What language do Brazil speak in Brazil? What language in Brazil is official, state? Is there a Brazilian language?

What language do Brazil speak in Brazil? What language in Brazil is official, state? Is there a Brazilian language?

From this article you will find out what official language is in Brazil.

Brazil is the largest country on the southern American continent. It speaks in 175 languages, but the state language is one. What language is this? We find out in this article.

What language do Brazil speak in Brazil?

Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro with a statue of Christ, established on the mountain

Until Europeans have come to the American continent, the territory of modern Brazil was inhabited by the tribes of the Indians. They spoke the languages \u200b\u200bof the Indians, there were more than 1 thousand of them. At the present time, the Indians have significantly diminished in this territory, the languages \u200b\u200bwere also forgotten, now 145 languages \u200b\u200bof the Indians, in which 1% of the population of Brazil speaks. The most numerous tribe of the Indians is Matses, living on the border with Peru.

Portuguese on new lands began to settle in the mid -16th century. Then, ships with slaves from Africa began to arrive in South America. Later, the Portuguese had to fight for new colonies with the Spaniards, British, Dutch and Italians, some of them remained on these lands to live.

Now, in Brazil, Germans, Russians, Arabs, Japanese and other peoples live nearby, and all of them speak their languages.

What language in Brazil is official, state?

The official language in Brazil is Portuguese. This is the only country in South America that recognized this language common to the whole country. Portuguese knows 191 million of the population, out of 205 million people living in the country. But in educational institutions and school, Spanish and English are mandatory for study.

On the streets of Brazil, you can most often hear the conversational speech of the following language groups:

  • German (Spanish, English, German)
  • Romanesque (Talian language, part of the immigrants from Italy is said on it)
  • Slavic (Polish, Russian, Ukrainian languages)
  • Schi-Tibetan (Chinese)
  • Japanese
  • Creole (now disappearing)

Is there a Brazilian language?

Amazon river flowing through Brazil

Just as English in the UK and the United States differs from each other, so Portuguese differs in America and Europe.

In Brazil, Portuguese differs from the language in which they speak Portugal, according to phonetics, vocabulary, pronunciation. The Brazilian analogue of the language is more melodic, soft, intelligible, the letter “C” is more used in it, in Portugal “Sh”. This is a kind of Brazilian dialect of the Portuguese language. And the fact that there is a Brazilian language is just a myth.

What is the Brazilian dialect? As you know, the Portuguese language originates from the Latin language. According to linguistic research in the Brazilian dialect, 80% of words were taken from the Portuguese language, 16% of Spanish words, 4% of words from the languages \u200b\u200bof Indians and African blacks.

So, we learned that there is one state language in Brazil, and many languages \u200b\u200bthat are not forbidden to speak.

Video: Brazil. Interesting facts about Brazil

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