Never run after a man, let him run after you: tips for girls and women, fall in love with himself and hold a guy, a man. Why does a real woman not run after a man, why don't men like it when they run after them? How to stop clinging to a man: tips

Never run after a man, let him run after you: tips for girls and women, fall in love with himself and hold a guy, a man. Why does a real woman not run after a man, why don't men like it when they run after them? How to stop clinging to a man: tips

In this article we will consider the situation when a woman runs after a man. We will also try to convince women that this is not necessary.

Unfortunately, the form of unrequited love is much more common than mutual. Many women are literally ready for everything to ensure that the man of their dreams reciprocate. Unrequitedly in love representatives of the fair sex are easily amenable to manipulations and persuasion, while they often become victims of marriage swindlers and alpha, because they believe that approximate behavior, gifts, financial support and other benefits will be able to win a man.

Today we will analyze: is it worth running after the object of sympathy, in what cases it is worth fighting for love and is there any chances to build relationships if the partner does not feel feelings for you.

Should I run after a man?

For the sake of mutual feelings, many women are ready for any sacrifice and concessions. Often, representatives of the fair sex cease to be guided by common sense, neglecting personal interests and principles. However, there are several arguments in favor of why you should not rush to all heavy and run after a man. Among the main ones, psychologists identify the following:

  • Men love difficulties: to win a representative of the fair sex, conquer her and prove their devotion. This helps them reveal personal potential and increase self -esteem
  • Women who are ready to give in to their principles and interests will not be able to become support and support for a partner, as they cause distrust, because one day they will be able to betray their lover in the same way as personal priorities
  • The obsession of the fair sex kills any desire to show the initiative and offer help
  • The lack of personal space and own interests pushes a partner to search for new sensations, and often other lovers
  • The accessibility of a woman does not motivate her partner to develop and achieve spiritual and financial enrichment
  • A realization of a man that the representative of the fair sex depends on him morally, pushes him to various manipulations in relation to her
Don't run after a man
Don't run after a man

It is also necessary to remember that relations are the work of two partners. After all, no matter how the woman tried to keep her beloved, in the absence of common interests, a joint outlook on life and similar values, the couple will not be able to find harmony in the future. Therefore, the fair sex should motivate men for comprehensive development, as well as build relationships on equal terms, not succumbing to emotions and personal grievances.

What is bad if a woman runs after a man?

Many women prefer to independently achieve reciprocity from men. This fact is explained by several factors:

  • A similar model of relations was traced in her close environment
  • Lack of a positive image of a man in life
  • Uncertainty in their own beauty and charm
  • Long absence of any close contacts with the opposite sex
  • Confidence that financial support is more important than mutual respect and moral support
  • Fear of loneliness and childlessness
  • Hyperbolized ideas about men
  • Overstated requirements for your partner
  • Lack of sexuality and femininity

In order to stop building relationships with a person who does not show you, it is important to find a reason that pushes you to such a form of love and psychological dependence on your partner.

The following methods are suitable for this:

  • Psychoanalysis
  • Yoga
  • Professional psychological consultation
  • Dancing classes
  • Meditation

Dancing and yoga, like any other type of physical activity, will help to reveal the female potential: to develop flexibility and plastic, as well as teach to control their passion, emotions and improve the skills of body ownership that raise self -esteem and sexuality.

Woman's obsession leads to poor consequences
Woman's obsession leads to poor consequences

Well, now let's list the consequences that a woman is running after a man:

  • The representative of the stronger sex loses interest in the partner
  • The relationship does not have the correct distribution of responsibilities
  • The gender change of roles contributes to the manifestation of such qualities and behavior in men who are characteristic of women
  • In relations, there is no understanding and respect for each other
  • A partner, whose feelings there is no mutual emotional response, feels inferior and can fall into depression or acquire a psychological disorder
  • A woman experiences her own failure
  • The fair sex acquires complexes and self -doubt
  • At a time when a woman is trying to draw the attention of one man, she does not notice worthy partners next to her

Why does a real woman not run after a man, and why do men don't like when they run after them?

