What is it better to catch crucian carp? Options of baits and bait for fishing crucian carp. Features of fishing for crucian carp and selection of bait depending on the time of year

What is it better to catch crucian carp? Options of baits and bait for fishing crucian carp. Features of fishing for crucian carp and selection of bait depending on the time of year

Baits, bait for fishing crucian carp.

Cruculia is responsible and quite complicated, especially if it is done in summer or autumn. In this article, we will tell you how it is better to catch crucian carp and what baits, nozzles and a stroke material are best used.

Features of fishing and bite crucian carp

It is worth noting that the crucian is best pecking just in the spring time, during spawning. During this period, the fish is very active, moves a lot, quite hungry. That is, immediately before spawning and after it, he eats a lot to restore strength.

On what gear and at what time to catch crucian carp:

  • In the period before and after spawning, you can catch on any tackle, cloak or ordinary fishing rods with not very heavy lighthouses. During this period, not even quite experienced fishermen, newcomers can be caught by fish. For this, an ordinary cloak with a thin fishing line is suitable.
  • It is worth noting that the crucian does not like a quick, cold river. Therefore, there is practically no crucian carp in them. Most of this fish is just in shallow forest and mountain lakes, in rivers, which flow quite slowly.
  • Or in stagnant lakes, reservoirs, the water in which in the summer practically dry out. A crucian carp can be found even in peat swamps with a small amount of water. Accordingly, it is in such reservoirs that it makes sense to catch crucian carp.
  • As for fishing in the spring, fish pecks both on plant bait and bloodworms, worm or maggot. Because at this time the fish is saturated with almost everyone. She wants to satisfy her hunger, almost all the bait is suitable for this.
  • In the summer, the situation worsens, because the fish from the heat goes to the deeper places of the lake. Therefore, it is best to use sliding tackle or an elastic band, which can penetrate far enough from the shore, and the fishing line during this period should be sufficient length to get to the bottom.
  • In the spring, it can be short enough, because during this period the fish rises closer to the surface of the reservoir. Please note that in the summer it is best for fishing for crucian carp to use vegetable bait, because during this period the fish prefers to eat in small portions and quite simple, plant foods.
  • During this period, crucian carp does not peck on bloodworms and a worm. In autumn, the fish freezes and is inactive. During this period, it is best to catch on insects, bloodworms, worms and maggot. Plant bait and bait best not to use.
The catch of crucian carp
The catch of crucian carp

What is a carpent of carp?

There is a whole ritual that allows you to get a huge catch of crucian carp. Basically, silver crucian carp lives in our reservoirs, which is distinguished by an elongated body and a small back size. It is rarely possible to find golden crucian carp, which is distinguished by an arched, broad back and a small length. Ichthiologists note that this is a fish of the same species, and the most interesting thing is that females are most often silver. Male golden are fertilized.

But in domestic reservoirs, silver crucian carp prevails mainly. In order to get a huge catch, it is not enough to come to the lake, throw a fishing rod with a bait and wait. This is a very interesting, unusual process. It is advisable to use it if you live near the lake or river. Thus, it is best to come to the lake every day and perform certain manipulations designed to accustom crucian carp to this place in order to eat.

Private carp
Private carp

Such a manipulation is called a privateer. Almost everything that is at home can be used. These are some residues of porridge, plant residues, dry bread. It is necessary to come to the same place daily and throw a certain, small amount of such a private private. The main task is to teach crucian carp to sail to this place in order to eat. Accordingly, it is in this place that you need to make fishing after a certain period of time, because it will get used to coming here. Because they feed well here.

After that, on the day of fishing, fishing is carried out. This is not a guards at all, this is a special mixture, the main purpose of which to lure the fish, let it try a delicious bait, but not feed it. That is, the fish should not be saturated, it should only try your bait a bit and sail here in order to get enough. That's exactly what will be on the hook and should be nutritious enough to feed the fish. So that she wants to remove her from the hook and eat her.

A good catch of crucian carp
A good catch of crucian carp

How to cook a bait for crucian carp?

The basic mixture for bait is prepared as follows.


