with pleasure creates something new. They remember all the important and necessary information exactly, everything else is eliminated. Do not clog memory with resentment and negative information
Pythagoras philosophy
Pythagoras philosophy
  • 99 - smart people who are able to solve very difficult problems. They can quickly reproduce any necessary information, so they can engage in science. However, it is impossible to melt in minor problems and responsibilities, this will lead to a weakening of abilities. It is worth learning to understand the motives of people's actions, so as not to accumulate resentment
  • 999 - very smart, smart people with great analytical abilities. Study is easy, so they can ignore it. They may have a gift of clairvoyance, as they have access to the information field, although their forecasts are not always absolutely true
  • 9999 and more - people of very high intelligence. Brilliant experts of their business are obtained, but they are often intolerant of other people's mistakes, even cruel. These are prophets, their predictions come true very accurately. But the ability of clairvoyance sometimes it is necessary to develop
Do not be afraid to look into your soul through numbers
Do not be afraid to look into your soul through numbers

How to determine the character of a person by a square of Pythagoras?

Not only the numbers themselves can tell about the character, but also their number horizontally, verticals and diagonals.

The more numbers responsible for a certain quality, the stronger this quality is developed. But if there are more than 5 numbers, then there is an excess, which may not be manifested by stability and fanaticism to the detriment of other qualities


  • Determination - 1.4.7. The greater the meaning, the more goals a person is able to achieve. With a value of more than 5, the desire to achieve the goal is so great that funds cease to interest
  • The quality of the family man and the desire to create a family - 2.5,8. Some are ready to create a family and take responsibility immediately after school (value 6-9), others are decided to this step for a very long time (at 1.2 values)
  • Stability - 3.6.9. Characterizes a person’s desire to surround himself with certain habits, a daily routine. A person with a high level of stability is afraid and does not want change
Psychotorride gives answers to many life questions
Psychotorride gives answers to many life questions


  • Self-esteem - 1.2.3. The greater the value of the number, the more a person has a desire to stand out from the crowd and show himself a significant personality
  • Material independence - 4.5,6. The greater the value, the higher the desire for self -sufficiency, but with a value of more than 5 people, it works so much that it can break through
  • Talent - 7.8.9. The higher the value, the stronger the talent. But often talent is not allowed to develop and improve, which brings disappointment and dissatisfaction to life. If you have more than 3, then you definitely need to find and reveal your talent


  • Temperament - 3.5.7 characterizes the activity of sexual activity. The greater the value, the more temperamental people, but this indicator does not affect the quality of intimate relationships
  • Spirituality -1.5,9. The number of digits up to 5 indicates an increase in spirituality, the absence of numbers indicates spirituality, and the number of numbers more than 5 characterizes a person who can become a fanatic
Pythagoras compatibility
Pythagoras compatibility

How to calculate the compatibility for marriage by a square of Pythagoras?

To calculate the compatibility for marriage, pre -make two squares for each partner.

He: 02/09/1982 She: 05/07/1985
111 44 no 11 no 7
22 no 8 2 555 88
33 no 99 33 no 9

Calculate the amount of the number of numbers diagonally, vertical, horizontal:

Calculation of the total number of digits in directions
Calculation of the total number of digits in directions

Compare the results obtained among themselves.

Love compatibility in the square of Pythagoras, table:

He Quality She is
5 Determination 3
3 The quality of the family man 6
4 Stability 3
7 Self-esteem 5
2 Material independence 3
3 Talent 4
2 Temperament 7
5 Spirituality 6
  • When a man has more determination, this characterizes a classic family where a husband takes a leading position. Otherwise, a woman may stop respecting her man. If everyone understands their roles, then an union is also possible where a woman is stronger
  • The quality of the family man in a woman is higher, which characterizes her as a beautiful keeper of the hearth. A man does not value family values \u200b\u200bso much, so a woman needs to be more attentive to crises to a man
  • Stability in both at almost the same level, which provides harmony. If there is a large gap here, then one will need an active life and change, and the other is silence and peace, which will cause dissonance
  • Self -esteem in a man is higher, it is desirable for a woman to work with her own. The difference in self -esteem can affect the relationship, a man can start setting himself above a partner
Pythagoras Phantom -Attorron will help to understand a loved one
Pythagoras Phantom -Attorron will help to understand a loved one
  • Materially, both do not care too much about providing the family and harmony in this. If there is a big difference, then in the family it is immediately necessary to indicate who is the main minister, so that in the future there are no conflicts
  • Talent at the same level, no one will crush anyone
  • The temperament of a woman is higher, that is, a man needs to pay great attention to sexual life, otherwise a woman can go to treason. The same applies if a man has a higher temperament. Better when temperaments are close
  • Spirituality has close meanings, which means respect for the spiritual development of everyone. A big difference in indicators can make a dissonance, since a partner with less spirituality may not understand the partner and put pressure on him, which leads to the collapse of relations
Find out the character of a friend by psychomotics
Find out the character of a friend by psychomotics

Friendly compatibility in the square of Pythagoras

Upon learning of the character traits of a person who were laid at birth, you can understand how much such a person can be trusted. The psychomotor will show whether a person is ambitious, whether it is honest with others, energetic, financially independent, is rich spiritually.