Many ladies are surprised why some representatives of the fair sex never try to please men, but they do not experience a shortage of fans, while others are trying in every possible way to attract attention, but for some reason they are bypassed.

In order to figure out what is the difference between such opposite models of behavior, it is necessary to note the general and various factors of behavior. Among the main ones, the following are distinguished:

  • A confident woman does not need to encourage
  • A strong lady has priorities, interests and work. Therefore, he always knows how to take free time without friends and man
  • A real woman take care of her external beauty, health and education. She regularly expands her knowledge in various topics, monitors the figure and uses cosmetics
  • A strong person does not depend financially, morally or psychologically on his partner. She has a profession, skills and experience, so the material condition of the lover does not play the main role
  • A real woman knows how to build a relationship. She accepts the man, not trying to change him
  • A self -confident lady will not endure near Alphonse, a gamer, a betrayer, or another man who does not correspond to her in mental development. After all, she knows that only the best is worthy
  • The real representative of the fair sex is not shy about her age, weight and shortcomings, but at the same time, he knows how to emphasize her advantages

The psychology of women who are used to seeking a man’s love has several general characteristics:

  • Weak ladies are not very confident in themselves and in every possible way try to hide their shortcomings, creating the image of an ideal mistress, employee and woman
  • The fair sex did not have a healthy full -fledged relationship
  • Women are accustomed to prove their devotion and fidelity by deeds. Therefore, they conquer the object of sympathy with gifts, food and various surprises
  • Weak ladies are envious, often gossip. They rarely manage to build relationships with strong personalities
  • Uncertains of the fair sex have many complexes and doubt their attractiveness
Men are of interest in a woman who runs after him
Men are of interest in a woman who runs after him

In order to determine why men do not like when a woman shows persistent signs of attention, it is important to consider the situation from the point of view of representatives of a strong part of mankind. Psychologists identify the following factors:

  • A man ceases to feel like a "hunter"
  • The motivation disappears to conquer the object of sympathy
  • A man does not need to look for a way of rapprochement with a partner with the help of flowers and gifts, because he knows that she is ready for anything and without them
  • The representative of the stronger sex is given a greater choice of women, since using his own beauty and charm, he can win any effort without effort
  • A man does not need to spend time passing through all the stages of relations, so sexual intercourse can happen without any cost

Of course, there are a considerable number of representatives of the stronger sex who are obviously looking for weaker partners. This is due to a number of complexes and psychological problems that are characteristic of such men. However, it is impossible to call such relationships healthy and full -fledged, because most people who are in them are not happy.

Why, after parting, you do not need to run after a man: Psychology

Parting partner is not easy for most women. Especially if the relationship lasted for a long time. However, do not try to return your ex. Psychologists also agree that the relationship experienced must be forgotten without trying to resume them. The following arguments are in favor of this opinion:

  • Harmony and respect in relationships will no longer be. Our consciousness is arranged in such a way that it constantly returns us to past memories and emotions, so it is physically impossible to forget resentment and misunderstanding.
  • You must understand the reason for parting and analyze your behavior in order to avoid the same errors in the future
  • Parting for women can be a new stage. You need to do your appearance and internal beauty, and also spend as little time as possible alone with thoughts about the former
  • If your young man betrayed you once, then he will be happy to disappoint you again
Do not run after the man if he left
Do not run after the man if he left
  • You are not in love with the current partner, but in the image that was remembered from the first stages of relations with him. However, people can change under the influence of many factors, so to return the personality to which you have experienced love impossible
  • The resumption of relations with the former will not solve the problems because of which you previously broke the contact with him
  • You can miss a real chance to establish a personal life with another partner while you are passionate about the past
  • If you really need a man, he himself will show the initiative: he will meet, call, write a message, send a gift by a delivery service, etc. Regardless of his financial situation and other factors

If you are not able to forget the former partner, do not give signs of attention the first. Give a man a chance to rehabilitate and show the initiative on his own. It is this act that will help to realize the likelihood of further development of your history, and will also show a true attitude towards you.

