Folk whispers for all occasions: the best selection. Cash, love, healthy whispers for health, fulfillment of desires, every day of the week, from loneliness, enemies at work, to protect yourself and your home, for all occasions: words, read

Folk whispers for all occasions: the best selection. Cash, love, healthy whispers for health, fulfillment of desires, every day of the week, from loneliness, enemies at work, to protect yourself and your home, for all occasions: words, read

The words of a whisper for all occasions.

Whispers are a special type of conspiracy. But the conspiracy, in order for him to work, must be pronounced at a certain time and carry out a whole ritual. Many of them are made on the growing moon or on a certain day of the lunar cycle. So the whispers are a kind of harmless variation of the conspiracy that needs to be pronounced at any convenient time.

Whispers for all occasions cash

Such words will help to establish welfare and improve the financial situation. Most often, words are pronounced during what I want to fix. For example, about money, during profit. Frequent repetition will help to establish financial situation. You need to whisper in a good mood and not think about anything bad. Do not try to enrich yourself by harming other people. In addition, try to save and do not litter money.

List of cash whisper:

  • When you pay in a store or lend it, you can say quietly: "I give the money and wait for it back"
  • When they give you a debt, you can quietly say: "I put the money in my pocket, I collect a whole suitcase"
  • On the weekend on the windowsill, or near the house on the porch, sprinkle a few grains and say: “File birds, good and prosperity to my house”
  • If you walk along the street and met a pregnant woman, say: "Give birth to you, but I am good to increase"
Solding with money
Solding with money

Whispers for all occasions love

Such whispers will help to establish a love relationship and get a soul mate if you do not have it. Effective for both lonely girls and ladies in relationships.


  • To attract the attention of a particular person, after communicating with him, say: "As the grass is in the spring, so you will tasted after me." Remember, if this is your fleeting hobby, then you should not use any conspiracies.
  • If your loved one wants to leave you, whisper: "From the ground, water evaporates, so you will return to me." But in case of discords in a relationship, a beloved man will most likely leave.
  • If your beloved loves women and often goes to them, put the head of garlic into his pocket and say: “As you throw the garlic and throw your beloved (name) from your head.”

Whiskers for all occasions are useful, simple

Such simple words will help to succeed in life. They will save you from troubles and make you smile good luck. Repeat these magical words at any convenient time.

Before some responsible event, say such words: “I tried for a long time, but I was left without results. I am luck, I'm waiting for success "

Repeat from time to time: "My guardian angel always brings good luck with me"

Before you drink water, say over it: "I drink water, I saturate the body with energy"


Whispers for all occasions on health

Most often they help to correct external defects. But there are words that help generally improve the state of health.


With problematic skin: “Voditsa, water, my face is ugly. Take off the Mayatu and give me beauty "

With headaches: “You are painful head, you are talking about something. Contract after an important case "

During the evening shower: "The water will wash all the longing, the negativity and resentment will erase"

Whispers for all occasions for the fulfillment of desires

The most interesting thing is that you can contribute to the implementation of desires and doing household chores. Our grandmothers often used similar methods during cleaning. It helped to be distracted.


During Paul washing: "I am washing the floor, I get the implementation of desires"

Before an important thing: "My angel is always with me, you are ahead, and I am for you"

If you expect something and gathered to visit, crossing the threshold say: "I will cross the threshold, I get everything I need"

We pronounce magical words
We pronounce magical words

Whispers for all occasions from loneliness to find a husband

You can speak these whispers when you have already found narrowed. And even in the case when you do not meet with anyone. Thus, you can attract your fate.


When you are already meeting: "I chew the salt, I look forward to the salt from the wedding karavay I will eat"

If you live in rural areas, then you often observe horses. At the sight of the horse, say: "Glorious horse, bring a glorious man on yourself"

Whispers for all occasions to do it in your opinion

Below are the most effective:

Effective whispers for desires
effective whispers for desires
Effective whispers for desires
effective whispers for desires

Whispers for all occasions from the enemy at work, so that he did not get it out, left work

The work takes us a lot of effort and causes fatigue. I especially do not want to work when there is an ill -wisher. Therefore, try to get rid of the evil colleague.

Video: whispers from negativity at work

Whiskers for all occasions to protect oneself and at home, so that no one offends

Below are a whispers below, for a person who offended you. Such words will help to dispel the resentment.

Video: whispers from evil people

Whispers for all occasions for every day of the week

Whispers are nothing more than self -hypnosis and light conspiracies. They will help you attract good luck. You can start rituals from Monday and repeat daily. Each day has its own magical words.

