Low pressure during pregnancy: causes, symptoms, signs, treatment. How to increase the pressure of a pregnant woman?

Low pressure during pregnancy: causes, symptoms, signs, treatment. How to increase the pressure of a pregnant woman?

In the article about why the pressure can be low during pregnancy, about the dangers and methods of treating hypotension in expectant mothers.

Many future mothers are frightened by hypertension. Therefore, when measuring the pressure during a visit to the female consultation, they sigh in relief if their indicators are below 140/90 mm. RT. Art. And they may not even pay attention if the pressure is too low. Hypotony during pregnancy is considered a less dangerous state than hypertension. Is this true?

Why does pressure decrease during pregnancy?

I think the low pressure in a pregnant woman think is one that is below 90/60 mm Hg.

12 out of 100 women during pregnancy I suffer from low pressure.
12 out of 100 women during pregnancy I suffer from low pressure.

Important: 5 % of the adult population of the Earth and 12 % of pregnant women suffers with hypotension

The reason for reduced pressure is usually complex. Hypotenia is more often found in expectant mothers, who have already had certain chronic diseases before pregnancy.

Important: if hypotension is detected during pregnancy, it is not necessarily the cause of the “interesting position” of a woman. Perhaps the pressure was reduced earlier, but the woman did not notice the symptoms of this or did not attach significance to them

Actually, during pregnancy, the causes of pressure lowering can be:

  • stress
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • changes in the hormonal background
  • toxicosis and dehydration of the body of a pregnant woman as a consequence
  • infectious inflammatory processes
  • incorrect daily routine
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • malnutrition

Symptoms of low pressure during pregnancy

Important: arterial hypotension in pregnant women more often occurs in the first half of pregnancy and can pass by itself when toxicosis passes or the volume of blood in the body occurs after 20 weeks

Weakness, absent -mindedness, headache are symptoms of low pressure.
Weakness, absent -mindedness, headache are symptoms of low pressure.

Hypotony in pregnant women, if it is an independent disease, can occur in three stages.

  • Compensated (sustainable) hypotension. A woman’s pressure indicators stay along the upper boundary of the norm. She has no symptoms of illness or ailments
  • Subcompensated (unstable) hypotension. The pressure of the expectant mother decreases by 5-10 mm Hg. Art. She begins to feel weakness and drowsiness. There are also headache, dizziness, cardiac arrhythmia. The woman becomes scattered and forgetful. Her arms and legs can freeze. It happens that with reduced pressure in a pregnant woman, severe dizziness begins, floats before his eyes or even fainting when changing the body position, for example, sharply getting out of bed.
  • Decompensated hypotension. This condition is very difficult. The pregnant woman sleeps poorly, falls into fainting, her fingertips and lips turn blue. Hypotonic crises often happen. She cannot work and live a normal life

Important: one of the signs of arterial hypotension during pregnancy is weather sensitivity: a woman responds painfully to changing weather conditions

What is the danger of low pressure during pregnancy?

Even if the pressure of the future mother at the lower boundary of the norm or slightly lower, she does not feel malaise, hypotension must be taken under control, since during pregnancy it is a dangerous state.

Both the expectant mother and her baby suffer from low pressure.
Both the expectant mother and her baby suffer from low pressure.

Reduced pressure affects the quality of life of a pregnant woman. With reduced pressure, the future mother feels unhealthy, pregnancy for her turns into a painful state that prevents her from living, working, and sometimes just getting out of home or get out of bed

Hypotony is a satellite of toxicosis in both early and late pregnancy. Being a vascular violation, hypotension, like hypertension, can cause gestosis (dangerous complication of pregnancy)

The child also suffers from low pressure. Nutrition through the placenta may have insufficient

Reduced pressure during pregnancy in the first trimester

The complications of reduced pressure in a woman during pregnancy in the early stages include, first of all, spontaneous abortion. The risk of inexhaustibility in expectant mothers with arterial hypotension increases 5 times!

Toxicosis and low pressure are frequent satellites of the first trimester of pregnancy.
Toxicosis and low pressure are frequent satellites of the first trimester of pregnancy.

A vicious circle is also observed: a woman with a miscarriage is prescribed bed rest, and, as you know, hypodynamia is one of the first causes of lowering blood pressure

Reduced pressure during pregnancy in the second trimester

Starting from the second trimester, the pregnancy of hypotension in a woman is fraught with pathologies of development or delay in the development of the fetus. Due to low pressure, the uterine-placental current of the blood becomes insufficient.

