New Year and Christmas traditions of different countries of the world. How do you celebrate the New Year in different countries of the world?

New Year and Christmas traditions of different countries of the world. How do you celebrate the New Year in different countries of the world?

New Year is the main holiday in many states. Each country has its own special traditions and customs by which it should be met.

How they celebrate and celebrate the New Year in China: Traditions

New Year celebration in China It is strikingly different from how the Slavic people are used to meeting. The first thing that shocking is the fact that The holiday arrives on different dates every yeardepending on the lunar calendar. In addition, people associate their new year with " Spring holiday"And since ancient times, it was celebrated extremely strange: we locked themselves in houses and feared a terrible monster.

People did not leave the houses they prayed, ate and drank, as on the last day of their life. In the morning, living until the morning, ran out into the streets. They wanted to know the scale of the damage caused Niana (The name of that terrible monster) and check all your loved ones.

So lasted until it became clear that the monster is very afraid of red, bright flashes and loud noise. People began to put themselves in bright clothes, light the lights, sing and dance loudly, knock, blow firewood and fireworks.

Nian is a terrible monster for the Chinese, coming out of the water on New Year's Eve

New Year is an occasion for every Chinese stand up with a lot of pyrotechnics. With confidence, it can be said that it was the Chinese who laid the foundation for such a violent tradition of meeting the holiday, which migrated to other nations.

Except Nian it was customary to scare away all possible evil spiritsFlying around the city on this day and looking for a refuge. If a person did not make noise and drove them away, ghosts settled in his house and erased the unfortunate Until the next Chun Jie.

Along with this, modern Chinese people he considers the New Year a family holiday. On this day it was accepted Cover a rich table. If a person for any serious reason could not attend the feast, a place that no one can take is left for him anyway.

After dinner is coming to an end every adult should give their child money. This gift does not have any strict restrictions in the amount, but should be presented in the red envelope (The color of wealth, happiness and prosperity). It was believed that donated money will be able to change a person’s life for the better.

Red envelope in China is the best gift

Interesting: it is now the Chinese can give each other paper bills, and in ancient times it was customary to give a necklace made exactly from a hundred coins. Each person did it on his own. This gift was considered the best congratulation and a wish to live a hundred years.

There is another interesting New Year's habit in modern China and it is called "The first exit". She suggests that after the celebration, a person will leave the house and take exactly six steps in the direction that the horoscope this year considers favorable and happy. After that, you need to go back. This is necessary for luck and joy in the future.

Festive parade on the streets of China
Ignition of festive flashlights
New Year's decor
Festive fireworks
Festive table

How they celebrate and celebrate the New Year in Italy: traditions

Like any country Italy is carefully preparing for the meeting of the "winter" holidays: decorates streets and squares, hangs bows made of red ribbons, puts flower beds in order. New Year people perceive with a good mood and a sense of humorFor example, in Venice it is customary to put on hats and beard Santa Claus on every symbol of the city - the Venetian lion.

Interesting: as in China, Italy considers red color symbol of the new year And a charm that protects a person from evil and bringing him good luck. That is why every Italian self -respecting on this day should put on something red on yourself: dress, shirt, pants, vest, tie, butterfly, socks.

Italy in the New Year's season

The most unusual Italian tradition get rid of old and unnecessary things. This is done in the most unexpected way - by throwing out the window. That is why tourists are recommended not to walk along the beautiful night streets of Italy, or to wear a helmet on their heads.

No one is safe from the fact that instead of an old, an essential t -shirt, a person will not throw a frying pan out of the window. You can also walk freely on the roadway, because the movement of vehicles on New Year's Eve in Italy is limited.

Interesting: besides the fact that Italians throw trash, it is not rare to fall from the windows money. This is because according to the good old tradition it is customary to put a small amount of coins on the windowsill Scoring next year.

