Male happiness flower: leaving at home, to bloom. Signs and superstitions about the flower male happiness

Male happiness flower: leaving at home, to bloom. Signs and superstitions about the flower male happiness

How to care for an indourium indoor plant.

A few years ago, we knew very little about a beautifully flowering vane plant that preserves a decorative look. Now, experienced lovers of indoor plants necessarily replenish a collection of green flowering pets from South America.

Anturium received the popular name "male happiness", since it was this flower that is most often presented as a presentation to men

Elegant creature is the embodiment of strength, courage, freedom, passion for a woman. However, Anthurium received less merciful names.

Anturium looks good in men's bouquets
Anturium florists use in men's bouquets

It is also called the "dash tongue", "fllamo flower", even the name "pig tail" was fixed. True, it is rarely called that, and the name “male happiness” is more common.

What is the name of the male happiness flower, what does it look like?

The fllamo flower fits perfectly into the modern interior of the house or office, emphasizing its conciseness and harmonious atmosphere.

The best place for “male happiness” will be the one that he will not have to share with the neighbor: the anthurium will be revealed in all its glory, only in the absence of other plants nearby.

Florists often use anthurium in floral arrangements, since cut flowers can remain fresh up to five weeks

Antturium can bloom for a whole year
Anturium can bloom for a whole year

Anturium was brought to us from South America. It is difficult to call it unpretentious: for the plant it is necessary to create special conditions so that the humidity is increased and water does not fall into flowers, and so that the soil does not dry out.

A plant with bright flames, which forms an inflorescence, with velvety dark green leaves. The bactericol of the arrow -shaped or heart -shaped shape, like a veil, wraps up the cob. In a height, the plant can reach 40 cm

With bright scarlet strap
With bright scarlet strap

What is the inflorescence of anthurium? This is an elaboration, surrounded by a spectacular shiny bractivery of pink, brown, white spotted, yellow or fiery red color

With purple pile
With purple pile
The white inflorescence of the anthurium
The white inflorescence of the anthurium
Pink stipl with green edge
Pink stipl with green edge

There are bracts with an unusual color - purple. The bactericol or color covering itself is stylized by nature in the form of a heart. Such a flower is difficult to confuse with any other indoor favorite.

Anturium blooms in March and can delight with flowering for 7-8 months. Each separate inflorescence blooms 1-1.5 months.

In good conditions alone, an exotic plant grows up to 0.8 m high. In the diameter, the anthurium can reach 0.5 m

Only a healthy and well -groomed plant will help solve problems in personal life
Only a healthy and well -groomed plant will help solve problems in personal life

In American tropics and subtropics, the anthurium grows in the wild and is an epiphyte (attached to other plants). But in our weather conditions, a flamingo flower will feel comfortable exclusively in heated rooms. Elegant flower requires special care

Anturium in the wild
Anturium in the wild

Types of flowers male happiness

Among the anthuriums there are also unsightly representatives. There are several forms of beautifully flowering anthuriums:

Andre It has a shortened stem, numerous protruding air roots and large leathery leaves

  • In good conditions, they can grow up to 1 m high. The revealed bactericol in diameter has 15-20 cm
  • On the glossy surface of the bunch sheet, the veins are clearly visible. 15 years ago, Antrarum was grown only in greenhouses
  • The shades of the bracts have bright colors: white, red, yellow and green
  • The inflorescence of the finish is painted in white or yellow. Forms are found with other colors of inflorescence
Anturium Antra
Anturium Andre

Anturium Shercera Has shortened shoots

  • This plant is one of the most adapted to growing at home
  • The plant has leathery leaves with a matte surface and small black dots
  • Differs from its exotic brothers with a more oblong shape of the bract and twisted spirals
Arturium Shercera
Anturium Shercera

U anthurium crystal Short shoots and large, reaching 40 cm in diameter heart -shaped leaves

  • On velvety dark green leaf plates, the veins form a pattern with a silver crystal shine
Arturium is crystal
Anturium is crystal

Anturium majestic - This is a plant with powerful leaves on which white veins are visible

Arturium majestic
Anturium majestic

Anthurium is a clear -skinned one appreciated by lovers for beautiful patterned leaves

  • Its inflorescences are discreet. Their originality lies in the fact that on a greenish background, a pale purple "cob" stands out

Anturium Backer - The owner of short shoots.

  • Its leaves are belt -shaped and dense. Can reach a length of 50 cm
  • A distinctive feature of Baker's anthurium is the presence of red-brown points on the bottom of the sheet
  • A cigarette baker is leathery pale yellow-green with a purple border surrounds a cream-white side
Arturium Baker
Anturium Baker

Anthurium Laza grows up to 1 m in height

  • Its leaves have a lanceolate shape
  • The bactericol of the pale green color surrounds the yellow-green cob
Arturium climbing
Anthurium Laza

Hybrids, who go on sale

  • They have different stains of bracts
  • The size of an adult plant is difficult to predict, therefore, having bought a miniature anthurium, you can only wonder how quickly the bush grows in height and width


The male happiness flower is how to care at home to bloom?

