Male and female piercing eyebrows: views, ideas, meaning, jewelry, photos, reviews, consequences

Male and female piercing eyebrows: views, ideas, meaning, jewelry, photos, reviews, consequences

Types of piercing eyebrows, care and consequences.

Brore piercing is not a very common jewelry that youth mostly use. However, such manipulations are still made in salons, such a piercing among adolescents is especially popular. In this article we will talk about the meaning, as well as the types of jewelry for piercing eyebrows. 

Types of pierce eyebrows

There are several options for punctures that are distinguished by their complexity, as well as the features of care.

Types of piercing eyebrows:

  • The most popular is vertical piercing brows. In this case, the puncture is usually carried out from the outside of the corner of the eye, pierce the lines of hair growth. Thus, the fold of the skin is captured, which pierces through.This type of piercing is considered one of the most dangerous and difficult to implement. The fact is that in this area the fabric and the thickness of the fat layer can be completely different. The least difficulties arise in young people who have a very thin skin on the tug arcs, just shaking it. In this case, there are no painful sensations. Otherwise, things are if a person has slight excess weight, or fat is deposited on his face. In this case, the capture is usually quite dense, and the manipulation is painful. Caring for piercing is also difficult. 

    Vertical piercing
    Vertical piercing
  • Horizontal piercing. In this case, the beginning, and the end of the puncture lie on the same line. It can be carried out both from the external and in the inside of the eyebrow. This is one of the simplest punctures that have practically no complications. However, despite this, it is not very popular, as it is very creative. Although in fact it is very convenient, because the hair does not cling to this earring, and there are no difficulties when applying makeup, with the exception of paintingi eyebrows.

    Horizontal piercing
    Horizontal piercing
  • Diagonal. This is something between the vertical and horizontal, in this case the beginning of the puncture is at the top above the eyebrow, and the end under it. At the same time, the puncture line is not straight, but diagonal, that is, oblique. Typically, double manipulation is carried out, thus trying to emphasize their unusualness. 

    Diagonal piercing eyebrows
    Diagonal piercing eyebrows
  • Under the eyebrow. In fact, the piercing has nothing to do with the eyebrow, it has only such a name because of its similarity with the fact that this puncture in the mirror reflection looks like piercing eyebrows. In this case, the puncture is carried out in the cheekbone, under the eye. Usually performed in the form of horizontal, double puncture. 

    The piercing of the cheekbone
    The piercing of the cheekbone
  • Punch in the nose of the nose between two eyebrows. It looks bold enough, suitable for creative young people, as well as girls. An unusual option that emphasizes your personality and independence. 


All these options have their admirers, as well as opponents. Read more about the PROGOL type to talk to the master, he will appreciate your appearance, and select the most acceptable option. This applies to the choice of jewelry, as well as the type of puncture. Be sure to listen to the opinion of the master, as he is a professional, and understands the thickness of the skin, as well as the amount of fat layer on the face. 

Pierce Brift: Value

If it comes to the puncture of the navel, ears, nose, then in most cases it had some kind of sacred meaning, or the message that a person wants to express the environment. Regarding the piercing of the eyebrow, then he has no meaning. That is piercing eyebrows values It does not have whether it is only a decoration, one of the options for individualizing appearance. 

Piercing eyebrows
Piercing eyebrows

Brift piercing jewelry

The most popular eyebrow piercing decoration is barbell, as well as banana. The bar is a regular segment with balls or spikes at the ends. At the same time, the banana is simply a curved bar, which is more convenient in sock due to anatomical shape.

Brift piercing jewelry:

  • However, despite this, there are other options that are ideal for bold and creative people. Also very often introduced into the eyebrow ring, or jewelry in the form of horseshoe. This gives the image of style and unusual. Usually a bar or banana at its end contains balls. However, recently have become very popular jewelry with spikes and stones. If earlier the color scheme of metal was golden or silver, now blue, black, matte, as well as rainbow alloys are in fashion. 
  • Please note that rods, as well as eyebrow piercing jewelry, can be made of surgical steel or titanium. Choose the most suitable options for you. Most often, surgical steel products are offered in salons, although they are not always suitable for everyone.
  • When the piercing completely heals, you can change jewelry to products from precious metals, or by individual order. Until healing, it is best to wear jewelry made of surgical steel or titanium. They cause the least allergic reactions and contribute to the rapid healing of the puncture. 

Male and female piercing eyebrows: photo

Remember that two punctures should not be carried out at once. Usually piercing the piercing one at a time, the next is done only in case of healing of the previous one. This prevents the spread of infection, and also contributes to better tissue regeneration.After all, if two punctures are on one eyebrow at once, this increases the risk of infection, it can provoke suppuration.

To prevent this from happening, be sure to adhere to the recommendations of a cosmetologist. Remember that with proper care, the eyebrow area heals quickly enough, and in this zone, suppuration, redness, as well as swelling are very rare. Below are a photo of the pierce eyebrow in men and women.

Stylish piercing
Stylish piercing


The healing rate is significantly affected by the observance of care rules. Remember that this area is quite traumatic, and is constantly subjected to aggressive environmental effects. That is, this is the effect of the sun, dust, as well as makeup.