Throwing old things into the window - Italian tradition

It's no secret to anyone that italians love and respect foodu. They love to eat deliciously every day and especially in the New Year. Festive dinner in Italy It is customary to call "the dinner of St. Sylvester."

You need to start it no earlier than nine in the evening, and it lasts mainly until midnight. It is interesting that the table should have at least seven different dishes. Be sure to be in any form of lentils, nuts, pork, red caviar and grapes!

Interesting: there are pork legs at the New Year's table. in honor of the outgoing old year. Pork is a very important product for Italians. In addition to the legs, they are happy to prepare a pork head, sausage and stew.

Italian New Year's table

Unlike pork, there is no chickenas they consider the bird not quick and stupid. But if you eat at least a spoonful of caviar, you will give birth to wealth and luck. The feast should end delicious pies and wine.

Interesting: Drink on New Year's Eve in Italy champagne and beer - not accepted. Moreover, this is considered a bad tone and a bad sign for next year.

The most funny Italian New Year tradition - eat 12 grapes for chimes. It is believed that if a person manages to eat one berry with each blow, then he will be very agile and happy next year.

In addition, not everyone knows that this tradition has a continuation! At exactly 12 a.m. after the last blow of the watch the light is turned off for a few seconds. This is necessary in order to people at the table kissed each other!

Twelve Vinogrades - New Year's tradition

After 12 in the morning, people begin to go out on the streets And continue your fun. In Rome, for example, the most popular place for celebrating the New Year - home Square. Immediately accepted run fireworks. The superstition of Italians makes them pay attention to every trifle on the night of the celebrations: who met them, how the night passed. For example:

  • Meet the old man - to good luck
  • Meet the priest - to disappointments
  • Meet a small child - to fun
  • To meet a hunchbacked person is a sign of money and prosperity.

In addition, if the Italian goes to visit on New Year's Eve, he must Take a bottle of clean water with you. It should be presented to the owners, wanting to find new energy next year. After festivities in Italy, it is customary to sleep before dinner after sitting down again at the festive table.

The usual Santa Claus or Santa Klaus in Italy is called Bobbo Natal. It arose in this country recently, in the 19th century, his image was borrowed in American culture. Together with Bobbo, a kind of fairy named Bofan comes to the houses of children.

It is interesting that the fairy does not look attractive and her appearance is comparable to Baba Yaga. Bobbo Natal leaves gifts under the Christmas tree, and Befan puts surprises in stockings over the fireplace. If the child behaved badly, then in socks he finds coals instead of sweets.

Bobbo Natal
Celebration in Venice
Celebration in Italy

How they celebrate and celebrate New Year in England: Traditions

In England they celebrate Christmas and New Year. As in Italy, Christmas are trepidated here, conducting it with the closest and family members, and New Year is celebrated with friends. Instead of Santa Claus, the main wizard is called here Santa Claus. For all the country, two weeks before the holidays, special performances will start for children and adults.

The streets of the country are filled with festive paradesin which loved ones take part fairy tale characters: Shaltai-Boltai, Pancha, March Hare, Lord Disorder. Everyone can purchase street merchants on the shelves colorful masks, crackers, whistles, Bengal lights and toys. On New Year's Eve, it is customary to make noise, have fun, sing and dance.

Interesting: congratulating each other with festive cards is a tradition that originated in England. It was here in 1843 that the first card with wishes and drawings was sent in London.

English New Year's tradition suggests that children, going to bed, will be set a large plate. Santa Claus should in this plate put gifts. They believe that to their house Santa arrives on a donkey And therefore it should also be appeased. To do this, in stockings above the fireplace, you should leave a little hay or oats.

The fact that the New Year came in England, it is customary to inform the ringing of the bell. There is a tradition that if a couple in love will kiss under the ringing of the New Year's bell, it will spend the whole New Year together.

The main dish on the English New Year's table is fried turkey. It is customary to cook with potatoes and chestnuts. In addition, a meat cake, pudding and Brussels cabbage as a side dish are served on the table.

