New insect killer in India: a deadly beetle or another fake?

New insect killer in India: a deadly beetle or another fake?

Debunking the myth of the existence of a murderer beetle.

About two years ago, information about a very strange insect appeared in India, which had not yet been found anywhere. There is information that even a touch, and not just the bite of this insect causes death. In this article, we will tell you what kind of beetle it is, whether it is worth being afraid of it.

New insect killer in India

The insect resembles a small bug, and kills everything that meets in his way. It is much more dangerous than spiders and scorpions. If the poison that is on his paws enters the skin of a person or animal, then this provokes the propagation of a terrible virus leading to death. In India, they are in alarm because residents are very afraid of this insect.

To be afraid of an insect is worth those who like to walk barefoot, as well as kill bugs with their hands. Everything that falls on the skin will then lead to death. There is information that this is not a natural creature, but a certain mutant who was created in the laboratories, and accidentally got out.

Post in social networks
Post in social networks

Where did the information about the terrible beetle come from?

The most interesting thing is that the initially information appeared on the Facebook network, according to which a link to a source about a terrible beetle was provided by Rush Tuei. If you check all the news releases of this channel that coincide on the dates, then nothing like this could be found. After that, insect lovers, as well as scientists who saw photos of this beetle, also took up the investigation.

What kind of beetle is this:

  • In fact, this is nothing more than a special type of bug, only a male, having a terrifying look, as well as quite large sizes. It can reach size up to 10 cm in length. This is due to the fact that eggs are attached to the surface of its wings. In the population of this bug, offspring is nurtured by a male, not a female. That is why, on the surface there are strange and unusual bulges resembling cones. In fact, these are just eggs of kids.
  • A similar bug lives in South America, Asia, China, Korea, Japan. Sometimes it is found in North America. He lives in water and feeds on fry fish, tadpoles, as well as carrion. Indeed, he bites bathing in rivers, as well as lakes of people. The bite is rather painful, but there is no poison inside the insect. In addition to pain, you will not feel anything. This insect does not tolerate any diseases.
Water bug
Water bug

Holes in the body: guilty beetle or tripophobia?

Where did the photos of leaky hands come from, as well as the fingers in which the real holes are present?

Holes in the body:

  • Pictures that appeared on the network associated with this bug or beetle have absolutely nothing to do with it. They arose much earlier than fake and information about this insect. These drawings are used to image tripophobia.
  • The ailment is nothing more than a mental violation, and not love, as well as hatred of round objects. For example, this can resemble honeycombs, or holes in cheese. That is, a person has unpleasant sensations, as well as panic attacks, up to hysteria, at the sight of such objects.
  • Photoshoers decided to portray tripophobia in the photo. In fact, in a physical plane, there can be no such holes in the body in the body, including this bug, which is not a poisonous insect at all.
  • For the first time, pictures with tripophobia appeared on the network in 2005. Thus, people who mastered Photoshop simply decided to visually depict this disease.
  • Simply put, this is nothing more than a real fake that first arose in Mexico. Moreover, according to some reports, the author of this news was just Rasha Tuei, who has no idea what is at stake. Later, the information about the bug appeared in Kazakhstan. It was around 2017. But many researchers, as well as scientists, explained the situation, and explained to the population that this bug should not be afraid. It does not live in Kazakhstan, and even more so is not a dangerous insect that causes death.

As you can see, there is no insect killer in India. This is just fake, and fiction in order to mislead the population, as well as generate panic and fear.

Video: beetle and tripophobia

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