Handmade soap. How to make soap with your own hands? Homemade soap recipes

Handmade soap. How to make soap with your own hands? Homemade soap recipes

If you want to learn how to make soap yourself, then read the article. Here you will find a detailed description of the process and what ingredients are necessary for this.

Now on the shelves of the supermarket you can find a wide variety of soap. There is a baby, there is a cream soap, there is also antibacterial soap. However, making a product with your own hands is much more pleasant. Moreover, buying raw materials for him is not a problem. Also, soap making is a kind of hobby, because the product obtained after preparation pleases not only with its pleasant aroma, but also with a beautiful appearance, an original form.

DIY soap set. Handmade soap ingredients

You can make soap yourself three options:

  • from the usual children'sit is enough to grate it, melt it, then add dye, oils and other ingredients, pour it into forms
  • from soap base - The principle of cooking is the same as from children's soap
  • preparation of a product from close and fatty acids - a laborious process requiring compliance with safety precautions
The necessary components and dishes for cooking soap

Components for the manufacture of soap

  • the foundation (soap) or baby soap - the base is found in the form of a white solid and transparent, which allows you to make beautiful soap of different tones
  • basic oil - You can use both ordinary vegetable and olive, etc.
  • essential aromatic machine - Choose you like, the range of such products is diverse
  • dye Special or food
  • additives - you can use various ingredients that improve skin condition (honey, glycerin, clay)
  • alcohol In the bottle of sprayer
  • herbal decoction, water
  • molds for pouring, tableware for the installation of the base, grater, knifefor cutting the finished product
Ingredients for cooking soap at home

Handmade patterns and shapes for soap

If you decide to engage in soapworking seriously and get profit from the sale, then you will need templates in which the composition of the products, name, etc. will be indicated. Such templates can be downloaded to special portals. In addition to labels, various forms will come in handy. Such containers are made of plastic, rubber or silicone. You can not use molds of glass, metal, because it is problematic to get the product from solid containers, the metal is corroded.

Handmade soap

Heat -resistant plastic shapes It is made taking into account the fact that the soap base in them will be filled with hot, and molds, in turn, will not be deformed. Their great advantage is that there are a lot of such products - they are available, both small figures and large ones - to prepare several bars of home -made soap at the same time.

Plastic soap molds

Silicone forms Also convenient to use. They do not need special care and, moreover, they are soft, which greatly simplifies the “release” of the soap when it is ready. The service life of such a container is greater than that of plastic ones.

Silicone forms for the manufacture of soap

Important: before pouring the base, lubricate the forms with oil, then the soap will be easier to leave the molds. If this did not help, then put the container with soap in the freezer, after time stretch it by pressing on the shape.

Do -it -yourself soap flowers

If you are a creative person, you like to make crafts with your own hands, then you yourself can blind flowers from soap. Some have a doubt creep in - is it possible, because the soap base is not plastic? To make the material softer, it is necessary to apply a small trick when cooking the base.

You will need it for preparing it:

  • the base (soap), or baby soap - 230 grams
  • ordinary gelatin that is sold in supermarkets is one big spoon
  • water, or decoction of grass-8-9 large spoons
  • dyes, aromatic aromas - at will
  • the knife is ordinary, a potato cleaning knife
Roses from the soap base

The order of action

  1. Pour gelatin with water (cold), leave for 43-56 minutes for swelling
  2. Prepare the base - grate it on the grater, melt it, add a teaspoon of water there there
  3. Then pour the formal, dye, etc., mix the resulting mass with the finished gelatin
  4. Pour the mixture into round molds
  5. When it freezes, stretch the resulting cylinders
  6. It remains now only with a vegetable knife to cut the petals for a rose and blind a flower, like from plasticine
DIY soap rose

More flowers can be done simply in special molds. It is enough to fill in the container and a few minutes after solidification, get the finished flower out of it. Any flight of imagination is welcome. You can come up with various shades for a flower and leaves.

Soap "rose" made in a special silicone form

If you have artistic talents, you have the skills of the sculptor, then you can easily succeed (cutting the figures). Below you can watch a video tutorial for beginner soapons.

Carving - carved flower

Video. Rose of soap

Handmade soap. How to make soap? Recipes

There are many recipes for soap. We talked above that you can cook a product from the base and baby soap. Now in more detail we consider their intricacies of manufacture.

Puff soap - from a transparent, white base

The recipe for soap from the base


  • one hundred grams of transparent base
  • half a teaspoon of honey
  • a little yellow dye
  • two drops of the etheric aromatic oil lemon

Melt the base, in no case boil it, pour liquid honey there, drop the dye, essential oil. Pour the finished composition into shape. When freezing, pull the soap.

Yellow soap with honey from a transparent base
Yellow soap with honey from a transparent base

Baby soap product recipe


  • 100 grams of baby soap
  • half of a cup of milk or decoction of herbs
  • half of a spoon (large) olive oil
  • a little aromatic oil, dye
  • a teaspoon of an oil solution of vitamin A, e

In the bath (water), dissolve the soap, add milk. When remove from the furnace, add the rest of the components. Mix, pour into molds.

Original performance of handmade soap

DIY coffee soap

Most often, soap with black, ground coffee is used as a natural skin scrub. For adding, ground, black coffee is suitable, and as a decoration of coffee in grains. You should not use a drunk coffee thick for soap -making, because there are no longer useful components for the structure of the skin.