FROM love by day of the week:

Monday. Make a desire after awakening and say: "I believe that desire will come true and will be happy with everyone"

Tuesday. "I believe that Tuesday will bring good luck, God is always with me"

Wednesday. During the morning hygiene procedures, say: "I wash my face, I attract luck"

Thursday. On this day, try to pay maximum attention to protection from negativity. “Thursday is called on from evil and the negativity to protect. May the guardian angel help me "

Friday. This day is ideal for joyful events. Speak early in the morning: "Friday came, brought joy"

Saturday. To protect yourself from ill -wishers that day. During combing the hair, say: "I am good, and the ailments and enemies disappear"

Sunday. Live for pleasure. After awakening, say: "On Sunday, everything will be the way you want."

We pronounce magical words
We pronounce magical words

Whispers for all occasions on a new thing

After acquiring a new thing, it can be made happy. Such clothes will become a kind of talisman for you. To do this, after acquisition, it is necessary to read the following words:

“Like a squirrel wearing a white fur coat, I did not demolish. So would you bring me good luck. And it will be so "

Now this thing must be put on important events.

Whispers for all occasions for the seriousness of intentions

If you want your interlocutor to fulfill the promised and want to consolidate his serious intentions, read the words:

A similar image

Whiskers for all occasions on the offender

Such words are usually pronounced when the offender leaves. That is, in his back.

Words: Thunderstorms at your feet, neither the path to you, nor the road. Amen

Whispers for all occasions, so that the child eats everything

It often happens that children eat poorly and suffer from thinness. Usually this whisper is said while bathing. This will help the child improve his appetite and get rid of thinness.

Words: like water from a goose, so with (name) thinness.

The text is whisper
The text is whisper

Whispers for all occasions in the morning from the right leg

It is necessary even before you get out of bed, put your right leg on the floor and say words.

Words: where is the right leg, there and left. Where am I, my luck is there.

Whispers for all occasions when haircut of her husband

In general, it is believed that cutting your husband is to part and this is a bad sign. But still you can avoid quarrels. To do this, say the words during the haircut.

Words: "How many hair is on my head, so much money and feelings"

After a haircut, take a symbolic amount from your husband.

Whispers for all occasions before bedtime

To relax well and saturated with energy, lying in the bed speak whispers. They will help to fall asleep faster and sleep tightly. At the same time, you sleep well and will feel cheerful in the morning.

Words: I am cleansed of problems, I'm going to sleep.

Whispers for all occasions from inspectors

Checkers at work are able to deliver a lot of unpleasant emotions. You can slightly pacify the inspectors. To do this, become your back to the door and say:

How my back does the door hand not see
So the official will not see me
And he will not offend.
Key, castle, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Say the whispers
Say the whispers

Whispers for all occasions in the back in the back to punish a person

Usually such speeches make the offender in the back. This allows you to punish a person for his rudeness. But do not wish evil and want to harm. Just let go of the insult, do not waste your energy on useless people.

As soon as the offender turns his back to you, say: “What did you want to me, he took it to himself” or “Your speeches, in your shoulders”

Whispers for all occasions on water

Usually such words are pronounced in water. They allow you to achieve beauty and correct appearance defects. Many words are aimed at the health of the skin and hair.


If you dream of magnificent and beautiful hair, then cut a thin lock and a request into the river. It is best to carry out the ritual on the growing moon. After that, say:

"Growing a braid as fast as this water flows"

This ritual should be carried out in the morning when you wash. Run with wet handles on the skin and say:

"Water-drive, give health and beauty, vigor and freshness, defeat wrinkles"

If you want to rejuvenate your face, pronounce: during evening hygiene procedures:

"Smooth, delicate skin with an infant is similar"

Whisper to the water
Whisper to the water

Whiskers for all occasions, so that people stretch to you

You need to pour some sugar on paper at midnight and pronounce:

Pictures on request conspiracy for sugar

After that, near his home and at work at the head of the leader, to scatter this sugar.

Whispers for all occasions before leaving the house

Such words will help you make a day successful and prosperous. It is worth waking up and staying in a good mood. As usual, you need to put yourself in order. When stepping the threshold of the house, say the words:

Behind this threshold, my strength. May it be so.

Whispers for all occasions, so that a man gives money at meetings

Every woman wants a rich and worthy partner for herself. To do this, it is necessary to support your soul mate in every possible way and help with non -traditional methods. So that your man is successful, say saying during cooking:

"I love you the strongest of all, you are just as great, rich and successful"

Girl whispers magic phrases
Girl whispers magic phrases

As you can see, with the help of simple words, you can attract the attention of a man and improve your financial situation. Such words do not have great power as conspiracies, but are quite effective. Repeat the texts from time to time.

Video: whispers

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