Festive fireworks
Festive table
Festive decor

How do they celebrate and celebrate the New Year in Japan?

In the New Year's season the streets of the country are saturated with festive fairs with gifts, clothes and goodies. Every Japanese should buy Hamami - These are peculiar arrows that serve as a traditional amulet from evil spirits. It is also necessary to have takarabun - special boats filled with food (rice, lentils, beans). They bring their owners wealth and luck next year.

Interesting: in Japan, it is also customary to dress up a festive tree - pine. But, this tree is not natural, but made of bamboo, straw and fern.

Decor at home for the holiday: Motebana

Ancient Japanese tradition - Decorate the house of Motebana. These are bamboo branches painted with bright colors. Moteban needs to be hung in a prominent place to appease the gods. In addition, be sure at 12 a.m. starry with a Buddhist bell Exactly 108 times. This will attract the god of happiness.

New Year in Japan is accepted to celebrate at home at a family dinner. It is not customary to make noise and have fun, on the contrary, you need to calmly sit and recall the events of the past year. After the feast, everyone begins to read the donated cards and revise gifts.

Japanese goodies for the new year
New Year's Eve
New Year's parade in Japan

How do they celebrate and celebrate New Year in America?

Christmas in America It is more important than the New Year. On Christmas, all family members gather at a rich table, to have dinner. At night comes to children Santa Claus And leaves gifts under the Christmas tree and in stockings on the fireplace. Kids, in turn, leave a glass of milk and cookies for SantaSo he could have a bite to eat after a long journey.

Nonetheless, New Year in the United States is also celebrated on a large scale. It is customary to meet him with friends and relatives. Some love celebrate New Year in public institutions. In any case, the streets of the country are “noisy”, people have fun, shout and let fireworks.

One of the most striking traditions of celebrating the New Year in New York- lowering the ball. This is done since 1097. On the night of December 31, at exactly 23:59, a huge ball falls from the 23 meter height of the attraction, the last ten seconds people are together and loudly counted on their own. Exactly at 00:00, the ball reaches the lower point.

Interesting: one of the most popular traditions for Americans - kiss the person with whom you are standing nearby, Exactly in the last fight of the chimes. In addition, if two people were by a happy chance under the bush of Omel, hung as a decorative decoration, they should kiss.

Decoration at home, yard
Celebration on the streets of New York
Festive fireworks
Santa Claus
New Year's ball in New York
Lowering the New Year's ball

How the New Year is celebrated and celebrated in Germany: Traditions

The Germans are used to celebrating the New Year only In the circle of loved ones. Meet the holiday alone - a bad sign. If you do not have a company, just go out and start congratulating all passers -by.

In addition, its own The home must be prepared for the meeting of the New Year. Be sure to decorate the door with a Christmas wreath in early December and thereby start the countdown before the holidays.

In the German traditions of preparing for the meeting of the New Year, it is of great importance a festive table and a beautiful elegant Christmas tree. The tree must be large and magnificent, richly dressed up by garlands, toys, tinsel. The main New Year's dish is Stollen. This is a baked goose, drinking it is customary with mulled wine.

Festive Stollen

In early December, every child in Germany receives calendar Advent - This is a special calendar for December, counting the days before the holidays. Instead of Santa Claus, St. Nicholas comes to the house, leaving gifts throughout the house: under a Christmas tree, in stockings, under pillows.

Advent calendar
New Year's parade in Germany
St. Nicholas
Celebration in Germany

How do you meet and celebrate the New Year in Spain?

It is customary to celebrate the New Year in Spain Noisy and loud And be sure - not at home. That is why most of the Spaniards merring in clubs, restaurants, cafes. The streets are decorated with festive processions and magnificent carnival festivities, large figures appear with the symbols of Christmas and New Year, scattering sweets, coins, tinsel.