  • It is necessary 2.5 kg of wheat bran, 1 kg of ground rye, fried crackers, 1 kg of Hercules clap, 100 g of milk powder
  • All this is mixed in a large vessel and packaged in small packages
  • This basic mixture is the basis of bait, which will be prepared directly at the place of fishing
  • To do this, part of the bait is poured into a plastic bucket, several a pinch of plant and animal ingredients is added to it
  • As animals of ingredients, bloodworms, maggots or worm are used. Only a few pinches of animal ingredients are enough
  • Next, plant components are added. It is mainly waned in boiling water left in the thermos of pearl barley or wheat porridge
  • It must also be added to the mixture prepared in advance. Further, all this is diluted with water from the reservoir, directly from the one in which fish will be fishing
  • All this is mixed until a kind of dough is obtained. Balls of a few centimeters with a diameter are dumped from it and 5 such top dressing balls are thrown out for the first time
  • Next, one ball is introduced every hour. Thus, the fish will understand that here and now it is fed. She will sail, so it will be much easier to catch
Fishing for different gear
Fishing for different gear

Baits and bait for fishing crucian

Options of baits and nozzles:

  • A classic bait for crucian carp and bait is a dung worm, as well as a crumb of rye, black bread. Preparing these bait in different ways. Typically, worms are recommended to be kept in peppermint solution so that they are saturated with aroma.
  • It has long been noted that the crucian carp is attracted by a variety of pungent odors, and the smell of mint for him is quite pleasant. Accordingly, such a bait will work more efficiently and the percentage of the fact that you will receive a decent catch will increase. In addition, they often cook brown bread in a special way.
  • Vata can also be soaked in it so that the bait is easy. In addition, anise, sunflower oil, and even garlic are often added. The most interesting thing is that boiled brick is often used as a bait.
  • Indeed, they take a red brick, for several hours they are buried in a fragrant decoction of mint, lemon balm and other herbs that have a pungent odor. After that, the brick crumbles. Scatter it in the place where they are going to fish.
  • Such unusual baits are inedible, crucian carp is eventually attracted, but at the same time it remains quite hungry. Accordingly, there is an active bite.

What is it better to catch crucian carp to get a good catch?

Many experienced fishermen note that all rules may not work in different places. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right place for fishing. The fact is that the crucian usually loves vegetation, so it often hides in the thickets of reeds and willow. You can find such places on the river or pond. It is not far from these places that the fish is bored by throwing balls with top dressing.

Choosing a place and bait:

  • If this is a fairly fast river that has a current, and not standing water, then it is very difficult to arrive crucian carp. The fact is that despite the fact that you will throw balls in the same place for several days in a row, crucian carp is rarely moved away from the laid paths, which it usually follows every day. That is why it is important to find such a path along which crucian carp moves. It is in these places that the bait is abandoned for living.
  • Most often, for this purpose, they first get acquainted with the river. After all, often fishermen put on rubber boots and put on places near the reeds, finding deep holes and excavations in them with a stick. It is in them that the crucian carp is often hidden. It makes sense to catch fish and throw a bait in these places.
  • Please note that in hot days of the day, that is, in the summer, crucian rarely pecks in rainy weather. Therefore, if it rains for several days, it is better to wait before the onset of persistent weather, that is, heat. Around the second day you can go fishing.
  • The crucian carp pecks best in hot times precisely at the dawn, that is, early in the morning, starting since the sun is just starting to rise and light. The crucian carp is chosen to hunt in order to eat on the contrary, late in the evening, after the Sun was set.
  • Accordingly, we recommend that you go to the crucian carp and fishing and fishing no later than 10:00 in the morning. In the daytime, crucian carp prefers to hide in deeper places. Therefore, often moves to the middle of the reservoir. Therefore, if you are going to fish in such conditions, in the daytime, it is better to catch fish from the boat, in the middle of the reservoir.

Please note that crucian carp reacts very much to loud sounds and smells. Accordingly, fishermen do not recommend wore bright things. Very often they go fishing in camouflage clothes. In addition, fishermen often wash their hands, and do not smoke near the coast. Many of them leave their cars away from the reservoir so that the smell of gasoline or soot does not scare away fish. In addition, it is not recommended to talk loudly, drink alcohol.

Video: What to catch crucian carp?

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