Male name Alexander - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Alexander: Secret, the meaning of the name for a man, child in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with female names, nationality

Male name Alexander - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Alexander: Secret, the meaning of the name for a man, child in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with female names, nationality

Meaning, origin and other information about the name Alexander.

Alexander is a very popular name. It is beautiful in sound and has a very attractive meaning. We will consider all the interesting information related to this name in the proposed article

What does the name Alexander according to the church calendar mean?

  • The church calendar does not change the meaning of this name

Social patron named after Alexander

Name Holy Chin
Alexander Nevskiy The holy noble prince
Alexander Constantinople The holy reverend
Alexander Adrianopolsky Bishop, a holy martyr
Alexander Martyrs, warriors
Alexander Egyptian
Alexander Egyptian Caesarea (Palestinian)




Alexander Roman
Alexander Sevastian
Alexander Aegean
Alexander Solunsky (Fessaloniki)
Alexander African
Alexander Jerusalem Bishop, a princely martyr
Alexander Kremsky
Alexander Katalitsky (Kalitsky) Blacksmith, martyr
Alexander Constantinople Patriarch
Alexander Kushtsky Hegumen
Alexander Oshevensky
Alexander Svirsky
Alexander Pergian (Pamfili) Agriculture, martyr
Alexander Peresvet Warrior, schematic
Alexander Sidsky (Pamfilian) Priest, a holy martyr
Alexander Pidnsky Presbyter, holy martyr
Alexander Roman Martyr, son of the martyr Filtsa Roman
Alexander Roman Martyr, son of the martyr Claudia Roman
Alexander I Roman Dad, holy martyr

Secret named after Alexander

  • The mystery of a person with that name is his soul.
  • It is impossible for an outsider to get into the inner world of Alexander. There are explanations for this. The spontaneity of the act that has done is never analyzed - it just found it. Sasha will not be able to answer the question why he did this, not only others, but also to himself.
  • It is difficult to get confidence in Alexander, the trusting relationships arising with him are appreciated by strangers very highly.

Name Alexander: nationality, origin, history and meaning

  • The name is very ancient, widespread around the world, only in various interpretations.
  • The first origins of origin cannot be determined.
  • The Greek origin of the name has literary meaning - protective humanity.
  • Formed from two Greek words
  1. alex - protecting
  2. andros is a man or a man
The meaning and origin of the male name Alexander
The meaning and origin of the male name Alexander

The popularity of the name is Alexander

  • The church canonization of Prince Alexander Nevsky brought the special popularity of this name in Russia.

Alexander - how the name is translated: Decryption

Translated from Greek:

  • "Alexo" - protect
  • "Andros" - man, husband

What does the name Alexander mean for a man, boy?

  • Boys are very often sick. Growing up, thanks to a tendency to passion for sports, they gain strong male health.
  • As a child, Alexandra, despite sociability, often goes into their own. Their priority is the whole fantastic world, about which he shares with his peers. He tries to avoid conflicts that he does not know how to settle.
  • He strives for leading positions, but this does not always turn out, since it quits its goal, without bringing it to the end.
  • If desired, it can become a good leader.
  • His energy, mind, sense of humor, generosity and justice are highly appreciated by others.
  • Very successful in life, but very rarely find themselves in life.
  • The basis of interpretation of the name can be such concepts as:
  1. Courage
  2. Activity
  3. Joy
  4. Simplicity
  5. Greatness

The name Alexander is in a passport, in English, Latin, different languages: how is it written?

Language Spelling
English Alexandr
Latin Alexandr
Arab  الكسندر
Belorussian Alaksandr
Bulgarian Alexander
Hungarian Alexandr
Greek Αλέξανδρος
Hebrew אלכסנדר
Chinese 亚历山大
Italian Alessandr
Spanish Alejandr
Korean Lisandr
Polish Aleksandr
Deutsch Alexandr
Lithuanian Alexandr
Romanian Alexandr
Ukrainian Oleksandr
Finnish Aleksandr
French Alexandre
Czech Alexandr
Japanese アレクサンダ
For a passport Aleksandr

Alexander: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutively affectionate?


  • Sasha
  • Sanya
  • Shura


  • Shurik
  • Shurochka
  • Sashulya
  • Sanya
  • Sanchik
  • Sasha
Name Alexander
Name Alexander

Alexander: the nature of the name, positive and negative features, fate

He is not

Name Alexander: Love, Sexuality, Marriage

  • Voluptuous and lustful, but knows how to set the boundaries between love and sex.
  • Reciprocity is easily achieved, the partner always experiences sincere feelings for him.
  • Love adventures are usually spontaneous, it does not predict in advance planned ways of seduction.
  • In a marriage union, sex considers as a tribute for devoted and warm relations, warmth

What women do a man named Alexander like?

