Neuroses in children. Dangerous signal for parents

Neuroses in children. Dangerous signal for parents

From the article you will learn about the reasons for the development of neurosis in children, as well as get acquainted with the methods of treating and preventing neurasthenic disorders.

Now neuroses in children are developing quite often. The unformed psyche of a small person does not withstand the load that the world around it has. Most often, the disorder of the nervous system occurs due to the fact that the child is experiencing a lot and strongly tired.

But the worst thing, sometimes parents are so busy with work and their own problems that they do not notice that something is wrong with their son or daughter. Therefore, if you want the baby to grow up with a mentally stable person, then try to surround him with care, love and support.

Types of children's neurosis

Some parents believe that you do not need to pay attention to the vagaries of the child. Therefore, when the baby begins to be capricious and refuses, for example, to go to bed, he is simply reported and sent to the bedroom.

With such actions you only exacerbate the condition of a small person. After all, a child’s neurosis is a rather complicated state in which he cannot control his emotions and evaluate adequately what is happening.

Types of neurasthenia:

• Alarm neurosis. It manifests itself with periodic attacks, which most often aggravate when the baby falls asleep. Such a child, due to a constant feeling of fear, is always in a bad mood, refuses to play with his peers, and enuresis may even develop. If you do not urgently take measures, then the state of a son or daughter deteriorate and they may begin with hallucinations
• obsessive condition. Most often, such children are afraid of closed space, sharp objects, and imminent death. Due to constant tension, the child often shudders, sniffs with his nose and wrinkles his forehead
• Depression. Usually this type of neurosis develops in adolescents. The child sleeps poorly, talks quietly, his activity decreases, he prefers to be alone. Self -esteem is also quite reduced and the tearfulness may increase
• hysterical neurasthenia. Preschool children are subjected to this type of disease. If the child does not like something or he cannot get what he wants, he falls to the ground begins to cry hard, scream and be with his feet and hands on the floor or any other surface
• Asthenic neurosis. Its appearance is provoked by quite strong mental and physical activity of the school curriculum. The sick child becomes irritable, tearful, quickly gets tired and cannot concentrate his attention for a long time on any task
• stuttering of a neurasthenic type. Most often, this type of nervous develops in boys. The reason for its appearance can be not only psychological problems, but also some diseases, for example, regular inflammatory processes in the respiratory system
• Sleep disturbance. Absolutely all children are subject to such a violation. They fall asleep quite hard, they say in a dream, they are tormented by nightmares. In some advanced cases, lunatism may develop
• Pathological habits. The child sucks his finger, gnaws his nails, constantly sways or pulls his hair. In the case of severe exacerbation, the baby can involuntarily injure the skin

Signs and symptoms of children's neurosis


Of course, if a son or daughter sometimes acts up and begins to refuse something, you do not need to lead them to a doctor. After all, the psyche of the child is individual, so each baby reacts differently to external stimuli. But still, there are a number of symptoms that may indicate that mental disorders began to develop in a small person.

Symptoms of neurosis in children:
• Regular attacks of fear
• the baby is very difficult to dissect or he began to stutter
• not quite normal facial expressions
• Unreasonable vulnerability
• The child refuses to eat his favorite dishes
• Likes to spend time alone
• causeless panic
• The kid gets tired very quickly
• regularly arranges tantrums
• Frequent headaches

Causes of neurosis in children


There are a lot of factors that can have a negative impact on the emotional state of a small person. The child constantly needs our protection and support, and if we do not give him him, then this hurts him quite strongly. He does not know and does not understand how to behave in a new situation for him. Usually such an overvoltage and becomes the root cause of the development of neurasthenia.

