Incorrect bite in a child. How to align your teeth? Aligning tooths with braces, Kappa. Correction of a bite without braces

Incorrect bite in a child. How to align your teeth? Aligning tooths with braces, Kappa. Correction of a bite without braces

The development of a child of improper bite can cause health problems in adulthood. Negative consequences will be able to avoid if you start the struggle for the beauty of the smile and health of the teeth in time.

Nothing pleases parents so much as the cheerful laughter of their child and his enchanting smile. If only this smile was without orthodontic problems.
According to statistics, more than 90% of children close their jaws incorrectly. If you identify and change the incorrect bite in the child in time, his smile will become impeccable.


How to determine an incorrect bite in a child?

Malocclusion - The location of the teeth on one or both jaws, inappropriate to norm.

There are 5 types of incorrect bite:

  • distal
  • medial
  • open
  • deep
  • cross
Open bite
Open bite

To diagnose the wrong bite in a child, parents need to contact an orthodontist, which will conduct an examination and make an accurate diagnosis.

Important: sometimes it is necessary to make an X -ray of the jaws or make a cast of teeth. Filling out all the necessary examinations will help the doctor choose the optimal method of eliminating the wrong bite.

Determine the wrong bite
Orthodont will be able to determine the wrong bite in the child

Video: Incorrect bite. Classification of bite anomalies

Causes of incorrect bite in a child

An incorrect bite may begin to develop during infancy. Children who are on artificial feeding are especially susceptible to this.

Artificial feeding can cause the formation of improper bite
Artificial feeding can cause the formation of improper bite

In all babies, the lower jaw is somewhat shortened. In children, all muscles of the face are involved in breastfeeding during sucking, which contributes to the sufficient development of the jaws.
If the child receives food from the bottle, he does not need to make efforts for sucking. Its lower jaw is somewhat behind in development from the upper one, which over time leads to an incorrect bite.
The reasons for the formation of a pathological bite include such bad habits as sucking a finger or biting nails.

Finger sucking is one of the reasons for the formation of an incorrect bite in a child
Finger sucking is one of the reasons for the formation of an incorrect bite in a child

With existing problems with nasal breathing, due to frequent rhinitis or adenoiditis, the child breathes mainly through the mouth. In such cases, the intensive development of an abnormal bite is also possible.

Important: special attention should be paid to the state of the milk teeth in children, because their early loss and caries are also attributed to causes of bite disorders.

Among other important reasons for a bite violation, one can distinguish:

  • poor heredity
  • dental diseases and gums
  • a large number of transferred acute respiratory infections

How to fix the wrong bite in a child?

To fix the bite in a child, one of the following methods is used:
1.Myotherapy - Exercises, after the regular execution of which is restored the tone of the muscles of the face. In the future, leads to the proper development of the jaw.
2. Using orthodontic devices, forcibly moving their teeth until they take the right location. Up to 6 years, this is the use of caps, plates or trainers.
3. Complex correction. It is used in children 6-12 years old.
4. Orthopedic correction.
5. Surgical intervention.

Incorrect bite in a child can be fixed
Incorrect bite in a child can be corrected using orthodonical apparatus

Incorrect bite in a child per year

The formation of a bite in a person occurs from infancy and is associated with one of the main instincts: sucking in order to obtain food. It is in favor of breastfeeding that the mother’s choice should be dropped in order to further avoid the development of a pathological bite in the child and related concomitant diseases and defects.

Important: a large role in the formation of a bite is played by the timely introduction of solid feeding the baby. Especially such food, which requires prolonged chewing necessary for the load on the chewing apparatus.

Usually, when transferring a child to hard food, parents experience some difficulties. The kid tries to spit out, pushing unusual hard pieces with his tongue. But mothers should show maximum patience and follow all the recommendations of a pediatrician for the introduction of solid food into the diet.

Incorrect bite in a child per year can be formed due to frequent use of a nipple-dummy
Incorrect bite in a child per year can be formed due to prolonged use of a nipple-dummy

Important: you should pay attention to the position of the child’s head during feeding and during rest. It should not be thrown away.

