Partication is not with nouns: the rule of the Russian language, examples

Partication is not with nouns: the rule of the Russian language, examples

Learning the Russian language: writing particles is not with nouns, a rule with examples.

In this article, we will consider the notorious particle “not”, when and how to use it, and most importantly, how to make friends with it and insert only where it is necessary.

Partication is not written with nouns: a rule with examples

Partication is not written with nouns: a rule with examples
Partication is not written with nouns: a rule with examples

In order to once and for all to learn the spelling of the particle not with the nouns, it is necessary to learn the simplest (albeit spacious) rule that we brought in a convenient plate.

We write separately We write together

If the word with the prefix “not” can be replaced with a synonym without a prefix, but this word denial is used with union “A”.


A bright and simple example: this is not a child, but a real angel.

If the word with the prefix “not” can be replaced with a word or phrase a synonym without a prefix “not”.


A striking example is the word misfortune that can easily be replaced on mountain, sadness, trouble, etc.

The color of the word acquires the meaning of incompleteness, lack, in the case of the prefix “under”.


For example, if the word “inspection” we will paraphrase into “oversight”.

If a particle of speech “not” forms a symbol of denial.


For example: Vyacheslav leads serious discussions about space, although everyone knows that he is not an astronaut.

If a new word is created with the prefix, even if it can be replaced with a synonym.


For example: ignorance of laws does not exempt from responsibility. In this case, you can replace with the phrase “lack of knowledge”, but in this case, the proposal will gain a new meaning.

In the case of using the prefix "not" in such forming:

· Not at all;

· No longer;

· Not at all;

· No more;

· Nothing like;

· Far from.

For example, we give this proposal: Marina is not at all stupid, on the contrary, cunning and knows how to achieve the desired.

In the case of the use of the prefix “not” to the dependent adjectives, as well as to the possessive pronouns, which are located in front of the “NOT” particle.

For example, we quote from the famous non-fiction:

It happens that an inspired layman achieves a better result than the bored pros. Remember only Noah, who saved civilization.

If the word is not used in the Russian language without prefix.

A striking example is the word: loser, ignoramus.

As you can see, there are a lot of nuances in use of a particle of “not”, but if you learn them, then you will easily write correctly.

Video: Russian 5. Spelling not with nouns

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