Factors contributing to the occurrence of neurosis in children:

• Climate in the family. Parents are constantly raising in front of the child. Seeing constant scandals, the baby might think that he is the main reason for their occurrence
• Hyperopeca. The desire of parents always and everywhere control the actions of the child can turn into problems in kindergarten and school. Typically, such children find a common language with peers quite poorly
• authoritarianism. Parents do not give the child the right to choose and make decisions that relate to his life, relying exclusively on their opinion
• All -purpose. The child is given to himself, he eats, sleeps, walks when he wants. Dad and mom do not teach the baby the rules of conduct in society
• A sharp change in lifestyle. The emotional state may be affected by moving to another apartment, a change of school, divorce of parents, the appearance of a stepfather or stepmother
• psychological injuries. Classmates offended the child or a stranger was shouted at him. Also, the development of neurosis in children can provoke the aggressive behavior of a dog, horse or even cats
• Heredity. Science proven that some diseases indulge in us in the womb. Therefore, if the parents had mental disorders, it is likely that to some extent they appear in children

When and to which doctor do you need to contact a child with a neurosis?

  • If you notice that your child has become very irritable poorly and eats poorly, and at the same time categorically refuses to tell what the reason for his behavior, then you should immediately consult a pediatrician
  • If the child has no special problems, then it is likely that you will also have to visit a pediatric neuropathologist. He can help normalize the baby's sleep to remove headaches and fatigue
  • But if such treatment does not give any result, then the psychotherapist must be addressed. After all, if the emotional state of a small person will not quickly return to normal, it is likely that it will not allow him to develop normally and adapt in society

Methods for diagnosing neurosis in children:

• An analysis of everyday life is carried out
• Full data about the family are collected
• In a playful way, a conversation is held with the baby
• Analyzes the behavior of the child during a certain game
• a small person is invited to draw certain pictures
• Based on the collected data, the course of treatment is prescribed

Treatment of childhood neurosis

Now, specialists are familiar with quite a lot of methods to help normalize the emotional state of the baby. Most often, after a complete examination, the patient is attributed several methods at the same time. This allows you to have a much faster the result.

It is also very important not to interrupt the treatment after the first symptoms disappear. It is necessary to go through the entire course to the end, because only in this way you can be sure that the disease will not appear again.

Methods of treatment:

• Medication treatment. Tablets are most often trying to remove anxiety, excitability, and depressive condition. Typically, general strengthening drugs, herbal infusions with a calming effect or tranquilizers are attributed to children
• Visiting psychotherapy sessions. They can visit both one child and a family in full force. The purpose of such sessions is to normalize family relations. Parents are taught how to interact with the baby and explain when they can insist on their opinion, and when it is better not to put pressure on their son or daughter
• Game psychotherapy. The baby is invited to prove himself to be creatively, for example, to draw his family or blind from the plasticine of the hero, whom he wants to be like. Based on the results obtained, the doctor can give an accurate answer what worries the child
• Store treatment. After the psychologist works with the child, you can proceed to the treatment of speech defects. Special breathing gymnastics, speech therapist and therapeutic massages can be prescribed to the baby

Prevention of children's neurosis

If you want to prevent the appearance of mental disorders and reduce the probability of repeating problems, then do prevention. Actions of this kind will strengthen the nervous system and help you to timely identify stimuli, which have a negative impact on the emotional state of the child.

You need to begin to engage in prevention when the baby is in your tummy. Try not to pay attention to stressful situations, life difficulties and anxieties related to the birth of your first -born. Such a positive attitude can help you give birth to a healthy baby.

Tips that will help to educate a healthy person:
• Put trust in trust
• Never quarrel in front of your son
• Show care and sensitivity
• Try to protect the child from stressful situations
• pay attention to its nutrition and physical development
• praise him for achievements

What should not be done with neurosis in children?

If you have undergone an examination and the specialist found that your child has a neurosis, then first of all you must pull yourself together and in no case do not waste, but configure yourself only to a positive result. Almost all parents, having heard the diagnosis, begin to regret their child and try to help him at every step.

This behavior most often leads to a completely unexpected result. The child begins to use with hyperopeca and manipulate parents. If you really want to help your son or daughter, then just help them not be afraid of the world around them.

Video: How are children's neurosis related to family problems?


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Comments K. article

  1. Well, of course, dangerous, this is the child’s mental health, our child was quite hysterical and I was afraid so that there was no nervous breakdown, so they began to go to a psychologist, they could help us well and get to the bottom of it, and recommended that the child be calm, calm, the formula of Mishka, Now the child has become calmer and has not hysterical for a long time, I hope that everything will work out, pah pah pah)

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