Male name Sergei - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Sergey: Secret, the meaning of the name for a man, child in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with female names, nationality

Male name Sergei - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Sergey: Secret, the meaning of the name for a man, child in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with female names, nationality

Description, meaning and features of the name Sergey.

Recently, at the peak of popularity, ancient and unusual names. Now names such as Anatoly, Vasily and Sergey are rare enough. But there is a certain return to the old and forgotten names.

What does the name Sergei in the church calendar mean?

According to the church calendar, the name is Sergey of Jewish origin. It means light and radiant, highly intelligent. Children with this name are kind and will never leave friends in an unpleasant situation.

What does the name Sergei in the church calendar mean?
What does the name Sergei in the church calendar mean?

Patron saint

Sergey has a lot of patrons: Sergius Valaam, Sergius Obnorsky, Sergius Petrogradsky, Sergius Pechersky, Sergius of Radonezh. All these people were famous clergymen and martyrs.

Patron saint
Patron saint

Secret named after Sergey

Men are quite calm and reach for home women. Rarely enter into quarrels and scandals. They prefer calm and balanced girls. Often they suffer from skin ailments, they love to drink in the company.

Secret named after Sergey
Secret named after Sergey

Name Sergey: nationality, origin, history and meaning

There are several options for the origin of this name. The most common is the theory of the Roman family. Once in Rome there was a generic name Sergius. Translated means tall and noble. A family occurs from the Trojans. According to another version, Sergey means "servant of God." The name Sergei came to Russia after baptism.

Popularity of the name Sergei

This name was mainly popular among nobles and clergymen. Ordinary people did not call their children so. The name acquired very popularity at the end of the 19th century. It was then that the boom was recorded.

After the October Revolution, the boys were so called very rarely. After the war, the name became popular again. It was in second place after Alexander. The highest popularity was recorded in 1960-1970. Now the name is for 11th place in the country.

Popularity of the name Sergei
Popularity of the name Sergei

Sergey - how the name is translated: decryption

From the Roman translated as tall or highly respected. Initially, it was a generic name, which later became personal.

What does the name Sergei mean for a man, boy?

Men with that name are very energetic and independent. They should not be patronized, they are in force to cope with everything on their own. Always configured optimistic and do not lose heart. In addition, they love comfort and comfort. Not picky in nutrition.

What does the name Sergei mean for a man, boy?
What does the name Sergei mean for a man, boy?

The name Sergei is in a passport, in English, Latin, different languages: how is it written?

It is worth noting that the transliteration of names changed somewhat after 2014. Now the well -known name Sergei in French is written by Serguei. In English, this is Sergey. On Latin is Sergei.

Sergey: What is the reduced short name, diminutively affectionate?

There are several options for reduction: Seryozha, Serezhenka, Sereen, Serenechka, Sergun, Sergey, Serge, Serzhik.

Sergey: What is the reduced short name, diminutively affectionate?
Sergey: What is the reduced short name, diminutively affectionate?

Sergey: The nature of the name, positive and negative features, fate

Men with this name love to dream and fantasize. Very often they lack willpower. They can be annoyed by trifles and not to finish the matter. It is impossible to pamper such children, it is also worth the parents to agree on a single education system. Otherwise, the boy will begin to lie early.

There are many alcoholics among the Sergey. It is because of this that many men are divorced. Such men love to solve state issues, but do not really like household chores and daily duties.

Sergey: The nature of the name, positive and negative features, fate
Sergey: The nature of the name, positive and negative features, fate

Name Sergey: Love, Sexuality, Marriage

This man does not immediately let the woman into his heart and house. For a long time he watches the chosen one. He rarely marries twice. The man is the owner and give preference to quietly, with a wide horizons. In sex, it is quite relaxed and loves innovations.

What women do a man named Sergey?

Nice jealous, so he does not like bright girls. He prefers the gentle and calm representatives of the fair sex.

What women do a man named Sergey?
What women do a man named Sergey?

What is the name of the boy Sergeyevich?

Usually, the name of the child is selected under the middle name. You can dwell on popular options. Try not to complicate, since in patronymic a lot of solid sounds and it sounds dry.