For a flowering period, the plant needs shading. Without removing anthurium revealing his inflorescences in time in the summer, you can find yellowed spots and burns on the leaves that the flower receives from direct sunlight. Later damaged leaves will simply dry

The flower must be protected from direct sunlight
The flower must be protected from direct sunlight

The first rule of competent anthrium care: During the flowering period, exclude all bright lighting and protect from direct sunlight from the hit

The second rule: In winter, the flower should be provided with good lighting

The third rule: prevent drafts

The main thing is to choose the right place for anthurium
The main thing is to choose the right place for anthurium

Where to place such a capricious plant?

The southern or western window will perfectly go for the anthurium if it is possible to provide it with additional backlight. For the summer period, the anthurium should be placed in a shaded place

How to provide abundant flowering?

In order for the flower to delight the eye for a long time with its beautiful colors in winter, it must be transferred to a room with a constant temperature of up to +15 ° C (this rule does not apply to the anthurium crystal, which should be kept at a temperature of +18 ° C and not allowing it to lower)

Abundantly flowering is possible only with gravel care
Abundant flowering is possible only with gravile care

Those inflorescences that have already faded should not remain on the plant: they will begin to tie the seeds and the plant will weaken.

How and when to feed the anthurium?

The flower needs top dressing with mineral and organic fertilizers from March to September. As fertilizers, you can use mixed in equal quantities humus and cow manure. Or feed the infusion of chicken droppings

If top dressing is carried out with purchased fertilizers, then the dose specified in the instructions must be reduced.

All this time it needs to be fed no more often and at least twice a month.

In the winter, Anthurium goes into the dormant stage, therefore it is necessary to fertilize and water it less often

Do not often water anthurium
Do not often water anthurium

Watering - once a week, but subject to frequent spraying with warm, defended water and using an air humidifier

When spraying the plant, it should be avoided by drops of water to inflorescences

Leaves must be wiped from dust. To do this, use a soft moist sponge

In winter, the plant needs to gain strength before the upcoming flowering. Therefore, it should be placed in a well -lit place. Lack of sunlight can cause yellowing of "male happiness"

Yellowed leaves
Yellowed leaves

Why doesn't the flower bloom male happiness?

Anturium blooms in favorable conditions for it.
Does the plant bloom? Probable reasons:

  • A long -term decrease in temperature negatively affects the flower. He may not bloom at all
  • With constant filling of the upper layer or if the earthen lump has repeatedly overdried, then the flower will not bloom
  • Strong heat in the winter will lead to the fact that Anturium will not release beautiful heart -shaped inflorescences
  • If the composition of the soil is wrong, then the flower will not bloom. The composition of the mixture for the anthurium should include humus, charcoal, particles of cortex and sphagnum. The mixture of peat is not suitable for anthurium (low peat should not be added in any case)
  • If errors were made during transplanting (incorrectly selected mixture or pot), the roots were damaged, then the flower will weaken and it will not be up to flowering

What to do so that Anturium bloom?

  • regularly feed, adding acidity, pouring coniferous needles
  • prevent damage to the stem and roots with diseases (rot due to overflow)
  • not often rearrange a pot with an anthurium from place to place
  • do not leave faded buds on the stems (they are cut off at the base)
  • do not overfeed fertilizers
  • provide humidity by setting a room humidifier

If you fix all the errors in care, then flowering will come in 2-3 months

Anturium in the interior
Anturium in the interior

Flower diseases male happiness

The plant begins to hurt with improper care. What is destructive for anthurium?

  • Dark spots on the leaves appear if the flower is located for a long period in a room with a low temperature. It is enough to place the anthurium in a warm room and reduce watering
  • The plant can affect the powdery worm. The pest populates the ground part of the plant. It is not difficult to identify the presence of powdery mildew: the shoots are covered with cracks, and the leaves are covered with spots. If you do not help the plant, the leaves will begin to crumble. You can destroy the pest by processing the anthurium "Karbofos"
  • The blackening of the ends of the leaves is associated with an excess of calcium salts in the ground. The plant needs an urgent transplant to the soil suitable for anthurium
  • Dark spots on bracts are caused by hitting water drops during spraying. The affected peduncles should be removed
  • When the plant is damaged by the avocadic shield, the leaf plates are covered with a sticky coating. To combat the pest you, you can wipe the leaves with a sponge soaped with a household soap or process a flower with 2%Karbofos

The plant can be affected by fungal diseases:

  • gray rot (The plant is covered with a gray raid that form fungal disputes) - with excessive humidity. To save the flower, it should be placed in a ventilated room and treated with "topsin"
  • septoriosis (A brown plaque appears with dark points on leaf plates, the edges of the affected areas form a light border). The treatment consists in removing the affected leaves and the processing of anthurium with a solution of copper sulfate of weak concentration or copper chloride

Why does male happiness turn yellow?

