Numerology of numbers by date of birth. Numerology of fate, marriage, love, wedding dates, character, name, surname by date of birth

Numerology of numbers by date of birth. Numerology of fate, marriage, love, wedding dates, character, name, surname by date of birth

This article will make it possible to touch the secrets of the ancient science of numerology.

  • Huge information is laid down in the date of birth of a person or the date of any event
  • Possessing these available information, having studied simple calculations, you can become a true expert on human characters
  • Thanks to this knowledge, an interesting completely unexpected landscape of the universe opens. Everything previously incomprehensible becomes easily explained

The value of the date of birth according to numerology. The price of fate by date of birth in numerology

The value of the date of birth in numerology

The date of birth forms fate, interpersonal relationships, abilities, energy of any person. The value of numbers by any date makes it possible to make a new fate using the magic of numbers.

This magic number consists of the sum of the components of the date of date of birth.

If a person was born on September 13, 1965:

one+three+nine+one+nine+six+five \u003d thirty four

Fateful numberman:

Three +four \u003d Seven

What information does the figure carry about the character of its owner:

  1. - aggression, unreasonable ambitions, leadership qualities, huge determination, moderate ambition. A person with a unit in a name knows how to achieve a goal
  2. - restraint, complaisance, harmony in all aspects of life
  3. - optimism, great talent, increased intuition, slight imbalance
  4. - practicality, reliability, hard work, lack of qualities of riskiness
  5. - Activity in achieving the goal, adventurism, optimism, independence, unpredictability, resourcefulness, ingenuity
  6. - Truthfulness, friendliness, stability, reliability
  7. - mystery, talent, intellectuality. The desire for loneliness. Often are hermit
  8. - determination, rigid in nature, achieve a high financial situation. Stable, reliable
  9. - Successful, strong, achieve a decent position and status, great wealth

Video: Numerology of birth - how does the date of birth affect fate?

How to determine the nature of the date of birth in numerology?

Determination of character in numerology
Determination of character in numerology
  • To determine the nature of the date of birth, they add up the date and month
  • This is the number of your main nature
  • Deciphering the essence of character by numbers is described above

Numerology named after and surname

Numerology by name
Numerology by name

When analyzing the surname and name, it should be taken into account for what purposes, the forecast is needed:

  • If for business, we take for an analysis the form of circulation in which you are addressed, that is, completely name and patronymic, or surname, or maybe just a name
  • For relations in the family - we choose, then the appeal is how relatives contact you, it can be an affectionate name, nickname or just a name
  • The same in other relationships you are interested in

Giving a name, parents endow the child with certain abilities and the strength of the corresponding name.
Patronymic and surname is a generic inheritance.

This type of calculation allows you to determine the energy of the name and surname. Do they help you or create difficulties?

This will allow you to learn more about yourself and look at yourself from the side.

Each letter of the surname, name and patronymic corresponds to the number from one to nine. There is no zero in numerology.
To do this, write our name and surname on the sheet
Each letter alphabet corresponds to the number:
A -1, B - 2, B - 6, G - 3, D - 4, E -5, Z -2, Z -7, I -7, I -1, K -2, L - 2
M - 4, N -5, O -7, P - 8, P -2, L - 2, M - 4, N - 4, O - 7, P - 8, P - 2, C - 3, T - 4, U -6, f - 8, x - 5, c -3, h - 7, sh -2, Sh - 9, s -1, b -1, e -6, y - 7, I -2

The number of the name characterizes the developed abilities, while the number of the date of birth analyzes the natural data of a person.


  • We determine the number for each letter of the name
  • We bring the amount to a clear value
  • We interpret in accordance with the value of the number of the above decoding.

Numerology of marriage by date of birth

Marriage by numerology
Marriage by numerology

A successful or not successful marriage, by the date of birth of partners, is determined by the number of date of birth of each spouse.

  • Fold separately each date

For example, the wife was born 15. Her number 6 \u003d 1+5.

  • My husband has a date of birth 3, its number will be 3
  • Fold two numbers
  • The number of marriage will be 9

We look at the table and analyze:

The number of marriage Interpretation
1 None of the two seeks to give in to each other. The marriage will not last long
2 Household problems can destroy marriage if you do not make joint efforts to eliminate them
3 Very harmonious steam. Love that is rare
4 Passive friendly couple. It can exist for a long time until one two of them want sex on the side. Want to save marriage, pay more attention to sexual relations
5 One of the partners is very easy in a relationship. He does not even try to stop the intrigues on the side. Want to save marriage, stop
6 Long family life is guaranteed
7 A prosperous union, but too much unrest about its well -being
8 A strong couple, which successfully overcome all difficulties. But it is worth trusting each other more. Distrust leads to internal insecurity
9 Perhaps this is not the case when it is time to run to register relationships. Take a closer look at each other

Numerology of love by date of birth

We determine the reliability of relations using numerology
We determine the reliability of relations using numerology

The number by which it is possible to determine the compatibility of love relationships is calculated, folding the number of month and year of birth, to a single indicator.