Also, after 20 weeks, a difficult situation may arise: due to a significant increase in blood volume, a woman may rise in pressure. If this rise is 10-20 mm Hg. systolic and diastolic pressure, it is not dangerous. If more, the pregnant woman has hypertension, although pressure indicators during measurement remain within normal limits. It turns out that the pressure, which for a healthy woman is the norm, will already be increased for a pregnant woman with hypotension

Reduced pressure during pregnancy in the third trimester

The hypotension in the late stages is fraught with:

  • the poor health of the future mother
  • fetal hypotrophy
  • neuropsychic deviations in the newborn
  • complications of the birth process
  • postpartum bleeding

Important: due to low pressure, the contractile activity of the uterus is violated. The birth activity of a woman with hypotension is weak. Because of this, stimulation or even operational delivery (cesarean section) become necessary

VIDEO: Hypotony of pregnant women

Reduced pressure during pregnancy: what to do?

If the expectant mother has compensated hypotension without symptoms, it does not need to be treated. But, in order to avoid a deterioration in the condition of a pregnant woman, it is necessary to change the lifestyle:

  1. Adjust the diet. You need to eat often, enough and varied
  2. Adjust the bottom mode. 8 hours is a minimum of sleep for the future mother. She should also avoid overwork and stress at work, to rest physically and morally more
  3. Avoid stress. It is clear that it is impossible to completely protect yourself from them. But a woman in anticipation of a child should work on her inner world, learn to philosophically look at things and not be nervous on trifles
  4. Do physical education. Glorious physical activity will positively affect the tone of the woman’s muscles and blood vessels, will contribute to the enrichment of blood with oxygen, and also cheer up
There is no overwork and stress, yes - walks and physical education. And the pressure will be normal.
During pregnancy: no overwork and stress, yes - walks and physical education. And the pressure will be normal.

Tablets that increase pressure during pregnancy

Usually, hypotension in expectant mothers is treated at home, outpatiently. And only with the decompenser stage of the disease, with fainting and a serious impaired blood flow, the woman hospitalizes.

Important: a pregnant woman with low blood pressure is registered with a therapist and a neuropathologist

In order to increase pressure, the woman will be prescribed pharmaceuticals, usually of plant origin. These are tinctures of eleutherococcus, lemongrass or aralia.

Sometimes it is necessary to increase pressure from pills.
Sometimes it is necessary to increase pressure from pills.

From the generally strengthening and normalizing blood flow of drugs, Pntocrin, Panangin, Fetanol and Actovegin are prescribed.

How to raise low pressure during pregnancy? Products that increase pressure during pregnancy.
What can be pregnant with low pressure?

You can raise pressure to expectant mothers with the help of folk remedies. Make decoctions and infusions:

  • rosehip
  • raspberries
  • currants
  • dandelion
  • immortal
  • birch
  • food horsetail
  • aloe

RECIPE: Hypotonia phyto-collection during pregnancy
It is necessary: \u200b\u200bthe root of the calamus - 0.5 teaspoons, strawberries and a lovage - 1 teaspoon, fragrant root, yarrow, chicory, rosehip, St. John's wort - 2 hours of spoons, water - 0.5 l.
Herbs, roots and fruits are placed in a thermos and poured with boiling water for 10 hours. They drink warm 100 ml three times a day, be sure to half an hour before meals.
The pressure is also facilitated by some products that contain:

  • caffeine
  • b vitamins and ascorbic acid
  • magnesium, potassium and other minerals that contribute to vascular tones
  • fatty acid
Vitamins, minerals, fatty acids are needed to tone blood vessels.
Vitamins, minerals, fatty acids are needed to tone blood vessels.

Pregnant women are recommended to enter the menu:

  • black or green tea in the morning or at lunch
  • fresh sweet fruits and berries (in particular, raspberries and apricots)
  • vegetables and herbs (beets, celery, dill)
  • butter and vegetable oil
  • sea fish and seafood
  • dried fruits
  • honey

Important: they say that the pressure is raised. But pregnant women are not recommended to lean on them. Excessive amount of salt can cause kidney and edema problems

Reduced pressure during pregnancy: tips and reviews

Although low pressure is not the most dangerous problem during pregnancy, it cannot be ignored. If the hypotension is detected on time and is taken under control, the prognosis of pregnancy is favorable.

VIDEO: Reduced pressure and dizziness during pregnancy

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