  • Possessing a wayward character chooses a woman with a flexible, but strong character.
  • The companion must be able to forgive his affairs and a constant change of mood.
  • She should not argue with him and download her rights, and even more so to respond to manifestations of outbreaks of rage.

What patronymic suits the boy to the name Alexander?

  • Since Alexander is a sonorous and long name, combines with a short, clear patronymic:
  • It is supposed to choose a name for patronymic, and not vice versa.
  1. Vladimirovich
  2. Petrovich
  3. Vasilevich
  4. Ivanovich
  • The Greek origin of the name does not harmonize with the Scandinavian and ancient Slavic names.
  • The main emphasis when choosing a name for the child is consonant, without distortion of sounds, pronunciation:
  1. Surnames
  2. Name
  3. Patronymic

Name Alexander - compatibility with female names

Sasha with ladies having names gets along well:

Anna, Valentina, Vera, Veronica, Zoya, Lyudmila, Elizabeth, Maria, Love, Nadezhda, Natalya, Eugene, Anastasia, Lina, Evelina, Dana, Julia, Faina, Ulyana, Olga, Oksana.

When is the name day, the Angel Day of Alexander according to the Orthodox calendar?

Nameday Alexander
Nameday Alexander

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Alexander Short in verses and prose

Song named Alexander

Video: Irina Allegrova, Alexandrite from Alexander

Tattoo named Alexander


Male names with a tattoo on the body are not like such popular as female. Not every girl is joyful, not quite stylish decoration. But still, such a tattoo has the right to exist.

A successful location of a tattoo named Alexander is considered:

  1. Chest area
  2. Shoulder zone
  3. Along the wrist

A colored tattoo is suitable for the chest and shoulder. It is not recommended to do such a procedure on the wrist - it is too painful for this zone.

Name Alexander: Intuition, Intelligence, Morality

Alexandra men have:

  • Exposited intuitive feeling
  • Reliable memory, holistic type of perception
  • A tendency to dubious acts

Name Alexander: hobbies, talent, profession, business, career

  • Alexander’s independent choice is inclined to classes by various mechanisms and systems, he likes to decipher all complex and confusing.
  • Talented inventors are obtained from them. Accordingly, he chooses engineering and technical work or scientific-historical direction.
  • Career and material income occupies a no small place in the choice.
  • Despite the decoding of the name, talking about the strength of his character, he rarely chooses his future on his own. Most often, the choice of profession is under pressure from parents, so Alexandra usually remain not in demand by specialists who have not found themselves.
Professional inclinations named Alexander
Professional inclinations named Alexander

The men of Alexandra were purposeful, stubborn people, they are able to achieve the intended goals, tactful. Of these, good talented leaders, artificially managing the team, are able to make a team and fill it with capable and gifted employees. Due to their abilities, they enjoy authority among good and decent people.

What sign of the zodiac is the name Alexander?

  • Winter, autumn types - Aries
  • Spring, summer - cancer

Talisman stone, amulet to the name of Alexander

  • The best amulets for Alexander are made from adventurers

Totem animal named after Alexander

  • For some sources - dog
  • On others - crab, bull

Numerology named after Alexander

This name develops in digital meaning, as follows:

  • 146311659 = 9

The meaning of this figure for Alexander gives it the following characteristic features:

  • Empage and mercy
  • Desire to serve for the good of society
  • The ability to inspire others
  • Very bright appearance and impeccable manners
  • Prone to philanthropy and social activity

Pseudonym to the name Alexander

  • Alex
  • Alejandro
  • Xander
  • Xander
  • Sandor
  • Alexis
  • Schulka
  • Sanchello
  • Shurka
  • Saber
  • Shulia

Famous people, celebrities named Alexander: List, photo

Alexander Nevskiy
Alexander Nevsky Prince of Novgorod, Grand Duke of Kyiv, Vladimir, commander, holy
Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich commander, founder of Russian military theory
Vasilevsky Alexander Mikhailovich Soviet military leader
Solzhenitsyn Alexander Isaevich writer, playwright, publicist, poet, public and politician, dissident
Alexander Alekhin
Alexander Alekhin chessist
Alexander Karelin
Alexander Karelin athlete, fighter, state. And polit. The figure
Alexander Kerzhakov
Alexander Kerzhakov football player
Alexander Reva Russian showman, comedian, TV presenter, singer.
Alexander Reva Russian showman, comedian, TV presenter, singer

Information about the meaning of the name is not only cognitive, but also with the correct use of the information received helps:

  1. Easy to establish the right contact when communication
  2. Choose a suitable gift
  3. A man wearing him Alexander
  4. Choose the right name to your child at birth

Video: The meaning of the name Alexander

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