  • The dates of birth are taken both partners
  • Fold separately
  • And then the received numbers are folded again. Just like in the previous example

We use values \u200b\u200bfor the prediction of love relationships:

The number of love Characterization of relations
1 Two purposeful people who set their goals above love. Either combine your efforts in one direction, or you have to leave.
2 The dependence of partners on outsider. Learn to make decisions together without interfering in your relations of strangers.
3 Superficial relationships. If you do not make efforts to understanding and sincerity, not very long relations are possible.
four Ideal couple
5 The birth of children will add stability to relationships. Together you can achieve a lot if you support each other.
6 Do not be afraid to admit love, restrain your jealousy. And only then will you become a harmonious couple
7 Relations that will help to gain a lot of experience. They will not be simple, but very necessary to be a happy and harmonious couple in the future. The main problems will be related to material difficulties. Learn to overcome them together. And there will be no happier couple throughout the universe
eight You are completely different. If you want to save the union, it is necessary to develop in a spiritual plan, turning a blind eye to each other's shortcomings
9 Mutual understanding, development and support of each other, the key to good relations. You will depend on the opinions of other people - love will not withstand the trials

Numerology event by date of birth

Numerology event by date of birth

The most significant events in life can be calculated by adding to the year of its birth the number of which this year consists. With the year received, we make the same account.

For example, year of birth 1981





  • Significant years, for a person born in 1981 will be 2000, 2002, 2006, 2014
  • It is during these years that important events will occur in a person’s life, on which his fate depends
  • It can be both good and bad events

Video: numerology. The magic of numbers. The number of fate, the secrets of numbers in life

Numerology of the wedding date by date of birth

Numerology of the wedding date
It is possible to determine the appropriate date of the wedding celebration, if you add up the date of birth of the bride and groom, given the year and a month.

If the amount turns out more than 12, we lead to a unambiguous number.

For example, if 14, then 1+4 \u003d 5.

So in May, the best marriage registration time.

To clarify the date, we also add all the numbers of the birth of the bride and groom. And divide in half. If an even number, then the wedding should be carried out in the second half of the month, if not even, then in the first.

We choose a specific wedding date by mutual agreement.

Video: Happy Wedding. Numerology of marriage

Numerology Tarot by date of birth

Very complex, but worthy fortune -telling in numerology by date of birth and Tarot cards
  • The method in forecasting by date of birth can be made using the value of the Tarot cards
  • You can get practical advice by analyzing the age of a person of the corresponding year, with a binding to the value of the maps
    For this, all the figures of the date of birth are folded so that the amount does not exceed 22
  • For example, if it turned out 23, then fold 2+3 \u003d 5

We analyze the resulting figure, comparing with the corresponding map of the Tarot Starter Arkan.

  1. Magician
  2. Supreme Priestess
  3. Empress
  4. Emperor
  5. High priest
  6. Lovers
  7. Chariot
  8. Justice
  9. Hermit
  10. Wheel of Fortune
  11. Strength
  12. Hanged
  13. Death
  14. Moderation
  15. Devil
  16. Tower
  17. Star
  18. Moon
  19. Sun
  20. Court
  21. Jester
  22. World
  • This method allows you to identify the energy potential of the interest. Tell his future and past
  • Plunging into the Arcana Tarot, completely the entire life path and the purpose of any person is revealed. You can determine the weaknesses of the personality.
  • This is a more complex and deep process of forecasting. In addition to the knowledge of numerology, it is necessary to know the meaning of the architects of the deck. Feel the energy of cards. Without practices of meditation and yoga skills, you can get distorted information
  • You need to be very careful, no matter what to harm a person. An unprepared predictor can incorrectly interpret the information received. The result is a direction along the false path, distortion of the fate of a person
    Fortune telling Tarot is a deep knowledge of access, to which not everyone is open.

