It’s not easy to go is not easy - how is it written together or separately?

It’s not easy to go is not easy - how is it written together or separately?

In this article, we will talk about how to write the word “not easy” together or separately.

Everyone has questions about writing certain words, especially when you have to write something. Today we will talk about how to write correctly is not easy or not easy.

How is it not easy to write - it is not easy - together or separately?

It is not easy or not easy
It is not easy or not easy

Speaking briefly, then it will not be used to be used together, if it claims something, and when it denies, then the use will be separate.

- This is very difficult.

- No, it is not at all easy.

In the first situation, the word claims that the action will be difficult, and in the second - denies.
The presented word is an adverb from “not” on “o”. Such words are usually used together with a particle, if the opposite meaning is obtained. Or the word can be replaced with a synonym without "not." For example, difficult or difficult.

- It is not at all easy to drive a car as it seems.

In the presence of contrasting, the spelling will also be separate:

- It was not easy to speak, but difficult.

It is also important to take into account the presence of different explanatory unions - “nobody”, “nobody” and the like, as well as adverbs with “nor” or combinations “far from”, “not at all”, “not at all”. In each of the situations, the word will be used separately.

How is it not easy to write?
How is it not easy to write?

- Talking with him is by no means easy.

- It was not easy for anyone to talk to him.

If the word “completely” is taken for explanation, then it is not easy to write “not easy” in different ways. It is important to take into account the final value:

  • Or it will be completely, very difficult
  • Either by no means or in no way easy

Writing a dictation was not at all easy (very difficult).

- Writing a dictation was not at all easy (by no means).

A similar situation is obtained using "altogether":

- Despite the words of the teacher, it is not at all easy to write a dictation (by no means).

- Writing a dictation was at first difficult, and then it became not easy (completely).

The word will be used in the presence of measure and degree. For example, nearby is the word “very” or any other, enhancing effect.

- He said that writing a dictation was very difficult.

It is also important to say about interrogative sentences. The use will be separate provided that the denial is distinguished:

- Is it easy for you to solve the control?

At the same time, it is possible to write, if the denial will not be emphasized:

“Is it not easy for you?” - It can be replaced with difficult.

In this case, the word is as if claiming, but if you write it separately, it will already talk about denial:

“It's not easy for you?”

How is it not difficult to write correctly or easy?

It is easy or not difficult
It is easy or not difficult

Another word that is often difficult to write is "easy." It is an adverb and ends with the letter “o”, and therefore it can be written differently. Determine which spelling is suitable for you, you just need to understand the context of use:

First of all, the word will be used separately, if it can be replaced with a synonym, but already without “not”. If this is not possible, then we use together

Separate spelling is allowed if there is a contrast in the sentence:

- Find out the truth is not difficult, but easy.

If in front of the dialect there is “no”, “by no means” or “altogether”, then it is also written separately:

- It was not at all difficult to understand the truth.

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