The yellowing of the leaves is caused by the following factors:

  • The plant damages orange aphids. In this case, the leaves wrinkle and appear on them with yellow spots. Flowers may start falling. The fight against the pest is the processing of a pyrethrum solution. Use tobacco infusion to destroy aphids. Aktellik and Karbofos preparations also effectively destroy insects
  • The plant lacks sunlight. Direct sunlight is the cause of the appearance of burns on the leaves. If you adjust the lighting in time (place in a well -lit place or remove direct sunlight from the entry zone) then the plant can be saved
Yellowing of a flower signals adverse conditions
Yellowing of a flower signals adverse conditions

Why do male happiness in the flower blacken?

The leaves of the anthurium can blacken during transfusion. Therefore, you should not water the flower more than 1 time per week in the winter and 1 time in 4 days - in summer. Watering is not plentiful. Abundant and frequent watering leads to the rotting of the roots and blackening of the leaves.

How to save the injured plant? Stop watering and dry the soil. But salvation should begin when the first signs of blank blackening appear.

Damaged leaves
Damaged leaves

How to water the male happiness flower?

Watering and spraying the anthurium in the hot summer period must be abundantly. In winter, watering needs to be reduced. However, the earthen lump should not dry out

Water requirements:

  • Water the anthurium only with defended water or rain. If this is not, then you can artificially soften it. To do this, the water is boiled and half diluted with water from the tap or use drugs to neutralize the stiffness of water (they are sold in flower shops)
  • The roots of the anthurium do not tolerate lime deposits, and the plant may die
  • When spraying and watering, it should be avoided by drops of drops on stickers and branches. Otherwise, spots will remain. Excess water from the pallet is drained
  • But water should not fall on the branches! Drops of water leave spots on the leaves. Excess water from the pallet spilled

Choosing a pot for planting anthurium, it is better to give preference to plastic or icing. Salt deposits do not occur on their inner walls.

To spray the anthurium, it is necessary to use a small spray. But a special air humidifier is better to cope with the task

How to transplant, plant male happiness?

It is better to transplant anthurium in the spring months. Blooming anturium can also be transplanted

The plant should be removed from the old pot and without removing the soil from the roots to be planted in a pot with fresh soil

Anthurium propagates the division of the bush
Anthurium propagates the division of the bush

The soil for the anthurium should include:

• Rolled leaves
• Durneric land
• Small particles of moss

What to choose a pot for anthurium?

Fllaming flower is an extensive root system. Therefore, the pot is not necessary to buy deep. But so that the root system is enough space, the pot should be wide. The principle of “a big pot for longer is enough” in this case can play a cruel joke: the plant will grow, but will not bloom

In the pot before planting the plant, you need to pour a drainage layer so that the roots do not rot with excessive watering

Flower male happiness how to propagate

It is not difficult to propagate the Anturium on your own. For this, the bush is divided into 2-3 parts.

This method of dividing the bush has a positive effect on the further growth of the plant: the flower will rejuvenate each time

Separation of the bush rejuvenates Anturium
Separation of the bush rejuvenates Anturium

Flower male happiness: signs and superstitions

  • Anturium flower helps representatives of the beautiful half of humanity to establish personal life. It is only necessary to purchase it and provide the flower with good conditions. Then the streams of male energy will rush into the house where a lonely girl or woman lives, and the problem will disappear by itself
  • If quarrels and disagreements begin in the family, then to stop such scenes, it is worth buying Anturium. Together with the indoor flower in the house, stability will reign, relations will become harmonious, and mutual understanding will appear between the spouses
  • However, in order for everything in the family to change for the better, it is necessary to take into account the following: a flower of male happiness to cope with the mission assigned to him only in pairs with another flower - spathiphyllum. This indoor plant personifies the happiness of a woman
  • Spouses should share the responsibilities of caring for flowers: everyone must cure and cherish their “their happiness”
  • The flower should also be started by those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. As you can understand from the name "male happiness", Anturium is able to save from purely male ailments - sexual problems. A man increases male strength and health strengthens
  • Several colors “male happiness” in the house will help improve the financial situation. But the flowers will attract money only if they are healthy and well -groomed
  • Anturium is a good doctor for those people who feel a breakdown of strength often get sick. Its powerful energy helps to restore strength. The suffering of depression ceases to give in to despondency

The presented plant has strong properties. That is why Anturium is often presented to men as a gift

Video: Secrets of Anturium transplantation

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Comments K. article

  1. i still did not understand how to water it, from above or into the pallet?

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