How to determine fate in numerology: tips and reviews

Are the numbers in our lives so important?
  • Easy fortune -telling by numbers will not do any harm. Even if you don't like something as a result, do not lose heart-this is just a fortune-telling
  • A person builds his fate himself. The entertainment will calculate the numbers, laugh and forget - this is one
  • And to calculate by numerology, having delved into all the calculations, to analyze all the pros and cons, to make an important decision is another
  • Everything is relative in life. As you relate to numerology, this is the result and will be

Video: fatal numbers. Numerology

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Comments K. article

  1. Extension of human life. We will write out the date of birth and death over a long period of time. It turns out that long -livers are born into strictly defined numbers and months. The philosopher of the 20th century G.I. Gurdzhiev wrote that no one can understand everything at once, to understand is to connect. We will choose, group, compare, tie and draw a conclusion. If we subtract 9 months from these strictly defined numbers and a month, we will get strictly defined numbers and months for the future conception from which children are mainly born. They live for a long time, get sick less often, develop mentally and physically for years. You can prolong a person’s life! This is a worthy method of childbearing for a person of the 21st century compared to past centuries. Planetary well -being and life conditions on planet Earth gradually, almost imperceptibly worsen. The time is coming after 1780 years (3797-2017) of the insidious mixed world flood in 3797, lasting 721 years with its hunger, cold, the heat of such glowing hell, hurricanes and severe seismic activity. About the cyclic nature of the world floods (water-glazed-mixed) every 7021 years, the decoded prophecies of Daniil, John the Theologian, Michel of Nostradamus and others warn us. Only, thanks to their mind, people overcome all difficulties if the construction of opposite underground structures (cities) will become a paradigm of the XXI century and prayers will not help in this, M. Nostradamus warns. Large families will be rare. There will be few people, but they will live for a long time. The specified method of conception will be the main one, but it can be used today. You will determine not only how many years to live your unborn child, but along the way to yourself. To do this, at the first stage, it is necessary to calculate the universal life code of the Earth for any person. This is no longer difficult, five examples are enough. 1. A man was born on 10/27/1918. We add these numbers, laid out in a special way. Day 27 \u003d 2+7 \u003d 9; month 10 \u003d 1+0 \u003d 10; year 19 \u003d 1+9 \u003d 10 and 18 \u003d 1+8 \u003d 9. The code is the total amount of numbers: 9+1+10+9 \u003d 29. According to the table, code 29 corresponds to 94 years and 3 months of your whole life. We will compose the table at the second stage. 2. The man was born on 01/01/2010. 01 \u003d 0+1 \u003d 1; 01 \u003d 1+0 \u003d 1; 20 \u003d 10+1 \u003d 11 and 10 \u003d 1+0 \u003d 1. Sum: 1+1+11+1 \u003d 14. Code 14 corresponds to 45 years and 6 months. 3. Man was born: 12/09/1949. 0+9 \u003d 9; 12 \u003d 1+2 \u003d 3; 19 \u003d 1+9 \u003d 10 and 49 \u003d 4+9 \u003d 13 \u003d 1+3 \u003d 4. Sum: 9+3+10+4 \u003d 26. Code 26 corresponds to 84 years and 6 months 4. A person was born on 02/27/1948. 27 \u003d 2+7 \u003d 9; 0+2 \u003d 2; 19 \u003d 1+9 \u003d 10 and 48 \u003d 4+8 \u003d 12 \u003d 1+3 \u003d 3. Sum: 9+2+10+3 \u003d 24. Code 24 corresponds to 78 years. 5. The man was born on July 30, 1927. 30 \u003d 3+0 \u003d 3; 01 \u003d 0+1 \u003d 1; 19 \u003d 1+9 \u003d 10 and 27 \u003d 2+7 \u003d 9. Sum: 3+1+10+9 \u003d 23. Code 23 corresponds to 74 years and 9 months. Second phase. We make a table of life expectancy according to the code. If code 13, life expectancy is 42 years and 3 months. If code 14, life expectancy is 45 years and 6 months. And so on, we add each time 3 years and 3 months. So the code 31 corresponds to 100 years and 9 months .... Cod 38 corresponds to 123 years and 6 months. The third stage: on the basis of the foregoing, we calculate the strictly defined number and month. Some people do not fit into this scheme for determining the life expectancy due to various factors. Mostly for immoral thoughts and actions, and vice versa. As Buddha Shakyamuni said (621 to 543 BC) ”If a person speaks or acts with good thought, happiness follows him, as he never leaves his shadow.” A rejuvenating positive or fatal negative impact on health and extension of life has, depending on the birthday and a specific period of use, the external fields of precious crystals and minerals, especially from the birthday. Details in the books of Grozov Viktor Georgievich. Sincerely, Vladimir Bocharov. Sochi Adler.

  2. The garbage is complete, I have a book on numerology at home, not a site, but a fake, nothing coincides

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