Celebrating the New Year in Spain should until the morning. Everyone, self -respecting Spaniard, on New Year's Eve will surely treat loved ones and strangers with sweets And hotels: nuts, honey, wine. On New Year's Eve, be sure to have red in your wardrobewho will bring good luck and wealth next year. Decorate the house with flowers poinsia.

Interesting: there is no Santa Claus in Spain, but there is Pope Noel. He is dressed in a bright embroidered suit. He walks around the city and throws gifts to balconies. It is interesting that in his hands he is far from a staff, but a bottle of wine. The New Year's table must decorate Paelia, turkey, hamon, melon, wine.

Celebration in Spain
Fun for the New Year in Spain
New Year's table in Spain

How do you meet and celebrate the New Year in India?

In India New Year - This is a big family holiday that collects everyone At a rich table. The place of the Christmas tree here occupies elegant and decorated with tinsel and toys manvas tree. Interestingly, instead of Santa Claus, people expect a parish Christmas women with gifts. To decorate the dwelling is customary with banana leaves and bright lamps.

The attitude to alcohol in India is strict, but it is on the New Year holidays drink strong drinks and be impudent allowed officially Absolutely everyone: men, women, police officers. Women are not accepted to celebrate the New Year alone, they should be next to their husbands or parents (unmarried).

New Year celebration in India

How the New Year is celebrated and celebrated in Finland: Traditions

In Finland the celebration traditionally falls on the night of December 31 to January 1. The traditions and customs of this celebration are very similar to the Slavic. The Finnish holiday is very similar to a fairy tale: lights, jewelry on houses, elegant Christmas trees, elves and, of course, Santa Klaus.

Fun, songs, masquerades and festive processions In Finland, continues until January 1. The scope of the holiday is simply impressive. One of the unusual traditions of the New Year's Eve among the Finns - This is the settling of butterflies greased with tar. Watching how such a butterfly burns, people escort all the failures and problems that happened to them last year.

Another ancient tradition - read the dead ancestors. This must be done a few days before the New Year. You just need to come to the cemetery and light memorial candles. Such lights can be found in the New Year's season throughout the country. Besides, the illumination of the Finns try to decorate everything that can only: house, facade, roof, doors, windows, courtyard, trees.

Instead of traditional Santa Claus, here gifts to children gives yuolupukki. Two days before the New Year, numerous attractions for local residents and tourists: skiing, skates, sledges, snowboarding. The main festive event at this time for the Finns is “ Snow and Ice Festival". Masters pull out beautiful realistic figures of fairy -tale characters and people from pieces of ice.

New Year's town in Finland

How they celebrate and celebrate the New Year in Africa: Traditions

In Africa, the New Year is perceived by people as the beginning of a new stage of life. On this continent, the celebration for the first time began to celebrate in EgyptWhere the world's first calendar was created. Surprisingly, the arrival of the New Year in those days was At the end of September.

In small tribes of Africa, the New Year, of course, was not calculated and not celebrated. Changes occurred when Africa turned into a European colony: together with the Europeans, European traditions migrated. Now, the New Year is celebrated here traditionally on January 1 and, despite other beliefs, the New Year has a little in common with Catholic traditions.

It is worth noting that most of the population of Africa - poor. That is why It is not customary to celebrate the New Year with a large scale. Nevertheless, this holiday brings up families closer, forcing men to return from earnings to their wives and children. The house is dressed up with palm leaves and other plants. The housewives are trying to dinner prepare meat dishes, and to drink is made homemade beer from hops.

Other customs of the New Year meeting in Africa:

  • Kenya and Tanzania They celebrate the New Year in the usual way: a magnificent table, congratulations and gifts. On the first day of the New Year, it is customary to go to church (there are many Orthodox people and Catholics in countries).
  • In South Africa On New Year's Eve, it is customary to engage in charity work and make offerings to the poor. They are doing this wealthy locals and the government.
  • In the western part of Africa A lot of unusual traditions of celebrating the New Year. For example, contests racing, ritual dances around the fire and applying wounds with knives.
New Year celebration in Africa

How do you meet and celebrate the New Year in Brazil?

