Night body language - what will the pose of sleep about you, for your pair: characteristic will tell

Night body language - what will the pose of sleep about you, for your pair: characteristic will tell

In this article we will talk about what can tell a sleep pose.

The character of a person is manifested in many of our arbitrary and involuntary actions. For many of them, we have learned to manage, for example, to become certain poses, gesticulating, manage intonation and voice to obtain a particular benefit. But it is simply impossible to control and control your own body during a strong sleep. Therefore, the poses of sleep can display the true mood and motives of a person, his character and worldview.

How does a person characterize a man's pose?

It is worth noting before that in order to correctly understand and conduct an analysis of the sleeper poses, you need to consider only the option when he sleeps at home, in comfortable conditions for him and in complete solitude. Even if a person sleeps at home, but not on a comfortable bed, but for example, on a cot, then this option is also not suitable for consideration. He will most likely sleep in the position that testifies to internal discomfort and need to protect himself.

A sleepy position is an uncontrolled attribute
A sleepy position is an uncontrolled attribute

Sleep conditions are an integral part for a full analysis. So, for example, if a person is visiting, then he will subconsciously experience some kind of isolation and discomfort. Therefore, most often, being in an unusual environment, people take the “embryo” pose or “soldier” (if the dream is not deep and a person tries to control himself).

If you want to recognize the identity and learn more about his character, it is better to observe him for several days. At the same time, it is important to take into account the annoying factors, analyze a person’s mood and what happened to him throughout the day.

Experts also claim that you need to analyze the pose in which a person wakes up and does not fall asleep, because He is more relaxed and is not able to control his body.

Sleep pose "embryo"

The embryo is often characterized by creative personalities
The embryo is often characterized by creative personalities
  • This position is characteristic of a person who Needs to protect and support.A person, lying on his side, presses his knees to himself, most often lies on the edge of the bed.
  • Such a pose of the body suggests that the sleeper is an infantile adult, which is characteristic self -doubt, dependence on someone else's opinion and indecision.
  • Along with this, he often has problems with communication, because of a kind of isolation and modesty. Despite the fact that it is quite difficult for him to build a strong relationship, but when this happens, the best friend and comrade cannot be found.
  • Although sometimes a person can sleep in a protected position after a heavy and tense day.Thus, he can be alone with his thoughts, closing from external annoying factors. If a person has tormented something for a long time, he can even sleep under a blanket, while covering his head.
  • A woman can take the pose of the "embryo" for sleeping during the menstrual cycle.Since a person takes such a position to subconsciously calm down physical pain.
  • If a person in a dream hugs a item, or clamps a pillow, a blanket, a soft toy, etc., then this He speaks of a lack of proximity.In essence, such a person is very lonely or feels such. As soon as the problem is solved, a person sleeps as it was convenient for him before.

Sleep pose "midfielder" or "on the side"

The most popular and convenient position
The most popular and convenient position
  • This position is very similar to the previous one, but the legs are not pressed to the stomach. This pose is considered the most convenient for sleep, it allows you to breathe smoothly and freely, so people who sleep so, Rarely snoring.
  • It is noted that the owners of this position are very sociable, And also have a relatively flexible disposition. After all, they know how to adapt not only to circumstances, but also to people.
  • They can be attributed to a group of analysts that all aspects of their lives and its surrounding parts are accustomed not just control, but also weigh carefully.Although they cannot be called prudent personalities, these are quite sensual nature With a vulnerable soul.
  • Them you can trust completely Since the lie in its manifestations and directions is unacceptable to them! Even in the most difficult situation, they will never leave their loved one in the trouble, at least they will not betray.

Interesting: there is a belief, if a person in this position pulls his right hand up, then subconsciously he strives for wealth and power.

Sleep pose "Star"

I am a star, and life is beautiful!
Like a queen!
  • If a person often sleeps on his back with his hands out, then this speaks of his slightly overestimated self -esteem. This pose is also called "Royal."
  • Such an individual prefers to dominate and be the first in all aspects of life. It is very important for him to be necessary and significant, so he strives for leadership and recognition,although in fact it can have many complexes.
  • A person who prefers to sleep "as a king" is enough Subject, has a great sense of humor.Therefore, it is easy and pleasant to communicate with him, although it often does this exclusively with its benefit. He always knows what he wants! And seeks to reach the peaks, and To its goal goes "ahead", Therefore, prone to aggressive behavior.
  • A negative character trait can be considered Excessive egoism and negligence in decision -making.
  • Sometimes a person can take such a pose for sleeping if he feels a surge of strength or when someone claims to be “territory”.