Coffee soap-scrub
  • RECIPE: Melt the white base in the microwave (100 grams). Add two large spoons of ground coffee. Then pour a small spoon of cocoa oil. Drill brown dye there. Pour into molds
  • RECIPE: Two pieces of baby soap, rub. Pour water (150 grams) into the dish, melt the mass. Add olive oils three teaspoons, and the same amount of sugar. At the end, add a teaspoon of cream, dye. Pour into forms, let it freeze
Home soap from baby soap and coffee

With your own hands

To get honey, healthy soap, you need to take eighty grams of the white base. Cut it into small cubes, melt it in the microwave. Do not overheat the mixture above 64 degrees, otherwise the soap will not foam. Add 45 grams of not sniffed honey.

Stir the mass thoroughly with a wooden stick. Then drop in a mixture of aromatic machine 4 (citrus) drops. Pour two tablespoons of one oil oil (olive or rosehip oil). Mix again, sprinkle the soap with alcohol and pour it into a pre -prepared form. Spray a little with alcohol on top so that there are no bubbles. The soap-cream will be ready in about one hour.

With your own hands
With your own hands

DIY soap with clay

RECIPE: Take a hundred grams of the white base, chop and melt in the microwave. To do this, it is advisable to take a mold in a pattern at the top. Pour the pattern with the prepared mass. In the rest of the mixture, add clay (pink)-two small spoonks, grape seed oil, wheat germ oil, one teaspoon, d-panthenol (12 drops), aroma (3 drops). Mix the mass well. We are waiting for her to freeze slightly, only then we pour it into a mold. This will prevent the settlement of clay.

Soap with the addition of clay

Important: do not forget to spray with soap with alcohol before pouring it into a container. This helps to fasten the layers with each other and eliminates the bubbles.

Handmade glycerin soap


  • pure water - 706 grams
  • basket oil (palm)-1131 grams
  • oil (coconut) - 451 grams
  • castor oil - 708 grams
  • 96 percent alcohol-792 grams
  • glycerin - 226 grams
  • a solution of chilled water, sugar - respectively: 423 grams, 566 grams
Glycerin soap


  1. We heat the oils in the bath
  2. We take 33 percent (from the amount of oils) of chilled water, dissolve the alkali. We begin to gradually heat it in the bath (water)
  3. Then mix both heated mixtures. Their temperature should be 40-42 degrees
  4. It is advisable to pour alkaline water into the oils through a strainer, suddenly not all the alkali still dissolved
  5. Put a pot of water on a slow gas so that the mixture does not overheat, holds a temperature of 60-62 degrees (minutes: 35-42)
  6. The mass is first thickening, and then a beautiful translucent gel is obtained. When this happens, add a wiper (olive oil) so that the soap does not dry skin tissue in the future
  7. Then you can slowly pour warm alcohol, just do not rush (soap can foam)
  8. The mixture is left to languish further, and in the meantime we prepare sweet syrup
  9. Then pour it into the soap, interfere again, it turns out a transparent mass
  10. After five minutes, add glycerin. After two hours of the total time of languor of glycerin soap, we remove the mixture from the fire
  11. It remains to drop the dye, spray with alcohol and pour mass into molds
  12. You need to remove the finished soap already in a day, and use it in a week
Handmade soap with glycerin

Important: the dishes that you used under the Close must be treated with vinegar, and then washed.

DIY liquid soap

The crisis makes us save on everything. But this process sometimes turns into a very pleasant, useful activity. Indeed, from the remnants of soap you can make healthy liquid soap.

Delicate liquid soap
Delicate liquid soap


  1. Small the remnants of soap on the grater
  2. Boil water
  3. Mix soap, boiling water in a glass jar
  4. Then add citrus juice (for aroma), glycerin - one spoon
  5. Mix the solution again, pour into a container with a dispenser
  6. Leave to infuse for two to three days (do not forget to periodically shake the gel), after which you can use it
DIY liquid soap
DIY liquid soap

Handmade soap oils. What oils are added to handmade soap?

For cooking soap at home, one-eating oils or the so-called-basic oils and aromatic aromas are used. Their choice must be approached more than responsibly. After all, quality products will not be cheap. The manufacturer most often reduces prices if there are chemical components. What oil to add - decide for yourself. The main thing to keep in mind - you or your family members have an allergy to a particular type of product. And we talked about proportions in the point - handmade glycerin soap.

Oil selection table by skin type

How to cook soap at home with your own hands: tips and reviews

Beginning soapons are best starting to make a product from children's soap, and soap. Cooking soap from scratch is more difficult. Experienced soapons use their technologies. They advise adding to the product instead of water decoctions of chamomile herbs, calendula. Then the finished soap has a beneficial effect on the skin.


Video: How to cook soap at home yourself?

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Comments K. article

  1. Ceremonial, soap cooked at home is better than a store. At least you know what it is really made of. I cooked soap several times on my own, but the process is too laborious, and it’s hard to find good ingredients.
    For the past few months I have been using soap from the Walter RAU series.
    Not even worse than home, natural.
    This is the original soap of Walter Rau. A very good product. For delicate or sensitive skin, just perfect, no dryness, peeling. Very tender soap.

  2. i stumbled upon La Florentina's hand soap, and after that it stopped cooking home. Fragrant, high -quality, foam.

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