New Year in Brazil - This is a cheerful magnificent holiday. If Christmas Brazilians modestly meet with their family, then in the New Year they seek leave at home and spend time with friends. The streets of all cities are literally “whitening” and not from snow, but from the fact that everyone is trying throw out the paper into the window. This tradition symbolizes the end of the working year.

It is hot for the New Year in Brazil. Flight streets, houses and apartments harmered with festive lights and garlands. Decorations are not removed until the February carnival. People do not sit in stuffy houses, but celebrate a holiday on the street, in the square and even on the beach. Dress On this day, only white clothes are accepted.

Many have intertwined in Brazil customs from different cultures: European, African, Indian. Interesting, but the traditional name of the New Year holiday is not used here, but sounds like "Brotherhood" or "fraternization". This happened because the locals believe: the holiday brings people closer that everyone can call each other a “brother”.

Interesting: exactly at midnight, Brazil’s black sky is poured with bright colors of fireworks, as a sign of New Year's onset. In these first seconds of the coming year, every Brazilian must bounce seven times to be happy and healthy.

Celebration in Brazil

How do they celebrate and celebrate the New Year in France?

France after the meeting of Christmas on December 25 is preparing for the celebration New Year. They do it on December 31 In restaurants or cafes, they can just go to visit. The French love celebrate a holiday with delicious food: turkey, chicken, pig. In addition, passers -by can sprinkle each other with sweets.

Interesting: the elegant Christmas tree in France is of great importance, it should be beautiful and lush. Colorful Christmas trees stand not only in houses, but also decorate the yard. There are performances and concerts in the cathedrals.

French Santa Claus is called Per Noel. According to customs, he arrives on a donkey and slapping the house through a chimney. To appease the wizard children put in shoes for him GIY And they invariably believe that he will leave them great gifts for good behavior.

Original French New Year tradition - stress the logmade on Christmas. This is done on the street, watching the flame, it should be make a wish. The remaining coals should be collected by every member of the family and keep it Until next year.

Interesting: another original tradition is associated with wine. Those who are engaged in winemaking, or simply appreciate this drink, should congratulate the best barrel (bottle) of their wine on the New Year.

Celebration in France
Celebration in France New Year

How do they meet and celebrate the New Year in the Czech Republic?

Celebration in the Czech Republic begins with "St. Nicholas Day" December 6. The main holiday is still catholic Christmas. The main dish on the festive table - carp. It is customary to store fish scales under plates. A coin is also placed there, which should bring happiness to the guest.

Interesting: the scales of the New Year's carp in the Czechs are considered a cash amulet and therefore it is often worn in a wallet.

One of the names of the Christmas Eve is “Generous Evening”. On the table on this day should be present at least twelve lean dishesmoreover, you need to try everyone. According to traditions, it is necessary to put an extra plate on the festive table, as they say, "For a random guest."

Interesting: besides the fact that Karp is the main New Year's dish, on the streets of the Czech Republic you can find sellers offering small fish of carps. Such a fish must be bought and immediately let go into the water to attract good luck.

Often New Year's Eve in the Czechs is called "Sylvester". On this holiday, the table should also have a lot of delicious treats. The main dish is small cereal porridgethat will allow "to be in pockets to go in." In the New Year, fireworks are also allowed, cards and gifts are given to each other.

Celebration in the Czech Republic

Which countries are the first to celebrate the New Year in the world?

The advance of the New Year earlier or later in countries depends on the time range. If you look at the expanded map of the world, then visually the New Year “moves” from right to left. That is, the first to meet New Zealand and Australia, the last Hawaiian Islands and Samoa.

Video: "How the New Year is celebrated in 10 different countries of the world"

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