Due to the insufficient content of the first year of life in the body of the child fluorine and calcium, teething occurs a little later. This can cause violations in the formation of a bite.
It is necessary to adequately evaluate the need for prolonged use of the nipple. If the child did not immediately take her or reacted indifferently to her, then it is better to completely abandon the dummy.
The absence of colds of the throat and nose or minimum number of them contributes to free nasal breathing and the proper development of the jaw.

Teething delay can lead to the formation of an incorrect bite
Teething delay can lead to the formation of an incorrect bite

Incorrect bite in a child at 2 years old

Most often, parents pay attention to the wrong bite in two -year -old children. You should not do anything independently to correct it, you need to contact the dentist as quickly as possible. A specialist can recommend two bite correction methods:

  • myotherapy
  • schonher's vestibular plates
Incorrect bite in a child at 2 years old
Incorrect bite in a child at 2 years old

Important: usually for children of this age, they use Schonher plates, which are made in several sizes in the shape of a nipple.

With an insignificant bite anomaly, use myotherapy - Special exercises.
Additionally, it can be recommended:

  • pick the pillow for sleep
  • more often offer a child solid food
  • exclude the use of dummy
  • make sure that the child does not suck his fingers

Incorrect bite in a child at 3 years old

It is at the age of three years that you need to get a mandatory consultation of a dentist-orthodontist on the formation of a bite. Only a specialist can assess the condition of the teeth, the quality of enamel and the correctness of the milk bite. The doctor’s closure of the side teeth is also subject to assessment of the doctor.

Incorrect bite in a child at 3 years will detect an orthodontist
Incorrect bite in a child at 3 years will detect an orthodontist

Important: some parents make a mistake, believing that milk teeth are not subject to treatment. Damaged milk teeth can infect constant teeth.

Incorrect bite in a child at 4 years old

The treatment of improper bite often begins at the age of 4-6 years, trying to catch up until the moment the child goes to school.

Apply removable plates, traineers. These devices, due to their flexibility, do not require examples, dress at night and gradually direct the teeth.

Incorrect bite in a child at 5 years old

This age is the most convenient for the treatment of pathological bite. Since in five-year-old children, teeth are still quite mobile and bone tissue does not have a high density, the orthodontist dentist can perform the jaw correction using removable devices.

Incorrect bite at 5 years old
Incorrect bite in a child at 5 years old

The consequences of improper bite in a child

The presence of improper bite in a child often leads to psychological injuries and the development of complexes. So small aesthetic problems that arose against the background of deviations of the development of the jaw leave an imprint on the fate of the child and affect his socialization in society.

Video: The consequences of the wrong bite

Important: by the age of 30-35, people with an incorrect bite have deterioration of the condition of the teeth: they become mobile, roots are exposed and periodontal disease appears. Patients often complain of migraines, back pain and neck.

The digestive system also experiences the negative consequences from improper bite: due to insufficient chewing of products on the digestive tract, increased load is laid. The remains of food are collected in the place of a broken bite, which leads to a pronounced tooth plaque and caries.

In adulthood, if it is necessary to remove a crooked tooth, it will be impossible to install a prosthesis on a nearby tooth. It will also have to be removed.

Frequent migraines can be a consequence of the wrong bite
Frequent migraines can be a consequence of the wrong bite

Video: How the wrong bite affects a person

Bite correction plate

The plates are used to correct a bite in children under 12 years of age. The main advantage of the plates is that they can be removed. Thanks to this, children are painlessly accustomed to new constructions and practically do not experience discomfort.
The manufacture of plates for children is carried out taking into account the anatomical features. In order to perform the necessary function with a plate, it is necessary to make proper fixation.

The device makes it impossible to further develop pathology, retains the correct bite, corrects the growth of teeth.

Bite correction plate
Clapping plates

Important: the plate requires appropriate care: it is removed before eating, cleaned of food residues, and temperature differences are not allowed to effect on it. Clean the plate using a special solution.