Brack piercing care:

  • Try to refuse to stain eyebrow with powder or shadows for some time. They may contain harmful components, which, when entering the wound, cause inflammation, as well as suppuration.
  • Remember that very oftenlong Healing is due to the fault of the patient himself. In no case do not wash this area with tap water throughout the week after the puncture.
  • The fact is that the water may also contain conditionally pathogenic microorganisms that can infect the wound and cause inflammation. Every day for 2-3 times a day, it is necessary to rinse the wound with some antiseptic that does not contain alcohol.
  • That is, it can beMiramistin, Chlorhexidine, furatsilin. Suitable as wellDecassan. To carry out manipulation, in no case should you remove the earring from the channel. It must simply be moved from top to bottom so that the bar or banana walks in the channel, developing it, and the antiseptic falls not only on the external sections of the puncture, but also inside.
Stylish decoration
Stylish decoration

How much eyebrow piercing heals?

Remember that for 6 months it is advisable not to change the earring, as this can cause inflammation. It is necessary to let the channel completely heal and only then proceed to the replacement of the jewelry.

How much piercing heals eyebrows:

  • On average, eyebrow piercing, which is horizontal or vertical, heals for about 3-6 weeks. The healing occurs a little longer in the case of Bridge piercing, which is located in the nose of the nose.
  • In this zone there are a lot of blood vessels that can hurt during the puncture, and the wound is blood for a long time. It is also worth considering that punctures in the area of \u200b\u200bthe external corner of the eye heal much faster than those that are in the middle of the eyebrows or from the inside.

Does the eyebrow piercing hurt?

Try to heal all the time, while the wound is healing, not to visit the sauna, pool, and also protect itself from the effects of ultraviolet rays. In no case should you apply cream with ultraviolet protection, it is best to wear a bandana, cap, baseball cap or hat at this time so that the shadow closes the eyebrow area, and the sun does not fall on it.

Does piercing hurt the eyebrows:

  • Anesthesia is usually not done, since the pain is less tangible than with a puncture of an ear or navel.
  • Remember that after a long walk around the city, especially in the summer, sweat can fall into the eyebrow area and cause discomfort. Therefore, carry antiseptics with you in a handbag in order to rinse the wound in time and remove pain. 
  • If for some reason redness is observed in this area for more than one week, this is an occasion to visit your cosmetologist. To eliminate edema, antihistamines, corticosteroids, also healing ointments with antibiotics can be prescribed.
  • Usually the causes of inflammation, suppuration, redness are also pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms that live on the skin. This is usually streptococci. Antibacterial ointments, such as Solcoseryl, tetracycline ointment, left -brimsetin ointment, allow you to heal the wounds much faster and impede their infection. 
Stylish jewelry
Stylish jewelry

Pierce Brows: reviews

Piercing eyebrows is characterized by a large number of reviews. It is worth noting that he heals quickly enough, so in no case is it recommended to extract the earring. 

Piercing eyebrows, reviews:

Oksana, 20 years old. I had long dreamed of piercing, but since she studied at the gymnasium, she could not afford it. At 18, she entered the institute and decided to make a gift in the form of piercing. She made a vertical puncture, and used a banana with spikes. Very stylish decoration. He has healed for a long time, about 2 months. There were no inflammations and redness. I still wear an earring, although 2 years have passed. 

Svetlana, 25 years old. I made a piercing about 2 years ago. I was healed very quickly, in about one month I was no longer disturbed. I made a horizontal puncture in the cabin. The decoration is very stylish, I wear it with pleasure. 

Maria, 22 years old. The eyebrows piercing did a year ago. He healed for a very long time, disturbed all the time. Immediately after the puncture, a hematoma formed on the eyebrows, as well as under the eye. I felt very badly, the bruise went long.Because of, what The puncture was festering for a long time, she was forced to change the earring for gold. It turned out that surgical steel does not take root with me. 

Unusual piercing
Unusual piercing

Pierce Brift: consequences

Despite the fact that in most cases the piercing heals very well, there are a number of possible problems in the body. They should be taken into account, so the choice of the right salon with a good reputation and a sterile tool is important.

Possible the consequences of piercing eyebrows:

  • If the puncture is carried out in the region of the nose or middle part of the eyebrow, sometimes a hematoma occurs, which can go under the eye
  • Often, these hematomas can cause vision deterioration
  • The presence of tumors, as well as redness
  • The presence of suppuration and abscesses
  • Pain and unpleasant sensations in the puncture area
  • Blood poisoning

Sepsis occurs extremely rarely, due to the fault of a cosmetologist or master, who performs piercing. If you choose the right salon in compliance with all the rules for disinfection of tools, then the possibility of the infected is reduced to zero. Please note that in the field of punctures, if it was wrong to take care of it, or the wound was infected, serious seals and scars may form. Sometimes they must be removed surgically, as they can turn into benign formations.


Brush piercing is a great opportunity to decorate your appearance, making it stylish. ita fairly simple manipulation, and the puncture heals very quickly. Subject to all the rules and instructions during the puncture, as well as with the necessary care, the risk of complications is minimal.

Video: Piercing Brows

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