Thread lifting: description of the procedure, advantages and disadvantages, complications, rehabilitation

Thread lifting: description of the procedure, advantages and disadvantages, complications, rehabilitation

The desire to delay youth is always relevant. It is in this case that the thread lifting procedure will help.

Every woman seeks to stay young as long as possible. Someone leads a healthy lifestyle, strictly adhering to diets, others decide on plastic surgery, others hide wrinkles under kilograms of makeup. There is another way to look young - this thread lifting.

Fail lifting: What is it?

  • Fail lifting procedure consists in pulling up soft tissues special threads implanted under the skin. Over time, these threads are covered with fibers of proteins such as elastin and collagen.
  • The threads themselves over time are destroyed, turning into a state of water and carbon dioxide, but the frame that they formed remains for a long time, maintaining the elasticity of the tissues.
  • The procedure with cleansing the skin and processing it with an antiseptic. Then punctures are made with special needles for the introduction of threads, this is done under local anesthesia on the hair line, which makes punctures and location of the threads invisible. The duration of the operation 1-2 hours.
  • Fail lifting began with the use of gold and platinum threads. This was not the best solution, since the consequences were observed, including and allergic manifestations. Today are mainly used capropolon and Polydacononwhich gives a long lifting effect.
  • In addition, threads can be absorbed - durable and high -quality, subsequently decaying, giving effect for 2 years. Non -absorptions remain in life in the fabrics.
  • There are also threads that are absorbed for a long time, and combined, i.e. Combining both properties: with a constantly remaining base and absorbing top.

Thread lifting: pluses

Pros of the procedure:

  1. The face retains the previous features, while aligning, the skin does not occur, but the disadvantages are corrected.
  2. Carrying out thread lifting Perhaps in many parts of the body (face, eyes, eyebrows, eyelids, neck, vagina, buttocks,).
  3. Practically imperceptibly traces of surgical intervention - There are no scars, scars, the threads themselves are not visible, they are also impossible to feel to the touch.
  4. A short recovery period is usually up to 5 days, after which it is possible to appear "in public."

Little lifting: Cons

Cons of procedures:

  1. Possible pain during the procedure.
  2. A certain tension in the part where thread lifting.
  3. When using individual materials for filament lifting It is possible to absorb the substances necessary to maintain the elasticity of substances, which leads to the loss of the effect. Then you have to carry out a repeated procedure.
  4. With incorrectly selected material threads can be torn. This is also possible in the case of mechanical damage to the skin, squeezing or blow.
  5. With errors in the procedure, the appearance of hematomas or seals is not excluded.
Possible pain
Possible pain

Facial lifting of the face: indications and contraindications

  • The most effective, of course, is thread lifting For those who are “for 40”, i.e. At the age when the cheeks are just starting to sag (the effect of the “bully ears”), wrinkles are deepened, and the skin gradually becomes flabby.
  • By the age of 50, such effects are already quite pronounced. Nevertheless, a filament lift gives a good result at this age.
  • Indications for this procedure are the changed contours of the face, the shape of the eyebrows, eyelids, nose or ears.
  • Also thread lifting It will help with deep wrinkles on the forehead and folds at the mouth, with sagging of the tissues of the face and a double chin.
  • Free tightening is indicated when stretch marks or scars on the body. Carry out the procedure under local anesthesia.
  • Thread lifting: contraindications - the presence of certain diseases (oncology, diabetes mellitus, various infectious diseases, psyche problems). In addition, it is not recommended carrying out thread lifting, if there are metal implants in the body, there are wounds or abscesses on the skin, and it itself is prone to scarring.
  • The procedure is also contraindicated if an allergic reaction is possible to one of the components or problems with blood coagulation. And, of course, do not resort to such procedures for pregnant and lactating women.

The complex of analyzes and a comprehensive examination is required, after which the doctor is prescribed or prohibited by the lifting.

Little lifting: which threads to choose?

Except for absorbing or constant structure threads for thread lifting They are characterized by the material from which they are produced.

  1. Syntheticmade from kapron or propylene. These are long -absorbing threads that remain in fabrics up to 6 years and providing a positive effect for a long time after resorption.
  2. Biopolymer, from bioplast, overflowing with connecting fabrics, which form a kind of frame after the thread resolved.
  3. Metal, made of gold or platinum. They are equipped with ZAZUBRINS or completely smooth. Such threads are non -absorbable.

It is advisable to carry out the first thread lifting procedures using absorbing threads. After 50 years of age, it is recommended to use non-absorbing threads.

