What can you instill cherries: the names of the trees. How to instill a cherry stalk on a cherry in the spring step by step: instructions for beginners. What is the best time and the best way to vaccinate cherries: Dates

What can you instill cherries: the names of the trees. How to instill a cherry stalk on a cherry in the spring step by step: instructions for beginners. What is the best time and the best way to vaccinate cherries: Dates

In the article you will find out what is the vaccination of cherries, how it is carried out, what this procedure is needed for.

What can you instill cherries: the names of the trees

Landing of fruit trees, regular care, care for a fruit garden is carried out in order to get a rich crop of delicious and high -quality fruits. But what is the disappointment when the fruits on the cherries are of unsatisfactory quality. Inexperienced gardeners come up with the idea of \u200b\u200buprooting trees and planting new seedlings in their place.

Experienced gardeners, in turn, will not rush to destroy the garden. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • It is not a fact that newly planted seedlings will bring a good harvest.
  • You will have to wait for the first fruiting of young trees for about 5 years.

There is a method that will help to reanimate cherries, and collect good fruits with a seemingly hopeless tree in 1-3 years. This is a vaccine in a tree.

Vaccination is a way of vegetative propagation of trees. In simple words, this is a transplant of a part of a tree of one variety to another. As a result of vaccination, two parts of different trees grow into one whole, thereby contributing to the improvement of the quality of the fruit.

Vaccination is carried out, first of all, in order to improve the quality of the fruit. There are also other advantages of tree vaccination:

  • An increase in frost resistance, which is very relevant for the cherries demanding on the climatic conditions.
  • Increasing resistance to diseases.
  • Extension of the life of the old garden.
  • Propagation of trees without uprooting.
Vaccination of trees is done in order to improve the quality of fruits

Before vaccinating cherries, you need to decide on the woodwork. The cherries are successfully instilled in such trees:

  1. Cherry on the cherries. Such vaccination is carried out in order to improve the taste of the fruit. If you do not like the taste of cherries, come to it a stalk of more tasty and good grade. It will be possible to harvest after 1 year.
  2. Cherry on the cherry plum. Bones of trees, including cherries, are often instilled on scarlet. Such a vaccine will help make the cherries more powerful branches, improve the vitality of cherries in the conditions of closely located groundwater.
  3. Cherry on cherries. Two related trees take root well with each other. Such a stock will make the cherries more resistant to the climatic conditions of the region with cold winters.
  4. Cherry on the plum. Such experience can be able to virtue in gardening. If the vaccine is successful, you get an interesting tree with different types of fruits.
Cherries vaccinated for cherries

What is the best time to vaccinate cherries: Dates

Important: the best time for vaccination is early spring, when active sapotage begins.

  • If you decide to vaccinate cherries in early springIt is important to have time to do this on time, since the favorable period for vaccination is very short, literally 2 weeks. The air temperature at night should not drop below 0 degrees, and the kidneys should not open yet. Spring vaccination is preferable for the reason that it is during this period that the probability of chopping the cuttings with the supply is the highest.
  • Practices also summer vaccination. Subject to the proper procedure, there is a high probability that the stalk will have time to take root before the onset of frosts. The main condition of summer vaccination is cloudy weather, but without rain.
  • The autumn vaccination of cherries is also practiced, but the probability of taking the cuttings is reduced. After all, it is impossible to predict when frosts begin.
  • Vaccination of trees is even carried out in winterbut for cherries is not suitable. Winter vaccination is suitable for trees such as apple tree, plum, pear.

What is the best method for vaccination of cherries?

If you decide to vaccinate trees in your garden, you need to remember two terms:

Rootstock - A tree on which the stalk will be vaccinated. These should be young trees adapted to the climatic conditions of the region. The best stock is a tree whose age is up to 10 years. On such trees, the processes of fusion occur faster.

Hall - The escape of a tree that will be planted on the stock. Sometimes a branch is vaccinated, but in most cases a stalk is used - part of the escape with several buds.

There are many ways to vaccinate trees. Consider the most suitable methods for cherries.

Copulation. This method provides for the combination of the cuttings with the tree trunk, while both parts should have the same diameter. As a result of the attachment of the cuttings to the barrel, it turns out as if one. To do this, you need to make oblique sections on the shaft and commercial, connect two parts, then tightly wrap it with electrical tape. With improved copulation, additional splitting in the sections, which then connect, are made.