Names: Boris, Valery, Gennady, Gleb, Dmitry, Leonid, Maxim, Mikhail, Nikita, Oleg, Semyon, Stanislav, Timur, Philip.

What is the name of the boy Sergeyevich?
What is the name of the boy Sergeyevich?

Name Sergei - compatibility with female names

It is worth noting that some women are quite difficult to find a common language with Sergei. This may be due to incompatibility.

Perfect compatibility: Valentina, Victoria, Irina, Tatyana, Rimma, Elizabeth and Daria.

Incompatible: Alla, Vera, Larisa.

Name Sergey - compatibility with female names
Name Sergei - compatibility with female names

When is the name day, Sergey's Angel's Day is an Orthodox calendar?

In Orthodoxy on October 8, Sergey celebrates the name day on the day of memory of its most famous patron-Sergius of Radonezh, founder of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. On July 11, the day of the angel Sergey in honor of the Monk Sergius of Valaam, who was the light of Orthodoxy in Karelia.

Congratulations on the Day of the Angel of Sergey short in verses and prose

Do not forget to congratulate your friend or close to the Angel Day.


Happy Angel Day to congratulate
From the bottom of my heart, Sergey, I hurry,
Let him always direct you,
On the right path.
Let it protect from troubles and evil,
Let it protect from misfortune and failures,
Let it be a charm for you,
Let bless the good deeds.


Dear Sergey! You are the best friend. I wish you on the day of the angel of the accomplishment of all undertakings and creative successes.

Congratulations on the Day of the Angel of Sergey short in verses and prose
Congratulations on the Day of the Angel of Sergey short in verses and prose

Song named Sergey

Several videos with songs about Sergey are presented below.

Video: Vita - Seryozha

Video: Tasha - Seryozha

Video: Neangiles - Seryozha

Tattoo named Sergey

Below are options for a tattoo named Sergey.

Name Sergey: Intuition, Intelligence, Morality

Intuition is very well developed. Regarding intelligence, carriers of this name have an analytical warehouse of the mind. Even complex problems and tasks are easily solved.

Moral foundations and norms of society sometimes annoy Sergey. He always seeks to expand the boundaries. Reviews about such people are diverse. It is very difficult with Seryozha, but no one speaks badly about them.

Name Sergey: Intuition, Intelligence, Morality
Name Sergey: Intuition, Intelligence, Morality

Name Sergey: hobbies, talent, profession, business, career

Thanks to the analytical warehouse of the mind, Sergey copes with the tasks perfectly. The professions of a musician, artist and designer are best suited. The business is not very successful, as they are used to responsible only for their actions.

Seryozha is fond of sports, music and theater. He loves carnal joys and alcohol.

What sign of the zodiac is the name Sergei?

According to astrologers, Signs of Scorpio, Gemini and Virgo are ideal for the name Sergey.

Talisman stone, amulet to the name Sergey

A stone and a talisman for a person with this name will be azette or pearls. It is worth giving preference to natural stone.

Totem animal named after Sergey

This name corresponds to the hare.

Numerology named after Sergey

The name corresponds to the number 1 - a symbol of glory, power, power. People with the number of name 1 by nature Leaders, winners, discoverers. Units reach their goal in a direct known way. In achieving the goal, units do not retreat. But they achieve their goal gradually, progressively. People with the number 1 are ambitious, purposeful, active, active.

Numerology named after Sergey
Numerology named after Sergey

Pseudonym to the name Sergey

You can choose pseudonyms and nicknames who are consonant with the name. Serzh, Sergius, Earr, Seryozha, Gray will become ideal.

Pseudonym to the name Sergey
Pseudonym to the name Sergey

Famous people, celebrities named Sergey: List, photo

You can list famous people with this name endlessly. Among them are cultural figures, artists, scientists and ministers of the Church. Below are photos of famous Sergeev.

Sergey Bodrov - actor, director
Sergey Bodrov - actor, director
Sergey Yesenin - poet
Sergey Yesenin - poet
Sergey Lazarev - performer, presenter
Sergey Lazarev - performer, presenter

As you can see, having Sergey has not lost popularity today. Boys are still called that.

Video: Secret named after Sergey

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