The male name Nikita - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Nikita: Secret, the meaning of the name for a man, child in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with female names, nationality

The male name Nikita - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Nikita: Secret, the meaning of the name for a man, child in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with female names, nationality

The origin of the male name Nikita. Will it bring happiness to its owner?

As a rule, when parents choose the name for the child, they opt for the most popular. And practically none of them thinks that the name is a kind of code that has a huge impact on a person’s subconscious.

That is why it must be selected consciously, necessarily given the fact that in the end it will reward its owner both positive and negative qualities. In our article, we will try to tell the most detail as the representative of the stronger sex, bearing the beautiful name Nikita.

What does the name Nikita in the church calendar mean?

Nikita by church calendar
Nikita by church calendar

Despite this, it would seem, alien to the Russian language, the name Nikita is in church holy and represented there at once by several saints. All of them during their lifetime had a firm and assertive character, which helped them move towards set goals without any problems.

This is probably why modern owners of this name always manage to win everything and always. In church books, the name Nikita is written as Nikita And it matters All -converging. The church saints celebrate the name of the name in winter, and in the spring, in summer, and autumn.


  • January 3
  • February 13
  • April 16
  • April 17th
  • May 17
  • May 27
  • June 10th
  • 30 June
  • July 7
  • September 28th
  • October 26
  • October 26
  • December 30th

Saint patron named after Nikita

Saint patron named after Nikita
Saint patron named after Nikita

The strongest patron of Nikit is Nikita Gottfsky of Constantinople. This person was ranked to the face of saints after he accepted martyrdom. He was born and lived on the run of the Danube River among the Gentiles who hated Christians. But still, this did not prevent him from faithfully in the Almighty and do everything so that the people around him accept Christianity.

His strong faith in God helped him achieve great success in this matter, but those people who did not agree to accept his religion came across his life path. Moreover, his successes were very angry, they did everything so that the ruler of the territory on which he lived about Nikita. He ordered him to grab him and burn him alive at the stake.

After the execution was finished, and everyone dispersed, a friend of the holy man returned to the fire to take his body and bury according to all the rules. When he approached the fire, he saw that Nikita’s body was not only not damaged, but also emitted unusually beautiful light. That is why he found a white fabric, wrapped a martyr into him and took him to Constantinople where he was buried and canonized.

In addition, the holy patrons of this name are considered:

  • Nikita Profitkov (Holy Martyr)
  • Nikita Pechersky (recluse)
  • Nikita Apolloniada (confessor)
  • Nikita Almazov (recluse)

The secret named after Nikita

The secret named after Nikita

If you want a strong and purposeful little man to grow in your family, then give him the name Nikita. As a rule, carriers of this name from childhood have an unpredictable character with all the inclinations of the leader. Little Nikita literally from the sandbox seeks to command the others and sometimes decides to conflicts with his peers for this.

But still, this does not mean that the owners of this name are very conflict and are not able to concede. As a rule, in this way they act if they see that their opponent does not agree to any conditions to a compromise. Moreover, initially the Nikita is trying to find a common language with a person and solve the problem with a diplomatic way, and only if they fail, they show all their perseverance, strength and firmness.

Such character traits allow men to feel like the tops of their fate, so in life they go as confidently as possible and are almost never distracted by unnecessary things. But with all such hard features of character, these representatives of the stronger sex know how to appreciate those who care about them. As practice shows, they treat blood relatives with great trepidation and do everything so that they are bypassed by all troubles and obstacles.

Name of Nikita: nationality, origin, history and meaning

Name Nikita: nationality, origin
Name Nikita: nationality, origin

Quite a lot of people mistakenly believe that the name Nikita is ancient Russian. This opinion is based on the fact that for the first time it began to be used immediately after the mass baptism of people in Russia.

Yes, initially they began to call them boys precisely during this period. But this is due only to the fact that people sought to ensure that their children had a strong angel of the Guardian, whose name is in church holy.

In fact, this name takes its beginning in ancient Greece, therefore, in all sources it is considered Greek. In Greece, it sounded a little differently and was pronounced as Nikitas. Translated into Russian, it means Winner or winning.

The popularity of the name Nikita

At the moment, the name Nikita is experiencing another wave of polarity. They are hunting boys both in large cities and small villages. True, as the latest studies show the most Nikit lives on the European part of our country.

The most interesting thing is that this is one of those names that is equally often found in all age categories. Perhaps that is why the name Nikita has ceased to be alien to us and more and more people consider exclusively Russian.

Nikita - how the name is translated: decoding

Nikita - how the name is translated: decoding
Nikita - how the name is translated: decoding

In some sources, the name Nikita is associated with the warlike goddess Nika, who was famous for its unbending will and a dodgy mind. Probably, researchers began to believe that Nikita was a male transformation of the female name Nick and began to translate it as Winner.