Sometimes people can try to portray themselves as they are not, and in difficult situations it will emerge. Having studied the psychomotor, you can find out the weaknesses of a person and not to lay on him anymore than he is able to pull.

Pythagor's life schedule will help prepare for complex periods
Pythagor's life schedule will help prepare for complex periods

Pythagoras Life Schedule by date of birth

The life schedule is based on the date of life. According to the schedule, you can determine what sign will pass every 12 years of life.

Example: 05/07/1985. Change the date: 7*5*1985 \u003d 69475 and get key points.

Build a schedule.

  1. The horizontal axis will correspond to years. The first point is the year of birth. Each next point is a year after 12 years. Put the number of points as much as you want
  2. On the vertical axis, postpone the number from 0 to 9. Zero at the zero point
  3. Take the first digit 6 of the resulting number 69475 and put it over the year of birth, it will be characterized by a gap from 1985 to 1997 (0-12 years of life)
  4. The next number 9 we celebrate the following 12 years: the period 1997-2009. So to the last digit
  5. After the last point, we return to the beginning of the digital series 69475 and the next period after 2033 we build, starting from the first number 6 vertically
Schedule for the above example
Pythagoras schedule for the above example

Deciphering the points of the schedule

  • 0 - all the actions made before this will be at a dead end, and you will have to start all over again, a difficult period. This is the time of working out karmic debts, problems are possible. But this is the beginning of a new life. Take up the contemplation of life, draw conclusions, grow spiritually
  • 1 - the period under the banner of hard work. But the direction is true and all costs will bear fruit. Go boldly in this way, it will lead to victory. Irritability and imbalance may occur often
  • 2 - a period of doubt when the choice of further path occurs. This choice is complicated, full of contradictions, but it will be only yours. Spades and rises are alternated regularly, but the attitude towards this will be a philosophical
  • 3 - a period of stability, when you will definitely be sure of your choice of path. The period of implementation of plans, but this will require resources and they must be learned to get. You will have many friends, learn the flexibility of communication
  • 4 - the period when you need to take care of the soul. Develop in the spiritual direction, pay attention to related ties and their fortress. This is a conservative period, it is better to avoid sharp changes
Life schedule is based on the date of birth
Life schedule is based on the date of birth
  • 5 - a period under the sign of the search for love, the warmth of loved ones and active actions. The period is full of unpredictable moments and adventures, you will want changes and impressions.
  • 6 - a period of happiness and harmony. Create, create, enjoy life. A good -natured mood prevails
  • 7 - a period of crisis financial situations. Be careful, try to save, do not make expensive and risky investments. The period favors the study of all secret, secret and otherworldly
  • 8 - a period under the sign of changes, the birth of a new era and material success. Everything changes around, you have to adapt. Look around and make a choice in order to live this period as you want. Success awaits you literally in everything
  • 9 - You are leading the highest forces to do an important business. And success is accompanied everywhere. After the completion of one business, a new one will begin, but this gives life a special taste

Pay attention to the downs and rises on the schedule, they correspond to take -off and falls in life. In such periods, you must be careful. The most favorable are horizontal segments.

The date of birth is a magic number
The date of birth is a magic number

How to calculate the square of Pythagoras: tips and reviews

  • The square of Pythagoras describes those qualities and character traits that are given to a person at birth. But, if the forecast is not very positive, do not despair. Work with your weaknesses and everything will work out
  • Develop the strength of the spirit and stress resistance, learn to accumulate and take the energy of the universe, strengthen health, make efforts where you would like to open up. Learn to understand yourself and others

Anna, 31 years old

For seven years she was angry with her husband for not courageous enough, strong in spirit. It has to push it to key solutions. But the square of Pythagoras showed that a person is simply much weaker than me energetically and in terms of spirit. This helped me calm down and perform all the actions more consciously.

Marina, 40 years old:

The alignment for compatibility showed that we do not suit my first husband at all, both leaders who are difficult to negotiate. The second husband does not strive to be a leader in the family, but more energetically than me. He gives me the opportunity to think that I am the main one, but always protects.

Video: Calculation of the square of Pythagoras

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Comments K. article

  1. Thank you very much. Very good and necessary information.

  2. Everything is useful. Thank you.

  3. In 2020, there will be sometimes negative numbers. For example, January 6th. How to relate to them?

  4. A very useful article for personal growth and not only! Understand the purpose of children and help in their implementation. The article is informative and interesting! Thank you

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