Sleep pose "Soldatian"

Army position
Army position
  • They love to sleep in this pose Hard and straightforward people.They are laconic and do not tolerate fuss and rush. Often these are owners a balanced and calm nature,purposeful enough. They know how to control their emotions very well.
  • Such a person is unlikely to become the “soul of the company”, but to communicate with him is always pleasant, because he monitor the speech and treats people tolerantly. The same With increased requirementsand he loves that everything is on the “highest” category! Therefore, setting the goal, always goes to the end.

Sleep pose "on the back"

Confidence and power
Confidence and power
  • It is inherent in "man without complexes." “I am free” - this is how it is possible to characterize this pose. They prefer to sleep in this position Self -sufficient men or modern "iron ladies".
  • A person who wakes up lying on his back, while not scattering or crossing his arms and legs, own his own life, and he does not depend on the opinions of others. This situation shows confident in their own strengthsdecent, purposeful and self -respecting person.
  • He can distinguish distinct leadership qualities, so he easily achieves the desired. It is useless to argue with such people, Personality and perseverance Do not allow the individual to abandon their goal or principles. But if you argue and stand on your own, then such a person can only be invented, and he will only stand even more. But already from the principle!

Sleep pose "on the stomach"

  • A person who more likes to sleep on his stomach with slightly bent legs at his knees and extended over his head (slightly bent at the elbows) - Independent and conservative.He loves his personal space and just doesn’t let anyone go there. Alien opinion, as a rule, is of little interest to him.
  • This is a successful individual who easily achieves your goals,this is especially true for career and financial sphere of life. Such a person can become an excellent leader or owner of his own business.
  • In communication is slightly boring, but will always give the right advice. If he says, then only on the case. He expresses emotions and feelings with difficulty, and therefore often suffers from loneliness.
  • If a person sleeps on his stomach and Very spinning, waving his arms and legs,this indicates an unresolved problem in real life, from which he is trying to get rid of the subconscious level.
  • But if the sleeping Likes to scatter either arms or legs on the sides- This suggests that this person is a born leader. It is initiative and slightly impulsive, which allows you to do several things at the same time.
  • Such people They love order in everythingplan your day to the smallest details. But surprises and various unexpected turns of fate may not like a lover to sleep on the stomach.

"Philosophical" pose

In thought
In thought
  • Sleep in this position on their backs with hands crossed behind their heads, Slow, thoughtful and reasonable personalities.
  • He loves to communicate on deep topics, although talking to him is not even easy. But with representatives of the opposite sex, it more often experiences complexity and tension in communication, due to some uncertainty and notorious.
  • If a person takes such a pose, but a little in another variation - lying on his stomach, while covering his face with his palms, and his head is turned to the side, This has the same description as above, but a little different. Most often people sleep like that Closed in itself and quite shy.They often change their opinion, since it is excessively difficult to make any decision, even insignificant. Due to remorse of internal doubts and uncertainty.

Sleep pose "Cross"

Complete relaxation
Complete relaxation
  • Quite difficult, but comfortable pose. A sleeping person lies on his stomach/back, one hand is bent at the elbow under or above his head, the other is extended down or slightly bent at the elbow; One leg is bent, the other is straight. This testifies to his inorganization and lack of punctuality.
  • This position of the body is characteristic for a capricious and uninitiated person,which often gives up and does not bring the work begun to the end. It is not worth relying on such comrades.
  • At the same time, it is very easy to communicate and has a wonderful sense of humortherefore, it can easily become the “soul” of any company.

Sleep pose "Log"

  • The sleeper lies on the side, and the hands are more often extended along the body. Despite the stereotypical name, the pleasure itself to communicate with such a friend! Therefore, he quickly converges with new people. He is sociable, good -natured and open.
  • He will always come to the rescue and "put his back under the blow." Before making a decision, he will think well. Despite some slowness, if he set a goal, he will never give up and will act decisively.
  • But sometimes it happens Too gullible.Therefore, if such a person often encounters deception, he can completely change at one point and become a cynical and incredulous person.

Sleep pose "Heron"

  • No, this does not mean you should sleep standing and on one leg. If the sleeper prefers to lie on the back, side or stomach, but with one bent leg at an acute angle (that is, the triangle is obtained), this says About a person "mood".Today it can be in a beautiful mood, and tomorrow it is simply not recognized.
  • Sleeping person who loves to sleep in this position is very unpredictable and ambiguous in their decisions.
  • Also, these representatives are more affected by stress! They are also often subject to depression due to internal experiences.

After observing the pose in which a person is sleeping, you can learn a lot about his character and psychological condition. In turn, this helps to find the right approach to a person and find a common language with him.

How your relationship characterizes the pose: we analyze a joint sleep

A person’s real attitude to his partner can be determined thanks to the pose in which the couple is sleeping, long before this is realized in the daytime. It is important to pay attention to the position that your partner takes during sleep at the beginning of the relationship. This will avoid a number of troubles and undesirable consequences.