Never run after a man, let him run after you: tips for girls and women, fall in love with himself for life and keep the guy, man

Understanding human relationships and feelings sometimes can not even be able to have highly qualified psychologists. After all, each person means by the phrase “ideal partner” a list of those qualities that may be unacceptable for others. Nevertheless, in case of unrequited love, do not give up. You always need to fight for your right to happiness, while not succumbing to humiliation and psychological pressure from the object of sympathy or society.

The best way to attract the attention of the guy will be the reverse reaction: so that he himself show interest in your personality. And to achieve this goal, it is necessary to be guided by the following tips:

  • Become interesting. Try to find out what your object of sympathy is fond of. After all, common interests will help to start the conversation, and also interest both in prolonged communication
  • Do not put pressure on a man and show your interest in every way. Let him take the first step
  • Try to appear in the same places where your chosen one is most often. However, remember, you must remain unshakable in any situation. Therefore, if he regularly happens in a bar, stay a lady even in such an institution
  • Respond to messages neutrally, while do not make long pauses in the answers. He must see that you value his attention, and are interested in communication
Be interesting and self -sufficient to keep the guy
Be interesting and self -sufficient to keep the guy
  • Agree to go on a date. No need to reject his proposals, because the man will think that you simply do not feel sympathy for him
  • Awle passion in it. Send a photo or message of a provocative nature, but do not overdo it. Not many representatives of the stronger sex like vulgar women, but the piquancy and eroticism will not leave anyone indifferent
  • Be independent. Do not ask men and help. He must see that there is no infantilism in you, and you are a holistic formed personality
  • Let the man control the situation. He can independently make decisions and commit actions. Support his initiative and do not criticize
  • Take your object of sympathy, his family, profession and hobbies without reproaches and moralizing. No one is perfect, but a man should feel calm and confidence that they love him. It is this factor that motivates representatives of the stronger sex to take care of women and give feelings and emotions with additional return

How to stop running after a guy, a man, but to interest him: Tips from the book of Rashid Kirranov

Rashid Kirranov is a famous psychologist specializing in relationships. His book “Psychology of Men” reveals secrets that will help women not only better understand the opposite sex, but also build harmonious long -term relationships. One of the fundamental foundations of his book are:

  • Men are not bootrs around the clock. In moments of despair, they also deserve attention, cares and affection, as a fair sex
  • In order to build a strong relationship, it is necessary to discuss conflicts, disputes and claims
  • Do not give gifts and maintain financial
  • No need to be afraid to take the first step, but it is important to maintain a distance and not to impose your feelings
  • Do not let a man live on your territory
Interest and conquer a man
Interest and conquer a man
  • A woman needs to be sincere and clearly formulate her desires and needs
  • Do not agree to close contact if you are not familiar enough, and also if the partner does not show respect for you
  • Defend your point of view and do not let yourself manipulate

Unrequited feelings sometimes lead to mutual sympathy, love and marriage. However, do not forget about the purpose of the woman and their own priorities. Having spent years to win the object of sympathy, the realization that an ideal man who does not need exploits and victims for love is very close to be nearby.

Video: How to stop being afraid to stay alone and not run after men?

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  1. The largest rhizk that I did in my whole life found visiting men and set them down in my apartment. In the first, they were poor, and as it turned out ungrateful, and secondly, when they melt the houses, everything was unrealistic, everything was reminiscent of About a man. I was a woman-victim, as a psychologist helped me to understand myself. And these beggars men suppressed me that I considered myself a fertile urine, and began to drink from mental pain. Mostly there were crowds of fans. Clean yourself to respect because when the emotions cool down, I looked in horror into the past, and did not understand how I could choose those that the poor spiritually, that were ugly outwardly. I tried to find at least something good in them.

  2. A woman runs after a man because he is not interested in her and seems inaccessible. This inaccessibility attracts her to him ... There is no point in running if he does not give a damn about her.

  3. The whole paradox is that in articles for men it is written absolutely the same.
    And also if a man runs after a woman and give gifts, she will quickly lose interest and respect for him. So thanks to the advice, everyone is sitting and waiting for someone to run after them.

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