Video: Orthodonic plate - Correction of the bite of the child

Alignment of tooth braces

Braces - A fixed device for aligning tooths, capable of fixing even the most complex anomaly. Braces are installed by adolescence children when a constant bite is already formed.

A person’s teeth are mobile, located in holes. With a gradual pressure on their walls with braces, the tooth is displaced in a given right direction.

The duration of wearing braces depends on the degree of teeth deformation. The average tooth movement speed is 1 mm per month.


IMPORTANT: Correction of tooth braces should control the dentist-orthodontist. It will have to be visited at least once a month throughout the treatment.

After removing the braces, you need to undergo a course of procedures to restore and consolidate the effect.

Video: Braces: 18 months in 30 seconds

Correction of a bite of caps

Capes Relate to removable devices. They can be removed to eat or brush your teeth. Unlike plates, they are absolutely invisible, not able to injure the child's mouth.
Thermoplastic caps They are considered the most convenient and inexpensive. They have standard sizes. Before use, thermoplastic caps are immersed in hot water for softening. Falling on the teeth, they acquire the desired shape.

Capes for correcting bite
Capes for correcting bite

More expensive option - individual capes, The manufacture of which occurs according to a special method.

Important: capes are not able to correct serious defects. Because of this, their use is poorly common.

Timely seeking a doctor to treat an incorrect bite is success in correction. Parents need to remember that the less the age of the child, the easier it lends itself to correction of the jaw apparatus with minimal effects on it.

The child has a wrong bite: reviews

Marina, Mom of Hope (7 years old): We turned to orthodontist when the daughters were 6 years old. I was bothered by crooked teeth that appeared in the place of the falling milk. Because of them, the child has deteriorated. The doctor said that we would come to her in 5 years, not earlier. It makes no sense to touch the milk teeth, and the bite correction should be carried out only when all the teeth change.

Olga, Mom Matvey (14 years old): Today is exactly six months from the day that ceramic braces have been put in a private clinic. The teeth were noticeably leveled. At first we wanted to use the services of state dentistry, but there we said that to install braces would need to remove 2 healthy teeth. Naturally, I refused such a "treatment". Despite the fact that ceramic braces cost us many times more expensive, I do not regret it. After a few months, the son will remove them and his smile will become perfect.

Svetlana, 32 years old: From my own experience, I was convinced that after removing the braces, the teeth could return to its original position. By the way, guarantees that the bite will correct forever will not give a single orthodontist.

Correction of a bite - a long process
Correction of a bite - a long process

What option for the treatment of improper bite in children you choose, you need to focus on the long process of alignment of the teeth and the fixing period.

Not passing the fixing is fraught with the risk of reverse return of the teeth to the wrong position. The proper prevention of improper bite in children and compliance with all the recommendations of the children's dentist will give a chance to the baby to always smile beautifully without experiencing constraint.

Video: Incorrect bite. Correction of bite. How to fix the wrong bite in children.

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Comments K. article

  1. Oh, our topic ((I am looking for a doctor, who can align your child’s teeth. The case is not easy, you need a professional. Do you know such people in Moscow?

  2. Polina, I know. I myself studied this issue for so long, I liked the doctor, but the cost was space. On the contrary, cheaply and the doctor, accordingly, is not very good. But all the stars came together in Dr. Razumenko’s dental clinic, Levitina Olga Nikolaevna works there, so she worked with us. A wonderful woman, loves children very much. She spoke so that he forgot that she was afraid. A very good clinic, I myself will soon go a tooth of wisdom to pull them out.

  3. In childhood, my teeth did not even align me, so maybe it is for the better))) Then there were no special options-braces and plates, probably. And now the eliners are cool from the old smile, with which I just the teeth with my teeth. These are special, durable, of transparent material, made after scanning the jaw - everything is as accurate as possible. The capes are ideal - I don’t feel them on my teeth, everything is smooth, no sharp corners and other things. In general, it is great that there are such safe and high -quality ways to correct the bite.

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