Thread lifting after 50 years

  • As you know, at this age, new fabrics are not formed so actively, and its own collagen is produced in smaller quantities. Therefore, the doctor separately determines which material is most successful for a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe face, thus using combined technologies.
  • So, in order to support the contour of the face, as well as the chin, as a rule, use non -absorbable threads, but in order to return the former shape of the forehead, mouth or eyelids, they use the opposite, resorpopted.
  • With deep folds and wrinkles, they fight by increasing the amount of hyaluronic acid, filling them for a long time-over 5 years.
  • In general, the zones of particular care at this age are cheekbones that most often sag. In the eyebrow zone, a hanging is also often noticed that makes the gaze heavy and tired.
After 50
After 50
  • Thread lifting after 50 years It was also aimed at eliminating the sagging of the contours of the mouth, which leads to deformation of the line and shape of the lips.

Possible complications after thread lifting

Complications are possible immediately after thread lifting that occur within 2-3 days:

  • The occurrence of internal hemorrhages In case the vessels are damaged. If the patient has problems with blood coagulation, or she performed tightening during menstruation, the risk of hematomas increases significantly.
  • Possible swellingThe reason for which the type of thread, violations made during the procedure, or errors made by the patient himself during rehabilitation could become inappropriate in this case.
  • Maybe also natural facial expressions are disturbed - This happens if the nerve was injured. Fortunately, such a complication, accompanied by pain, is relatively rare, but its consequence may be a violation of articulation or the occurrence of facial asymmetry.
There may be complications
There may be complications
  • The later complications, manifested in a few weeks, include such as leaning under the skin due to implanting errors, as well as the possible movement of the thread, which can also lead to the asymmetry of facial features.
  • To eliminate such defects, the thread itself is removed (and again - under local anesthesia). The main thing is to contact the cosmetologist in time, performing the procedure.

Rehabilitation after thread lifting

Rehabilitation tips:

  • The recovery period begins immediately after the procedure, by applying the cold to the area on which manipulations were carried out.
  • In the first week after lifting, you should refrain from visiting saunas or pools.
  • It is not recommended to drink strong drinks and take hot food and drink.
  • It is recommended to refrain from scrubbing, hair removal, diamond grinding. Do not at all touch the skin in the place carrying out a thread lifting procedure, and even more so - press.
  • The most correct pose during sleep at first (within a few days) is a position on the back, in order to avoid possible breaks.
  • Mimic movements should be limited as much as possible.
  • Massage procedures are prohibited.
  • In the event of swelling or swelling, redness of the skin or the appearance of pain, you should quickly consult a doctor who conducted thread lifting, for the necessary recommendations.

The place of the puncture during thread lifting is recommended to be treated with Miramistin or Chlorhexidine in solution with drugs.

  • With thread lifting of any sections of the face within two weeks, makeup is contraindicated.
  • You should try not to be on the direct sun and temperature difference.
  • For two to three weeks, you should postpone sports.
  • In the early days, cooling compresses will not interfere.

Thread lifting: reviews, photos before and after

  • Svetlana Ivanovna, teacher:All the time I am in sight and I think that I am obliged to look worthy. Therefore, last year, when I turned 45, I turned to the doctors who advised the thread lifting procedure. The eyebrows and eyelids “rejuvenated” in just a couple of hours, and for almost a year now I have not admired their natural contours.
  • Olga, nurse: I am only about 30, but I already noticed the first deep wrinkles, as well as the first manifestations of sagging cheeks. In the clinic, they advised me the procedure for a filament lift, and I thought, agreed. And did not regret it! She treated herself with caution for 3-4 days, although the seals where the punctures were made, disappeared quickly, like a small edema. Now, after a year, the resorption of the threads has already been finished, but the face is still young and tightened.
  • Anna Stepanovna, pensioner: Age takes its time, the skin loses its elasticity and sags, and I really want to see a young face in the mirror longer! I decided on a filament capture of my face and reacted seriously: I underwent a complete examination to make sure that I have no allergies to the components of the drugs, that the vessels are not coming close to the skin, and I checked the blood. I’ll say about the procedure itself - it is noticeable, of course, and the first days you should not go out into the street - and bruises are visible, and swelling. But after a couple of weeks, the effect is already noticeably noticeable. So I do not regret that I decided on a thread lifting. A slight short -term discomfort is worth “dropping” a dozen years.

For a clear example of the effectiveness of thread lifting, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the photo-premers of the results.

After 50
After 50
Thread lifting of the face photo before and after
Thread lifting of the face photo before and after

Video: All about thread lifting

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