Naturally, before analyzing joint poses, it is worth considering the factors that affect the behavior and mood of a person: the presence of children or animals, disagreements between partners, physical fatigue or prolonged separation. Therefore, we focus on again - you should be comfortable!

  • Sleep pose "Domination"
Every man for himself!
Every man for himself!

This pose in which people lie in completely different ways: one on their backs and the other on their stomach. She speaks of love between partners, but you should be a little careful and careful. Anyone who sleeps on his back is slightly indifferent and does not need to observe his soulmate during sleep. And the one who prefers to sleep on his stomach is a little stubborn and closed in himself . But if people during sleep The legs are intertwined This suggests that there are any obligations between them.

  • Pose "back to back"
Follow the distance between you in the literal sense of the word!
Follow the distance between you in the literal sense of the word!

Partners who have long been together prefer to sleep with their backs. This pose is convenient for those Who loves their personal space.If the couple is not married, then they prefer free relations without obligations. If people are engaged, then such a pose talks about the fatigue of partners. They have no desire for mutual understanding, even if people are polite in the daytime, then most likely these are insincere feelings. But if the partners at the same time Touching each otherthis speaks of their sincere feelings, despite the different worldview and views.

In case people Lying at a distanceyes, and with your back to each other, then you should think about your relationship. This situation should be alert, because they have no need to sleep together. This suggests that one of the lovers wants more freedom or considers his companion as a competitor.

Important: sometimes such a pose can indicate an unresolved conflict between partners or fatigue.

  • Spoon pose

The most common sleep for sleeping in a couple, in which one of the partners is pressed against the back of the other. Anyone who hugs his soul mate shows Tenderness and care.If he touches with genitals or breasts, it means that he demonstrates in this way intensive sexual life and desire for his partner.

Such people are very comfortable together, but their relationship has some uncertainty, so conflict situations often arise, and their relationship is far from ideal. Especially if between sleeping There is a distance.Often people sleep so after a quarrel, while one of them wants to make peace (the one who lies, turning his face to the partner), and the other does not want to make contact.

  • Pose "Hugging"
Although inconvenient, but very romantic!
Although inconvenient, but very romantic!

It is characteristic of couples in which relations only develop. They lie on their side, turning face to face, and trembling each other. The interweaving of the legs, says About the sexual desire of partners.

Over time, the pose of a joint sleep changes to another, since it is completely inconvenient to sleep “in arms”. But this does not mean at all that people have faded their feelings for each other. People prefer to sleep in this position after a long parting or During a surge of feelings.

  • Pose "Huging on the back"
Romantic until the hand was mascul
Romantic until the hand was mascul

Basically, the man lies on his back, and the woman has her head on the shoulder or chest of the first. This is perhaps the most romantic pose of all. If a woman is pressed against a man, this means that she in love, completely trusts his chosen one,recognizing him as a leader in their relationship. The man shows his desire, the willingness to have a beloved and Become a defender and support for her.If he hugs her tightly at the same time, then such a pose speaks About his sincere feelings and serious intentions towards a woman.

Important: but if one of the satellites lies in the Embrion pose, as if “under the wing” of his partner, then he needs support and protection from the second, but for some reason does not receive this.

If the pose has changed?

Of course, during a period of relations, people can sometimes change posts, especially if they are together for a long time. If your partner has a very dramatic pose, it is worth paying his attention to this.

It should be alarmed if your partner has sharply changed the usual position, for no apparent reason!
It should be alarmed if your partner has sharply changed the usual position, for no apparent reason!

I exist various “alarming signs” that will help you find out the true attitude of the satellite towards you, for example:

  1. The partner moves away from you to another corner of the bed - This speaks of cooling feelings. This is especially dangerous at the beginning of the relationship, when lovers must experience sexual attraction and have the need for intimacy.
  2. Due to tension in relationships Insomnia forms.Basically, it arises due to anxiety and if one of the partners does not feel sufficient safety and confidence in her chosen one.
  3. If you constantly sleep in the "spoons" pose, and your partner is sharply I started to move away and turns back to you,then this speaks of a ripened conflict situation. It is worth immediately taking measures so that the conflict does not become destructive.
  4. Sometimes after a quarrel, a person can Turn away, arched his back to your lover.This indicates his unpreparedness for reconciliation.
  5. If your partner as if "sliding" from the bed,this is an alarming sign that speaks of accumulated grievances and problems, and he subconsciously wants to leave them. Your relationship can be at risk if you leave everything as it is.

Relations are a very difficult thing that requires a lot of attention. To build a strong family and be happy with your partner, you must always look for a compromise and you need to work with mutual understanding. The second half can tell the poses in which she sleeps, because At night, a person is not able to control his body.

Video: What will your sleep pose tell?

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