In order for you to get a more complete idea of \u200b\u200bthe Nikita, we offer you a multiple decryption that will help you understand what character they possess.


  • N - gives the owner of this name honesty, hard work and determination
  • And - helps to harmoniously fit into any society and make friends even among those people who are their complete opposites
  • To - gives a person with diplomacy and great patience that help him turn his enemies into loyal friends
  • And - Repeat
  • T “This letter is responsible for the creative abilities of Nikit and their ability to see the world in a beautiful light.” It gives them to the ingenuity and extraordinary, which makes them good scientists, musicians, artists or sculptors.
  • BUT - He is responsible for leadership qualities. It helps the Nikita choose the right direction in life and does everything so that their will to win is always at a high level.

What does the name Nikita mean for a man, boy?

Meaning of the name

Little Nikita is very undisciplined, so very often late to school and sometimes forgets to do homework. True, such his absent -mindedness does not prevent him from studying quite tolerably. If parents control this process, then the owner of this name becomes almost the best student in the classroom. Having matured a little, he becomes more independent and gradually learns to take care of himself.

Growing up, Nikita turns into a smart and strong spirit man who always knows what he wants. As a rule, he walks through life with a hard step, not noticing either large or small obstacles in his path. Such determination contributes to the fact that already at a young age he has everything that is a pipe dream for other people.

Nikita's name is in a passport, in English, different languages: how is it written?

To write Russian names in the passports, transliteration approved at the legislative level is used, in which a separate Latin one corresponds to each Russian letter. That is why Nikita’s name in this official document is written as Nikita.

Nikita's name in different languages:

  • English - Nikita
  • Greek - Nikitas
  • Italian - Nichest
  • Romanian - Nikita
  • Belarusian - Mikey
  • Bulgarian - Nico
  • Serbian is Nikitz

Nikita: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive affectionate?

Nikita: abbreviated short name

This name, like any other, has its abbreviated and affectionate forms, which allow a loved one to show his good and warm attitude to its owner.


  • Nicky
  • Nick
  • Miki
  • Mick
  • Kesha
  • Nikita
  • Nikusha
  • Nikulya
  • Keshun

Nikita: the nature of the name, positive and negative features, fate

Nikita: The nature of the name
Nikita: The nature of the name

As a rule, both small and adult Nikita are distinguished by cheerfulness, mobility and cheerfulness. They do not like to sit in one place and prefer to do some things all the time. It doesn’t matter to them what they do, help parents around the house or make something with their own hands. The main thing is that what they do is benefit them.

Representatives of the stronger sex, bearing this name, try not to waste their time, so they are always engaged only in that they can make them better. Nikita is very charismatic and can find a common language with the most closed and complex people. But despite the presence of such a large number of positive qualities, there are small disadvantages in their character.

So, they do not like when they are commanded, so if someone begins to tell them what to do, then this instantly causes them aggression. In addition, they have a little excessive categorical, which sometimes leads to the fact that even the closest people do not understand them.

Name Nikita: Love, Sexuality, Marriage

Name Nikita: Love, Sexuality, Marriage
Name Nikita: Love, Sexuality, Marriage

Nikita relate to the type of men who have a noticeable opposite sex with sexuality. This is probably why they easily start acquaintances and conquer the fair sex. For the same reason, they very often fall in love, but as practice shows, they do not start long relations.

For marriage with a beloved woman, they solve only if she suits him sexually. But most often, excessive sexuality does not allow the Nikitam to remain faithful to their chosen ones, and sooner or later they begin to change.

Moreover, they do it in such a way that the wife very quickly learns about the rival and all this leads to a break in the relationship. The owners of this name are settled only in adulthood. Therefore, if they meet their soul mate closer to forty, then they quite calmly live with her until old age.

What women do a man named Nikita like?

The nature of the woman Nikita

If you carefully read the previous point, you probably realized that only a patient woman who knows how to gently and correctly defend her opinion is suitable. In addition, his chosen one should be well -read and comprehensively developed.

Only if he knows that he is waiting for a smart person who can give advice and support him, he will strive home with all his might. Also, his chosen one must be sexually relaxed. The owners of this name like women who constant sex prefer extremely extreme games.

What patronymic suits the boy to the name Nikita?

The name Nikita goes as well as possible with the middle name Leonidovich. It will make representatives of the stronger sex, bearing this name, hard work, compassion and a cheerful manner. This combination contributes to the fact that Nikita’s energy becomes softer, but his leadership qualities do not go anywhere.