Methods of vaccination of cherries: copulation

In the split. This method is suitable when the diameter of the tree trunk is significantly larger than the vaccinated cuttings. First, they make an even slice on the stock. Then, a split 4-5 cm deep is made in the center. After that, a cut stalk is inserted into the split. Both parts should fit tightly to each other. The vaccination site is wrapped with electrical tape. Open sections are treated with garden var.

Methods of vaccination of cherries: in splitting

For the bark. It is possible to vaccinate trees by bark when there is a strong sapotage. The essence of this method is that the stalk is inserted into the cut bark of the stock. To do this, on the stock branch they make an even clean slice, clean it so that there are no extra Zazubrin. Then make a cut on the bark several cm. On the cuttings, they make a scythe, neatly clean it from all sides with one motion. Then the stalk is inserted into a cut of the bark. Several cuttings from different sides are vaccinated on one branch of the stock so that the wound is better than overgrown.

Methods of vaccination of cherries: per bark

The best way to learn the technique of vaccination, to see this. We suggest watching a video thanks to which you will learn how to vaccinate cherries correctly.

Video: Cherry vaccination to cherries

Is it possible to leave 3 vaccinated cherries?

When vaccinating on the branches of the stock, from two to 4 cuttings are placed, as in the photo.

Vaccinated cuttings

This provides uniform overgrowing of sawnings. When the cuttings grow by 15 cm, the weakest should be pinched. After 2-3 years, when the cuttings take root completely, they choose one-the most developed stalk. The rest are removed so that the overgrown branches do not interfere with each other.

In the next video, you can get acquainted and master the technique of vaccination of trees per bark.

Video: Vaccination of trees per bark

How to prepare cuttings?

For vaccination, the cuttings should be prepared in advance. Cuttings are harvested in the fall, before the start of frosts. Then they are stored all winter in appropriate conditions, and in the spring they are vaccinated.

The length of the cuttings should be 35-40 cm, a diameter of 5 cm. It should be annual shoots with the apical and lateral growth buds. Cuttings are tied in a bundle and stored either in the snow or in the basement in sawdust or sand. You can store cuttings in the refrigerator, for this they are wrapped with a damp cloth, wrapped in a bag and sent to the lower shelf.

The instruction is also practiced with fresh cuttings, but they need to be cut before the start of sapotage. The success of instilling in such cuttings is reduced.

What else the success of the vaccine depends on:

  1. All sections on cuttings and shaft must be clean. To do this, it is recommended to clean the sections of the stock and touch the cuts as little as possible.
  2. Hands, tools should also be clean.
  3. The knife should be very sharp. The cut should be made in one movement of the knife. It is unacceptable to do irregularities, cracks, zabins on the sections.
  4. Vaccinations must be tightly tied, do not move the stalk after vaccination.
  5. The vaccination procedure should be carried out quickly so that the cuts do not be bent.
  6. Open sections should be covered with garden var.
  7. As a stock, use only healthy and young trees.

After 2-3 weeks, it will be possible to check whether the stalk is taking root. Shoots from the kidneys appear on the surviving cuttings. At this time, you should especially care about the tree:

  • Check for pests. If they appeared, take measures urgently.
  • Throughout the season, it is necessary to remove the shoots appearing on the stock below the vaccinated cuttings.
  • The vaccinated tree needs top dressing, enough watering.
The result of the successful take -off of the cuttings

Is cherries allowed during flowering?

It is advisable to vaccinate cherries before flowering. Then the probability that the cuttings will take root the highest.

Cherry vaccination for plums: advantages and disadvantages

Vaccination of cherries on plums is not the best option. The fusion of the wood of cherries and plums occurs with great difficulty, most often the result of the experiment is unsuccessful. As a result, you can spend your strength and time, and you will not get anything in return.

However, experienced gardeners manage to instill cherries on a plum. In the case of a successful experiment, a “miracle-drive” is obtained, on which different fruits grow. This can save the space of your garden, which, as a rule, is limited to several acres.

Cherries are vaccinated for plums in most cases when there is nothing more to instill. Try it, maybe you will succeed.

Vaccination of cherries is an interesting experiment, the success of which depends on many factors. Cherries should be approached seriously, it is very important to observe all the requirements for the instrument, vaccination periods, the cleanliness of the sections and the care of the tree after vaccination. Then the result of your work will be able to bear fruit in the literal sense of the word.

Video: How to instill cherries?

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