Another suitable patronymic is Mikhailovich. It carries the energy of goodness and justice, due to which, in the character of Nikita, such positive character traits appear as compassion and affection for loved ones.

Nikita's name - compatibility with female names

Nikita's name - compatibility with female names
Nikita's name - compatibility with female names

As you probably already understood Nikita, quite demanding in terms of relations, so not every woman can understand and accept it. It is best for such men to choose girls capable of self -sacrifice for a strong relationship.

If his chosen one becomes a representative of the fair sex, who has leadership qualities, then such a union will not bring anything good and is unlikely to last a long time.

Nikita is suitable for women with the following names:

  • Irina
  • Svetlana
  • Lyudmila
  • Natalia
  • Olga
  • Daria

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Nikita short in verses and prose

Congratulations No. 1
Congratulations No. 2
Congratulations No. 3
  • Nikita! I congratulate you on the day of the angel and wish your life to consist only of pleasant and warm moments. Let only loving people surround you, ready to support you in difficult times. Be always happy, cheerful and healthy and live your life so that in old age you have something to be proud of.
  • Happy Angel Day Nikita! Always stay as kind, devoted, smart and purposeful. Let everything you have conceived quickly come true, giving you the maximum of joy and pleasure. Be happy my dear and loved one!

Song named Nikita

Tattoo named Nikita

Tattoo # 1
Tattoo # 1
Tattoo # 2

Name Nikita: Intuition, Intelligence, Morality

Name Nikita: Intuition, Intelligence, Morality

As a rule, Nikita has quite normal intuition, allowing them not to fall into unpleasant situations. They know how to listen to their inner feelings and thanks to this they know exactly what business should be taken, but what, in general, do not spend their strength and time.

Good intelligence helps the owners of this name easily know everything new and without problems to radically change their work. If we talk about the morality of Nikit, then they have moral qualities that are inherent in internally strong people. And this means if they see injustice, they will try to do everything so that the truth triumph.

Name Nikita: hobbies, talent, profession, business, career

The real passion of representatives of the stronger sex, bearing this name, is animals and cars. Therefore, in the house of Nikita, a cat or dog always lives, which feels in this territory as a full member of the family. The owner of this name refers to his car very zealously, therefore, under no circumstances, it does not allow others to get behind the wheel.

As practice shows, these men do not become businessmen and the reason for this inherent in their absent -mindedness. But still, if they get a job, they try to make it as well as possible. And if Nikita comes across an understanding boss, then under his leadership he will quickly climb the career ladder.

What zodiac sign is the name Nikita?

Signs of the zodiac Nikit
  • Nikita Twin Open, emotional and friendly. But with all this, fighting and leadership qualities are inherent in him, which help him very quickly achieve the desired. These men always strive for material well -being, so from youth they begin to save capital, which eventually gives them the opportunity not to poor in old age.
  • Nikita Leo - This is a strong man of a man, behind which you can hide from all troubles. Fortune loves him, so all his undertakings necessarily bring him money and moral satisfaction. The men of this sign are more attached to their soulmate, so in this case, the inconstancy of Nikit in terms of women is slightly smoothed out.

Calisman stone, amulet to the name of Nikita

Nikit has two stones at once. For these men, grenades and a beautiful fiery opal are suitable. These pebbles not only protect the owners of this names from negative energy, but also enhance the inner strength and charisma.

Yes, and remember that these pebbles will be given protection only if they are hidden from the human eye. Therefore, it is better to wear them in a pocket in a special protective bag or on a chain under clothes. If desired, stones can be framed in silver.

Totem animal named after Nikita

Totem animal named after Nikita
Totem animal named after Nikita

Totemic animals Nikit are considered a hedgehog. In ancient times, he was considered a talisman from everything bad, so they did everything to live near the house. In view of this, if this animal is constantly located near the home of this name, then he will be able to develop internal intuition in himself, which will help him feel people with poor energy at a distance.

Numerology named after Nikita

The number of owners of this name is the five. She gives them high responsibility, perseverance, hard work and openness. All these character traits allow representatives of the stronger sex, bearing this name, it is easy to go through life, without making enemies for themselves.

Pseudonym to the name Nikita


  • Nixon
  • Nikich
  • Nekit
  • Nikitosan
  • Nicotine
  • Wanderer
  • Shaman
  • Night Samurai

Famous people, celebrities named Nikita: List, photo

Below you can see a photo of famous people wearing a beautiful and sonorous name Nikita.


Nikita Malinin
Nikita Mikhalkov
Nikita Mikhalkov
Nikita Efremov
Nikita Efremov
Nikita Presnyakov
Nikita Dzhigurda
Nikita Dzhigurda

Video: Nikita. Meaning and interpretation of the name

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